Chapter 17: Let's Get Ready to Rumble!

The Orchard Dorm
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"Listen up! We only have a week and a half to get you guys into shape and transform you from sad little wimps into muscular men. So, whose ready to put in some of their own blood, sweat, and tears?!"


Nari, Chen, Luhan, Tao, and Junmyeon were so confused when Jeanie dragged them out of their dorms to meet in one of the athletic fields where the weather was unplesantly hot. 


Luhan swiftly raises his hand. "Um yeah, what's up with your outfit?" 


"What, It's my coaching outfit. I thought I would fit the theme since I'm helping you guys practice for the football match between Ms. Jeong and Mr. Byun Baekhyun." 


"Ok, second question. What the hell am I doing here?" Luhan was startled when Jeanie blew the whistle directly into his ear. Poor guy's ears started to ring.


"You see Mr. Xi, according to Mr. Byun, Nari needs a total of eleven players for this game. You are here because you're one of the most athletic guys in the school so it was obvious you be here."


"Oh no. If this involves me doing some kind of roughhousing sport then count me out." Jeanie groaned when she had to deal with Junmyeon's complaints now. "So why am I here? I get why Luhan's here but why do you need me and these two idiots? They'll make a fool of themselves on the field!" Chen and Tao got highly offended by the comment but Junmyeon ignored their dejected faces. 


"Look, the challenge has to have a team of twelve. Nari counts as one so we needed eleven other players hence why we considered you four first since we thought you would agree."


Junmyeon scoffs at such a ridiculous claim, "Well, you're obviously wrong. I'm not on board with any of this!"


"Junmyeon sshi please I need you on my team. I'm going up against Baekhyun, the quarterback, and knowing him he'll do anything to win."


"Former quarterback." Chen corrected before he stayed quiet in the back since that wasn't the point. 


"Anyways, I can't beat him alone. To be honest, this is probably the toughest challenge I've had to face. Most likely he's going to have most of the football team on his side. So that's why I need you." 


"I'm sorry Miss Jeong. It's already bad enough I spent a whole day with you on our challenge. I need to make up a lot of my missed work that I put off to the side. Now if you'll excuse me I'll-"


"Oh come on Pres." Chen butted in putting his arm around Junmyeon's shoulder. "Help the girl out. She's going to make a fool out of herself in front of the whole football team if we don't help her. The poor girl will be eaten alive, no offense, Nari." 


"Yeah Mr. Kim Junmyeon. I'm sure the all-rounded school president has played football before?" 


" I haven't. I'm not really a sports person," Junmyeon air quoted the last part. 


"What?! But you're a guy! As stereotypical as that may sound, didn't you at least play some kind of sport? What about Basketball? Soccer? Tennis? At least Rugby?!"


Junmyeon scoffed looking at Jeanie like she was stupid, "Who needs that when you can learn how to pay your taxes and maintain a multi-billionaire business." no one was amused or amazed making Junmyeon slouch in disappointment at how no one understood him. 

Chen shakes his head at how sad Junmyeon was. "Buddy, I'm going to say this in the nicest way possible. You look like you need a little exercise and a day in the sun. It's not good to coop yourself up in your dorm all the time bro."


"Ok, Chen for the last time I'm not going to run around some big field and make a fool out of myself when a ball comes flying at me. I don't even know how to catch or even throw a football."


"Oh really? Don't know how to catch huh? How about we find out now? Heads up pres!" Luhan quickly throws the ball towards Junmyeon. He easily catches it out of reflex but knew that was a mistake when he sees Luhan looking at him with a cocky smirk. Junmyeon glared at him for digging a deeper hole for him. 


"Well, I think you just proved to us that you know how to catch at least Mr. Kim. So you're still on the team. No objections." 


Junmyeon doesn't argue with the teacher and grumbled incoherent words as Luhan chuckled and patted his back in pity. "Stop complaining Pres. Need I remind you that chibi saved your life in that maze. It was because of your stupidity that you almost got killed. So you have to be eternally grateful to her for the rest of your-" 


"Alright! Alright! Don't remind me about that incident." Junmyeon tried swatting Luhan away from him before he stomped his way to the middle of the field.


