Just You & I

A Woman's Worth

The curtains had been pulled back, allowing the rising sun to flood Jai's guess bedroom. Jai of course woke up irritated, ready to scream at whomever work up her up at 6am.  She asked if she could begin chores at 7, giving her a chance to have 7 or 5 hours of sleep just in case she went bed late or early the previous night. 

"I'm sleeping " She yelled in Cantonese,  her language classes were becoming natural at times she would forget she was speaking it. Even when talking to her mum on the phone.

Tao seem to just appear in front of her with his finger on his lips "Shh, Be quiet and listen to me. Be a good girl"

Jai raised her eyebrows at him, be a good girl. She scoffed silently at him. Jai got out of bed and followed Tao into her walk in closet. He grabbed a small duffel bag of hear and handed it to her. "Pack a weekend's worth of clothes,we leave at 8am."

"That's just an hour,  besides where are we going? " 

"It's a secret " he smiled and kissed her hand, "hurry I wanna be in the car at 7:20"

He was in a hurry and it unsettled Jai. Why was he in such a rush on a early morning. Then it dawn on her, Macau. He was serious. Jai didn't know weather to be happy or to be scared. The way he treated her most of the time since she arrived was hot and cold.  One minute they're making out the next he's with other women.  She began to wonder what was really going on in his world. 

   Before she knee it, she and Tao were on their way to the airport. Tao was on his phone,  probably texting another woman or whatever.  He had dressed a little in a navy Burberry sports coat, fine pressed jeans and a pair of Black Yeesy that came out last night,he got them 10hr rushed. 

Jai felt underdressed in pink cashmere sweater dress, Jennings and boots,  she wished she had more time to dress like her former self..or at least do her hair in something other than a bun. She began fussing with her hair , pulling strands out to hang loose.

"Stop twitching" he nearly barked at her.

She ignored him, rearranging her bobby pins.

He grabbed her hand, bringing her attention to him again. "I like it the way it was." he said nicely.

Jai lowers her hand from her hair,  slaying bringing a tendril or two down to frame her face. She and Tao lock eyes for a moment before he pulls her into his lap.

He then cups her face softly. 'Had she always looked effortlessly adorable?' he thought to himself.

He had to do it, everything in his body and mind screamed kiss her. When she didn't move from his lap, he then claimed her lips  like they belonged to him.

Jail gripped at his jacket like her life depended on it, she felt like she was drowning in his affections. It was so sudden and so raw. She didn't understand and she didn't care, she accepted all of it.

      Everyone was in a hurry to go nowhere. Anxious to get their seat in first class. It didn't make it any better seeing Jail and Tao walk past them and board first.  Tao smirked as the others cursed them under their breath. If they were brave they call out instead of acting cowardly. He pulled Jai closer feeling like he had won.

Jai still felt something was off about Tao, he went from strongly wanting to avoid getting married to desprately wanting to get married in Macau. She couldnt put her finger on it but considering what Sehun had said about his sister being his first wife was concerning. Granted he was coming around and being kinder and even loving but to suddenly show her how vunerable he was interesting. She wish she could ask Sehun more about what happened to his sister before she died. He said something about his sister and Tao being in an accident. Was Tao in the car when it happened, did he pass out before saving his sister or something. The way Sehun had said and looked , it was clear that something major had happened. Maybe they were friends and her death ruined it. She wished she knew more about this, she hoped one day Tao would decide to tell her, hopeful he would trust her.

When they landed, The rushed to their pre-booked hotel and  decided to go sight seeing. Tao wanted to show her all his favourite places to go..minus the clubs filled with women and bottle service. He wanted to show her a better side of him, he didn't want to blow this trip up or ruin his chances to marry her...to keep her from him.

He couldn't wait to see her face when they got back to hotel room.

