
Space for Rent

It was a living hell for Hiyama. Shiraishi was currently “not avoiding” her, just busy with doing her rounds. Like who would do their rounds even in midnight? It had been three whole days that Shiraishi constantly had to “see a patient” or was too busy to have a late night dinner in Mary Jane’s place.

“I’m sure Kinue-san might even come here when I tell her that her grandson and his girlfriend are the ones taking care of my Mio-chan.”

The grandmother looked at Shiraishi and greeted her, “My, this hospital does have everything, even their doctors are still looking youthful even after taking care of patients. Thank you for taking time in looking after Mio-chan.” She bowed at Shiraishi.

Shiraishi got over her initial shock and smiled at the old woman. “It had been Hiyama-sensei and Aizawa-sensei who had made sure that Mio-san and her baby are safe. Which by the way, I can you to see the baby.” The grandmother nodded and followed Shiraishi out of the room. Even if Hiyama wanted to follow them and talk with Shiraishi, she was not able to move.

The sounds of the machines connected to the patients are the only ones that could be heard until Aizawa coughed. “I’m guessing you’re the one going to explain everything to her? I’ll take my leave.” Aizawa was about to leave her but Hiyama dragged him out of the ICU and into one of the vacant examination rooms, not caring about the looks that the nurses gave them.

Aizawa was slightly amused at the state that Hiyama was in, it was as if she was all over the place and could not think straight. He let out a smirk and Hiyama saw it.

“Do you think that this is the time to enjoy my misery?” Aizawa just shrugged.

As if mostly talking to herself, Hiyama rambled on “What am I going to tell Shiraishi? Should I talk to her now? Would she kill me? She can’t right? She’s too kind. How do I tell her the truth?”

“Will you tell her everything?” Aizawa’s voice broke through Hiyama’s monologue.

“I’ll tell her that me being your girlfriend was just a lie that we made when we visited your grandmother.”

“She’ll ask why you were visiting my grandmother.”

Hiyama looked annoyed at the man before her who was simply looking through the charts posted at the wall. “Like I said, I’ll tell her that I came with you because you were visiting her and I once got curious with how she was doing and both of us had the day off.”

“She’ll ask how you knew I was going to visit my grandmother.”

“Then I’ll say that you told me you were when we were having breakfast and – oh.” Hiyama seemed to understand what Aizawa was pointing out. With all the questions, it would eventually lead to her mentioning that she lives under the same roof as him.

“So what? What do you want me to tell her? That we are in a relationship?” Hiyama faked cough and faked vomited.

“You seemed to like it very much when we were in my grandmother’s place.” Aizawa passively said but as his back was facing the now infuriated and at the same time dumbfounded Hiyama, he smiled.

“What? For your information that was all acting! Acting is so much easier.” Hiyama tried her best not to stutter and blush especially in front of Aizawa.

“Get my point? Just continue acting.” Aizawa turned around and looked at Hiyama, smirking at her expression and continuing on to leave the room.

Even before Hiyama could sputter anything in return, the door closed before her eyes.

For the nurses that were around, it was truly an eventful night especially after seeing a smirking Aizawa get out of the examination room where the distinct voice of Hiyama shouting incoherent words before leaving the room looking very flustered.

It would not have bothered Hiyama that much but since it was starting to affect their performance, Shiraishi would sometimes delay her visits to some patients because she knows that Hiyama or Aizawa would also be there. Unless it was completely necessary, she would only assign herself with Fujikawa in the heli.

She got to give it to Shiraishi that she had that same face throughout the days and from there, nobody suspects a thing. Until the third day that all hell came loose. Yes, it was truly hell for Hiyama where Aizawa was like the devil relishing her fate.

She was thankful that the last two days Tachibana-sensei was not there and was assigned to give lectures to universities, but now, he came to work and the beaming smile that he had welcomed her and Aizawa while the two were filing paperwork was the signal.

“Two days off and this is what I get? My nurses talk you know? If you guys want to keep secrets, you should know how to keep it mellow.” Tachibana sat on the desk directly at the front of Hiyama and Aizawa.

Hiyama groaned and stood up. Aizawa was not trying to not give in to Tachibana and focused on writing his paperwork. “Oh, you’re not going to follow her? You know, for some early morning vacant room time?” Tachibana beamed with pride when he made Aizawa stop writing. Tachibana laughed and turned a little serious. “You know, it is pretty hard to be involved in a love triangle, or maybe a square? I don’t know what to call it anymore, but yeah, make sure that you don’t hurt anyone.”

