
Space for Rent

It was never a good sign when Tachibana-sensei would look over you and give a chuckle that he does not even intend to hide. Today, Shiraishi saw him do that at least three times. It was even more mind boggling when he does not say why he does that.

Over at the end of the receivers, Aizawa did find it odd but chose not to give him the attention he most probably was looking for.

But Hiyama would never back down. The first time it happened, it somehow ended up like this:

Tachibana caught up with Shiraishi and Hiyama at the elevator. After the initial greeting, Tachibana shifted his gaze to Hiyama and gave a chuckle. Hiyama saw this and subtly glared at her superior.

“I really miss Mitsui-sensei.” Hiyama shook her head. “That way you’d be embarrassed to say what you’re going to say.”

“Ah, don’t worry, I’m not asking you to go out with me again.” The elevator rang and Tachibana walked to exit it. “I might get in trouble with Mihoko-bachan’s boyfriend.” Before Hiyama could retaliate the doors closed.

Shiraishi was trying very hard not to let out her laugh so it turned to sound like giggles. “So, who is-“

“Don’t. Just Don’t.” Hiyama was banging her head on the elevator. Ruing the day that she took care of her nephew.

The second time was just after the team finished the treatment of a patient and Hiyama with Fujikawa transferred him to the ICU. While everyone was passing around the “good jobs” Tachibana looked at Aizawa and made the chuckle.

“Our Aizawa-sensei seems to be changing.” He was referring to how Aizawa was able to calm down the little girl. “I bet you’re trained now. Playing house and all that.” He beamed at Aizawa to which the other just stared blankly at.

It was the third one that spurred the life of the whole staff area. Even before, the table of Aizawa and Hiyama were next to each other. Neither of them took notice of it, it was only Tachibana who made went out of his way to point it out.

Right then he was not even trying to coat anything that he was saying.

Tachibana entered the staff area where the four flight doctors were on their respective tables: Fujikawa, Hiyama, and Aizawa on the right side, and Morimoto, Mitsui, and Shiraishi on the other. Tachibana being the head, has a separate table for him.

He then looked at all of them and chuckled. “How could I never noticed you being close?” Everyone looked at their superior and then around each other.

Fujikawa was the first to answer, thinking that he meant the bond of the team, “Tachibana-sensei, I always wanted us to bond, but they kept on refusing my invites for a drink.”

Tachibana just laughed. “Am I really the only one who gets it?” He was talking to himself. He looked at the others again. “I am just thankful that my nurse fanbase is a lot and I get to hear the juicy stuff.”

“Tachibana-sensei, do you really want us to tell Mitsui-sensei that?” Hiyama was catching up on what he was talking about and was hanging on to change the topic quickly. Seeing Hiyama’s reaction, AIzawa got the hint of it as well.

Tachibana smiled at them. “Don’t worry I’ll tell her that myself.” He looked at Hiyama, “She was actually with me when I heard you and your father talking, the little boy just can’t stop talking about that Nii-san in your apartment.” Hiyama knew she was flushed to the core.

“Oh? Hiyama, your boyfriend is the one you kept on saying was the arrogant unit owner?” Fujikawa practically invaded her space by talking to close to her face.

“Ie! He is not my boyfriend!” Hiyama pushed Fujikawa’s face away and that made him fall from his chair.

Shiraishi decided to join in the fun. “Now that I think of it, it has been a while since you complained about the unit owner. You could have just told us that you started dating him already.”

Hiyama just growled and banged her head on the table.

“They do say that the more you hate, the more you love.” Fujikawa was back on the chair but was pushed off by Hiyama again with that comment.

Aizawa was trying to control his face and Tachibana saw that. “How about you, Aizawa? What do you think about Hiyama and the secret boyfriend?” Aizawa just shrugged.

“Eh, Aizawa-kun~ is no fun.” Hiyama then banged her head again on the table.

“Oh! Didn’t you say that the unit owner was actually a doctor too?” Fujikawa was back to being nosy after looking at his body if the falls made him bruise.

