
Space for Rent




Hiyama was whispering this phrase to Aizawa throughout their journey from the emergency room to the staff area.

“You’re on duty tomorrow.” Aizawa finally said something. Even though there were only two of them in the office, they were still careful and lowered their voices.

“That’s why I’m telling this to you.” Hiyama went closer to him and really pleaded. “You asked for the day off tomorrow.” Aizawa was already walking out of the room and Hiyama followed him.

“You want to switch shifts?” Aizawa stopped in the middle of walking and faced her. Hiyama smiled and nodded to him. “I promise he won’t make a mess in the house.” Aizawa just continued on walking with Hiyama bothering him with the “Arigatou Aizawa-kun~” she happily said. Neither of them seeing that the nurse number one in spreading gossips saw what had happened.

By the time they had finished their last patient for the day, the nurses have glanced at Aizawa and Hiyama more than they have wanted. Since they were busy to listen to the rumors going around, they did not exactly know that it was about the two of them. Even Shiraishi and Fujikawa did not hear them. 

“And I thought that today was hectic.” Hiyama motioned to those around them and everyone averted their gazes.

“Hiyama becoming so strict. Let them have their fun.” Fujikawa joked around, “I’ll try to listen in to them later. Maybe one of us would be promoted to be the department chief!”

Shiraishi just smiled at the comment of Fujikawa. Inside, she was curious about why the nurses were looking at them. But with a closer inspection, it was mostly Aizawa that they were glancing at. She does not want to sound bitter or something, but she also saw that they would look at Hiyama as well. She shook off what she was thinking and caught up with her team.

“So, how about we all go drinking tonight?” Fujikawa asked them.

“Sorry, I would have to pass. I have to meet my father after this shift.” Hiyama was first to get herself out of it.

“Really?” Fujikawa turned to the other two. “You have to go with us Aizawa, you can finally drink again to the fullest since you won’t be here tomorrow.”

“Not really.” Aizawa then went straight to the locker rooms.

“That man again. Working even if it’s his day off.” Fujikawa looked at Shiraishi. “How about it? You want to hang out later?”

“I don’t think I could handle you alone Fujikawa-sensei.” Hiyama laughed with them.

“That hurts Shiraishi. Okay. Let’s just move it tomorrow!” The two women already had an unsure face, “Come on, we haven’t hung out lately! For our team to work, we have to share moments outside this hospital.” Fujikawa urged them.

“Pass. I won’t be here.” Hiyama too went to the locker rooms. “Bye. Good work today.”

“Huh? But she’s on duty right?” Fujikawa looked confused and so did Shiraishi. He then just shrugged it off but Shiraishi got curious about it.

Hiyama did not want to further talk about it as she might slip something so she deliberately changed first. Shiraishi was on night duty so she would not be able to corner her. As she went outside the hospital, he could already see his father coming, together with the reason she had to plead for Aizawa to cover her shift.

“Tousan!” She walked to her father who was holding on to a six-year-old kid. Her father smiled at her and went to hug Hiyama.

“Mihoko, sorry again for troubling you. It’s just that no one would be left to take care of him tomorrow...” Hiyama’s father was apologetic and Hiyama just smiled at him.

“Ie. It’s okay. I had a colleague cover my shift tomorrow. And it’s been a while since I played with my nephew.” She then bent down to tickle the small boy. “Isn’t that right, Kousuke-kun?” The boy squealed and hid behind his grandfather.

“Thank you again. I promise to pick him up tomorrow as soon as I get back.” He passed him to Hiyama. “Just treat this as a preparation course for you when you do get a family. Which by the way, I am still waiting for.”

Hiyama rolled her eyes at him, “I can handle this. You should go now before it gets too dark.” Hiyama’s father nodded and bid a goodbye to the kid. He then gave Hiyama the bag of Kousuke’s things. “Kousuke-kun, say bye to Jiji now.” Hiyama’s father left and she put down Kousuke to walk.

“Mihoko-bachan, are we going to your house?” Kousuke tugged on Hiyama’s hand.

“Yup. But you would have to behave there because I don’t live alone. There’s a nii-san there.”  Hiyama suddenly remembered that Aizawa would be at the apartment too tonight.

“Mihoko-bachan’s boyfriend?” Hiyama was bewildered. “Ehh? How do you know about those word?”

“Jiji always says that he is waiting for Mihoko-bachan to be married or have a boyfriend.”

“That old man. Teaching a kid those kind of things.” She silently berated her father. She turned to Kosuke again. “And again, no, the nii-san you would see there is not bachan’s boyfriend.”

The kid just nodded but then followed it up with a, “I’ll tell Jiji that Mihoko-bachan has a boyfriend.”

She now kind of regrets that she took him for the time being.

When they got to the apartment, Aizawa was not there yet. As usual that even though their shift ended at the same time, they got used to Aizawa lagging behind for an hour or so if Hiyama was not out with Shiraishi. She put their things in her bedroom and let Kousuke watch TV while she started to cook.

