Relative Pain

Space for Rent


Good news abound Hiyama just around the corner. As soon as she got to her father’s room, she let out a sigh of relief. Not much relief as she too knows that it would be too complicated now that confirmations were made of things. 

She began to check her father and was only reminded that she was not alone when Aizawa noted down the findings in the chart and Kousuke too leaned over the bed to copy what Hiyama was doing. 

Hiyama smiled, “Kousuke, you want to be a doctor too?” 

Kousuke nodded and smiled. “Jiji told me a lot of stories of you saving people like a superhero. You get to ride a helicopter! Can I ride that too when I become a doctor?” 

Hiyama stilled for a moment, in her mind, Kousuke just said that she had saved a lot of people, however when it came to saving her father, she was close to being useless. She erased these thoughts and decided to entertain Kousuke. “But Otousan told me that you throw up during car rides. You’d have to do something about that.” 

“But that was because I ate too much! I would just not eat before riding the helicopter.” Kousuke stood up firmly to show his dedication. Hiyama smiled at stood behind Kousuke.

“Are you sure? It would move like this.” Hiyama grabbed Kousuke by his armpits and wobbled him up and down, side to side. The “aaahh”s of Kousuke could be heard accelerating and Aizawa had to cough to get Hiyama to stop. Hiyama was reminded that they indeed still have rules at hospital rooms. She let out a slightly dizzy Kousuke. He wobbled and bumped into Aizawa’s legs.

“Nii-san, please carry me.” Kousuke was already stretching his arms towards him and Kousuke’s face still showed that the world was still going in circles. Aizawa looked at Hiyama, silently conversing with her, to which she just nodded. Aizawa grabbed him and lifted him to his torso. 

Kousuke gripped Aizawa’s scrubs. “Baachan is mean. Kousuke is now dizzy.” Hiyama just rolled her eyes and smiled before muttering a silent “still a baby” before turning back and reclining on the sofa. “See, Kousuke? You get dizzy really fast.” Hiyama was not breaking the kid’s dream but it was a reality that Kousuke has major motion sickness. 

“Nii-san, baachan is still mean. Help Kousuke defeat Mihoko-baachan.” Kousuke was now slightly better and asked to come down. If earlier he was having a silent conversation with Hiyama, it seems that it runs in the Hiyama blood as Kousuke motioned to Hiyama who was now closing her eyes, oblivious to the two. Although it was a very vague motions, Aizawa somehow grasped the gist of it, running somewhere around tickling Hiyama. He was about to refuse but Kousuke had already a plan which included that they would both attack at the same time. 

Screw rules. For once, Aizawa actually thinks it would be fun to irritate Hiyama. Silently, the two walked over Hiyama and launched their attack. Hiyama who was taken aback and surprised at the attack was not able to guard herself truly from the continuous hands. She wa still in the right mind to control cursing and such but much of it wa because she kept on laughing as well. 

Amidst the laughter and snickers, two things happened that Hiyama nor Aizawa was aware of. The first being Hiyama’s father now slightly awake and a small smile forming on his lips. And the other being the nurse who happened to pass by the room and only saw through the door Aizawa nearly embracing a laughing Hiyama. And since this was also the nurse known to everyone to gossip the most, that was the buzz of the whole nurse’s station for the next few hours. 

Hiyama only realized that her father had already woken up when Aizawa and Kousuke finally stopped their attacks and she was able to breathe properly. Shock and surprise was definitely there but the tears escaped first. Her doctor senses kicked in and was about to examine him, but Aizawa beat her to it, giving her a pointed look when she glared at him for doing it. 

Hiyama and Aizawa quickly checked Hiyama’s father’s vital signs and condition. Aizawa looked over at Hiyama, clearly seeing that she’s fighting against showing her emotions, be it she wanted to cry or she wanted to smile so much. She’s trying to keep it all in. Kousuke was on the side, Hiyama’s sister trying desperately to keep the kid still and not interfere with the doctors’ work. 

“Hiyama-san, are you feeling any pain?” Aizawa was talking to Hiyama’s father. 

He just smiled as he looked over Hiyama. “I’m okay, so stop glaring at your father.” 

Hiyama just intensified her glare. “You had the guts to text me not to dehydrate myself, and there you go, just hours after, you came in unconscious. Is that what a father should do?” Aizawa could see that she was trying her best not to break down. She was struggling and finally did let it all out. “He even had to operate on you because you hit your head. I had to look at you on this bed, just wishing you’d wake up sooner so I could say all these things.” She was crying but her father let out a small laugh. She glared at him but he just brushed it off. 

He looked over at Aizawa. “Sensei, thank you for treating me,” he tried to bow but was only able to nod his head. Aizawa bowed back. “Also, thank you for being with Mihoko while I was unconscious. She must have been a great pain to deal with crying and being angry at the same time, so I apologize too.” Aizawa let out a small smirk and looked over at Hiyama while bowing to her father. 