“And you said that he probably works here in Shohoku too, since it was near.” Shiraishi was only seeing the tortured face of Hiyama who refused to talk anymore. Inside, Hiyama deeply prays that Shiraishi won’t be able to get it even after all Tachibana’s hints.

Hiyama glared at Tachibana and then to Shiraishi and Fujikawa. “Aww, Hiyama might feel that were ganging up on her, Aizawa why not be a gentleman and help her out.” Tachibana was nudging Aizawa.

Before anyone could say another word, the hotline rang and turned serious.

“Emergency. Doctor Heli is requested. A man in his 30s fell down from the emergency exit of a building.” After getting the approval to fly, everyone sprang up and started to leave the room.

“Okay, quiz time is extended till the next break. The hints are all out, but if you need more I could definitely say more.” Tachibana was leading the group so he did not see the frustrated face of Hiyama and the amused smirk that Aizawa gave Hiyama. But Shiraishi definitely saw that.

Right now as Shiraishi was riding the elevator alone, she looked back at the hints that Tachibana-sensei gave to them. The elevator opened and Hiyama, Fujikawa, and Aizawa went in.

“Hiyama-sensei, why did you not tell me?”

“Uh? Are we not finished with this already?” Hiyama groaned and was about to bang her head on the wall of the elevator but when she heard what Shiraishi said next, it made her stop.

“Shinkai-sensei!” Hiyama looked at her and so did the two men.

“That’s right! Shinkai somehow fit the role! The arrogant doctor who works here.” Fujikawa then kept on babbling about how it made ‘perfect sense’.

Hiyama could only get in that she does not have a boyfriend.

“But you’re not denying that he is the unit owner.” Shiraishi was not even finished in teasing her but the elevator already opened to their floor.

“How many times do I have to say it? It’s not him and I don’t have a boyfriend!” Hiyama was trailing behind Shiraishi and Fujikawa who were already making plans to get the whole gang to Mary Jane’s place, they kept on saying that for sure they have been going out for a long time now.

Aizawa just let out an amused cough, getting the attention of Hiyama.

“Oh, you’re laughing at my misery? Want me to tell them the truth?” Hiyama was sure that she won’t tell them, but just to make some fun of Aizawa. She would not let it that she’s the only one suffering.

“Would you?” That was Aizawa’s answer to Hiyama’s threat. It was Hiyama’s turn to scoff.

“It probably would have been better if it was indeed Shinkai-sensei.” Hiyama then left Aizawa on his own.

Confusingly enough, he does not understand why he felt a little hurt about that.

It seemed to have been better when Shiraishi was already drunk. Eventhough she was still blabbering about Hiyama and her love life, it was more bearable since Hiyama knows that Shiraishi would not remember anything. Hiyama, herself, was drunk mostly because it irritated her so much that everyone at the hospital would look at her and then giggles would follow. Some would send glares to her, those who have probably heard about Hiyama calling Aizawa, ‘Aizawa-kun’. With that, she gulped another glass of alcohol.

Aizawa was the only one sober enough to be sending everyone home. Fujikawa was already passed out on the floor, no one bothering to pick him up, Shiraishi’s face planted on the counter but still talking, Hiyama is next to her and was still drinking.  

“Enough. Enough. Everyone let’s get going.” Mary Jane was the one in charge of getting the doctors on their feet and to send them home. Aizawa asked Mary Jane’s assistant to get a cab for him, most probably he would get the three on one cab with him, get Shiraishi and Fujikawa safely inside their houses, and he would bring Hiyama back to their apartment. With that last phrase, it made him think a little. 

As Mary Jane and his/her assistant helped them get into cabs, Mary Jane spoke up. “So, I guess you’re not going to tell Megumi-chan that you're  Mihoko-chan’s roommate/boyfriend.” Aizawa’s eyed widened. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell if you won’t.” He/She winked at him. “Especially the part that you like Mihoko-chan and whenever Megumi-chan mentioned Shinkai-kun your face would turn sour.” If Aizawa’s eyes could even widen more, it would have. He was about to say something but Mary Jane already told the driver to go.

