The Grudge Of A Taurus.

A Woman's Worth

Tao held Jai's hand as they made their way, drunkenly to his hotel room. He told he had a key and he wanted to make sure that she never looked at anyone else, like how she did at Sehun. 

Outside the door Tao, loomed over Jai to make sure she was okay. She looked sleepy but was fighting to stay awake. Maybe this wasn't a good idea, she was tipsy and he was use to drinking heavily.  This wasn't how he wanted it go.

Jai wrapped her aroma around his neck, Standing on her tip toes to kiss him,  he tried his best to move away from her. She kissed him again ,landing perfectly on his lips. Giving in he held her like she wanted, returning her tender kiss but only for a moment. He then guided her to bed, refusing her advances tucked her in.

It was for the best that remained a gentleman in this situation.

Taking his shoes off he then slid next her in bed, pulling her closer to him. He enjoyed laying next to her, the calm essence she gave off, smirking to himself he buried his gave in her massive coconut smelling hair.

He had just drifted to sleep when a knock at the door disturbed him.
Jai stirred and raised her head slightly,  her face looked confused. 

"Lay down, I'll get it" Tao whispered as he got out of bed. Jai squinted at him then rolled over to go back to sleep. Whomever was knocking at his door was about to get an ear full.

He pulled open the door, ready to bust in a rant only to come face to face with Sehun of all people.

"What's all this? " he nearly shouted. 

"Where's Jaid? " Sehun looked Tao straight in the face. Daring him to sat something he didn't like.

Tao shut the door, "What's that to you? Why do you care?" 

"I'm just making sure she stays safe..and alive "

Tao's face scrunched up in anger, his fist balled tightly. Sehun has done nothing but throw Sojin's death in his face. When Tao and his family apologize and donated money in Sojin memory every single year but Sehun never let it up. Thanks to Sehun and the Oh family Tao could never move on or make peace at her grave. Thank to him, he was the mess he was.

"It was an accident, I've apologized 100 times already! Let it go!" he shouted. 

"Let go of my sister? It may be what your doing but I can't let my only ing sister go. Not when her murder is living a sweet life. Getting married , my sister will never get married. You forgot about your first fiancé, why should I let it go."

"I DIDN'T! I DIDN'T! " Tao choked on a sob that was forming in his throat. 

"Are you gonna cry?" 

"What do I have to say to make to shut up."

"Tell Jaid about her and see if she can face you. If she's the girl I think she is she'll reject you."

" you"

Sehun smirked and walked away, leaving Tao choked and sniffling like a wounded animal his woods. "Such a good little "

     Come midnight Jail found herself alone in the bed, Tao was sleeping on the couch, bottles of whiskey were on the floor. It didn't take much to put two and two together.  She began to wonder on earth did they go from flirting in the hall, kissing in the room to sleeping separately.  They were getting on so well, how did it get like this overnight. 

She sat on her knees beside him ,brushing away fallen strands from his face. She sighed deeply as she watches him sleep off his debauchery.  He should never drink alone. Isn't that why she came along in the first place? 

There was a knock on the door and voice announcing that room service was here. She didn't order any food so she was a bit confused to why they were here with Western Breakfast and ginger ale.
On the tray was a small white card that said ' I'm Sorry -Tao'

Even pass out he was being nice, it seem he had order her breakfast as a way to say sorry. Deep down he wasn't heartless, she knew this but still disappointed that he was letting her in like she wanted him to. 

She was insecure about who she was, her family's security was also hanging in the balance of their marriage. She was falling a man who may not love her, like she loved him. 

When Tao finally woke up, his phone was full of worried voicemail and text messages from his parents.  They haven't seen either of the two since yesterday afternoon. When he called them back, his mother demanded they come home at once. They would have a talk about what was appropriate for an unmarried couple once they returned.

Tao was not looking forward to that at all. His parents especially his mom never knew when to shut up. They acted like they were never young.

Jai was already dressed and ready to go, she was waiting on him. Tao groaned aloud as he realized they should be checking out, it was pass noon and would be charged double. He would have to shower at home. 

Not caring that Jai was in the room, he stripped his shirt off and unbuckled the pants he slept in, he heard Jai gasp. She was staring pretty hard at his half dressed body.

" What's wrong? Never seen a shirtless adonis? " Tao winked at her as he pulled his pants off.

She scoffed, but the heat on her cheeks never left. "Boy, no one's looking at you." she lied

Tao smiled and pulled a new pair of jeans on, " Well you better get your mental picture. Because you won't see me until the honey moon"  he hoped she knew he was joking. Her wasn't trying to give her hope.

Jai turned away to give him some privacy but she couldn't get his shirtless body out her head. She never thought he was so lean but defined. She could imagine how he would look of he worked out more.
The thought nearly gave her a nose bleed.

" Alright my little ert you can look now"  Tao says with a hint of glee in his voice. "Valet will be bring my car around, lets handle the bill"

He took Jai's hand, lacing his fingers with hers. He knew better than to do this yet he did it anyway. He also planned on spending a few more hours with her before he checked on his Hostess Club downtown.  He's been neglecting it due to spending time at home. He no longer dreaded being home, he just wished his drinking didn't worry Jai.

He could quit but the last time he tried to quit, he just fell harder back on the wagon after the numbness of Sojin death set in.

            The party and DJ equipment were being taken away when they stepped off the elevator.  Sehun was talking to a few people at the check out desk. Shaking their hands, like he just made a business deal..maybe he did.

