Out Of Place (M)

A Woman's Worth

Trigger Warning- Abuse of power,  falsely  imprisoned character 


Classes began to feel awkward for Jai, people who usually ignored her began to stare at her more than usual. Sehun who was her study partner until now treated her differently. He was hot and cold, sometimes he was his usual, smiling self then he would make sly accusatory remarks.

She tried to call him out on it but he would laugh and her how silly she sounded speaking broken Mandrin.  He was getting a jolly from embarrassing her.

She knew darn well he was just bitter his punching bag was hitting back, but it didn't make campus life better. People were taking sides and being only related to Tao by marriage didn't offer her any fans. From what she heard the two were only fighting because of her.

Home became her Oasis from school, she would count the hours until she was home with Tao. She could be herself and sleep in if she wanted to. No one looked at her suspicious eyes. It was almost like she was back in Australia. She didn't realise how homesick she was now. She badly wanted to go back where people were she was well adored,  she wondered if her parents were adjusting to wealth again.  She wondered if they missed her. She hadn't heard from them in two weeks, she hoped she wasn't being forgotten. 

When Tao arrived home from working out, Jai did her best to butter him up. Doing everything for him and praising him for the simplest things.

Tao looked up at her, she had been his hair for a while now. At first, it was nice then it grew annoying. Her freckled nose twitched before she broke out in a mushy smile. 

"I want to visit my family,  I want to stay there for a week and I want you to come"

Tao sat up from her lap, he looked at her. She was smiling adorably causing his heart to speed up. How could he deny her cute face?

"Sure I guess we can fly out next week "


"What's the hurry?"

"Because I miss my life back there.  I had friends I did things other than cooking and cleaning."

He rolled his eyes, she was being dramatic but she did have a point,  he could have said no but he wanted to be fair. She was probably feeling isolated. 

"Friday" he suggested.

Jai excitedly jumped in his lap,  kissing his cheeks and thanking him over and over. "Now we have to go shopping for travel clothes "

"What do you mean. What wrong with the s from Macau "

Jai threw him a look "It's summer in Australia and my mates will not see me in high society lady clothes "

He raised an eyebrow, he tried to remember what she use to wear around the house when she first moved here. Thorn, it dawned on him. "No! You can't walk around in daisy dukes when we get there. That's just asking for too much ".

"Funny I don't remember asking you T" she was serious as she spoke. She jumped off his lap and walked in the kitchen. 

"If you get to have your hanging out, I'm gonna say 'deadass" the whole trip." he raised his voice  "I'm deadass serious"

"This trip is going to be stressful. " he groaned, grabbing a cushion Tao hugged it to fight off the unpure thoughts of Jai in daisy dukes in the sand. He was trying his best when he saw Jai prancing around in a pink pleated mini skirt.

"What do you think? " she gave a little twirl, swishing the small skirt around. 

Tao hugged the cushion tighter as he watched her dance around the living room. Trying his best to keep himself under control. 

Jai feeling a little bold decided to stop dancing and sit on Tao's lap, but she didn't get the response she excepted. Instead, Tao clung to his cushion like he was afraid of her.

She then threw her arms around his neck, pressing her body against him. 

Tao stood up instantly throwing the pillow and making Jai jump in shock.

"Stop" he raised his voice,  trying to keep his cool or wake his parents. 

Jai looked at him with wide eyes, she was only playing why was bar getting angry?  She honestly thought she was just being a little flirty. 

"Stop looking at me like I'm a bad guy."

He sighed,  running his hands through his hair. "I'm just um..sensitive. Since were exclusive and whatever,  I haven't been this close to a woman in while. " he began rubbing his neck nervous of what he wanted to say next. "I want to respect you but I'm also a guy and I can't have these mixed signals with you. Either you want it or you don't "

"I was just playing " Jai raised her voice as well "it's not my fault you're in the mood. Go take a cold shower or something. "

Tao rolled his eyes and decided to just leave her alone if she didn't understand what he was going through then he rather just ignore it for now. At some point, they would have to deal with it anyway.

