Hating Summer

Space for Rent

Summer had made itself known and the temperature is off the charts. One thing that Hiyama hates the most. She groaned as she finally got inside the hospital, Shiraishi following shortly.

“Oh, Ohayo Hiyama-sensei!” Shiraishi greeted. Hiyama only let out a grunt and nodded, muttering a good morning. Hiyama looked over Shiraishi and noticed that she was not even sweating. Not one drip of sweat from her face.

“How is it that you’re not sweating in this heat?” They made their way to the locker rooms and Hiyama plopped on the bench.

“Huh?” Shiraishi looked over the very disheveled Hiyama, frantically trying to cool herself down. “Oh, I take a cab to work so I don’t sweat that much. Maybe you should too.”

Hiyama could only snort, “I live almost five minutes away and I’m going to waste money paying for a cab? No way.”

“Maybe you should call the heli or ambulance for an emergency, at least you’ll not walk.”

Hiyama stopped, actually ingesting the idea. Shiraishi quickly added, “I’m just joking, Hiyama-sensei.” Hiyama just nodded but still had the idea in her head.

The whole team finally had the time to sit down and breathe. A long grueling day came upon them, one where more often than not, the patient had a heat or a few slipped on the pool, cracked their heads and whatnot.

“All because of this heat.” Hiyama eyed the stack of patient files that she had to do. “I hate summer.”

“Oh, come on Hiyam, don’t hate summer so much. Beaches, pools, ice cream.” Fujikawa noted bringing in a plastic bag filled with ice cream, “Parent of my patient was thankful we helped their child. Turns out they own a ice cream shop.”

Shiraishi and Hiyama rummaged to look inside the bag. Fujikawa also found one of his favorites. As they started eating, Fujikawa saw that Aizawa was just focusing on the paperwork he had to do.

“Hey, Aizawa! Don’t be a workaholic and have some ice cream.” Fujikawa called on him while opening his second ice cream.

“Maybe he’s afraid of the sugar, calories, and stuff.” Hiyama egged on, earning a laugh from Fujikawa and a wide-eyed Shiraishi.

Aizawa stood up bringing his files with him. Not looking at anyone, he smirked and said, “Don’t worry I exercise. Unlike all of you.”

Fujikawa was about to retaliate but found it impossible since it was true that he did not exercise. Hiyama just rolled her eyes at him and made sure he saw it. In her head, one thing she hates the most is Aizawa and his attitude.

Fujikawa sat down and in a serious voice, “I have to admit, Aizawa can take care of his body. I see it whenever I see him at the locker rooms.”

Hiyama was about to unconsciously nod but stopped herself in time. “Eh? Fujikawa, we should warn Aizawa that you’re a ert. Tak tsk, good thing you’re a guy. Don’t want you looking at me while I’m changing.” Hiyama stood up and took another popsicle. She had to because a blush was threatening to show itself. Thinking about it, she had often seen Aizawa’s body. Though those bathroom coincidences are brief, she could steal a glance in at Aizawa’s body which was not covered by the towel.

Blowing air, she quietly said, “Maybe I’m a ert.”

Inside the resting area, Shiraishi grew quiet. She saw that nod that Hiyama was about to give. Remembering back at the time that Tsuneo mentioned about Aizawa having a great body, it was Shiraishi who was blushing, but that was just because she imagined it. The way Hiyama nodded to the statement, it’s as if she does know Aizawa’s body. A tiny pang of jealousy crept in.


Morning came by too early for Hiyama. She groaned as she looked at the clock. It was indeed too early, she woke up half an hour before she had to.

She took her phone and scrolled through the messages she received. Some coming from her father, rolling her eyes knowing it was still about her non-existent love life. She passed by those looked at the other messages instead, not reading her father’s texts.

She stood up to get some breakfast. She was about to get some cereal, but an annoying thought about sugar and calories came into her mind. She took the pancake mix, but was reminded of the syrup she puts at the top. Slamming back the box in the cupboard, she opened the fridge and made use of the remaining fresh ingredients their fridge had.

As she was cooking the door opened and she looked towards the door. In comes Aizawa who just finished his morning exercise. Sweating all over and not seeming to notice that Hiyama was already awake, proceed to take off his shirt and straight to the kitchen.

Hiyama coughed a little before going back to cooking, muttering a good morning to him. Aizawa looked at her and the clock and back to her again. Hiyama rolled her eyes. “I know. I woke up early. Want some breakfast?”

Aizawa nodded to the pots and drank some water, “Why? Finished off your syrup already?” He smirked and walked away.

Hiyama let out a groan and a grunt. Of all the days that they had bickered and argued, today, words can’t seem to be formed. Top of the list that she hates the most: Aizawa’s body and attitude during Summer. It was one thing to see it after his showers, but another thing when it was glimmering with sweat from his exercise. Or how he took off his shirt.

Shaking her head, she quietly muttered, “Maybe I am a ert.”


Almost at the same time, Hiyama and Aizawa came out of their rooms, all because of a loud knock came at their door. Quickly Aizawa opened the door to a woman in her 40s.

