
Space for Rent

“Shiraishi. How far is your place from the hospital?” Hiyama asked, irritated that all her belongings are now good for nothing thanks to the fire at their building.

“Hm? Quite far, an hour from here.” Shiraishi answered, praying to all that is up there that Hiyama would take the hint that she does not want her to live there.

But as Fuijkawa was dense enough not to get it, “Didn’t you say that it was just a 5-minute drive from here?”

Hiyama nodded. No use in making Shiraishi tell it herself. “This is so frustrating. Now, I have to look for a place.”

“We’ll help you Hiyama-sensei. It’s quite easy to look for apartments now.” Shiraishi thanked the heavens she did not have to do it. “There are even listings online.”

“Hai! I’ll also ask the landlord in my building, maybe there would be a space.” Fujikawa energetically said.

“I just hope I would have time to buy some clothes before my next shift.”

In the locker room/sleeping quarters, Hiyama was busy talking on the telephone and crossing out apartments on the list.

“Too far” She hung up on the phone, cross out one.

“Too expensive.”

“Sketchy place.”

With a groan, she picks up the phone again to contact the last one.

“Moshi moshi, I am inquiring about the place that is for rent?”

“Hai! But, I would just like to clarify that it is just a room that the owner of a unit is wanting to rent out.”

“Hmm. What are the terms? Any reason the owner wants a roommate?”

“The apartment is a two-bedroom unit, one bathroom, a kitchen-dining area, complete with all necessities, TV, living room spacious enough for four to five people. The owner said that it is okay for the boarder to use everything there, just that there would be a mutual understanding that the bedrooms would be off-limits. Mothly would be 30000.”

“I see. So, any reasons the owner wants a roommate?”

“He did not actually specify.” Hiyama thought for a moment, ‘he’, meaning a guy owns the place. Beggars can’t be choosy. The price is quite okay for a share-in. “Maybe because he is a doctor, always out, a total waste on paying for the place.”

“Heh? Does he work in Shohoku?”

“Sorry Miss, he told me not to give away his details.”

“Okay, can I move in tonight?”

“Uh? Tonight?”

“Yes. My shift ends at 5PM but I would have to buy some things first. Would try to be there by 6PM. Any problems with that? You can tell the owner that I would just need the place for at least a month, and I am even willing to pay for three months, just that I can move in tonight. Understood?” Yes, she needed a place that badly.

“Understood. I would contact the owner as soon as I end this call.”

“Arigatou.” With that she happily smiled to herself. “What could go wrong?”

She exited the sleeping quarters and to the staff office. Shiraishi and Fujikawa was resting too.

“Found one yet?” Fujikawa looked up from his cup noodles.

“Yup. 10-minute walk from here. But it seems that I would just be sharing a unit with a guy. Price is okay, so that’s fine.” Hiyama prepared her own cup noodles.

“But, would that be safe?” Shiraishi was genuinely concerned with Hiyama.

“Hai. The owner is also a doctor, one of the reasons he’s renting out the other room. And I’d barely be there too.” Hiyama was stirring her noddles, impatient with the time of cooking.

Shiraishi thought for a second, “Hiyama-sensei, you could stay--” she was not able to continue as Hiyama cut her off.

“No way. The apartment looks good enough and I’m paying for quite a low price. Maybe I could be even extend my stay there. No way would my old apartment be usable in a month’s time.” She was definitely making it easier for Shiraishi as she knows that the woman would take it to heart.

Hiyama knocked on the door of the landlord of what could be her new building. A man in his 40s went out to greet her.

“You must be Hiyama-san. I am the landlord of this building, Kunichi Yamada.”

Hiyama bowed her head slightly, “Hiyama Mihoko.”

“I called the owner earlier and he agreed to let you move in as early as tonight. He is also okay with you renting the place with no exact time. Please wait for a moment.” He went inside and took with him a key, envelope, and a contract. “Here are the keys, and this is the contract that you would have to sign.” He passed her the things. “And the owner had me kept this envelope for quite a while now, he said to give it to the person who would rent it out.”