Nari turns and looks at Luhan mouthing a thank you to him. He boyishly smiles before patting her head and walking together to the middle of the field. 


"Alright. This is good so far. With a good amount of practice I believe you guys and the rest of this team can beat Mr. Byun at his own game." 


"I still think this is stupid," Junmyeon muttered.


"Not as stupid as that maze you built." Junmyeon sulks as Chen and Tao snickered at Jeanie's remark.   


Suddenly Tao raises his hand up timidly. "Yes, Tao?" 


"Um how do you play football?"


All of them groaned as Jeanie wondered if he was serious or not but the way he looked at the ball in her hands proved that he wasn't kidding. "Ok Tao, you see this ball in my hand? The quarterback or anybody on offense can catch the ball and run to your team's goal which is on that side over there. Each team always has a defense to block the opposing team from getting to the person who has the football." Tao's face lit up understanding a bit of the game. Jeanie blew the whistle again to start their first practice. "Alright, let's begin. Heads up!"


She throws the ball and it comes spiraling at all five of them. Tao who had his eyes on the ball runs backward to try and catch it when he trips over Chen who happens to fall onto an unsuspecting Junmyeon. Tao groaned in pain when he felt the football land directly onto his stomach. He picks up his head weakly and looks towards Jeanie, "Was that supposed to happen?" 


"Yah Tao! get off of me!" Chen could feel his ribcage being pressed very uncomfortably as he was in sandwiched in the middle.


"How about both of you get off of me?!" Junmyeon pushes both Chen and Tao off of him before delicately brushing off the dirt that caught onto his clothes. Jeanie was amazed by Junmyeon's immense strength and thought she might have found someone for their defense. As for the other two, she'll think of something they could be good for. 


"Ok Luhan since you're the only hope we got, you're going to be the quarterback. Think you can handle that?"


Luhan's eyes sparkled at the request. "Obviously. Who else would you have given it to?" Jeanie rolled her eyes at his cockiness before turning back around to call on Chen. 


"Yo camel face can you try to throw the football to Tao along the 20-meter line?"


Chen shrugs thinking it was not a problem to throw it where Tao was standing. "So what do I do? Do you throw it like this?" he accidentally lets go of the ball and it torpedos directly towards Tao's head. Everyone watched as Tao came down. Chen and Nari immediately run over to check on him while Luhan started cracking up and Junmyeon was shaking his head at the mess. 


"We're going to need to find so more players pronto." Jeanie immediately remarked. 


(A Few Minutes Later) 


"No." Xiumin coldly replied the minute all of them came into the classroom looking for him. 


"Oh well, we tried let's go ask someone else" Chen was the quickest to try and leave but Luhan grabs him by the scruff of his shirt stopping him.  


"Ms. Liu I thought you said we were asking the ones that were easier to persuade?" Nari was the most surprised when Jeanie suggested they go to Xiumin first when he would be the first person to reject their request.


Jeanie leans in and whispers to Nari, "I read in his file that he's an athletic student but he traded it in for the apron and oven. Nari we need more atheletic teammates and this is the best person to help besides Luhan." 


Xiumin just ignores the lot of them checking how long before his muffins were done baking in the oven. "Why are all of you still here? I already said no to whatever stupid scheme you guys want me to be involved in."


"Oh lighten up muffin man." Xiumin raised an eyebrow at the new nickname his idiotic roommate gave him. "I bet under that little apron of yours, you have the body of an athlete. Don't lie to me. I see you come out of the showers with no shirt on looking all confident with all of this." Chen exaggerates by motioning his hands all around the lower stomach while Xiumin looked disgusted. 


"First, you're such a creep, and second, I'm not familar with playing football so sorry I can't help you there." 


"What are you talking about Hyung?" Chanyeol and Sehun walked in jumping into the conversation. "Remember in middle school you used to play football with me and Sehun whenever we were in the park? You were even on the soccer team before highschool. I mean you should've seen Xiumin Hyung he was the best player on that team." 