“You are the doctor that my husband says, right?” Aizawa nodded. “Please help me, my husband fell from the ladder when he was fixing the window. His head is bleeding.”

Aizawa looked over at Hiyama, “Get your kit, and mine too, it’s in my room. I’m gonna look at the damage now.” Hiyama nodded and took their things. Aizawa followed the woman and saw the man laying at the floor, seeing no ladder anywhere, he looked up and saw it was on the third floor hallway.

He looked at the crowd now forming, “Has anyone called an ambulance?” Seeing everyone focused on the body bleeding rather than the situation, nobody answered him, the woman who called them shakingly reached for her phone. She dialled the number but was stuttering and could not speak properly. Aizawa was currently assessing the damage and trying to stop the bleeding from the head. He could see that the man had broken bones as well. He got annoyed by the woman and was about to berate her for not speaking properly but a hand took the phone from the woman.

“1414 Yurashuku, Hokuei-cho. Call Shohoku Emergency, a man in his 40s fell down from the third floor of the building, prepare for MRI and CT scan. Bleeding in the head is seen and bones are expected to be broken.” She passed the phone to the woman and sat across Aizawa. She checked the man and looked at Aizawa, “It’s the landlord.”

Aizawa nodded, “As soon as we get there, I’m going to operate.” With only a first aid kit nothing much could be done. Just as they were assessing the situation, the man started groaning.

Hiyama lowered her head and listened to the man. “Kunichi-san, what’s wrong? Where does it hurt?” The man was in pain and tried his best to clutch on to his shirt, pointing to his chest before losing consciousness. “Cardiac arrest.” Without looking at the woman, “Where is the ambulance?”

Aizawa positioned the head and Hiyama nodded and began CPR. The woman was shaking and stuttered while saying, “They said they are at the other street already.” And just as she said it, the siren of the ambulance could be heard. Paramedics made their way to Aizawa and Hiyama. Aizawa rattled off the condition of the man all the while assisting Hiyama in the CPR. Just before the medics could finish strapping the man, they got the pulse back.

They continued to assist the landlord in the ambulance, both knowing what the other has to do. It was a short trip especially with the ambulance. As soon as the ambulance stopped, the doors opened and both of them tallied off the condition of the man. Giving Fujikawa and Shiraishi no chance to be shocked to see Aizawa and Hiyama together inside the ambulance.

Just as they lifted the man to the bed, the phone rang.

“Shohoku Lifesaving.”

“A man had a heat and hit his head on the gutter on the sidewalk. We are three minutes away from the hospital.”

“Understood. Bring him in.” Shiraishi looked at the nurses, “Contact Neurosurgery, we have another patient that needs to be checked.” One nurse nodded and phoned.

As Aizawa was analyzing the results of the scans, Hiyama was already helping to monitor the vital signs. As the new patient was wheeled in, HIyama stopped and dropped the ice packs she was holding. She was about to say something but decided against it. She picked up the bags and started again.

Hiyama’s father once came to the hospital, and that was when Hiyama got injured. And now, he was lying unconscious in the bed. Shinkai entered the room and was about to approach the heat victim but Aizawa beat him to it. He passed the tablet to him and proceeded to examine Hiyama’s father.

Hiyama was doing all that she can to think straight. “Cry later, don’t mess up.” Aizawa looked at her briefly before checking the pupils. Hiyama was about to retaliate but chose to just say, “I know.”

Fujikawa neared the two, “Hiyama, I can switch with you. We have protocols for these.”

Not leaving her eyes from the work they are doing she merely answered, “That’s for those who would cry. I won’t.”



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Hi everyone! Is anyone still here? :) Thank you that you're here :) It pains me that this story had been stalled for almost 2 years already. I binge-watched the series and a bubble came to me that I just had to write down. Hopefully the story still connects. Bye! Till the next chapter!


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parkInJungLover #1
Chapter 15: Please update..still waiting for the wedding and skinship chapters
TheLonelyDandelion #2
Chapter 15: Thankyou for the update
creampuffsrock #3
Chapter 15: Hello!! I'm a long time reader and lurker and I'm so happy to see you updated!! I hope you are able to get more inspiration and continue this lovely story between Hiyama and Aizawa!
parkInJungLover #4
Chapter 14: I just read it after finished code blue movie..this is great..amazing..can't we have the continuation...please....really need toda erika and yamapi to star as lovers in a drama or movie...thanks for this lovely fanfic
14 streak #5
TheLonelyDandelion #6
Chapter 13: Happy anniversary! Thank you for writing this story for us.? I'm waiting for the skinship chapter. ?
14 streak #7
Chapter 13: SCREAMS. You updated at the best time. The movie is bringing back my feels so much even though I haven’t watched but because of all the hype. I hope the hype is worth it
Ever since I started watching Code Blue I thought Hiyama and Aizawa would be a good couple and I’m so glad you made this!
HAIKAC 276 streak #8
Chapter 12: Awwww their interaction is always so cute
themadhatter #9
oooohhh one of the best aizawa x hiyama stories that i have ever read
TheLonelyDandelion #10
Chapter 12: OMG what a cliffhanger ?? really love your story! Thanks for update