It was unusual for Tachibana to actually give him that kind of a talk. Honestly, he did not understand what the senior doctor was talking about. Love triangle?  Does Hiyama like someone? Shinkai? The thought made him stop for a moment, why was he even thinking about that kind of stuff? Looking at the file in his hand, he blames it all on Tachibana.

Hiyama came back with two canned coffees and slumped back on the chair. She started to gulp down the first can and Aizawa took the second can and drank it. Hiyama took it away from it.

“Buy your own! This is mine.” Hiyama began to drink the second one but Aizawa again took it. Before Hiyama could argue back, Aizawa sent her a look.

“A normal person should not drink two cans, much more for those who had their hearts operated on.” Hiyama just groaned and Aizawa drank the rest of the can.

To the both of them, it was nothing, just their usual banter. But to Shiraishi who was about to enter the room, it was a sweet moment when a boyfriend is concerned about the health of his girlfriend. She turned away and proceeded to take the two cans of coffee with her. She planned to finally talk to Hiyama about Aizawa and how she was okay with it, but seeing it first-hand, she got to admit, she’s jealous that Aizawa cared for Hiyama.

Hiyama’s shift ended two hours ago but as she was still in surgery, she only got to change to her normal clothes now. She glanced at the clock and saw that she still had ample time to get some dinner at Mary Jane Yoko’s.

She passed by the staff area and checked if she had forgotten anything. As she turned, she almost bumped into Shinkai, who like her, was now “normal”.

“Oh, Hiyama-sensei! You’re going home now?” Shinkai smiled and laughed. “That seems to be an obvious question was it not?”

Hiyama smiled a little, “Yeah, but I’m going to eat something first.”

Shinkai nodded, “Make sure you get to eat something other than convenience store food like I am. Nothing good is open at 11 in the evening.”

They started to walk towards the entrance of the hospital. Shinkai was about to say goodbye, but Hiyama stopped him, “Why don’t you join me? Our team always eat at this place, good food, the owner’s a friend of ours who makes money from our late night shifts and drink outs.” Honestly, Hiyama does not know why she invited Shinkai, it was one of those few nights that she was actually friendly with other people.

Aizawa was passing by and have heard Hiyama’s invitation to Shinkai. A part of him wanted to take an early break and eat at Mary Jane Yoko’s and the other part is bent on focusing on the CT scan that he has in his hands. Let’s just say that one part is begging to take over his whole mind.

Hiyama got to say, but Shinkai is a decent guy. The man is a conversationalist and kept on asking questions about the team, the patients, and what not. Unlike a certain man she knows that would just grunt, shrug or hum as an answer to their questions.

They entered the place and Hiyama was greeted by an excited Mary Jane.

“Mihoko-chan! It’s been so long since you came!” Mary Jane pulled Hiyama to their usual seats and looked over at Shinkai, whispering to Hiyama, “Oh my, Mihoko-chan, who is this specimen that you came with? Don’t tell me you already replaced Kousaku-kun! Megumi-chan was just telling me all about finding out you and Kousaku-kun!” 

Hiyama looked over the place and saw Shiraishi face down on the bar. “This Shiraishi, getting drunk again. You know, you should take care of her more, not let her drink that much.” She then saw Shinkai looking very worried for Shiraishi, and a light bulb came to her. “This is Shinkai, from the Neurosurgery.”

“Oh! You’re the Shinkai-sensei I kept on hearing.” Mary Jane the winked at Hiyama.

“Stop it. We’re here to eat some good food as I told him, can we get that?” Hiyama made Shinkai sit at the other side of Shiraishi while she sat at the other side, “Usual seat,” Shinkai nodded in understanding, “And I might need help in keeping Shiraishi from falling on the floor.”

“Is she usually like this?” Shinkai looked over at Shiraishi who was mumbling on the table.

Hiyama nodded. “She drinks but gets drunk easily. But usually, she would just drink when she has problems or too much work was given to us.”

“And I’m guessing this is about you and Aizawa being an item now?” Shinkai was now looking at Hiyama who was fishing out for an answer. Shinkai laughed, “So it is true? The gossips came around the nurses at the Neurosurgery and none of us wanted to believe it, but it seems that Saijo-sensei was not that surprised, he said he got some insider in the Lifesaving.”

“Tachibana-sensei.” Hiyama groaned and was debating with herself to just let it all out or just continue the act. Before she could say anything, Shiraishi woke up and was surprised to see Shinkai next to her and immediately blushed even though she was already red from the alcohol.

