Selfish Sins of obligation

A Woman's Worth

Scrambling to get dress Jai had a extra spring in her step, After making breakfast for her 'husband' and Father Huang she would be leaving with Tao for Orientation for their new College..well her new College. Tao was already  enrolled on his second year, he should be a third year but he took all of last year off to mess around in Europe. At least that's what his house maid had said in hushed tones.

Tao didn't seem to care as he sat at the dining table on his phone, messaging on Snow with his 'friend'. He was oblivious to Jai serving him, he didn't smile fondly at her like his father did to his mother. He just muttered a thanks in Mandrin.

Jai wishes she slipped something bitter on his stupid espresso that she took a hour to learn for his ungrateful self. She decided she wouldn't sweat it..for no, she had to get ready for Orientation.

She ate in her room as she spray bottled her hair so it loosed the pomade she out in it the other day to make it a sleek bun to meet her 'aunties'. Her curls were loose and shiny, perfect. She haven't worn her hair down since she got here, she missed her beautiful locs, she felt like herself.

She decided to make her freckles pop so Jai decided apply her new Shimmer pallet she bought in France and applied a bit on her cheekbones. Giving her a soft glow that wasn't to dramatic.

The school didn't have a strict dress code but since it was a top school, she knew everyone, mostly her would be female classmates would be dressed up in some kind of rich attire so she decided to bring her Aussie A-game.

Back home, Jai was always listed best dressed in the school year book, she and her friends always came to school looking Ace, This would be no different. Of course every country had their own style, and Jai planned on mixing East and West she wouldn't be out done.

Jai was just putting on her Chanel Classic flats on when Tao rudely opened the door.

"Wow your manner are impeccable" she sarcastically said, rolling her eyes.

He chose to ignore her comment and just cut to the chase, "I need to give some rules to you. This is my school, I know Just about every one that attends, my parents are alumni there and we have reputation."

"I don't give a damn about your rules. I won't following you around like a puppy, so don't worry about me. But do tell your baide piece I said hi" she smirked 

"I don't even claim you. You still need to train to take my slippers off, btw you have help me out my shoes on to honey. Any way please don't act like you know me, if you see me act like I'm invisible. Try not to act too foreign, remember your status and the prefixs that go with it. And try not get jealous if you see me with other girls, that's none of your business"

"I don't think I'll remember all that hubby, I think I MIGHT have to follow you around with huge sad eyes looking for you guidance. " Jai pretended to be shy "like a old bride"

Tao rolled his eyes and counted to ten in his head, this woman was starting to work on his nerves. He wasn't afraid of her seeing him with other girls, or her telling anyone that she was his "wife", he was worried she would make good on her bluff and actually follow him around. He could sense she was a petty woman, he first learned this when she called him husband and hubby whenever she could. when his mother gushed over how amazing and talented she was, he could feel her eyes burning smug little holes in his back.

But she could never be as petty and non-caring as he could be, he just hoped she grew bored of little game before he had to show her, how her life would really be.

"Whattheever" he grumbled and left her room. He knew he would purposely come home late tonight just to spite her so she had to wait on him to come home. "Have a good day then" he turned to leave.

"Wait, aren't we going together. I don't know how to get there"

He twisted his mouth a bit , pretending to ponder her situation "Nope, I have things to do before orientation, my dad can give you a ride, or you can a taxi and use your broken Mandrin"

Jai had so many things she had to say to him but she kept her cool and just smile. She cursed him In her head instead. 

At the last moment his father made Tao give me a ride to school, and Jai sat in the front seat grinning with slick victory against his  request that she sit the back. 

She conned her way into this and she was loving every second.

Mr.Huang had looked very disappointed in his son and demanded his ungrateful son take his poor wide to school or else she would get lost. It was so funny to Jai.

       Tao drove in silence, radio was barely above a whisper. He was trying to not yell or question her on what her goal was of ratting on him to his father. He couldn't believe how childish she was behaving. She was nearly 18 and she was acting like a total brat. He couldn't believe his life at the moment, she was going to make his life difficult because she felt like it. He began to think maybe he should return the favor.

It was a long drive to Lush green Fudan University urban campus. Jai couldn't believe how beautiful the building was when they drove past it when they were going the student parking lot. It was like a set of a movie, she couldn't believe she would be attending this school

She felt guilty for so mean to Tao when his father had enrolled her into this price college for the elite and intellectual. She made a not to buy a nice cake to show her appreciation.

"We're here" he mumbled.

"Thank you" she said after a few seconds of silence 

"Don't mention it. I have to drive you home too so meet at the café a half hour after orientation"

"Are we not walking in together?" 

He turned to look at her "I'm doing what my dad told to do , get you here and bring you back. Your on your on. I'll be seeing you later."

As soon as she stepped out of his car , he turned around and drove off in a hurry. She wish she could swallow her silly pride and apologize for snitching on him, she hated being told what to do and hated that he wasn't infatuated with her like most would be. 

Maybe it was because she sat in his house all day, waiting on his hand and foot as apart of her training. She didn't talk to anyone else and didn't go any where. She was used to traveling and going to parties. This was supposed to be fun.

She was supposed to be clubbing and meeting new people every night not practicing to be a wife. Besides who trains to be a wife? Didn't it kind of just happen?

         She followed a group of girls who looked about her age to the grand hall. That was where the orientation was being held this morning. The signs were thankfully in both traditional and English. So she didn't feel too uncomfortable. She wished he was here though, she was sure the lecture would be Mandrin and would need him to translate some of it. She was learning could understand a handful of words but not enough to be fluent and speak with comfort with natives.

She was right and she tried her best to take a few notes on what she did understand. She sighed loudly with frustration causing a few people sitting in front of her roll their eyes at her.
She was about to give up when someone tapped her shoulder, she smiled thinking it was Tao coming to her rescue but met another pair of eyes.