That night they didn't talk or even stay in the same room as each other.  Both were too proud to say that they were sorry. 

Morning came too soon for the restless and irritated couple, Jai tried to stay in bed as along as she could. She was trying to avoid Tao for as long as she could, she hoped he would leave without her so she could have an excuse for staying home. She was also avoiding having an awkward situation with Sehun, the last time she saw him, he had told her some things she wasn't ready to hear. 

a knock on the door made Jai jump, she forgot that she wasn't alone in the house, someone was bound to check up on her.

"Are you coming or not?" Tao asked through the door.

Jai was going to ignore him, but he would probably open the door so she answered, " Go on without me"

Tao opened the door anyway, sighing loudly like he rather doing anything else than talking to her. Jai pulled the blankets higher to hide her pyjamas from him, she narrowed her eyes, she could not believe he basically came in without permission.

"I'm sorry" He muttered

"Why are you sorry?"

Tao shot her a look " I'm sorry for taking my frustration out on you. I know it not your fault and shouldn't have acted like it was. I lost my cool being so close to you"

She couldn't believe he was actually apologising to her so soon, she was ready to act up for a week. she figured it would take him that long, so she planned on giving him the cold shoulder until he apologised to her. This threw a wrench in her plans, she would have to take it and get over it. She so use to getting her way in situations like these that she was caught off guard.

"It's okay, " she said softly, she wasn't sure what to say back to him. She looked down at her hands as Tao walked closer to her bed.

"No, it's not.  I should be better than this, it's not an excuse but I can't control myself when I'm near you" he placed his knee on her bed, crawling onto it.


"I'm sorry, " he says before he guides her face to his. " I won't do this again, promise" 

His breath was fresh but warm against her cheek and nose. She didn't pull away, as she kissed him back, her hand bracing his elbows and pulling at his sleeves.

'You're so weak'  she scolded herself as she kissed Tao.

'Next time I'll be stronger.'


      Packing was the easy part, the hard part was flying on a nearly expired visa,  it was good that she was going back home yet bad because when they returned she would have to apply for a wife visa. Tao assured her would be easy and to not worry but her mind began to worry about the questions they would ask. She was becoming aware that they yet to consummate their marriage,  making it real and legitimised.

How long could she continue turning him down before he tossed her aside? Would his family be petty and demand her family repay them for their bailout?  She had more riding on this than she first thought. She worried he would respect her less if she gave in too soon. 

Everything had to be right, due to his family not believing in divorce.  

They had just made it the gate with all their luggage when two men dressed as security personnel approached them. They spoke in hush tones asking them to come to the back with them. At first, they thought it was because of the expired visa, Tao explained they were going back to renew it but didn't anything but make the men speak in a harsher tone.

Fellow travellers began to look at the young couple and gossip about them, so Tao and Jail gave in and went the security team.

They were lead to a private room to talk, once inside the taller security guard cleared his throat while pulling a pair of silver handcuffs out of his utility belt.

"Huang ZiTao you are under arrest"

"What,  what the hell are you talking about? " Tao begin struggling against the security guard, trying to get free.

"Why are arresting him? On what charges? " Jail demanded.  Her hands on her hips she began to bark questions at them.

"Ma'am we will answer all your questions back at the station." the security guard told her but it wasn't good enough she wanted to know why and she didn't want to wait. 

Something very peculiar was going on and she wanted to get to the bottom of it before something bad happens to her husband.

She was escorted while Tao was pushed outside of the room,  her cries for them to be gentle with him fell on deaf ears. 

"I'm going to report you to the safety PD"

They just snickered and walked away leaving Jai alone in frustration.

Feeling helpless she dials her father in law but an incoming call interrupts her, it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" she foolishly answers the unknown call.

"Hello, Jaid" familiar voice answers. 


"I am sorry to bother you on your vacation it should I say honeymoon "

" How do you know? Honeymoon what on earth are you talking about?" No one but She, Tao and the chapel in Macau knew that they were really married. She tried her best to keep her voice calm.

