Imagined Reality

Space for Rent

“That’s why I told you, you need to learn how to keep your mouth shut.” The Lifesaving team were all walking towards the office area, or as it sometimes looks like, a pantry. Hiyama was berating Fujikawa for blurting out the secret of Saejima.

“How could I keep that in? It was big news! And I’m even a part of it. I have the right to say it to anyone.” Fujikawa tried to explain himself.

“Fujikawa-sensei, maybe Saejima-san was just tired or something, don’t take it against her. Just give her some time.” Shiraishi tried to comfort his co-flight doctor, but at the same time, she kind of feels for Saejima.

“Wait, is it even yours?” Hiyama suddenly blurted, making everyone stop as well.

After a few seconds of a doubt, Fujikawa answered back, “Of course it is!” All the while praying that it is indeed true.

“Were you two going out?” Aizawa finally spoke. All heads turned to him.

“Really? That’s your question?” Earning a mocking stare from Hiyama. “Just to fill you up, they have been together for seven years already.” She even tsked at him. “It wouldn’t have hurt to drop by Lifesaving to get some news from your old mates.”

“Now, now, Hiyama-sensei. Aizawa-sensei was very busy at Neurosurgery. And it wasn’t as if Saejima-san and Fujikawa-sensei were parading it.” Shiraishi just wanted a peaceful day at work.

“What are you implying? That I had too much free time? I’ll have you know, Perinatal is not an easy job as I first thought it would be.” Hiyama right now is just doing this to tease Shiraishi, her favorite past time as soon as she got back in Lifesaving.

“It looks like you have so much free time that you even went here to chat with them even if you were already working in another hospital. Nobody else had that much time.” Aizawa was not backing down. A rare feat for the four as usually, Aizawa would just normally let the comments of Hiyama go.

“Excuse me, I do not have much free time, I just know how to manage my time well.” Hiyama was going head to head in this battle. Shiraishi and Fujikawa could only stare.

Fujikawa tried to ease the argument, “Wait a minute, I thought we were talking about my problem?” but he was literally pushed away by Hiyama, and she continued to argue with Aizawa.

“If you manage your time well, then why don’t you clean up after you eat?” Aizawa was taken aback by what he himself said. It was just annoying him so much that after a week of having a roommate, the dishes would always be left at the counter, the kitchen always looking dirty, and even the bathroom is full of her toiletries. He just burst, knowing full well that he is now talking to the culprit.

Everyone was again silent. Even Hiyama was dumbfounded. She wanted to argue back, but seeing the company that was with them, she held back.

“I mean, look at your table.” He pointed to the table right next to his. There was a half-eaten onigiri and crushed up cans of coffee. Everyone turned their attention to the table. Inside them, Aizawa and Hiyama blew sighs of relief.

“Hiyama-sensei, isn’t that onigiri still from yesterday?” Shiraishi again, grew concerned with the woman.

“Hai. Its plum, I’m still going to eat it.” At that, Hiyama took a bite from it. Ending all possible conversation as the rest were slightly disgusted. As Shiraishi and Fujikawa turned to their tables, Hiyama looked at Aizawa and mouthed to him something on the lines of “I thought you don’t want them to know?” sneering at his slip. In turn Aizawa just rolled his eyes and looked at his laptop. Mr. Arrogant is definitely back.

After their shift, Shiraishi and Hiyama went to Mary Jane’s place. It was good food and good company.

“So any news about the mystery guy?” Shiraishi was back to her drinking mode, being all chatty and friendly.

As much as Hiyama wanted to tell the truth, she knows that it may create some boundary between her and Shiraishi. Who would not even see that the woman was head over heels in love with the other doctor? She’ll just have to not go into details.

“None. But I left him some pancakes earlier. Don’t know if he’ll eat it though. If not, then I’ll have some breakfast tomorrow.” Hiyama was not really into drinking so she is chomping down on whatever food it is that Mary Jane brought out.

Mary Jane was her usual entertainer self, and as she was talking another person came into the restaurant, but seeing the other people there, turned quickly to the door.