“Shinkai-sensei! What are you doing here? Am I at the hospital?” She looked around and saw Hiyama next to her, in her usual seat. “Oh! Hiyama-sensei!” Shiraishi wanted to get up but failed badly and Shinkai ended up steadying her in her seat.

“Still trying to run away from me, Shiraishi?” Hiyama tried and was testing the waters to see if she would actually be angry at her or what.

Shiraishi smiled. Her real smile, not the fake kind that she had shown since she found out about Aizawa and her.

“I guess I can’t run away that much, can I? I just wished you told me beforehand.” But Shiraishi quickly added, “But since were not like close friends or anything, you didn’t have to do that, but,”

Hiyama cut her off seeing that she was trying so hard to think of what to say, “So you’re not mad at me or anything?”

“No! I’m not! Maybe just a little surprised, but that’s all.”

Shinkai coughed, “Maybe, I should get going, leave the two of you with your heart to heart talk.”

“No way! I told you you’re going to eat food other than from the convenience store, and you would. Just sit there and talk to Shiraishi.” Hiyama winked at Shinkai and pointed her head to the blushing girl in between them. “You said we’re okay now, so chat away with him. You’re more of the conversationalist than I am.”

Mary Jane came back with two plates of food and as soon as they were eating and talking, the chimes on the door rang rang and Aizawa entered and sat down at his usual seat, at the other side of the bar and ordered some food.

All eyes were on him and Mary Jane smiled, “Kousaku-kun! So nice of you to join us!” Hiyama groaned and Shiraishi was still blushing even after all that had happened. Shinkai smiled.

“Aizawa, I thought you’re on night duty?” Shinkai smugly said to Aizawa, malice dripping in his words.

“I got hungry.” Was Aizawa’s short answer.

Mary Jane and Shinkai looked over at each other, understanding each other’s mind. 

“I just saw you before bumping with Hiyama-sensei, I even asked if you wanted to eat, you told me you got things to do.” Shinkai was not being fazed with Aizawa and Hiyama’s looks at him. Even Shiraishi was intrigued by what was happening. Even though she is jealous of them, at the same time, she was trying to be happy for her friend/colleague.

Aizawa did not bother to answer and just ate as soon as the food arrived.

Shiraishi excused herself to the bathroom and Mary Jane became even more excited.

“So Mihoko-chan, I was really holding myself back and wanted to say this, but how on earth did you and Kousaku-kun ended up in a fake relationship?” Hiyama choked on her food and almost did the same.

Shinkai laughed, “Just as I guessed.” Mary Jane also nodded.

“Is it one of those if you do not have a boyfriend/fiancée to show your parents they would disown you kind of story?” Mary Jane pressed on.

Again, Hiyama was laughing nervously, racking her brains for the right answer, good thing Aizawa answered.

“My grandmother assumed she was and I can’t tell her otherwise.” Hiyama widened her eyes. “No use lying to him, he probably knows everything already. Hiyama rolled her eyes and pointed at Shinkai. “He won’t tell stories.”

“Excuse me, but I think you don’t me at all, Aizawa.” Shinkai smiled brightly at the both of them.

“Tell me Hiroki-kun, what do you know about them? In turn, I’ll tell you what I know.”

Both Hiyama and Aizawa were glaring at the two. “No, no. No one’s going to tell anything.” Mary Jane shushed Hiyama by slapping a hand on and holding it there.  Aizawa was actually amused at Hiyama who was currently struggling away from Mary Jane Yoko, seeing his amused expression, Hiyama turned her glare to him.

“Not much, just that they were playing House with Hiyama’s nephew.” Hiyama was squirming and trying her best to talk, but to no avail.

“Mihoko-chan! You never told me that! But you know, Hiroki-kun, they actually do live together.”

“And here I thought you two were just in a fake relationship, are you sure you’re not?” Shinkai and Mary Jane laughed and Mary Jane released Hiyama who just groaned.

“I can’t take this. Give me beer. Shinkai, drink with me.”  Mary Jane took a glass and was already filling it up with beer and was about to give it to Hiyama but Aizawa stood up and walked towards Hiyama, took the glass away from her and pulled her from her seat.

“Yah! Leave me alone! I want to get drunk. Just go back to work. Shinkai, get me a beer.” She was about to get the glass which was now at Shinkai’s.

“You’re just going to complain about the hangover.” He took out his wallet and left some bills.  He turned to Shinkai, “Don’t tell anyone about this.”

Aizawa grabbed Hiyama by the elbow and was pulling her outside. “Wait, I haven’t said goodbye to Shiraishi.”

Mary Jane just told her that they would just tell Shiraishi.