Throughout the trips, Aizawa was trying to think of what Mary Jane last told him. “Especially the part that you like Mihoko-chan and whenever Megumi-chan mentioned Shinkai-kun your face would turn sour.” He’s rationalizing it by thinking that Shinkai was his rival in the spot for the residency in Toronto University, he definitely would turn sour if his colleagues were talking about him non-stop.

By the time that the taxi was on its way to their apartment, Hiyama sobered up a little but barely enough to be able to stand still. Aizawa still had to help her up to the unit. As they got in, Hiyama went straight to the kitchen to get some beers. She took one and offered it to Aizawa.

“I know that you had to stop drinking since we were all drinking like there’s no shift tomorrow.” She even opened it for him. “Join me in this misery.” He took it and sat opposite to her in the dining table.

“I hate you.” Aizawa only nodded in return. Hiyama was still drunk.

“I hate you because I’m the only one suffering.” She took another long swig. “What would happen if I ‘accidentally’ told them that it was actually you?” She was not expecting an answer but he spoke up.

“Then everyone would still tease you that I’m your roommate/boyfriend. You still lose.”

“Ugh, I hate you so much.” From here on, it was only Hiyama talking, blabbering without even knowing what she is saying.

“I hate you so much for being a know-it-all. As if you’re the leader of the group. Fine you know more and you’re better than all of us, but can’t you at least smile?” Her arguments were not even connected.

“It’s bad enough that I see you at work. That arrogant face of yours. I hate that you were a part of operating my heart, now it goes wild whenever I see you get out of that shower in the morning.”

“I hate you. I’m supposed to hate you. You’re arrogant. I hate you.” Hiyama finally stopped talking and it seemed that she fell asleep on the table. He decided to pick her up and bring her to her bed. Technically, he’s not breaking the rules, she was the only one not allowed inside his room.

She was falling asleep but was still mumbling something. “I hate you. Definitely better than that Shinkai. Better neurosurgeon. More handsome. Probably nicer body.” She then went under her covers and finally went to dreamland. Aizawa was just looking at her, not knowing what to do. He went out of the room, a smirk forming in his lips. Something inside made him feel happy.  


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Hi everyone! Is anyone still here? :) Thank you that you're here :) It pains me that this story had been stalled for almost 2 years already. I binge-watched the series and a bubble came to me that I just had to write down. Hopefully the story still connects. Bye! Till the next chapter!


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parkInJungLover #1
Chapter 15: Please update..still waiting for the wedding and skinship chapters
TheLonelyDandelion #2
Chapter 15: Thankyou for the update
creampuffsrock #3
Chapter 15: Hello!! I'm a long time reader and lurker and I'm so happy to see you updated!! I hope you are able to get more inspiration and continue this lovely story between Hiyama and Aizawa!
parkInJungLover #4
Chapter 14: I just read it after finished code blue movie..this is great..amazing..can't we have the continuation...please....really need toda erika and yamapi to star as lovers in a drama or movie...thanks for this lovely fanfic
14 streak #5
TheLonelyDandelion #6
Chapter 13: Happy anniversary! Thank you for writing this story for us.? I'm waiting for the skinship chapter. ?
14 streak #7
Chapter 13: SCREAMS. You updated at the best time. The movie is bringing back my feels so much even though I haven’t watched but because of all the hype. I hope the hype is worth it
Ever since I started watching Code Blue I thought Hiyama and Aizawa would be a good couple and I’m so glad you made this!
HAIKAC 276 streak #8
Chapter 12: Awwww their interaction is always so cute
themadhatter #9
oooohhh one of the best aizawa x hiyama stories that i have ever read
TheLonelyDandelion #10
Chapter 12: OMG what a cliffhanger ?? really love your story! Thanks for update