Chapter 2: Trouble is a Friend

The Orchard Dorm
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It was late when Nari came back home from work. She placed her shoes into her cubby and turned to a photo of her parents smiling. This was one of the momentos she had to remember them. "I'm home Mom and Dad" of course no one responded so she heads into the living room of her small apartment which was occupied with a bunch of boxes that were all going to be moved to her new dorm at the school. 


All of a sudden her stomach started growling surprising her. "Hm when was the last time I ate? Was it this morning?" she pondered to herself but her thoughts trailed to that wonderful smell she caught coming from the kitchen. She rushes into kitchen to find a bowl of black bean noodles sitting on the counter. It was warm and making drool. Before she could dive in she notices a little note on her fridge.  


'Hey kid don't be too mad at me for packing some of your stuff. I know you haven't eaten yet so Mom brought food from the shop. Don't push yourself too hard!
Love, your bestie forever~'


She smiles at Mark for thinking about her. After all the trouble he really didn't have to so that's why when she walked out onto her little platform and looked at the windown next to hers. She could see that he was asleep. So she just starts to eat and after she finished her meal she grabs her pink guitar and starts strumming and humming a soft tune when the window next to hers opens and Mark comes out groggy and disheveled.


"Oh sorry did I wake you?" Nari felt bad when she noticed that she had woken up Mark.


"No no. I took a little nap. Besides I like hearing you play out here." he comes out of his window and leans against the railings listening to her endlessly play on her guitar when he asks. "How was work?" 


Nari shrugged, "Nothing exciting. Jaehee was just being Jaehee" He chuckles until he jumps to another topic.


"Ok so how was your first day at that rich kid school? Did you get my delivery?" Immediately she stopped playing and smiled at him.


"Thanks for the noodles and for helping me pack you really didn't have to do that." She changed the subject fast but Mark didn't mind.  "Come on I know you're busy with work and that snobbish school. Plus you're part of our family so it's the least we could do."


"Hm how's Grace by the way?" she asked cautiously but as usual he had a tired smile whenever someone mentioned about his sister.


"She's better. I mean she's going through therapy so fingers crossed." 


Nari could see it was hard for Mark to hold in his tears and wondered if he ever cried to himself while she wasn't looking. Mark was known to never cry in front of others he thought it wasn't manly. "Hey Grace is tougher than she looks you know. She got that from you." She said to cheer him up and it worked.


Mark scoffs as if it was obvious. "Yeah No kidding. That girl is learning how to get sassier now too."


She giggles at that thought of Mark being told off by his little sister when Mark said something again,"It sure is beautiful tonight. I wish Grace can see it."


"Bet she's sleeping like how you should be." Nari said while Mark was distracted with a shooting star passing by. 


"Look a shooting star quick make a wish. Maybe it'll come true." He remarked before he silently wished about his sister.


Meanwhile, Nari looked up at the stars and she lowly mutters more to herself, "Let's hope so."



The next morning Nari had overslept and had a few minutes before the bus came. So that explained why she was running down the street like a wild maniac. 


"Gosh I'm really going to-" 


She didn't even stop to realize she was running across a busy street with a car a few seconds from crashing into her. She didn't have time to hop back onto the curb so she ducked down and closed her eyes awating to get hti. However, nothing happened she slowly opens her eyes and in front of her stood a tall male who looked irritated and looked at her like she was some pest. 


Nari kept staring at him for a good few seconds while the guy began losing his patience at this girl for blocking the street.  "Hey stupid! Are you going to keep daydreaming all day or do I have to kick you onto the curb?" His rough and blunt reply immediately made Nari get up and bow to apologize.


"S-so-sorry I was just-" Before she could see what was happening the boy had crouched to pull on the front of her skirt because it had flashed him with her . Nari flushed red as a strawberry as this was the second time she had her being flashed. God could this day get any worse? She thought dreadfully.


"You're welcome." The man says before moving her to the side and going back into the limo to drive away. Nari was appalled. Oh god oh god why does this only happen to her?


Sehun was not in the brightest of moods when he was on the way to school and was even more irritated when some idiot walked onto the street almost getting hit by his limo. What he was expecting was to yell at the girl for being so stupid and get off the street but what he didn't expect was to be flashed with her underwear and some pretty childish underwear too. He then realized that girl was wearing his school's uniform which meant that if he ever saw her again he'll make sure she pays him back for first not running her over and two for saving her from embaressing herself in public with those kiddy . 


Although, he had to admit it was funny seeing her reaction. She was as read a pig.



Baekhyun wasn't really fond of going to classes that he didn't enjoy so he usually skip them and take a nap in one of the lounge areas in the school's main building. Usually no ones there because it wasn't break but surprisingly Baekhyun wasn't alone on the thought of hanging in the lounge room.


"Skipping again your majesty?" Kai muttered while he laid comfortably on the couch.