“Not so fast, Kosaku! You need to stay.” Mary Jane grabbed his forearm and did not let go but he was still turning for the door.

“Right. We don’t want to be the cause that you can’t stay here.” Hiyama stood up from her chair and pulled Aizawa to sit next to them. He did sit down, but left a space between him and Shiraishi.

Mary Jane being happy again, talked to Aizawa about Hiyama’s unit owner problems.

“My, my. Let's not leave Kosaku out of the conversation. Kosaku, maybe you know Mihoko-chan’s unit owner, it seems the both of you are arrogant as Mihoko-chan describes.” Mary Jane was laughing and Hiyama could not help but to laugh as well. But it died down with Aizawa glaring at Mary Jane. “I’m just joking Kosaku. Lighten up a bit!” Mary Jane poured more drinks for Aizawa but the guy refused them.

“Tsuneo-kun, Aizawa-sensei still has a duty tonight.” Shiraishi tried to tell the person behind the counter.

“Up until now, you still call everyone sensei?” Mary Jane passed the drinks then to Shiraishi who happily received them. “Megumi-chan, you should call them Mihoko-chan and Kosaku-kun. You’ll not make friends with what you're doing.”

“You're dead if you’ll call me Mihoko.” Hiyama locked her gaze with the blushing girl.

“See? And I don't think Aizawa-sensei and I are close enough to call him that.” Shiraishi then drunk some more.

It seems that Aizawa was not even listening to their conversation and stood up after finishing his food. “Thank you for the food.” He left some bills and took off.

“That Kosaku is such a party pooper.” Mary Jane pouted and turned to the two girls. “Speaking of him, anything happened between the two of you?”

“Who? Us?” Hiyama widened her eyes at the question.

“Not you Mihoko-chan. Megumi-chan, here. Were you and Kosaku finally had the chance to rekindle your love?” Mary Jane wiggles his/her eyebrows.

“Heh, so something happened seven years ago! Shiraishi, you need to start telling me more about this.” Hiyama was beaming. It was another chance to .

“Ie. Nothing happened. Just that he was really helping me out back then. Especially after the accident with Kuroda-sensei.” Shiraishi was full on blushing as she told them about Aizawa.

“Aww, our Shiraishi is in love!” Mary Jane squealed and danced around, to which Hiyama laughed at.

“Wasn't that the time he was the most arrogant about himself? What's to like?” Hiyama’s eyebrows rose as she thought about it.

“Shush, Mihoko-chan. Don't ruin Megumi-chan’s image of Kosaku!” Mary Jane all but clamped Hiyama’s mouth with his hands. “Continue on, Megumi-chan.”

“Nothing really. It just that the feeling comes back now that he is working next to us again.”

“Next to you, you mean” Hiyama faked coughed.

“The great Kosaku. The genius doctor with the face that could melt. And body that could kill.” Mary Jane was almost drooling as he was saying that.

“Tsuneo-kun!” Shiraishi was blushing so much that she hid her face.

Hiyama’s thoughts then were flooded with ‘Aizawa has a body that could kill?’ Even though as doctors they have seen great numbers of bodies, ranging from the fittest to the fattest. But, one could just imagine the bodies that doctors have. With that number of bodies needed to be carried, they might as well be fit enough. Thank

Even as she went home, that was what had bugged Hiyama the most.

Morning came but it was even more unusual for Hiyama to wake up at 6 in the morning. Nobody wakes up that early. The only reason she would be up at that time would be that she was up all night in her shift.

She grabbed her things and went straight to the bathroom. One of the things she wanted to do from the start with this apartment was to use the bathtub. And so she prepared the water as she showered herself first. With the calming music she dipped her body unto the warm water of the bathtub.

A few minutes into her session. She heard the front door open. Hiyama turned her face to the clock, “Heh, the arrogant doctor is back.” Another door opened and closed, then opened and closed again. Bedroom maybe? She was off to her imagination when the door to the bathroom opened. Knowing full well that it could only be Aizawa, she was not that surprised.

And indeed it was. He went straight to the shower after a quick glance to Hiyama’s side. As soon as he was inside the shower and the curtains were drawn, Hiyama spoke.