Outside, Aizawa let go of Hiyama and hailed a cab. Hiyama was silently muttering how Aizawa just ruined her night.

He got in and Hiyama scoffed. So much for thinking Aizawa called it for her.

From the cab, Aizawa called Hiyama, “I’ll drop you at the house.”

She got in and smiled to Aizawa. “Oho, Aizawa-kun’s being nice today. First you pay for my meal, and now even the cab. You’ll pay right?” Hiyama hummed and sang to the radio all the while Aizawa was thinking how much of a bipolar Hiyama was.


Hiyama turned to her, “What did you say? Bipolar? Who me?”

Aizawa shrugged. “Who else? You were near cursing me earlier and now you’re singing.”

Hiyama scoffed and did not reply. Honestly, she does not know why she got so happy that she was now in a cab with Aizawa. She kept on rationalizing it that it was just because of the free stuff she got.

At the other side, Aizawa too does not understand why he paid for her and dragged her away from there. Maybe he just does not want Hiyama bursting out any other unnecessary things to Shinkai, especially if she gets drunk again. That’s all there is.

“Hey, can we stop by the convenience store, I’ll just buy beer.”


“Coffee, then.”

“No.” Hiyama just groaned and shut up in her seat. Hiyama found it truly amusing that this doctor was capable of changing her mood so quickly.

At Mary Jane’s place, Shinkai and Mary Jane was still talking about the two who just left.

“Tell me, Hiroki-kun, do you approve of their relationship?” Shinkai thought about it, “If anyone could actually tell, Aizawa changed a lot since he moved back into Lifesaving. There were a lot of gossips running around that they saw him smile, laugh, and such. And all the while, Hiyama was the source of his amusement.”

Mary Jane nodded, “Next question. When would you make a move on Megumi-chan?” Shinkai coughed and looked around the room for a way out of the question.  Shinkai then noticed that the woman was not yet there. “Where is she anyway? Is she still in the bathroom?”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. Megumi-chan has this habit of falling asleep in the counter of the bathroom. Just wait for a while and she’ll come back.” Mary Jane brushed it off, “No changing of topic, you can’t hide it from me, Hiroki-kun, I know everything.” Mary Jane winked at him. “If I were you, I’ll move fast and show her that Aizawa is not the only cute and intelligent doctor around.”

Shiraishi came back and apologized to Mary Jane. “Sorry, I fell asleep again.” She looked around and saw that Shinkai was the only one there. “Hiyama-sensei and Aizawa-sensei already left?”

“Hai. And you should too, Hiroki-kun would take you home, right?” Mary Jane winked at Shinkai and he was blushing.

“Ah! No need! I could go home by myself!” Shiraishi too was blushing.

“No way, Shiraishi-sensei. Mary Jane told me that you can sleep on anything. I’ll take you home.” Mary Jane did not even hide her squeal.

The two doctors went out and Mary Jane’s assistant came out. “You know, I should rename this place, call it a Doctor Cupid or something.”


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Hi everyone! Is anyone still here? :) Thank you that you're here :) It pains me that this story had been stalled for almost 2 years already. I binge-watched the series and a bubble came to me that I just had to write down. Hopefully the story still connects. Bye! Till the next chapter!


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parkInJungLover #1
Chapter 15: Please update..still waiting for the wedding and skinship chapters
TheLonelyDandelion #2
Chapter 15: Thankyou for the update
creampuffsrock #3
Chapter 15: Hello!! I'm a long time reader and lurker and I'm so happy to see you updated!! I hope you are able to get more inspiration and continue this lovely story between Hiyama and Aizawa!
parkInJungLover #4
Chapter 14: I just read it after finished code blue movie..this is great..amazing..can't we have the continuation...please....really need toda erika and yamapi to star as lovers in a drama or movie...thanks for this lovely fanfic
14 streak #5
TheLonelyDandelion #6
Chapter 13: Happy anniversary! Thank you for writing this story for us.? I'm waiting for the skinship chapter. ?
14 streak #7
Chapter 13: SCREAMS. You updated at the best time. The movie is bringing back my feels so much even though I haven’t watched but because of all the hype. I hope the hype is worth it
Ever since I started watching Code Blue I thought Hiyama and Aizawa would be a good couple and I’m so glad you made this!
HAIKAC 276 streak #8
Chapter 12: Awwww their interaction is always so cute
themadhatter #9
oooohhh one of the best aizawa x hiyama stories that i have ever read
TheLonelyDandelion #10
Chapter 12: OMG what a cliffhanger ?? really love your story! Thanks for update