"Wouldn't a particular someone find out that you're playing hooky again 'Kai'?" Baekhyun countered back mocking his nickname while Kai just half shrugs not giving a care in the world who finds out thathe was skipping. "I thought you were the quarterback so the headmaster is making sure you don't skip classes." 


"The old man wouldn't care about what I do." 


"Don't be so sure." Kai argued before getting himself comfortable on one of the couches. "I heard you made Yoo Jeongwoo transfer schools this year. All because of the bad things you've done to him for the past year. My my I remember everyone was talking about how the new freshmen Byun Baekhyun was giving Jeongwoo a whole lot of hell all because he was from a lower class family." 


Baekhyun just keeps quiet as he lets Kai lazily retell the story of the poor students that fell victim to Baekhyun's torture. "He didn't deserve to be in this school. He doesn't belong with people like us. Besides he was always bragging about being a better student than the rest of us. Someone needed to teach him a lesson. I want to examplify that to everyone that's like him." 


"Well I wouldn't go to the extreme of locking them in a locker all night or burning their desk till it becomes nothing but dust. God I still remember when that poor girl Kim Yooni was drenched from head to toe in fish oil. She smelled for days ugh no one wanted to be near her because she couldn't dry clean her the only uniform she had." Baekhyun was fond of those times and memories which seemed sadistic to any person but he wasn't guilty that he did it. 


"Well it's a new year school year. So who's the unlucky poor soul on your hit list this time?" Kai curiously asks while Baekhyun who was distracted on his phone didn't really think about it. 


"Now that you mention it. No one so far. Surprisingly I'm finding it hard to target any of the lower class students since. But I'm really itching for a new person to torture." while Baekhyun was thinking who were new students in the general class, he turns towards the window to spot that same girl that made a fool of herself yesterday running on her way to class. 


"Kai do you know anything about her?" 


He opens one eye to look at the girl frantically trying to find her id badge to show the security. "Hm never seen her but what's so special about her?" Baekhyun turned back and wondered was she a new student in the general class. He noticed on the first day that she had some really old fashioned shoes, her backpack wasn't even a brand bag, and lastly he finally remembered she wore a dull green necktie which meant she was in the general class. Only students in that class wore that because it signified what class they were in. Meanwhile Baekhyun's and Kai's were blue. 


"I think I may have found a person to fill in for this year." Baekhyun smiles devishly.


"Really? That poor little thing?" Kai asked nonchalantly.


"Yes and after school she'll get real acquainted with me soon." His thoughts were swimming with ideas of horrible pranks but suddenly he recieves a message from his phone. It was a message from the headmaster asking that he come and report to his office to talk about something urgent. "Sh*t I have to go." he uttered walking out of the lounge to leave Kai for the room all to himself again. 



At the administration office, the mysterious woman from before was waiting in front of the headmaster's office for her appointment. The door opens and the secretary peeks her head out causing the woman to sit upright. She smiles a bit too creepy but the secretary ignores it.  "The headmaster is ready to see you Ms...."


The woman immediately stands up and introduces herself, "Ms. Liu. Jeanie Liu." The women corrected.


"Right this way." She's let Ms. Liu in and as she walked in, the headmaster's office amazed her. It was a big office with refined bookcases lined up against the wall and a couple of comfy chairs were put in front of the headmasters desk. She then looks up and sees millions of spotlights and all of them were directed on his desk like she was on a tv show. 


Once the door had closed, fanfare music played and confetti cannons exploded out of nowhere surprising the woman for a moment. Then suddenly a tubby man wearing a fancy suit and dark shades backflipped from above and landed gracefully in front of Ms.Liu. He maniacally laughs at the success of his grand entrance while Ms. Liu clapped in amazement. 


"You must be Ms. Liu! it is a pleasure to meet you. I am the headmaster of Sawatomi Academy." he shakes her hand rather aggreessively but Ms.Liu didn't mind and was amused with his character. 


"I've heard so much about you sir. You're Leon Sawatomi a respected veteran entertainer. I loved the entrance by the way. Definitely how a headmaster should greet people nowadays." Her enthusiasm and flattery made the headmaster glow even more. 


"Thank you! It's my tradition I greet every new faculty member like this. It's more of their initiation into my wonderful school." 


"Like I said I'm impressed." Ms. Liu chimed as Mr.Sawatomi clicks for all the sets to turn off and make the office back to the way it was. 


"Please have a seat." he walks ovef to his desk and starts reading through her resume with a satisfied hum. "I have to say I'm very impressed with your profile Ms.Liu ."


"Thank you sir." She said appreciating the praise.


"So you've never been a music teacher but have played at Carnegie Hall?" He asked incredulously.


"Well after I graduated I wasn't expecting to teach music but to perform and after acheiving everything I ever wanted I decides to find something I can settle down with. I also know how to play several instruments besides the saxophone."



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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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747 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.