Everthing was going great for once, they didnt argue or anything. Though when Jai's Gold Card declined her mood changed for the worst. She grew snappish and pouty. Tao offering to pay only made thing worst. She accused his of feeling pity towards her, no matter what he said or explained she didnt believe him. Her mind was alreaddy set and it was clear she just wanted to pout.

Apperently her Father had set a limit and she just spent her monthly 4k allowence, Jai was embrassed and wanted to go back to the hotel early. Tao couldnt have that, the room wasnt set up yet, it wouldnt be done until at least 10pm. Tao asked for her debit card and made a quick call, transfering six thousand dollars into her bank account. when she would check it later she would think her parents caved in and sent her more money.

"What did you do?" she snarled

"Nothing" he lied

"You just put money in my account didn't you" it wasn't even said like a question. she knew what he had just done.

"I was only helping." 

"I Don't need your bloody money. I have my own"

"I know but we're going to be married soon. My money is your money"

"It doesn't work this was! Not for me! I'm not Sojin and I don't wanna be her replacement"

"Who the hell said you were a replacement! "

"Your only want to marry me to erase her from your mind"

Tao's eyes bugged for a moment. Rage filling in him, he could hear his nervous heart beating fast. "No, because I care you, your so stupid to think it was ever about her. I miss her and I know I'm responsible for her death but believe it for not but I actually care about you."

"Than prove it"

"Haven't I been proving myself weeks now? What more do I have show as proof. I mean were in Macau and I'm willing to actually marry you now"

"Wha" Jai took a step back " Willing? you Tao. I wish I never left  Australia, I wish I didn't waste my time training to be you wife. I want to marry someone who Loves me not willing. The fact that you cant even say you love me is all the proof i need"

Jai spun on her thin heels and walked away into a crowd, making it hard for Tao to see her.

"Jaid!" he shouted, calling her real name in hopes she would turn back for him. She was 5'4 in a sea of people in a city she has never been to before. Her Cantonese was imperfect. Who knew what could happen to her. 

Tao worried out of his mind chased after her, shouting her name. He felt ever so ashamed that he didn't pass her test, if saying I love you was all it took to get her back, he would say it every day until the day he died.

After a bit of searching, Tao put in a word for her whereabouts with the sercurity and local authories, he was so worried that something had gone down and she was scared out of her mind, he felt hopeless when the police told him all he could do at the moment was to wait in either his hotel room or the station. Tao chose the station, he didnt want to back the room without her, not with the surprise being nearly done and waiting. He prayed she be alright.

    Jai had walked around the river, trying to stop the flood of tears of humiliation. She had run like a fool and gotten lost, Tao wasn't waiting for her, more proof he didn't love her. Was saying I love you in a serious way so hard? She loved him and wanted the best for him, he always smiled when his mom told him she was doing great in her training and bring her to Macau was something. Or maybe he brought all the girls he was with here, he must of brought Sojin here a few times. She couldn't believe she was competing with a girl who had been dead for four years. She must of been special.

Someone yell for her to come over, leery of this stranger Jai began to walk faster. When the stranger didn't get the hint she ran the best she could in heels. The stranger ran as well. "Leave me alone" she shouted


When Jai ran to a dead end she began to cry harder than she thought was possible. "Just leave alone"

"I'm with Macau lost person, I'm here to bring you to your husband" he explained in between pants. He showed her his badge and card.


"Please come with me"

When Jai and the officer made it back to the station, Tao run and picked her up in a giant hug, lifting the small girl off her feet.

"I love you" he whispered "I love you"

After feeling like a baby from the crying she had done in the past hour, she allowed herself to get weep once more as she told him she loved him too.

Like the spoiled princess she truly was, she had gotten what she wanted at last.


When things were settled Tao took Jai back to the hotel, he was mentally drained but still wanted to cheer her up with his surprised. He did go through all the trouble to plan and get her an official stamp so they could get officially and legally married. It had happen tonight.

He made her cover her eyes before he opened the door, Jai giggled with excitement when she heard the door open.  He leads her in and positioned her in the right spot. 