While she was looking at the ingredients, she noticed that she forgot to buy some soy sauce.

“Kousuke-kun, I’ll just buy some soy sauce. Just continue watching TV and don’t let anyone in.” She took her wallet and was heading for the door. The kid knows how to take care of himself. He did grow up with Hiyama’s father and he raised her that way. She hopes it’s still like that.

“What if Mihoko-bachan’s boyfriend comes?” Hiyama let out a small growl. But she had put into her mind that she was still talking to her nephew, a kid who just knows too much.

“The nii-san that would come is not my boyfriend, got it?” Hiyama sternly said, to which the kid did not completely put into heart. “If he does come, he has a key so he would not knock. Okay?” Kousuke nodded and smiled at her aunt.

“Hai. Kousuke would not let anyone in if they knock.” He made a salute to Hiyama and she answered with a salute as well.

Aizawa made his way in his apartment and was surprised to see a kid sitting on the couch and watching TV. The kid looked at him and greeted him.

“Hajimemae. Hiyama Kousuke desu.” He bowed down and Aizawa could only bow in return. “I am Mihoko-bachan’s nephew. I am six years old.” Aizawa nodded and let the boy continue. “You’re Mihoko-bachan’s boyfriend. Dōzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu” To say that his eyes widened was an understatement.

To save him from the baffle that could leave his mouth, Hiyama entered the apartment. She was too busy taking off her shoes to see that Aizawa was there already.

“Kousuke, I’m back. Did you follow bachan’s order?”

“Hai! Kousuke did not let anyone in who knocked. And Mihoko-bachan’s boyfriend is here.”

And to her surprise, Aizawa was there looking at her. Her eyes widened and somehow a tinge of redness crept up to her face. It was from the embarrassment, she says in her mind.

“Aizawa!” She immediately blocked the mouth of the kid who was about to say something and turned to the kid. “Kousuke, I told you, he is not my boyfriend.”

Aizawa seemed to calm down and got hold of what was happening. “Hai. I am not your bachan’s boyfriend. I’m Aizawa Kosaku.” A small smile graced his lips at the flushed Hiyama.

“Sorry for this, Aizawa.” Hiyama was deeply embarrassed of having Aizawa hear that. He might think that I told that kid. Aizawa just nodded and was going to his room.

Hiyama let down her hands thinking that the boy was finished already. But before Aizawa can even go inside his room. “Then are you Mihoko-bachan’s husband? Are you my oji-chan?” And Hiyama turned red again.

He let out a small laugh and proceeded to go inside. He’ll let Hiyama do the explanation. Besides, this could be his revenge for all the teasing he gets from her. And Hiyama looks cute being flustered. That last thought made him stop for a moment but nonetheless did not cancel it out.

A loud “Kousuke!” was soon heard and it seemed that Hiyama explained to the smallest detail on what to call and what not to call Aizawa.

Morning came too fast for Hiyama as she was up all night because Kousuke can’t sleep in new surroundings. So they ended up watching anime in her laptop till the early morning of the next day when Kousuke finally got tired.

She got up and was careful not to wake the boy up just yet. She went to freshen up herself in the bathroom and it was her turn to barge in while Aizawa was in the shower. It was not that they are comfortable doing that, it’s just that they don’t care about it. As she was washing her face, Aizawa went out of the shower and brushed his teeth as well.

“Ohayō.” She dried her face and went out of the bathroom after Aizawa gave her a nod as an answer.

She had finished cooking already and Aizawa just got out of his room.

“Oi, Aizawa, want some breakfast? Take it as a thank you for covering up for me today.” Aizawa looked at what Hiyama prepared. Ever since she had lived there, he only saw her prepare pancakes, waffles, and onigiri, the types that could be carried as to-go if time needs it. But today, it was somehow the traditional with steamed rice, miso soup, chicken cutlets, and some sausages. Aizawa moved to sit at the table

Seeing that Aizawa was staring at what she prepared. “I have time today. And Kousuke might be used to eating these. Coffee?” He nodded and Hiyama passed him a mug of brewed coffee.

“Are you not going to wake him up?” Aizawa asked her as he drank the coffee.

“He’ll wake up when he hears people starting to eat. Trust me.” Hiyama put in some creamer in her coffee and stirred it.

“Itadakimasu.” Both of them said it and dig in their bowls. True enough, Kousuke joined them in the table.
“Ohayō gozaimasu Mihoko-bachan! Ohayō gozaimasu Nii-san!” Hiyama smiled at Kousuke calling Aizawa nii-san. For two hours she had to explain why he could not call him ‘Mihoko-bachan’s boyfriend’ or worse ‘ji-chan’. “Itadakimasu.” He too started to eat.

When they finished, Aizawa made his goodbye and left for work. Hiyama then cleared up the mess in the table and kitchen. It’s crazy how they looked like a family just now. This time, this thought made Hiyama stop for a moment and clear it out of her mind.

A little after Hiyama and Kousuke had their lunch, her phone rang and saw Shohoku’s emergency number calling her.