“Why not give it himself?” Hiyama was more than confused about the owner of the unit.

“No worries. It’s just that, as I slipped out earlier, the owner is a doctor, probably always on-call, he might not even see you.”

“Okay. Can I go there now?” Hiyama was satisfied. She was tired from her first day back in Lifesaving that she could use a bed right now.

“Hai, the unit is 12C. I could you there if you want.”

“No need. It’s quite late, I am sorry for troubling you at this time.” She quickly signed the contract and handed it off to the owner.

“12C.” She was looking at each door, finding the unit she now partly owns. “Here it is.” She opened the door, and looked at the apartment. It seems that the owner is not there, but still, she made her greetings. She took off her shoes, put it at the side and saw a pair of house slippers, still covered in plastic, labeled “new person”.

“Heh, this guy made the preparations well. Maybe, he is actually here?” She put them on and looked around. The living room is quite spacious, maybe she could talk to the owner to let her put her bookshelf here, next to the bookshelf of medical books. “He is a doctor. But which one?” She tried to look for any clue to what kind of a doctor he is, or if her guess is right, he works in Shohoku too.

At the left side of the living room is a door, unlabeled, as opposed to the other doors marked, “new person’s bedroom” and “bathroom”. Probably the owner’s room. She went to look at the bathroom, a shower and a bathtub on either side of the room, the toilet being near the shower and as well as the counter. “Rich kid.” She could not help but to scoff at the apartment. Even the kitchen was fully equipped.

She went inside the room labeled “new person’s bedroom”. It was also big, a queen size bed and a study table. The drawers for the clothes being like that where you can put things at the top. There was no sheets for the bed and it irritated her. “How do you even expect me to rest in this?” In the midst of her frustration, she saw another note stuck on the bedside table

New Person:

The sheets and the blankets could be found inside the counter in the bathroom. The room is labeled, you can’t mistake it for anything else.

“Tsk. Just the way he writes makes him sound arrogant.” But she tried to reason in her head. The owner was not expecting anyone to move in tonight, he did not have time to prepare. “As if he would prepare any welcoming to me.”

She put down her bag and shopping bags at the study table. There she saw the envelope again. She opened it and again, scoffed at the attitude of the owner.

New Person:

This unit is owned by me, you are merely renting out the other bedroom. However, as I understand it, you can have access to the bathroom, living room, and kitchen. My bedroom, the unlabeled one, is off limits, as are the toiletries that are mine. Buy your own and make sure that they would not mix with mine.

I would not be around the house regularly as I have work but that does not mean that you can rob this place. I have your contact details through the landlord.

Lastly, the kitchen, I seldom use but the gas is paid monthly, you can use it, provided that you clean up after. I am not strict about the food in the fridge, provided that I could eat what is put there, in return, you could also eat the food I bought.

If you cannot abide by these, you are free to leave.

“Did he really have to put it in an envelope?” She chucked the paper inside the envelope.

“One month. Just one month.”

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­“Good morning Hiyama-sensei! How was the new apartment?” Shiraishi greeted her, to which she returned.

“The owner is arrogant.” Hiyama was boiling inside.

“Really? I thought the chances of you seeing the owner is low? What did he do?” Shiraishi was again was concerned for her.

“No, did not see him. But he left notes all over the place. Even an enveloped one. I’m telling you, he is just an arrogant rich kid doctor that has the best apartment but does not even use it.” Hiyama and Shiraishi arrived for the morning briefing.

“He’s coming right? That other arrogant doctor.” Hiyama was smirking. As much as Aizawa was the most arrogant doctor that she knew, he had the skills to back it up. “All that talk about never coming back. Heh, I’ll rub that in his face.”

Shiraishi could only smile at her colleague/friend. A sad smile to be exact. In the end, she could not freely say those things about the man he likes.

Days had passed and it had once again became a routine for her. Her shifts are endless and the patients were continuously coming through the doors. The number only settled when it was 11PM.

