Weak Weekend

A Woman's Worth

Tao and his childhood friend Zao had just finished a thirty minute round at the school's newly built running track. His knees begged for moment of rest and his face was not dripping in sweat. This was his new excuse to stay out the house. He figured if he left the house early enough he could avoid the way she looked at him.

It wasn't a unpleasant look but he felt guilty. She was his bride of circumstance not someone who he loved or treasured enough to want to spend the rest of his life with. He also had strong opinions on divorce, so he was pretty much stuck with her.

She was pretty strong willed about learning and mastering his mother's obsession with tradition. Things were much different from the 60's, women especially rich women didn't have to hover around their husbands or even cook for their families if the so chose to. They could fire a chef and jet off to England if that was what their hearts wanted.

He knew she only stayed because her family was in some kind of financial trouble. She probably didn't even like him and she was kind of ignorant like most foreign women her age but under that she had a good heart.

In a way he wished he had more of an option in wether he wanted to get married traditionaly or not. It be so much easier to be married and love on different parts of the country. Could he even be a good husband?

He had some demons that made things hard, marrying her would only add to them.

Her, that was all he could really think about other than. What was crawling in mind. He much rather think and be distracted by this marriage then what often bothered him.

"Are you going to Her memorial? Her family is back in town again, they are holding a small party on the weekend" Zu asked when they finally made it back to his car.

"No" Tao said. It was almost as if air had been out of the car as he answered.

Tao tried his best to remain blank and give no hints to how he was feeling. Of course it was her memorial, the world never let him forget.

Who could forget?

"It's been 3 years you should really see her parents"

"I rather not, besides I have to go to one of my mom's get together. She seems to favor the girl father's friend"

"At least burn an incense for her"

"That would require me to visit her grave site, if step a foot at the temple I'm sure I'll combust into flames" Tao tried to make a light joke but it fell flat. Zu stared at him, seeing right through him.

"Try not to drown in your self pity this weekend" Zu snapped quietly as he dropped Tao off at his house.

"Don't worry I won't" he lied.

"Stop being so hard on yourself,it was long time ago man. Let it go"

That was so easy for him to say it wasn't like the death of a close friend was hanging over his shoulders or anything. Or had everyone so sure that he was the one that did it. It was so easy for him to say Let It Go.

        Tao just closed the door and walked up the driveway to his house. He already knew she would be waiting for him to get from being out all evening. For a split second he thought about turning around to go the bar near by but he needed a shower so he sighed and prepared himself for her damn near puppy wife eyes.

Jai was reading a textbook and drinking a cup of tea when he opened the door. She only looked up at him she only seemed slightly annoyed for having to wait up for him.

"Your late, class ended three hours ago. If your going to be away please let me know so I don't have wait up for you" she snapped her book shut and sat in her knees to retrieve his outside shoes.

He sighed as he watched the top of her head move as she untied his shoes laces with care. She was taking her time and if the situation was different he would appreciate this otherwise loving gesture 

 "Thank you" Tao mumbled once his navy slippers were on, he bent down to pat her head but hesitated and decided against it.

"It's my job" she said as she stood up, she smirked and went back to her textbook.

Feeling awkward Tao offered to help her with her school work but she turned him down, telling him she already had someone helping her.

"As long as it's not him" He darn near growled. He could feel himself getting angry for once he was glad he was sober.

She looked up at him with pissed off eyes "How about you mind your own business. We were supposed to doing this together but I guess that only applied to me"

'Oh damn' he thought she saw him today with the girl from his his first hour. He barely knew her name but he allowed her to sit in his lap during lunch. He honestly didn't think Jai would even see him. She was nowhere near the café or the outside tables today so he thought he was in the clear, apparently that wasn't true.

Feeling only slightly bad, he mumbled a quick apology, Jai just nodded but he knew she was still upset with him for being so quick to forget their agreement. He was the one to make so and he broke it in a day.

Old habits he caught himself thinking but he knew that excuse could only work for so long.

Feeling frustrated Tao when into the kitchen and pulled a small T-square tin out and pulled a small sliver flash out.

"You haven't even eaten yet" Jai had her arms folded and disappointed look on her face.

"I'm not hungry, I just wanted to go to bed"

"I'm going to take care of your hung over self all weekend"

"What you have plans?"

"Maybe I do"

This stopped him, he lowered the flash from his lips, Jai looked really angry and he was starting to feel angry himself. Who the hell was she planning on meeting this weekend?

"With who?"

"Don't worry about it"

"Well while your ting it up I'll be in bed"

With annoyed sighes she  held her hand out "just give it to me"

In defiance he knocked back the flask drinking all of its contents and handing her an empty flask. "There"

"Your such a child" she snapped at him, he didn't care. He just wanted to lay in bed until things weren't so real anymore. He never faced what illed him, he only ran away and drown it alcohol until it didn't bother him anymore.

In his mind as long aa he could make it past the weekend, he figured everything would go back to normal. 

It was only two days, hard was two days?



Author's Note

Hey guys just popping in to see how your doing and to warn you the next few chapters will be pretty raw for character development and to tie a loose end that's been nagging me about Tao. I hope you enjoy it and will be too bothered by it. I will trigger warn it at the top. Will contain alcohol abuse and hurt comfort for Tao and Jaid. Love you all!

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One more chapter left!


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CarelessMindless #1
Meridith #2
Chapter 19: Omg I have so many emotions that I literally can't omg omg omg I neeeeeeed an update please
Chapter 15: Also, she don't have to give into any favors to Sehun because he didn't save Tao's life nor did he do anything heroic by posting bail which could have been done by Tao or his friends or family. He probably had Tao arrested anyway. You don't owe him anything.
Chapter 15: jai is one stupid girl stuck on stupid. Sehun is not your friend but the enemy. He just want to stick it Tao. He wants you also. Little girl, time to grow up and act like you got some smarts about you. Sehun is playing u like a fiddle. You don't listen to Tao to stay away from him. Spoiled and dumb princess is more like it. Now u are in a situation that could have been avoided. Characters like this makes me shake my head. I like the story idea but she can be little more smart with some wits about her.
747 streak #5
Good couple of chapters. I don't trust Sehun, can't wait to see what happens with his character. The newlyweds also have some obstacles to overcome.
chanti01234 #6
Chapter 14: Love your story.
this chapter is too short, but still nice.
Meridith #7
Chapter 13: Omg I didn't know this would happen
747 streak #8
Chapter 12: I hope he finally comes clean, it seems like he really cares. Poor Jai should be running for the hills. lol
747 streak #9
Chapter 11: Hmm...what will tomorrow bring? I can't help, but wonder if he wants to rush to get married before Jai finds out the specifics about the accident. I'm surprised that Sehun didn't just tell her about his sister outright.
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! I just read all of the chapters. I can't, I really hope Tao doesn't change his mind by tomorrow, and poor Jai. I'm honestly really enjoying this story.