Such Nuisances

Space for Rent

“Out of his mind. Definitely out of his mind.” Hiyama was grumbling as she marched out of the operating room, throwing away her gloves and gown to the trash. She was emitting an aura that made all the others near her back away. She was scrubbing her hand so much that Shiraishi who was next to her could not help but to ask.

“Hiyama-sensei, are you okay? You might scrape your skin too much.” It was as if only then did Hiyama realize what she was doing, nor that Shiraishi was next to her.

“Hai hai. Never been better.” She was saying all these under her gritted teeth. Slamming the knob of the water, she turned to Shiraishi. “If you were me, what would you do? Kill a person with one strike on the artery or make tiny small lashes on their arms?” The way that she said it with a straight face sent more chills to Shiraishi.

“Demo- Hiyama-sensei, we’re doctors. We save lives.”

“You’re right.” Thinking that she had done the world a good deed by letting whoever that was alive made her grin. Shiraishi followed Hiyama who was now walking outside who was grinning more than ever.

“Oh, Hiyama-sensei, you’re happy now. Do you want to have lunch together?”

“Yes, yes. I’m happy. Definitely happy. I can kill him but revive him, then kill him again.” At this point they have reached the staff area and Fujikawa was unfortunate enough to hear the conversation.

Evidently disturbed by the image, Fujikawa turned to Aizawa who was fixing the files of their last patient. “Hey, did you notice that Hiyama became much more… lethal?”

Aizawa just let out an amused sound, followed by a “When was she not?” A hand suddenly slammed down the table just near enough to almost have the pen write scribbles across the file. He did not even need to raise up his head to know who owns it.

“Don’t start with me Aizawa. It’s all-“ Recently, it was getting harder for Hiyama to notice the people around her whenever she talks to Aizawa. That’s the bad side of living together with him for quite some time now. She looked around the curious glances of the staff and the amused poker face of Aizawa looking straight at her. Mocking her to go on.

“Never mind.” She looked around again and still the faces of the flight doctors never left her. “Shiraishi, I’m taking the night shift whether you like it or not.”

Shiraishi looked over the board where the duties had been written down. “But, Hiyama-sensei, you have been here for the last three days. Do you not want to go home at least?”

HIyama thought of whatever excuse she could make, indeed she was staying at the hospital for the past three nights, feigning night shifts for the use of the rooms and shower. Although Aizawa had made up that whole lie of them now not just being boyfriend and girlfriends, she was now his fiancée. She can only handle too much lies and pretention in a week so she opted to stay in the staff room as the original plan was. Besides, she can’t stay in that room of hers for now.

A surprised Hiyama was about to freak out but the serious face of Aizawa and his grandmother’s shocked but definitely delighted face made her stop. She can’t make herself disappoint that face. In her mind, maybe if she did not talk, maybe they’ll let her off without questions.

But, heavens do always have another plan and Aizawa stood next to her, grabbing her hand in his. It felt weird, felt itchy maybe, the sweat of both their hands squished together. But deep inside, it gave her comfort. The comfort that Aizawa will be the one to lie themselves out of that mess.

“Obaa-chan, please rest first, you can use my room. I will just take some of my stuff.” Aizawa then dragged Hiyama inside his room. To think it was the first tme that Hiyama did get to see what was inside, it was not far from what she thought of, boring. The bed in the corner of the room, laptop on the table, a closet. But what struck Hiyama the most was the pictures on the bedside table, it was of him and his grandmother. She remembers that it was the one they took of them when Aizawa’s grandmother just recovered. At that time, they wanted to throw a mini party for her, but Aizawa was too much of a party-pooper that he did not allow it.

As she was thinking of that moment, the warmness in her hand disappeared and as quickly as she looked at it, her hands were forced to catch a pile of clothing. She raised her eyebrows at him, “From what I remember, not one clause in the roommate contract did it mention that I’m going to be your maid.”

“It wasn’t a roommate contract. It was a unit owner-space renter contract.” Aizawa just kept on piling clothes on her and rolled her eyes at him.

“Whatever. Any more clothes and I’ll drop them. Why do you even need so much? For a guy you use too much.”

Aizawa was silent throughout his search for clothes. Hiyama was having fun mocking him when he finally said something. “You seem okay with it.”

“With what? Being your maid? Like I told you, not one clause-“ Aizawa cut her off.

“With being my fiancée.” He said it outright and he stopped looking through his closet and found his jacket. He looked directly at her, her blushing face.

“That? Uh. Just because, you. You know.” She was stuttering and does not know what words to use. “It’s all just a lie anyways.” She brushed it off and scoffed. “You’re the best liar I knew. Even better than Tachibana-sensei.”

“And what if I’m not lying?”

As if the whole room was not present. As if she was on her own world, well, Aizawa is there. In their own world. As much as she wants to brush it off again, she knows her face is red more than ever.

“What- What do you mean you’re not lying? Uhm, which one? You lied so much that I can’t even keep coun-“

“The lie that I will marry you.” Aizawa was known for his straightforward remarks that leave any patient in tears. And as if one of his patients, she had the urge to cry. She seems to understand why but her mind can’t really grasp what was happening.