“Yah! What are you talking about old man? You don’t even know what happened. You were out the whole time.” Hiyama was wiping her tears, guessing that the touching moment has passed. 

“Well, it was what he did when you were in this position. I had the feeling that he did the same.” Hiyama’s father took her hand and squeezed it. “And thank you for taking care of me.” 

“Jiji! I took care of you too!” Kousuke ran and moved to his grandfather’s side, followed by Hiyama’s sister. 

Aizawa looked over at the family and said his goodbye, “Hiyama-san, I’ll leave first.” He bowed and was about to go when Hiyama’s father spoke. “Is it okay to take Mihoko with you? Knowing her, she would just scold me for an hour.” Aizawa let out a silent laugh and smiled before nodding his head. 

“Why? What makes you take I would go? I’m not done yet here. He still hasn’t answered why he was walking under the sun without an umbrella.” Hiyama’s father just winced and signed to Aizawa to take Hiyama away. 

“Then can I just take Kousuke with me Hiyama-san? I’m sure everyone would like to hear his stories back in our staff room.” Aizawa said this all the while looking at Hiyama. Kousuke was about to jump and follow him but Hiyama pushed him out of the room, “Like I said, let’s go visit the Landlord.” 

Kousuke could be heard asking to go with them but was stopped by Hiyama’s sister. “Ya, Kousuke let them be for now. Mihoko! I approve!” Hiyama looked over at her family and all of them were giving a thumbs up. She pushed Aizawa and was cursing silently all the way. 

“Oh, Hiyama-san, Aizawa-san.” Their landlord was already awake and was eating what his wife was feeding him. He stopped and bowed to them. “I’m really sorry for bothering the two of you so early in the morning.” Hiyama and Aizawa bowed back.

“It was a good thing that we were still there when it had happened.” Hiyama started, “But, Kunichi-san, why were you on the ladder on the third floor without any protection or something?”

The landlord and his wife winced against Hiyama’s voice. They could tell that she wasn’t being rude, just plain old curious. He scratched his bandaged head and smiled, “Well, the tenants in that unit complained that the air conditioning was too hot. She told me that it should be fixed by the time she wakes up. And I thought maybe the filter of the machine was just dirty and I went up. Turns out nothing was wrong, then I slipped.” 

“What unit was it Kunichi-san? I’ll have a talk to that person. Making an old man fix the problems of this heat. Who does she think she is? She better be home when I get there.” The two older people just sheepishly smiled and looked over at Aizawa, asking for help from him. He just nodded and began pushing Hiyama out of the room. 

“See? This is why Japan should only have three seasons. Who needs all the heat? Why must old people suffer from this? It’s not like it’s so beneficial to others.” Hiyama kept on babbling on and on about the Summer heat and Aizawa just stopped listening when they came to the vending machine and bought two cans of cold tea. He reached out one of it to Hiyama but she was so busy talking that she did not notice it at all. He sighed before pressing the cold can to her cheek. She was startled with the sudden coldness and glared at him.

“Stop glaring and cool yourself.” Hiyama just scoffed and opened the drink. “If only I was the creator of this world, I’d rearrange it and take Japan to the north pole.” 

It took them a few more minutes of having Hiyama rant about summer before going back to the staff area. Unbeknownst to them, the nurses around them tried so hard to stifle in their giggles, while some are somehow glaring at Hiyama, while some at Aizawa. 

As they sat back down on their seats, Fujikawa brought Hiyama a can of beer, “Hiyama, here. To celebrate your father’s recovery. Our shift ends in a while anyway.” She happily accepted the coffee and was about to drink it but her eyes darted slightly to the man sitting next to her, “Thank you, but I’ll keep this first.” She then took the bottle of water at her table and begrudgingly drank that instead.

For Fujikawa who had known Hiyama to not keep her promises when she says she would not drink, he had to laugh. No way would Hiyama give up drinking, what more for the coffee and energy drinks that they all drink. 

Tachibana-sensei plopped down next to Hiyama. “Oh, it looks like our Hiyama-sensei is in a brighter mood now.” 

Shiraishi was the first to also note that, but kept quiet about it all. She kept thinking that, she is still friends with Hiyama and she should be happy whenever she is happy. “Of course, Hiyama-sensei’s father just woke up and nothing major had happened.” 

Tachibana just nodded, “Hmm, but I would say that she looks a little tickled pink, does she not?” She openly glared at the man who could only smile at her panicked face. 

It was a safe time when Hiyama was able to just spend her time berating her father in his room. She almost wants to keep her father admitted, but as it is a university hospital, as soon as the patient is well and could go back to their own homes, they need to. 