What impeccable timing Chanyeol had. Xiumin really should shut that kid's mouth one of these days.  


"Wait that means you two know how to play football?" 


Chanyeol started getting nervous once Nari looked at him and couldn't help but blush red. "Well ye-yeah we know how to play but we're not as good as the guys in this football team." .  


"We know how the game works because we watch it a lot" Sehun said before walking over to Xiumin who had a fresh batch of double fudge muffins fresh out of the oven. 


"This is perfect!" Chen exclaimed. "With these two towering statues and Xiumin's athletic abilities, they can be a great help on the team right Nari?"


"What challenge?" Chanyeol asked. 


"It's my challenge with Baekhyun. The challenge, is a game of football and I need to find seven other teammates for the game. Four unless you guys help?"


"Forget it. There's no way we aren't going to blindly say yes to this." 


"I'll do it." Xiumin's jaw immediately dropped while the others were a little surprised Chanyeol agreed so quickly.


"Wait really?" Nari was just as surprised but Chanyeol enthusiastically nodded.


"Tch he's whipped I tell you," Xiumin muttered under his breath before slapping Chen and Luhan's wandering hands from snatching his muffins. 


"It's not often I could get a chance to see the bastard lose especially to someone he despises." Chanyeol was already fired up just imagining that cocky smile fall off Baekhyun's face when they win. If they win. "How about you Sehun you in?" Sehun was sitting on one of the counters enjoying his free snack before he thought about the suggestion. 


Nari sees his mischievous eyes thinking about it before he shrugs. "Eh, why not? It's been a long time since I've done something fun. But it's going to cost you piggy." Nari always knew Sehun didn't do things for free. 


"What do you want?" 


"You buy me lunch and boba whenever I say." He was cheeky alright.  


"As long as you play on my team?" Sehun pats her head answering her question before grabbing another muffin from the tray. 

"What about you Mr. Kim Minseok. How about it?" Xiumin hated when he was the center of attention and finally makes his mind up. He immediately glared at Nari. 

"If I get tackled just once, you'll hear it from me," he warned Nari but she was too busy getting excited that she's finally going to have a team. 


"Ok now we just need four more players. They'll have to be fast, nimble, muscular, very manipulative, and won't back down from a fight. But who?" 


Then the only people Nari could think of pop into her head and she looks at the rest of them. "I may have an idea who we can call but I need all your help to." 


"Kyungsoo ah!!" Kyungsoo immediately regretted meeting up with Tao when he knew in an instant that this was a trap. As soon as he saw Tao waiting for him, a bag was put over his head. He starts to panic and screamed profanities as he felt a bunch of people carrying him. Whoever these people were, he was going to kill them as soon as he was let down.


Not long after he was jumped, he was finally put onto ground allowing him to take off the bag from his head. He was ready to kick whoever's that did this to him and was going to start first with his idiotic roommate. 


When he looks around, there were a couple of unfamiliar face but recognizes Nari and glared at her first suspecting she was behind this.


"You know, we could've just asked him like any normal person would've done." Luhan said as Tao shook with fear and hid behind Luhan's body so he wouldn't have to face Kyunsoo's scary eyes. 


"Yah Tao!" he jumps back and uses Luhan and Junmyeon as a shield. "I knew your texts were fishy when you wanted me to meet you out here. What is this? And where are we?"

"I also would like to know as well." Kyungsoo looked next to him and Yixing and Kai had also been jumped too. "There better be a good reason why you kidnapped me and this lazy from dance practice?" Yixing obviously wasn't happy either while Kai was just taking a nap on the grass. 


"Look I'm up against Baekhyun next week for my challenge and I need eleven players on my team. I grabbed anyone I knew who would be able to play against Baekhyun's team." 


"Umdo I look like I can take on a couple of football jockeys?" Kyungsoo was already raising his voice at how stupid this was. Nari winced and noticed Yixing getting up. 


"This is a waste of my time. You honestly dragged me all the way here to play some stupid football game? Tch give me a break."


"Wait Yixin

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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747 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.