“What- why- why would you – you said it yourself, it’s a lie, therefore-“ Using smart words was her ways of compensating her malfunctioning brain. But this was Aizawa, she needs her brain to be able to communicate with someone like him. She took a deep breath and answered. “If you are pertaining to the condition that my father has been bugging me to settle down and you just want your grandmother to see you be the same, I think I would definitely believe it is a lie.“ She shoved the clothes on her hands to his chest, making him want to receive them.

But Aizawa did not just hold out his hands, he let the clothes go and held her hand again. Looking straightly into her eyes, he spoke, “Those reasons and that you seemed to have been a part of my life now.” It almost made Hiyama laugh. She wanted to laugh at his serious face and the equally serious voice he was using. She has to admit that it was true, Aizawa had been part of her life too. Not only because they practically lived together for more than half a year already, but they have got each other’s backs even when they were still trainees.

“That’s true. You have always been that arrogant doctor in my life.”

It was sudden and more questions filled up her mind and that was three days ago already. And what luck it would have been that Japan had needed help more than and that made them go back to normal. But to the other’s eyes, it was definitely more.

Fujikawa was snapping his fingers in front of Hiyama and that made her spirit go back to where she was. “Yoo-hoo, Hiyama, are you there?” Hiyama swatted it right off her face and Fujikawa grimaced at his bullied hand. “You did not answer Shiraishi and was in a trance. I was just helping.”

“Hai, hai. I heard her. I just pretended not to. I won’t listen to her anyways.” Hiyama brushed them off and was fighting away the blush creeping into her face from the flashback in her mind. And that was not even all. 

“But, Hiyama-sensei, you haven’t been eating right. As far as I saw you, you only eat cup noodles when you stay here.” Shiraishi was concerned with Hiyama’s current lifestyle.

“Hey, I buy onigiri too.” Hiyama proudly answered. Everyone’s eyes just rolled at her. “Why? The food in the cafeteria doesn’t taste that good. Why spend so much money?”

“It’s not like you’re saving for your wedding, what’s an additional cost for health do?” Fujikawa tsk-tsked and was wagging his finger. Not knowing that it hit Hiyama on the spot.

“Wedding? Wedding! What are you talking about?” Hiyama tried to sound sure about her outburst but again, deep inside she was praying that Fujikawa was as dense as ever. She was about to say more, but again, she was beaten to it by Aizawa.

“Let’s all head out to Mary Jane’s. My treat.” Aizawa walked to the changing rooms and the remaining three flight doctors looked at each other.

“Did I hear that right?” Fujikawa looked at the two females who just nodded their heads almost lifelessly.

“Did he say it was his treat?” Again, he was just met by nods from the two.  Mindlessly going to the changing rooms as well.

Just at the entrance of the staff room, three pairs of eyes have been hiding.

“Young love. You really have to expect even the unexpected in love.” Tachibana stood up and grinned.

“And by the looks of it, we’re hearing wedding bells soon. I just hope they don’t follow you.” Mitsui laughed and walked out on them.

Morimoto stood by and began to think deeply. “If they are all going out, that means we have to be on night duty.”

Both Tachibana and Mitsui stopped.

“Ah, young love. It definitely creates nuisance to anyone other than them.” Tachibana sadly walked to the vending machine to buy coffee. “I guess we’re going to need this.”

“What more if they decide to have a honeymoon? Then we’ll be less two doctors.” Morimoto sighed and looked glum.

“But if we try to break them apart, we’ll lose our bet with Shinji.” Mitsui nodded with them seeing no point in the situation.

“Our only consolation would be if they have cute kids to have us play with.” Tachibana sighed, in his mind, he would definitely try those apps that can predict the face of the babies of two people.

“But, that would mean Hiyama would have her pregnancy leave too.” Again, Morimoto dampened their moods.

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Hi everyone! Is anyone still here? :) Thank you that you're here :) It pains me that this story had been stalled for almost 2 years already. I binge-watched the series and a bubble came to me that I just had to write down. Hopefully the story still connects. Bye! Till the next chapter!


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parkInJungLover #1
Chapter 15: Please update..still waiting for the wedding and skinship chapters
TheLonelyDandelion #2
Chapter 15: Thankyou for the update
creampuffsrock #3
Chapter 15: Hello!! I'm a long time reader and lurker and I'm so happy to see you updated!! I hope you are able to get more inspiration and continue this lovely story between Hiyama and Aizawa!
parkInJungLover #4
Chapter 14: I just read it after finished code blue movie..this is great..amazing..can't we have the continuation...please....really need toda erika and yamapi to star as lovers in a drama or movie...thanks for this lovely fanfic
14 streak #5
TheLonelyDandelion #6
Chapter 13: Happy anniversary! Thank you for writing this story for us.? I'm waiting for the skinship chapter. ?
14 streak #7
Chapter 13: SCREAMS. You updated at the best time. The movie is bringing back my feels so much even though I haven’t watched but because of all the hype. I hope the hype is worth it
Ever since I started watching Code Blue I thought Hiyama and Aizawa would be a good couple and I’m so glad you made this!
HAIKAC 276 streak #8
Chapter 12: Awwww their interaction is always so cute
themadhatter #9
oooohhh one of the best aizawa x hiyama stories that i have ever read
TheLonelyDandelion #10
Chapter 12: OMG what a cliffhanger ?? really love your story! Thanks for update