“Moshi moshi.” Hiyama was confused why they are calling her.

“Hiyama.” It was Aizawa. “A large number of patients are coming in from an explosion in a construction site. Shiraishi and Fujikawa flew there. We need more people. Just bring him.”

“Wakarimaa. I’ll take a cab now.” She hung up the phone and went to Kousuke.

“Kousuke. Bachan is needed at work. We are going there now. When we get there, Bachan would get busy and would not be able to look after you. I’m going to leave you with a friend there and you have to promise to behave.” Hiyama was sorry for the kid to be brought to the hospital while she is working.

“Hai. Wakarimaa.” He saluted and Hiyama saluted back. Hiyama had to message her father to pick Kousuke up at the hospital because of the emergency.

A flurry of movement is made and a three-minute cab ride later, Hiyama is at the hospital and she changed to her scrubs. Kousuke was obediently tagging along with her and she dropped him off at the Nurse’s Station with the nurse she knows. Kousuke knew how important everyone’s work was so he just watched the people pass by and busied himself with the puzzle that the nurse gave him. As soon as all the patients had been transported and treated, only those with severe injuries were taken care of the doctors, the other nurses got curious with the kid in their station.

Everyone was exhausted and stretched their bodies after the continuous patients. As they made their way to their staff area, Kousuke waved to Hiyama. She smiled and approached the kid.

“Kousuke, did you follow bachan’s orders? Did you bother the oba-sans and onee-sans?”

“Hai! Kousuke followed. Nope. I did not bother the oba-sans and onee-sans.” He smiled and they exchanged salutes.

The other members of the team soon reached them and it seemed that Hiyama did not calculate this to happen. Kousuke smiled at waved at Aizawa shouting “Nii-san!” It made all of them stop.

“Ma? You know Aizawa?” Fujikawa was confused as they were not introduced to them yet but he knows Aizawa already. At the other side, Shiraishi was more confused than ever. Why would Hiyama’s nephew know Aizawa.

Hiyama looked at Aizawa, his eyes twinkling in delight as he knows that she would have to make something up about it and it has to be believable. But knowing her, she would overdo it so he put the matters in his hands.

“I met him when the two of you were on the heli.” With Hiyama’s subtle glare to Kousuke, he nodded and smiled at the new faces, so he introduced himself to them.

“Konnichiwa. I am Hiyama Kousuke-desu. Hajimemae.” Fujikawa and Shiraishi greeted him too.

“He’s my nephew. And my father is supposed to pick him up… any minute now.” Hiyama glanced at the clock on the wall which said that it was half past six already.

“Anyway, as much as I would like to stay here, I do have some patients to check up on.” Fujikawa excused himself and so did the other two.

“Jiji is coming here? I can tell him that Mihoko-bachan has a boyfriend!” The boy jumped from the table to prevent her aunt from covering as he knows she would do. The nurses then looked at her and started smiling, even the doctors who were walking away stopped to look at her.

“Ie! Don’t believe that brat. Kousuke!” Hiyama was red all over her face and was trying desperately to clamp a hand on the boy’s mouth. But the slurred “Mihoko-bachan didn’t even greet her boyfriend.”

Fujikawa and Shiraishi were grinning, it was their chance to tease Hiyama. But as Shiraishi looked at Aizawa, she was expecting him to not to care and have his usual stoic face, however, she could see a tinge of smile as he looks at Hiyama.

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Hi everyone! Is anyone still here? :) Thank you that you're here :) It pains me that this story had been stalled for almost 2 years already. I binge-watched the series and a bubble came to me that I just had to write down. Hopefully the story still connects. Bye! Till the next chapter!


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parkInJungLover #1
Chapter 15: Please update..still waiting for the wedding and skinship chapters
TheLonelyDandelion #2
Chapter 15: Thankyou for the update
creampuffsrock #3
Chapter 15: Hello!! I'm a long time reader and lurker and I'm so happy to see you updated!! I hope you are able to get more inspiration and continue this lovely story between Hiyama and Aizawa!
parkInJungLover #4
Chapter 14: I just read it after finished code blue movie..this is great..amazing..can't we have the continuation...please....really need toda erika and yamapi to star as lovers in a drama or movie...thanks for this lovely fanfic
14 streak #5
TheLonelyDandelion #6
Chapter 13: Happy anniversary! Thank you for writing this story for us.? I'm waiting for the skinship chapter. ?
14 streak #7
Chapter 13: SCREAMS. You updated at the best time. The movie is bringing back my feels so much even though I haven’t watched but because of all the hype. I hope the hype is worth it
Ever since I started watching Code Blue I thought Hiyama and Aizawa would be a good couple and I’m so glad you made this!
HAIKAC 276 streak #8
Chapter 12: Awwww their interaction is always so cute
themadhatter #9
oooohhh one of the best aizawa x hiyama stories that i have ever read
TheLonelyDandelion #10
Chapter 12: OMG what a cliffhanger ?? really love your story! Thanks for update