“So much for having the night off.” Hiyama was stretching her body in all directions. Aizawa too was breaking his neck.

“It’s okay, Hiyama. Aizawa and I are on the night shift tonight.” Fujikawa was cleaning his glasses and smiled brightly to Aizawa, to which the man just rolled his eyes at.

“I can stay here, if you guys would need help.” Shiraishi was being the mother of the team again. As the staff leader, she wants the best for her team.

“As if I can rest with the notes from that arrogant owner of my unit. I’d definitely rip his head if I see him.” She found a few notes in the bathroom and in the kitchen this morning, making her clean up her mess. “I can stay stay.”

“No can do. You have stayed here for almost two days. You two can at least take the night off.” Fujikawa was shooing the two women away. “Don’t worry, we’ll call you guys if we need help.”

“Please call her first. Let me be the last resort. It’s not fun to walk for ten minutes in the dark.” Hiyama was bent on sleeping the night out in her bed. Even maybe a late dinner in Mary Jane’s would be okay.

Her alarm was ringing. She lazily shut it off with her hand.

“That was a quick nap.” It was already 8AM. She needs to get ready if she wanted to reach the hospital in time for the morning briefing. She readied herself and was finished by 8:20. Yeah, the time in being in the emergency area made her work fast in everything.

“Better make breakfast.” She looked through the fridge and took out fruits and made some pancake. As she was eating, the door of the apartment opened. “Heh, I’m finally going to know the owner.”

She heard the quick movements and she too rushed to have a look at the owner.

“Aizawa-kun?” She almost dropped the pancake in her hands, but the opportunity to mess up the life of Aizawa was looking at her. “This would be fun.”

“Hiyama.” Aizawa could only look at the boarder of the room. He knew that there was another person living in the other bedroom but never did he think it would be one of the people he worked with.

“There’s still some pancakes. If you want, eat them, if not, leave them, I’ll eat them tomorrow. I’m going now, bye!” With a last smirk to the man, she wrapped her pancaked with napkins and made it a to-go meal.

Before she could escape the room, Aizawa reached out for her forearm.  “If you could not mention that I am the owner, it would be—”

“Hai. I understand. Besides, they might get confused why I haven’t ripped your head off yet.” Aizawa nodded.

“Also, clean up your mess in the kitchen.” Aizawa then left for his room.

“Heh, so the arrogant doctor in the hospital and here is the same.” She smirked as she walked to the door.

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Hi everyone! Is anyone still here? :) Thank you that you're here :) It pains me that this story had been stalled for almost 2 years already. I binge-watched the series and a bubble came to me that I just had to write down. Hopefully the story still connects. Bye! Till the next chapter!


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parkInJungLover #1
Chapter 15: Please update..still waiting for the wedding and skinship chapters
TheLonelyDandelion #2
Chapter 15: Thankyou for the update
creampuffsrock #3
Chapter 15: Hello!! I'm a long time reader and lurker and I'm so happy to see you updated!! I hope you are able to get more inspiration and continue this lovely story between Hiyama and Aizawa!
parkInJungLover #4
Chapter 14: I just read it after finished code blue movie..this is great..amazing..can't we have the continuation...please....really need toda erika and yamapi to star as lovers in a drama or movie...thanks for this lovely fanfic
14 streak #5
TheLonelyDandelion #6
Chapter 13: Happy anniversary! Thank you for writing this story for us.? I'm waiting for the skinship chapter. ?
14 streak #7
Chapter 13: SCREAMS. You updated at the best time. The movie is bringing back my feels so much even though I haven’t watched but because of all the hype. I hope the hype is worth it
Ever since I started watching Code Blue I thought Hiyama and Aizawa would be a good couple and I’m so glad you made this!
HAIKAC 276 streak #8
Chapter 12: Awwww their interaction is always so cute
themadhatter #9
oooohhh one of the best aizawa x hiyama stories that i have ever read
TheLonelyDandelion #10
Chapter 12: OMG what a cliffhanger ?? really love your story! Thanks for update