Sudden Realizations

Space for Rent

As soon as they came in Mary Jane’s, it became apparent that the lies have definitely stopped. Whether it was how Aizawa took the lead in ordering the food and Hiyama chiming in side dished that he forgot to order, or how Aizawa still takes the glass of beer away from Hiyama, or even how it seems that Aizawa does not care about anything else other than Hiyama.

It is definitely weird. Definitely out of Aizawa’s character to take care of another person. Call it prejudice or what, but that is what Aizawa is in the eyes of others. Someone who does not care about anyone else other than his grandmother. Even his father did not hold that much place in his heart when he knew him. And it seems that Hiyama was now someone he cares for.

If it was the old Shiraishi, she would have definitely fled already. In the eyes of others, nothing is wrong, but she is that observant that it hurts seeing them like that. Maybe she was just jealous, it was one of her dreams to have a relationship with a doctor as well. Expectations was easier to accept with a person who is in the same field. No arguments on why dates would have to be cancelled for dates or what.

Then again, she would never have Hiyama’s confidence and courage to stand up against Aizawa. If it was her, she would just let Aizawa win any arguments that are to arise. But like right now, how Hiyama keeps on pushing the fruits away from her but Aizawa gives it back, having an eye contest with him. It would not have been visible if one does not observe them like how Shiraishi does, like how Fujikawa still seems to be oblivious.

“So, Aizawa, anything to celebrate? Why the sudden dinner?” Fujikawa was just happy with eating off Aizawa’s money and decided to . Not one moment did he think he would get an answer, much more the words that Aizawa used.

“Our engagement. Let’s go, night shift will start.” He stood up and paid for the bill.

A splutter of water, a dropped utensil on the floor, and a choking sound.

Two shocked faces was left at Mary Jane’s.  Aizawa did not even drop the name but even you’re just plain old stupid if you did not know who that “our” was pertaining to.

Hiyama is doing all her best to stop her face from being so red, muttering silent profanities directed to the man walking a few feet before her. She forgot that Aizawa was on the night shift with her. Well technically, it was Aizawa’s duty and she is just latching on to use the sleeping quarters.

Fastening her pace, she rushed back to the changing rooms first bypassing Aizawa. Said man heard her words and did not even stop the slight smile showing in his face.  

But indeed it seems that the heavens have stopped listening to her pleas. Not one single patient got admitted during the night shift. After their night rounds, they came back to the staff area. Sitting down on her chair, she scoffed and made a slight remark.

“Is that your way of making sure that I do not back out?” She opened her laptop and transferred the medical records that she got from the rounds.  

“Would you?” Aizawa did not stop typing on his computer and kept his eyes on it too.

Hiyama just scoffed again and continued on with her tasks. She let out a yawn as soon as she finished.

“Obaa-chan’s going back tomorrow.” Hiyama nodded and closed her laptop.

“Send her back, I’ll cover for you.” Aizawa nodded too but stopped midway in typing.

“Your off is tomorrow. You go with her.” Hiyama rolled her eyes, “That’s why I’m saying that I’ll cover for you.” She tsked and planted her head on the table. “So much for the genius doctor.”

“Would you rather stay here?” Hiyama let out a string of profanities again. With how much she curses for the past few weeks, no wonder the heavens closed its’ ears to her.

Hiyama does not know it was indeed the right decision to listen to Aizawa. But then again, she would suffer twice as much if Shiraishi and Fujikawa asked her. At least with Aizawa they have that uncertainty to ask him directly and he is used to having a poker face while answering them.

As she reached the door of the apartment, she saw Aizawa’s grandmother coming out with her bags. She rushed to greet her and took the bags.

“Ohayo gozaimasu Kinue-san. Ai- Kousaku told me that you were going back today, and since it’s my day off, he asked me to come with you.” Hiyama smiled and helped Aizawa’s grandmother down.

Aizawa’s grandmother smiled and brushed her off, “No need. I knew I should have not told Kousaku. I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

It was Hiyama’s turn to brush her off, “No it’s not. If not doing this, I would not know what to do exactly for the day.”

It seems that it was easier to deal with Aizawa’s grandmother rather than the Emergency team. They talked about lots of things and she listened to her. As they neared the center’s building, Hiyama was reminded that she was not lucky when it came to anything.

“Kousaku already told me.” Aizawa’s grandmother smiled at her. Hiyama was really confused on what Aizawa told his grandmother. What lie did he actually tell this time? Will they be getting married tomorrow? Is she pregnant? She does not know the character she is now playing.

Aizawa’s grandmother led her to sit at the side bench. “He came clean with his lies.” Hiyama was panicking internally. She does not know how to react. Does this mean that Aizawa’s grandmother knows she lied also. She sighed.

“Kinue-san, I’m sorry for-,” Hiyama was cut off with Aizawa’s grandmother waving her hand.

“As soon as you first came with him here, I knew that your relationship is not that deep. But I know that you are colleagues with him. I don’t know why he chose to do that, but I was still happy that he cared enough to lie about that.” She let out a small laugh. Hiyama still can’t show any of her emotions, fearing that she may be mad at her.