“Who would even take care of you when you go home? Nee-san, would you really get off from work? How about Kousuke? Would you be able to take care of both of them?” Hiyama was fussing around, her father is about to go home and the whole team was trying their best to hold in their smiles and laughter seeing Hiyama like that. 

“Why? Would you rather your father stay at your house, then?” Tachibana-sensei snidely commented to Hiyama. Again, Hiyama’s mouth opened and closed to say something but the words could not come out. 

“Yes, yes, yes. I would take care of them.” Hiyama’s sister just nodded away and picked up the bags. “Why? You want to take Kousuke with you?” She smiled and saw how that question made Hiyama flustered. Hiyama just sputtered and just took the other bags. 

“Eh? Can I stay with Mihoko-baachan?” Kousuke ran up to Hiyama and grabbed her hand. 

“Now now, Kousuke, we can’t bother your baachan. She would go to work in this hospital, you can’t stay here too.” Hiyama’s father tried to coax the kid into going home with them. 

Kousuke finally agreed and was about to bid goodbye to Hiyama when Tachibana-sensei intervened. “But, if it would make Hiyama-sensei’s mind to be put at ease, she can take another few days off to take care of you at your home.” 

Hiyama was about to answer but her father beat her to it. “No, no need for that sensei. I’m cleared to go and her neesan could take care of me.” Hiyama’s father bowed to thank those who came to bid him goodbye. “Being here in the hospital fulfills her dreams in her life. And I think my dream of her having a family of her own would be near.” 

Again Hiyama sputtered and was red on her face. “If you think I would even look at that list of those bachelors, you’re so wrong.” She knows what her father is talking about and was blatantly trying to veer it away. And it seems that everyone there knows what it was about too, well except for Fujikawa. “Here! You’re cab is here. Take care and go home.” She pushed her sister and Kousuke inside the waiting cab and glared at her father before she and the others helped him to the cab. 

He looked at Aizawa before holding out his hand to him, “See you soon, sensei.” Aizawa just does not want to be rude and shook the hand of the elder. Hiyama was beyond shocked that he did that and was about to shout at her father but he just laughed at her and had the driver take off. Kousuke’s voice bidding goodbye to her and his nii-san could still be heard. 

As the other flight doctors came inside the hospital, Aizawa fell back behind the group and answered a call. He only muttered a silent, “Wakarimaa” before hanging up the call and letting his gaze fall on Hiyama who was currently being asked too many questions that she just brushes off and does not show interest in. 

To say that Aizawa is a little too much awkward with the group means a lot. He is seen as a cold and distant guy, but somehow, everyone feels that there is something different with him. He kept on glancing at the others, at the clock, and at his phone. Though they were bothered by it, seeing that it did not affect his ‘oh-so-mighty’ self during operations and treatments. But now that they were just simply letting the clock tick until they are free to go. 

“Who’s up for some late night snack at Mary Jane’s?” Fujikawa was the first to stand up. He glanced around the people who were either too tired or still contemplating to go. 

“Is it your treat?” Hiyama stretched her body and tidied up her place. “I’ll only go if you say you would treat us.”

“But, there is even no celebration to be made, why do I have to treat everyone?” Fujikawa reasoned out. 

“My father just got out of the hospital. Does that not account for a celebration?” Hiyama faked hurt and scoffed at the flabbergasted Fujikawa. 

“No, no. I did not mean it like that, just that -” Fujikawa tried to think of words and other things to be said. 

He was cut off by Aizawa standing up, getting everyone’s attention. “I’m coming.” He then proceeded to go out of the room. 

It was either the thought that someone actually agreed to his plan or that it was Aizawa who did so that made Fujikawa get more lost in his words. 

“Eh? That’s new.” Hiyama then stood up too. “Okay, I’m in. But still your treat Fujikawa.” Fujikawa does not know what overcame him, maybe it was really the fact that Aizawa agreed on his plan that made him nod to Hiyama. 

All the while, Shiraishi just sat rooted on her spot. The past few days had truly been a very different as seen by Shiraishi. There are others who have not been keen on the details, but for her who always stood at the sidelines, she got to see and hear the changes. Add to that the gossips that the nurses had circled around her. It somehow still did not bode well on her. 


The night was as old as it can be, but the four flight doctors still had the spirit of the young ones. Orders and orders of food had been made, mostly eaten by Hiyama, who had it in her mind that Fujikawa was treating. Glasses of beer was toasted by Shiraishi and Fujikawa, the latter one kept on making Hiyama quit her alcohol abstinence, to which Hiyama only retaliated with ordering more food. 

Aizawa who was as quiet as usual, still had that fidgety feeling on him. Hiyama could not take it anymore and decides to ask him, direct and all. “What’s eating you? Your usual cold face is failing.” There was a slight glint in her eyes and tone. It was one of the few moments that Aizawa would break away from his poker face. 