He stood behind her, leaning close to her ear. "You can open your eyes now."

She did as he said and opened her eyes, she was greeted by small tea light candles, a rose path going two ways. Fine European sweets displayed on what could on be a crystal platter.  He spared no expense. 

"Oh my word" Jai exclaimed excitedly, she turned to Tao smiling than frowned looking ashamed.

"What's wrong was this not good enough?"

"Oh it's more than enough, more than I deserve. I thought you didnt really care and i was thinking you were trying to use me as a replacement. I thought you left me to be lost on purpose. And here is wonderful room you planned. I dont deserve this"

Tao thought for a moment, taking in her words. He sighed and wrapped his arms around Jai. " Maybe you don't deserve this, but I want you to have all of this and more" he kissed her cheek and spoke a bit of french to her, making this moment perfect. ' This isnt all I have'

Tao guided her through the rose covered floor, to the small walk in closet in the bedroom. Tao was smiling with glee as he made her walk in by herself. In the closet stood a red crushed velvet manikin wearing the dress from Jai's wishlist on her former tumblr blog. It was her dream dress by Oscar De La Renta in Ivory and matching lace snowflake applique tradional veil.
Jai fell to the floor in its beauty. It was real and she's to wear. She could not believe how blessed she was. She and Tao admired the gown in silence together, Jai in awe and he in smugness.

"Thank You" she said softly

"No need to Thank me, I personally can not wait to see you in this tomorrow morning"

"Its too precious to wear"

Tao laughed at her goofy expression, you'd think that she had met a goddess the way she looked. He began to think that if she acted this way over a dress, he couldn't wait to see her react to the house or penthouse he was planning to buy after they married via his parents. "This could be a fun marriage " He thought aloud.


      In the morning they married in a small private chapel, Just the Priest, Jaid and Tao. They took no pictures or uttered a word, they lit ceremony candles and created a family stamp together. When the ink was dry they were one. Jai had kept her last name but added his. At first, he objected but came to accept it, in the end, it didn't really matter. She wore his last name anyway and was proof she was his. No one, especially Him could take this away from Tao.


Did you forget about me already? , A voice nagged in the back of his head. "What about me?"

"Something wrong?" Jai asked

Tao sighed and pushed his plate away "There's something I have to tell you"


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CarelessMindless #1
Meridith #2
Chapter 19: Omg I have so many emotions that I literally can't omg omg omg I neeeeeeed an update please
Chapter 15: Also, she don't have to give into any favors to Sehun because he didn't save Tao's life nor did he do anything heroic by posting bail which could have been done by Tao or his friends or family. He probably had Tao arrested anyway. You don't owe him anything.
Chapter 15: jai is one stupid girl stuck on stupid. Sehun is not your friend but the enemy. He just want to stick it Tao. He wants you also. Little girl, time to grow up and act like you got some smarts about you. Sehun is playing u like a fiddle. You don't listen to Tao to stay away from him. Spoiled and dumb princess is more like it. Now u are in a situation that could have been avoided. Characters like this makes me shake my head. I like the story idea but she can be little more smart with some wits about her.
747 streak #5
Good couple of chapters. I don't trust Sehun, can't wait to see what happens with his character. The newlyweds also have some obstacles to overcome.
chanti01234 #6
Chapter 14: Love your story.
this chapter is too short, but still nice.
Meridith #7
Chapter 13: Omg I didn't know this would happen
747 streak #8
Chapter 12: I hope he finally comes clean, it seems like he really cares. Poor Jai should be running for the hills. lol
747 streak #9
Chapter 11: Hmm...what will tomorrow bring? I can't help, but wonder if he wants to rush to get married before Jai finds out the specifics about the accident. I'm surprised that Sehun didn't just tell her about his sister outright.
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! I just read all of the chapters. I can't, I really hope Tao doesn't change his mind by tomorrow, and poor Jai. I'm honestly really enjoying this story.