“He also told me everything. And I’m not mad at you if that is what you are thinking.” With those words, Hiyama was finally able to let out a shy smile.

“He told me that the wedding he talked about is just another lie he made to make me try to take the exams. That boy. I’m sorry too for making you trapped in his words. Don’t worry, I talked to him already. You don’t have to pretend anymore.” Aizawa’s grandmother smiled at Hiyama and was about to stand up, but Hiyama reached out to her.

“Kinue-san, I’m not sure if Aizawa also told you, but the part of us getting married is actually true.” Aizawa’s grandmother looked shocked at her words and tried to persuade Hiyama that she does not need to say those things anymore.

“But, it is true. At first, we were just roommates, well a unit owner-renter relationship, but to think that I would be actually able to stay with the guy for more than a month without lashing off his smart mouth, it made me think of who actually is in my life.” Aizawa’s grandmother sat back down and a smile shows up in her face, listening to Hiyama who was looking at the tree before them.

“As I mentioned before, he was somehow different from all the colleagues that I had. We all thought he was that poker faced-iced monster who only knows how to operate like a machine, but looking back, I have lots of moments that I treasured in my heart.” She shifted her body to be able to look at Aizawa’s grandmother. “He talked to me about not lying anymore. He told me that I was an important person in his life too. More than for convenience, I actually felt that being with him makes me remember who I am. Makes me remember why we are doctors, why we value the lives of those around us.”

Hiyama felt emotional. It was the first time she was actually true to herself of how he felt about Aizawa. Indeed during the lies, she felt that it was not that hard to be with Aizawa, to fall in love with him even. Fall in love? That made her stop. How does one even know they already fell in love? Maybe it’s crazy that she did agree on being with Aizawa with not even thinking if she loves him. Yes, she feels more at ease, more… she can’t even explain it. But it just feels true, it’s not the lies anymore. Who knows what would happen after?

On Aizawa’s side, it was much more bearable. That was until Tachibana-sensei got wind of the news. But to think to actually have answers from Aizawa made the very composed in making Aizawa’s life suffer Tachibana-sensei, was stumped.

He started with mocking Aizawa for not including them in the engagement party and asked for assurance that they will be guests at the wedding.

“November third, Peninsula.” Aizawa just rattled off the detail as if he was saying the stats of a patient. And he indeed said it was as if like that, and everyone in the room heard it. All the nurses and doctors. The shock continued on but an argument on who gets to go followed.

It may seem that Aizawa felt no such troublesome feelings with it at all. In his mind, it’s actually better to tell the truth instead. Then again, he forgot on who to tell the truth to first instead. He controlled his face from breaking out into an amused grin as he thinks of how Hiyama would react that he actually told the others, before her, on when their wedding will be.

Indeed it was amusing.

“What? November 3rd!  Are you out of your mind? Do you even know how long a wedding should be prepared?” Hiyama was torn between being shocked and excited about the sudden revelation.

Aizawa just shrugged and handed her a credit card. She looked at it for a long time, “Okay, we’re not yet married. And even if we are already, I am not requiring you to hand over your money to me. I’m not like those-,” Aizawa cut her off, “That’s the separate account I saved.” An “oh” with Hiyama’s realization made her understand what he meant. It’s as if even on this kind of scenario, Aizawa still knows more than her, still more composed than her. She scoffed thinking about that.

Then again, a more sudden realization came in and she looked at Aizawa, “My family does not know!”

It was Aizawa’s turn to be flustered. It seems he is not that knowledgeable about this thing actually after all.


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Hi everyone! Is anyone still here? :) Thank you that you're here :) It pains me that this story had been stalled for almost 2 years already. I binge-watched the series and a bubble came to me that I just had to write down. Hopefully the story still connects. Bye! Till the next chapter!


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parkInJungLover #1
Chapter 15: Please update..still waiting for the wedding and skinship chapters
TheLonelyDandelion #2
Chapter 15: Thankyou for the update
creampuffsrock #3
Chapter 15: Hello!! I'm a long time reader and lurker and I'm so happy to see you updated!! I hope you are able to get more inspiration and continue this lovely story between Hiyama and Aizawa!
parkInJungLover #4
Chapter 14: I just read it after finished code blue movie..this is great..amazing..can't we have the continuation...please....really need toda erika and yamapi to star as lovers in a drama or movie...thanks for this lovely fanfic
11 streak #5
TheLonelyDandelion #6
Chapter 13: Happy anniversary! Thank you for writing this story for us.? I'm waiting for the skinship chapter. ?
11 streak #7
Chapter 13: SCREAMS. You updated at the best time. The movie is bringing back my feels so much even though I haven’t watched but because of all the hype. I hope the hype is worth it
Ever since I started watching Code Blue I thought Hiyama and Aizawa would be a good couple and I’m so glad you made this!
HAIKAC 276 streak #8
Chapter 12: Awwww their interaction is always so cute
themadhatter #9
oooohhh one of the best aizawa x hiyama stories that i have ever read
TheLonelyDandelion #10
Chapter 12: OMG what a cliffhanger ?? really love your story! Thanks for update