“Um, for your information. I am in the bathtub.” It did not really bother her, but he just ruined the quietness and stillness of the bathtub session she was in.

“So?” Was all Aizawa said before he the shower. She just rolled her eyes. That was better than arguing with him.

She could only last a few minutes more.He already ruined it for her so might as well just leave already. She grabbed her towel and dried herself. Again, it did not really bother her that much. The guy basically operated on her body before. Wrapped in her bathrobe, she walked to the mirror while drying her hair.

She touched the scar in her chest. The long line proves to be the proof that it really happened. She did not notice it but Aizawa was already finished and was stepping out of the shower with just a towel on his lower part. It may not have bothered her that he saw her body, but she had not yet seen his before. That was the first time.

So to avoid some misunderstanding, she had to say something. “Morning shift?” Aizawa just nodded off and went to the counter next to her. He brushed his teeth and looked at Hiyama who was still drying her hair. “You're on flight duty?” It was her turn to just nod.

As he was exiting the bathroom he silently murmured to her, “Wind is strong today. You can switch with me if your heart could not take it.” And with that he left.

“Heh. The arrogant doctor does have feelings.” But that was not the only thought she had. Mary Jane was right. The man did have a body that could kill. If she had not known better, she might have melted there and then.

Aizawa did not really know what had gotten into him. He just wanted to take a shower to get rid of the dirt his body had accumulated from the continuous shifts. He was thankful Tachibana-sensei came early and gave him and Fujikawa the few hours before starting the next shift.

It irritated him that someone was already occupying the bathroom but hearing no sound of the shower, he went inside. And behold, Hiyama was resting on the bathtub. As a doctor who had to operate on bodies more frequently than he can sleep, seeing her body did not really do anything, or at least that’s what he keeps on telling himself.

He threw the first shirt and pants that he saw and lied on his bed. Hopefully he gets at least an hour or two of sleep.


 “Aizawa-kun! Wake up or you won't make it to the morning meeting!” Hiyama was banging the door of Aizawa, smiling all the way.

Inside Aizawa was awakened by the loud noise, both the door and the voice. It did not bode well in him that the boarder of the other room knows his schedule.

He grabbed his backpack and opened the door. Hiyama was already out and went before him. A note was stuck on his door.

Owner of the unit:

There’s breakfast in the table if you want. Waffles, take it to-go so you’ll not be late.

Or if you’ll not eat it, leave it there. I’ll eat it tomorrow.

-New Person

At least he does not have to deal with her just yet.


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Hi everyone! Is anyone still here? :) Thank you that you're here :) It pains me that this story had been stalled for almost 2 years already. I binge-watched the series and a bubble came to me that I just had to write down. Hopefully the story still connects. Bye! Till the next chapter!


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parkInJungLover #1
Chapter 15: Please update..still waiting for the wedding and skinship chapters
TheLonelyDandelion #2
Chapter 15: Thankyou for the update
creampuffsrock #3
Chapter 15: Hello!! I'm a long time reader and lurker and I'm so happy to see you updated!! I hope you are able to get more inspiration and continue this lovely story between Hiyama and Aizawa!
parkInJungLover #4
Chapter 14: I just read it after finished code blue movie..this is great..amazing..can't we have the continuation...please....really need toda erika and yamapi to star as lovers in a drama or movie...thanks for this lovely fanfic
11 streak #5
TheLonelyDandelion #6
Chapter 13: Happy anniversary! Thank you for writing this story for us.? I'm waiting for the skinship chapter. ?
11 streak #7
Chapter 13: SCREAMS. You updated at the best time. The movie is bringing back my feels so much even though I haven’t watched but because of all the hype. I hope the hype is worth it
Ever since I started watching Code Blue I thought Hiyama and Aizawa would be a good couple and I’m so glad you made this!
HAIKAC 276 streak #8
Chapter 12: Awwww their interaction is always so cute
themadhatter #9
oooohhh one of the best aizawa x hiyama stories that i have ever read
TheLonelyDandelion #10
Chapter 12: OMG what a cliffhanger ?? really love your story! Thanks for update