Closing The Gap.

A Woman's Worth

'Just a moment longer' Tao thought to himself as he buried his face in Jai's coconut scented curly hair. It was like a pillow, all soft and warm. He felt safe, he didn't want to let go of this feeling. He eventually fell back asleep, it was a Saturday and the school had let the school down in honor on the Founders birthdays.

He was so sure he had the wheel this time as he and his friends race through the empty streets of Shangxiajiu, barely missing a few stragglers in the street. Usually it crowded as hell but tonight the city roads belonged to Tao. 

A bottle of whiskey wasn't enough to get him drunk but the tiny dab of acid blurred then sew reality and  the beautiful hallucinations together in a beautiful fabric that didn't even seem real. He knew he had to try to drive like this at least once.

Sojin laughed as the Bob,weaved through the streets, clutching her best friend's hand. They never felt so alive.

He didn't see it at first but he nearly missed the road barrier and scratched his sassy Lambo. So worried about dinging the paint job he only had second to throw the car in reverse..

The screeching of the metal twisting around a street peg made Tao clutch the sleeping Jai closer. He opened his eyes as if that would keep the image of Soji's once laughing face and her starless eyes out of his head.

Her smile mocking him as he barely could stay sober, living with survivors remorse. Sometimes he wished it was him.

Jai stirred slightly, placing her hands on his chest as she slowly began to open her eyes. Blinking the sleep out of her eyes. Tao clung to her even more in fear she would regret being in his arms.

She attempted to slowly move out of his arms, not because she hated it but to escape the heat coming from him. He was really warm and it grew to be uncomfortable. 

She wondered he was drunk and would freak out once he woke up sober, she was really in the mood for all that so she decided attempt to move away from him before he got angry. He didn't  seem to like her being too close to him.
Every time she moved away from him he brought her back how much closer to his chest she can hear his heart beating quickly. She wondered if he was having a bad dream.

"Just stay with me" he whipers in her hair. "Just for a little bit longer "

"I have to make breakfast for your mom and-" 

Tao tilted her head up and kissed her forehead stopping her mid sentence.  He wanted to kiss her again but he was wrapped up in her own head and judging how she reacted the tiny love yep was just enough. He pulled her closer , closing his eyes again burrowing in her wonderful scented nest of hair.

Why was he acting like this right now, his parents would be worried when she didn't attend to her morning chores and would eventually look in her room forher.If they didn't see her sleeping in her bed Tao's room would be the next place they check.

"Your parents will be posses they catch us in bed together. They'll get the wrong idea-"

"Who cares, we're getting married. We can be in bed"

"They'll get the wrong idea about us." She started to say.

Tao has a look on this face that scream mischievous,  his eyes were darker than usual and he looked at Jai with intense curiosity. "Maybe we should give them the right idea then" he said in a deep rich tone she's never heard him use before.

Biting his bottom lip he pulled her face closer to his, " Should I give you a real kiss?"

Jai was caught off guard by his sudden deep husky voice and gentleness,  she was almost sure he was going to laugh at her if she allowed herself to be taken in. Unfortunately she could not keep her body from blushing.

He chuckled softly, moving a little closer. Against her freckled cheek he told her she was cute red , then he kissed her cheek.

He was teasing her, it seemed like he wasn't actually going to kiss her, he was trying to make her feel flustered by his forward actions. When he knew she caught on to his teasing he chuckled again. He got her to be soft and vulnerable how she made feel at times when he was around her. She was too cute not to tease. He would kiss her just not at this moment.

Or so he thought. Taking matters into her on hands Jai pressed their lips together, closing her eyes. Her hand sliding up the nape of his neck, in his hair. She could feel him tense but she hoped he wouldn't pull away from her. She wanted him to return her kiss instead of just being frozen at her lips. All she wanted was for him to see her as his wife, she had fallen and as much as she didn't want to admit it she wanted him to fall for her as well.
It was her selfish wish.

He struggled internally, his hands unsure how to move so he settled for the crook of her elbows. Holding them as he closed his eyes and aptemped to ease into kissing her back but he couldn't escape Sojin's face. She frown and disappeared from his mind, feeling guilty for kissing back he pulled away from Jai. Pushing her back and getting off the bed.

The look on her face nearly tore Tao apart. He wanted to say he was sorry and wipe the expressionoff her beautiful face but his guilt was holding back. Why forgetting her so hard?

" Let's go make Breakfast " he said 

Jai looked a away from him then he added " together " and grabbed her hand.

    Jai could not believe that Tao was actually helping her right now, she was also amazed at how well he was doing. She always thought he was a spo I'll ed brat who couldn't even boil water, but here he was making poached eggs, making toast and grilling romaine lettuce. He was focused on his task and even confident in what he was doing.

In away Jai wanted to teach him how to do everything but it was relief to have to actually do it. He stayed by her side and even helped her with his father's ginger root tea brew. She always had trouble with it but he did it with ease. She was almost jealous.

Tao caught her staring at him a few times, she looked at him eyes that straddled the line of awe and jealously.  Of course he could cook, what man over 15 didn't know how to cook. Also he had been through this process with his other training brides that he could do it all in his sleep and drunk. He hadn't ever thought she would get this far, he didn't mind but he was going to put a damper on her wedding plans. That wasn't going to happen. 