"How do you know this?" She asked the chuckling Sehun.

"I knew a few people but that's not what's important.  Tao's family is going to be embarrassed once the media see China's son in handcuffs. If you have time I'd like to help out"

"Help out? "

"Yeah, like bailing him out before anyone gets wind of his arrest,  can you meet me in 20 minutes at Róngyào Kitchen? "

"That's across town from me"

"I suggest you hop in a car then. See you there"

The way he had said that sent chills down her spine, he had a strong sense of dominance in his voice making her feel uncomfortable. She began to wonder has he always been this way, or was this something new he put on because he hated Tao and wanted to ruin him?

She also begins to wonder if he was secretly behind the trouble that Tao landed in, she wouldn't be surprised if he was. Something in her mind yelled to not trust him, she was going to meet him but she was going to keep her guard up.

'Hang on Tao' she thought to herself before she rushes to find a taxi or some sort.

When she arrive at the restaurant, Sehun was already there standing outside, scrolling through his phone. She got there in time, it looked like he was going to leave if she didn't arrive when she did.

Sehun noticed her walking to her, he quickly sent his text and went to greet her.

"I see you made it, I was worry you weren't going to show up" He smirked

"Let's just talk about what I have to do"

Sehun nodded "Yes let's cut to business, let's go inside"

Jai nodded and followed Sehun all the way the back, where he had rented a small lounge for their meet up.

"Thanks for meeting me at moment notices. I just wanted to talk to you alone and help out"

Crossing her arms she gave him the side eye "Since when do you care about Tao and how did you know he got arrested? Why should I trust you?"

"Wow! So much hostility. I just want to help and finally get closure"

"You didn't answer my questions, How did you know Tao was in trouble?"

" Let's just say I have eyes all over when it comes to him and leave it at that"

"You honestly think I'm going just take that as an explanation?"

"I gave you an answer, now allow me to help out"

"Fine," she said feeling uneasy, ever since Sehun showed her a glimpse of how he really behaved when upset she tried her best to avoid him.

Sehun smiled a crooked smiled, he raised his phone to show good faith and dialled a number.

"Hey It's Oh Sehun, I just posted the bail please release Junior H, ZiTao. Yes, yes Thank you."

"Thank you" Jai bowed formally and attempted to leave but Sehun grabbed her by the wrist.

"Not just yet, you still owe me a favour"


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CarelessMindless #1
Meridith #2
Chapter 19: Omg I have so many emotions that I literally can't omg omg omg I neeeeeeed an update please
Chapter 15: Also, she don't have to give into any favors to Sehun because he didn't save Tao's life nor did he do anything heroic by posting bail which could have been done by Tao or his friends or family. He probably had Tao arrested anyway. You don't owe him anything.
Chapter 15: jai is one stupid girl stuck on stupid. Sehun is not your friend but the enemy. He just want to stick it Tao. He wants you also. Little girl, time to grow up and act like you got some smarts about you. Sehun is playing u like a fiddle. You don't listen to Tao to stay away from him. Spoiled and dumb princess is more like it. Now u are in a situation that could have been avoided. Characters like this makes me shake my head. I like the story idea but she can be little more smart with some wits about her.
747 streak #5
Good couple of chapters. I don't trust Sehun, can't wait to see what happens with his character. The newlyweds also have some obstacles to overcome.
chanti01234 #6
Chapter 14: Love your story.
this chapter is too short, but still nice.
Meridith #7
Chapter 13: Omg I didn't know this would happen
747 streak #8
Chapter 12: I hope he finally comes clean, it seems like he really cares. Poor Jai should be running for the hills. lol
747 streak #9
Chapter 11: Hmm...what will tomorrow bring? I can't help, but wonder if he wants to rush to get married before Jai finds out the specifics about the accident. I'm surprised that Sehun didn't just tell her about his sister outright.
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! I just read all of the chapters. I can't, I really hope Tao doesn't change his mind by tomorrow, and poor Jai. I'm honestly really enjoying this story.