Chapter 10: The Other Side

The Orchard Dorm
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*knock* *knock* *knock*


The incessant knocking continued, until Nari was finally awake and she had rushed to the door. "Who is it?" Nari called out loudly but no one replied so she hurriedly put on her glasses and looks through the peephole to see two people she was surprised would even come at her door.


"Kai sshi? Lay sshi? It's.....five am?!" she said with wide eyes after looking at the time on her watch. "What are you guys doing up so early?"


"To give you your next challenge stupid." Lay said like it was the obvious thing in the world. Meanwhile, Kai was fast asleep leaning againt the doorframe not caring that he was snoring a little too loudly. 


"Wait? We're doing the challenge right now?" she begins putting her shoes on when Lay stops her from putting on her sneakers.


"Yes, because we are the type of guys who love to wake up to see the sunrise." Nari really didn't catch on to his sarcasm but he left it at that. "Anyways your challenge is in a few hours but we decided to give you a heads up so that it won't be a headache to find you."  


Nari nods when she thought for a moment she misheard. "Wait we?" Then Kai particularly snored very loud and Lay jabbed his thumb towards the idiot. "Yeah we. As in to make this fairly easy for us, we decided to combine our challenges together." 


Just saying that sentence made his insides cringe. Good thing the lazy good for nothing didn't hear him or he wouldn't get the weasel to shutup. 


"Oh I see. So what's the challenge you guys made?"


"We came up with just a simple game of Hide and Seek but our version."


"What's your version of it?" 


"I'm getting there if you just stop asking." he sassily remarked making Nari shy away. "The game is you're the seeker and you're going to have to find us but we get to hide anywhere including outside the school campus."


"Wait what? But-"


"And you have ten hours to find us before it's game over. Sounds simple enough for you to understand?" 


"Uh hold on this seems just a bit-" Lay gives her a look making her shrink back again and not question it any further.


"Since this is a free day we'll meet say at ten am by the school gates to start the game." 


"Sounds great." she said with fake enthusiasm as Kai suddenly fell to the ground still sound asleep. Lay rolled his eyes at this guy right here before he decided to go back to his dorm.


"Well sorry for waking you up so early. I'll see you at ten tomorrow and remember if you don't find us by the time limit we don't join." he then drags Kai by his feet while Kai's head swept the hallway with his bed hair. 


Meanwhile, Nari looked a little less enthusiastic about this next challenge because it might just be the most ridiculous one yet. So much for sleeping after this, she might just have to prepare herself. 



"Kris wake up!"


The giant woke up startled. Someone had interrupted his nap after making himself comfortable on the couch. Usually he would beat the living sh*t out of the person who wake him up but his defenses weakened when he saw the culprit. 


Her little sparkling eyes and pretty smile always made him feel like he didn't need extra hours of sleep. 


"You were sleeping the whole time again oppa." she pouted and Kris couldn't help but pinch her cheeks. 


"Did you enjoy watching me sleep? Am I handsome even in my sleep?" he asked teasingly while she cutely nodded her head before going back to her tea party that Kris was supposedly attending.


"Would you like more tea and cake oppa?" she offered an empty tea cup and a plate of pastries that were on display on her little table. 


"I sure would hope so. After that nap I am a little hungry." He suddenly starts attacking the girl by hugging her and tickling her sides making the younger squirm in his grip. They were laughing and having a good time when the door opens and Kris smile faded away.


At the sight of the disgusting women he lets go of his half sister who awkwardly just stands up and puts her head down to the ground. Something a little girl shouldn't do when her mom comes to greet her.


Meanwhile, Kris gave her a hard and unwelcoming cold stare towards the woman who vocaciously leaned against the door frame with an unpleasant expression directed at Kris being in her daughter's bedroom. 


"I didn't expect you to be here." the woman said with so much venom laced in her tone but Kris was used to this and knew it was so typical of her to be such a especially in front of her daughter. 


"Yeah well I didn't expect a lot of things from you either way so it's no surprsie that you should see me here."


"Shouldn't you be at school learning about...something good for society?" he knew she was just trying to get rid of him but he rolled his eyes and stayed put challenging her even more.


"Yeah but there's a thing called a two hour break." he said it mockingly making her a little irritated. 


"I bet your father would be so pleased that you came back. Don't you?" Kris smirk disappeared and the look in his eyes turned into something terrifying. Even his step mother or the woman who his father happened to marry, couldn't one up that terrifying look Kris had when you decide to push him. 


Like always the woman always attempted to show she's not afraid of him by saying something snarky. "I think it's best that mutts should be kicked out of places they don't belong." 


Before Kris came any closer he stopped when he heard the alert that the mansion gates were opening. That could only mean a particular someone had just gotten home and he wasn't going to wait any longer to see that man's face. He already had bad luck seeing this witch in front of him.


So he leaves but not before hugging his little sister who seemed sad that her playtime was over with Kris. Then he walks towards his step mother and stares long and hard at her while she fidgeted a bit awkwardly as he passed her. 


He bitterly replies before going, "You know what's worst than a mutt? One who doesn't know how to keep and legs closed."


That comment instantly made her astonished that she couldn't even fire back another comment when he had already walked down the stairs to head to his car. Thankfully he wasn't seen at all or encountered his father walking into their family estate. Kris just takes one good look at the mansion before driving away from the Wu's estate knowing that everytime he'll visit it won't feel like home. It'll only feel like a stranger's place; hell was more like it.



"Alright here is how we are going to settle this." Lay, Nari, and Jongin were already gathered outside the Orchard dorm to meet for their challenge. Yixing starts explaining the rules. "Your time will be up till sunset. Once there is no more light then the game is over but if you find us before time is called you win." 


"So you won't go too far within the city?" Nari asked while Kai gave her a smile that could only seemed decietful.


"Don't worry. We wouldn't want you to get lost in the city after dark. Now you just stay here, wait for five minutes till you can come look for us." 


"Oh-okay." she hesitantly said as she turned around while Kai and Lay run for a bit and just scoffed at how oblivious and stupid the girl could be. 


"I can't believe she fell for it." Kai exclaimed thinking that this plan wouldn't have worked because he thought she wouldn't trust them at all.


"Well she's stupid to think we were actually going to waste our time playing a kids game." It was never about the game. They originally planned out that once she started looking for them they would head back to the school and win the "game" since she would never find them at all.


Too bad for Nari she was so naive to trust them. "Let's just wait awhile until she's actually lost in the city to go back to the school." Kai suggested.


"Or we can just part and do whatever we planned for today." Lay suggested reminding them that they still hated each other's guts so they both split up enjoying the rest of their day.


While they didn't feel any remorse for what they've done, it was probably the fact that they didn't know what happened in the city when it gets dark and girls like Nari were prey to the people lurking at night. 


(A Few hours later)


"Guys are you here?" Nari called out to another empty alleyway before some weird noises answered back making her run away.  It had already been three hours since the start of the game and Nari had no luck finding them. 


"This is harder than I expected but no matter I can do this." she encourages herself more as she passes by a couple shopping districts and restaurants to see if they were inside there too but where they really were was back at school. 


In the school's dance studio Lay claimed it his time to practice and had been in the studio for a couple of hours sweating away to the new dance he learned from the professor. All of a sudden the music had stopped and Lay turned around "Who the -Oh god it's you. When I said we can do our own things for the day doesn't mean you come here." 


He was super annoyed just looking at his roomate standing by his phone connected to the aux cord. "Well sorry but I practice here too so you're just going to have to live with that." 


"I'm still practicing so wait your turn." 


"You're practicing that new dance right? Well I'm practicing it as well so I'll just join you." a bit weirded o

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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747 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.