Aizawa sighed and picked up the plate of food that HIyama was currently eating, before Hiyama could even react, he stood up and just said, ‘We need to talk.” Dumbfoundedly, even though the other two doctors had already been intoxicated, their minds was still right and alert. Hiyama just rolled her eyes and stood up to follow, muttering a low “Who made him boss?” 

Again, Shiraishi could only look. She grabbed her glass and downed the rest of the contents of it. She called for a refill from Mary Jane and the entertainer was holding it back from her. 

“Megumi-chan, you’re all still on duty tomorrow. I think that’s enough.” Shiraishi then just landed her head on the table. Mary Jane turned to look at Fujikawa who was curious of what was truly happening but was either too scared to ask or does not bother himself to know. 

“What are those two going to talk about? The annual unit party? Are they in-charge this year?” Mary Jane could only sigh at the ridiculous thought that ran through Fujikawa. In Mary Jane’s mind, the ‘we-need-to-talk’ talks never resulted in a good way but still in her inner mind, she had always thought that the pair is never the usual, always surprising everyone. Shiraishi too thinks the same, although it hurts her to think that she actually wants the usual talk to happen between the two. She took the bottle from Mary Jane and refilled her own glass. 

Outside from the eyes of the other three, Aizawa was holding the plate of burger and fries, Hiyama bent on just eating the food. Aizawa let out a cough to get Hiyama’s attention. 

“So, telling me what’s really on your mind? Or is that too cheesy for you?” 

“My grandmother would be having her annual check-up at the hospital starting tomorrow.” Hiyama just nodded and just replied a, “That’s good.” 

Sensing that there was still an something after, she dropped the burger on the plate and waited for his next words. 

He let out a cough again, “She usually stays at my place for a week for that.”

Hiyama nodded again, “That’s good too since it’s close to the - oh.” She got what he wants to say. In all reality, she was nowhere in the position to have his grandmother stay somewhere else. “I’ll just stay here in the rooms.” Aizawa just nodded. 
“About your things, is it okay if you keep it all in your room?” Hiyama nodded again totally fine with the setup, eating the fries. “And I’ll be staying there for the time being.” Hiyama again just nodded. It wasn’t that too much of a deal. She shares the staff bed with more people than she knows and they basically use the same furniture at home. But the sudden thought of her room caused her to stop eating. 

Blushing a little, she coughed, “Your grandmother would come tomorrow right? Can I clean my room first? Who knows maybe you’re allergic to dust.” She forced a laugh. She saw Aizawa feeling awkward as well but nodded to her request. Maybe that’s why he was suddenly feeling fidgety. That look on his face was indeed priceless, she did not have to force a laugh anymore. “You don’t care seeing me in the bathtub, but you get flustered in the thought of staying in my room afraid to see my underwear and such? You really are different.” 

Aizawa turned to go back inside, Hiyama following her food and still laughing. As soon as they did so, the shocked faces of Fujikawa and Shiraishi, with the knowing smirk of Mary Jane welcomed them. 

Because of that another thing was added to Hiyama’s hate list: Talking about relatives with Aizawa. But if those things would get emotions from Aizawa, heck why not change the rules of their owner-renter scheme. 

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Hi everyone! Is anyone still here? :) Thank you that you're here :) It pains me that this story had been stalled for almost 2 years already. I binge-watched the series and a bubble came to me that I just had to write down. Hopefully the story still connects. Bye! Till the next chapter!


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parkInJungLover #1
Chapter 15: Please update..still waiting for the wedding and skinship chapters
TheLonelyDandelion #2
Chapter 15: Thankyou for the update
creampuffsrock #3
Chapter 15: Hello!! I'm a long time reader and lurker and I'm so happy to see you updated!! I hope you are able to get more inspiration and continue this lovely story between Hiyama and Aizawa!
parkInJungLover #4
Chapter 14: I just read it after finished code blue movie..this is great..amazing..can't we have the continuation...please....really need toda erika and yamapi to star as lovers in a drama or movie...thanks for this lovely fanfic
14 streak #5
TheLonelyDandelion #6
Chapter 13: Happy anniversary! Thank you for writing this story for us.? I'm waiting for the skinship chapter. ?
14 streak #7
Chapter 13: SCREAMS. You updated at the best time. The movie is bringing back my feels so much even though I haven’t watched but because of all the hype. I hope the hype is worth it
Ever since I started watching Code Blue I thought Hiyama and Aizawa would be a good couple and I’m so glad you made this!
HAIKAC 276 streak #8
Chapter 12: Awwww their interaction is always so cute
themadhatter #9
oooohhh one of the best aizawa x hiyama stories that i have ever read
TheLonelyDandelion #10
Chapter 12: OMG what a cliffhanger ?? really love your story! Thanks for update