          They spent most of the afternoon together, Sometimes alone and sometimes chaperoned. They just next to each other, silently helping with whatever task they had. It was pretty peaceful until Tao received a text while Jai was sleeping to go to a memorial party, celebrating Sojin's death. Knowing his friends he knew it wasn't a solemn event. From. From the look of the text there was going to be a Dj from the local clubs. Tao lifted the sleeping girl gently, setting her down so he could get ready to leave. 

After showing and getting dressed he found Jai awake waiting for on the couch where he had left her.

"Where are you going?" She asked

" Out" he simply said with no follow up, he wasn't  about to explain anything.

She sighed "I hate when you leave, your always a mess when you come back home.

He said nothing  as he swung his jacket on, Jai stood up pulling on her hair tie. Her hair fell gracefully on her shoulders. "I'm  going  too" She said.

"No" he said firmly.

Looking straight at him she said "You don't tell me no, I do as I please,"  she left to get changed, Tao wondered if he should leave while she was dressing but he decided to wait. Having her by his side would probably help him relaxed, he had been on edge all weekend. Being around her made her feel strangely calm.

When she was dressed and ready to go they jumped in the car and drove over to where the party was being held,  his friend held back no expense in making his party's spectacular going as far as renting out the hotel just to celebrate their lost friends memory. Or whatever erted sense of entitlement they thought they could use under her name. Sojin would pprobably love this, Tao was over thinking.

The party was loud and crowded, no one has even noticed that he and Jai had came together, not everyone knew that he was getting married and he wanted to keep it that way. When he saw his friends he asked Jai to stay close but not come over to meet his friends, he didn't want to have to go through the hassle of explaining her presence or who she was him. He would look so whipped by bringing  his soon to be wife to a party. This was supposed to be fun.

Tao must have got caught up talking to his friends and drinking that he didn't even notice that Jai was no longer in his eyesight, she had gotten sick of being ignored and began to wander around the party room. Grabbing a drink for herself and dance to the music the DJ spinned.

While Jai was dancing someone had tapped on her shoulder trying to get her attention, spinning around she met eye with a smiling Sehun. "What are you doing here?" He asked over the music.

"I'm here with a friend " she yelled

" Who's your friend?"

" Don't worry about it "

Sehun laughed and started a small conversation Jai, catching up. It had been a whole week since he seen her. He hated to admit it but she was growing on him. Just when the conversation was getting good someone pulled on her wrist pulling her away from. It was Tao and he didn't look too happy about, he was also tipsy.

" Who invited you?" Tao sneered

" I didn't know I wasn't invited to my sister's memorial "

" Sister?"

Before the other boy even got a chance to explain the situation, Tao pulled her closer wrapping his arm around her waist. " off" Tao said. He kissed the top of her head in front of Sehun, as if he was marking his territory publicly. " Let's go".

Jai helplessly waved her friend good bye and let her drunk finance pull her away. He didn't stop until they were in the wall way where it was much quieter. She just wanted to talk to maybe explain himself as to why he was acting like such a jerk in front of her friend.

" Umm what was that all about? She asked.

"It's a long story. But I don't wanna talk about that right now. I just want to warn you about him. He's not what he seems ,he may act like he's a good guy but he's a snake and he'll gobble you up if you're not careful."

" to be honest you seem more dangerous than him"

" but I'm not the bad guy"

" how do I know this how do I know you're not really the snake"

" you think you're better than me. You think you know more than me?" He said as he walked closer to her, trapping her inside with both hands on the wall. " I hate when you act like that"

Fearlessly she look up at him " Like what?"

"Like This, Learn your place" he whispered in a husky voice.

" Teach me my place then"

" I don't think you want me to do that" he chuckled 

" I think I'm the one who gets to decide that. I want you to teach me my place"

She was driving him crazy he couldn't believe how  kittenish she was acting right now he was loving every minute. " I have a key"

" Lead the way".





(Authors note- I wasn't sure if I should write a proper make out scene or if anyone wanted to read a make-out scene let me know if you want to see that I'll write one up for you in the next chapter. Happy weekend)

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CarelessMindless #1
Meridith #2
Chapter 19: Omg I have so many emotions that I literally can't omg omg omg I neeeeeeed an update please
Chapter 15: Also, she don't have to give into any favors to Sehun because he didn't save Tao's life nor did he do anything heroic by posting bail which could have been done by Tao or his friends or family. He probably had Tao arrested anyway. You don't owe him anything.
Chapter 15: jai is one stupid girl stuck on stupid. Sehun is not your friend but the enemy. He just want to stick it Tao. He wants you also. Little girl, time to grow up and act like you got some smarts about you. Sehun is playing u like a fiddle. You don't listen to Tao to stay away from him. Spoiled and dumb princess is more like it. Now u are in a situation that could have been avoided. Characters like this makes me shake my head. I like the story idea but she can be little more smart with some wits about her.
747 streak #5
Good couple of chapters. I don't trust Sehun, can't wait to see what happens with his character. The newlyweds also have some obstacles to overcome.
chanti01234 #6
Chapter 14: Love your story.
this chapter is too short, but still nice.
Meridith #7
Chapter 13: Omg I didn't know this would happen
747 streak #8
Chapter 12: I hope he finally comes clean, it seems like he really cares. Poor Jai should be running for the hills. lol
747 streak #9
Chapter 11: Hmm...what will tomorrow bring? I can't help, but wonder if he wants to rush to get married before Jai finds out the specifics about the accident. I'm surprised that Sehun didn't just tell her about his sister outright.
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! I just read all of the chapters. I can't, I really hope Tao doesn't change his mind by tomorrow, and poor Jai. I'm honestly really enjoying this story.