Tao made a note to never patron this hotel chain again.

   When Sehun called out their names,  Tao grabbed Jai  closer to his side. Sehun ran over to them, smiling and waving at them. Tao sneared while the unaware Jai waved.

"Thank you for coming out to my sister's memorial party" Sehun said with sincerity. 

" Thank for letting me come uninvited " Jai said 

" No problem,  I think my sister would of loved you, you two are so alike "

" If it's not rude can I ask how she died?" Jai asked, Tao squeezed her hand a little too tight.

Sehun chuckled , narrowing his gaze at Tao who then tightened his lips.  "An she was dating crashed his car while drunk or high. Probably both. He was always wasted, I'll never understand what she saw in such a delinquent like him. Unlike him she had bright future"

" I'm so sorry, I'm sure she was a beautiful girl "

" Tao was there, he could probably tell you -"

"Enough"  Tao raised his voice cutting him off. "We have to go the vale is waiting "

"Tao what's he talking about? "

"The past" He said pulling her away from Sehun. 

"Let me say goodbye at least " Jai hissed 

"Fine, let him drive you home then, don't expect me to be waiting though "

"What do you mean"

"If you walk back to him, I will not be home. You can eat alone "

"That's not fair."

" fairness. "He spat "Maybe you should go be his wife instead."


"Choose Jaid!  Who are going home with? Me or him."

"This is silly "


Jai looked back at Sehun,  he looked unfazed it was almost like he enjoyed this. Jai found that a little unsettling. 

"You of course,  I just wanted to say bye."

"Say up from here" He said as he tired to calm down.

Jai waved to Sehun and tried to keep her pace with Tao who was walking like he was escaping the devil.

         When they arrived at home they were alone it seem like his parents who were very concerned about them an hour or so ago had left before they even made it home. Other than leaving an awkward situation, they left quickly for home for no reason.

"I guess I'll make dinner " Jai shrugged 

"Let's just order take away" He said throwing his jacket on the arm chair. Jai grabbed it off and when to put it away in the hall way closet but Tao wrapped his arm around her waist. Placing his chin on her thin shoulders. " should eat more " he says. It wasn't in a cruel way but in a concern way, 

She did start losing some weight,  she wanted to match the body types of the girls Tao always kept around. She thought it would make him more interested in her. Boy knowing her liked her the way she was.

"I'm sorry I yell at you earlier" he nuzzled her neck "I mean it" kissing her neck a little. 

When Jai tried to pull away, he only tightened his grip.

"What do you always run from me?"

"Because you mean this"

"I do"

"Prove it then" 

Tao took words seriously. Whirling her around and taking his jacket from Jai sending it to the ground,  he kisses her. Cradling her head like she was fragile.

He was tender like she would disappear if he stopped. Jai clasped her hands on he forearms. Giving in like the last time.

When he did stop, he looked her in the eyes intensely "Marry me" he said.

"We're already getting married silly"

"No I mean tomorrow, soon. "

Jai blinked repeatedly,  both that this was bad but this was not Tao at all.

"Are you drunk? "

"Nah I'm too sober,  a drink would be nice but I'm dead serious.  Marry me"

"How, where"

"Let's run away to Macau for a little bit"

"What's Macau? "

"Asian Los Vegas"

Jail laughed "For real"

"Dead "

"Never say that again"

"Only of you say yes to Macau "


"Then Lets leave tomorrow night "

Jai felt hesitant at first but eventually shook her head yes. She thought this plan would fall flat in the morning once whatever he took last night was out of his system, she agreed because the way he looked at her made her knees weak and she she loved how right everything felt. As if things were finally falling into place.

She was slightly happy Sehun mad Tao crazy jealous,  it made him passionate and teeny bit  possessive. It was sad all of this would be gone come morning.

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One more chapter left!


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CarelessMindless #1
Meridith #2
Chapter 19: Omg I have so many emotions that I literally can't omg omg omg I neeeeeeed an update please
Chapter 15: Also, she don't have to give into any favors to Sehun because he didn't save Tao's life nor did he do anything heroic by posting bail which could have been done by Tao or his friends or family. He probably had Tao arrested anyway. You don't owe him anything.
Chapter 15: jai is one stupid girl stuck on stupid. Sehun is not your friend but the enemy. He just want to stick it Tao. He wants you also. Little girl, time to grow up and act like you got some smarts about you. Sehun is playing u like a fiddle. You don't listen to Tao to stay away from him. Spoiled and dumb princess is more like it. Now u are in a situation that could have been avoided. Characters like this makes me shake my head. I like the story idea but she can be little more smart with some wits about her.
747 streak #5
Good couple of chapters. I don't trust Sehun, can't wait to see what happens with his character. The newlyweds also have some obstacles to overcome.
chanti01234 #6
Chapter 14: Love your story.
this chapter is too short, but still nice.
Meridith #7
Chapter 13: Omg I didn't know this would happen
747 streak #8
Chapter 12: I hope he finally comes clean, it seems like he really cares. Poor Jai should be running for the hills. lol
747 streak #9
Chapter 11: Hmm...what will tomorrow bring? I can't help, but wonder if he wants to rush to get married before Jai finds out the specifics about the accident. I'm surprised that Sehun didn't just tell her about his sister outright.
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! I just read all of the chapters. I can't, I really hope Tao doesn't change his mind by tomorrow, and poor Jai. I'm honestly really enjoying this story.