He smiled warmly at her and took the empty seat next to her. Jai gave him a quick once over and waited for what he was trying to do. He wasn't bad looking, he had a smooth face and wore smart fake glasses. He looked like a legacy, most likely old money like her father.

"You look like your struggling" he spoke with flawless English, barely had a accent.

"Yeah a little. I'm not fluent yet"

"I can translate my notes for you" he smiled 

Jai narrowed her eyes, what did her want from her, folks don't do anything without expecting anything in return.

"What's the catch?"

"Have lunch with me"

Bingo! She knew he had motive, he wasn't helping her out of the kindness of his heart but she did like his approach, so she agreed. 

He introduced himself as Sehun  Oh, he was a Korean expat studying medicine. Apparently he was the Heir to a major Hospital back at his home country. Jai took relief in gaining a another foreigner friend. She sure there was others but for now Sehun was perfect .

Sehun wrote down most of the lecture while Jai zones out, she was tired from waking up early to help make Tao and his Father's breakfast. She was overjoyed when the lecture was over. This was going to be a struggle but she hoped she would adjust to all soon.

Most of the morning was greeting teachers and touring the campus and school. She made sure to note the route that would be fastest to her classes, landmarks just in case ahe got lost on the way. And she scanned the first years fashion trends. She notice they were to flashy like the rich squads at home, they dresses high quality but simple and light. Jai felt a bit over dressed in her magenta sundress, leather jacket and boots. She might have to pick up a few new items before school actually started for her.

When the tour was over it was lunch, it wasn't mandatory to stay on campus but for those who did, were treated to delicious banquet of food.

Jai hesitated in the café lobby, she wasn't sure  if she should wait for Sehun or just get food the banquet. Thank goodness she didn't have to wait on her decision for too long.

Sehun was jogging up to her,waving at her. Jai smiled and met him half way.

"There you are. Let's eat" he sai, Jai nodded and followed him outside.

They were going to a small coffee bar down the street in the shopping district. Jai feeling flattered to have someone pay for whatever she wanted couldn't stop smiling as they walked off campus.

Her smile soon faded as she spotted someone familiar, Tao. To be fair she was supposed to pretend she didn't know him at school but the look on his face looked nasty, like he just ate something bitter and rancid.

A woman with deep brown hair, dressed in navy was sitting next to him, they looked pretty comfortable together. A sharp pang in Jai's stomach overcame her.

How could he look at her like that when he was sitting next to a pretty woman. His eyes locked on her and then looking over the guy she was with. His mouth twitching with anger, he didn't want cause a scene so he turned his attention to the girl next to him. Hoping Jai saw it.

"What's wrong, you look sick" Sehun said

"I think I'm just a little hungry" she lied, she smiled for Sehun even though she felt hurt and angry.

Sehun looked like he had more to say but stopped himself, he decided to take her word for it. He was curious why she looked so pained.

           When orientation was over Jai waited at a table in the student café, she was going over her syllabus for her classes, checking her translation dictionary for words she didn't know. She was waiting on Tao to gove her a ride and it seemed like he was running a little late, she wasn't in a hurry though. She had sweet tea and a muffin from the café to keep her company.

Though she was worried about what he would be like when he went to get her, would he be mad? But why would he be mad, he was with someone who he was most likely seeing causally. He can't have it his way and do as he pleased, he knew his bargain too.

He also challenged her to be bride. A thought that confused her the most. She hated that this was her life and how it was becoming her new normal. She should be relaxingg some where sunny being chased by hot men. She sighed loudly and felt even more irritated than before..

"Hey,Jai what's up? Waiting on someone?" It was Sehun.

"Yeah, seems they are running late" she felt a bit robotic.

"I can give you one, just put your address in my GPS"

"I dunno, my mom said I shouldn't go home with strangers no matter how cute they are"

Sehun smiled "Strange, my mom said to rescue maidens from clutches of evil"

Jai chuckled"Your so corny"

"Yeah I get that  a lot, So ready to escape the with the white knight?

"Ugh I guess so" she started collecting her things and putting them into her backpack. She couldn't wait to take a nap back home.

Sehun kept the conversation light and active, making  sure to ask her about her day and what she thought about the classes you taking and of course the teachers he thought were after him.

"The way that old lady looked at me, I know she'll  be itching to fail me" he laughed as he explained the awkward exchange he had with his Ancient Medicine teacher.

When they arrived at Tao's house, she thanked Sehun and jumped out. She saw Tao's white sports car in the drive way as the were approaching and Jai had gone into battle mode. He was home before her, meaning he left her at school on purpose.

Once inside Jai kicked off her boots and marched to Tao's room. She didn't bother to knock.

He was lying on his back, stoned out of his head.

"Hey thanks for leaving me at school"

"You seem to found away back" he said in a monotone voice.

"Yeah had to get a ride"

"From that guy. You seem fine"

" you! You left me in a place I only been to once. I don't have  money or a car. If he didn't drive me home I'd still be there" she yelled 

"You had no problem getting a ride from that guy I saw you with earlier ."

" I was waiting for you! Was I supposed to wait till you remembered me?!"

He repeated himself again.

"Why do you care? You with some . Don't make me the bad guy. And your dumb rule told me not to care."

"That was my rule for you. I don't wanna see you all over men there. "

"I'm sorry but I'm not about to watch you have women in your lap or whatever. That's not fair"

"It's not supposed to fair J. Its how it. Either deal with it or go back home"

Jai watched him rage, her blood rising at his comment. "Your such a selfish jerk. You don't care about me or what my family bus going though. I'm not here because I want to, I'm here to save my family from public shame and debt. I'm going to be your wide to save my family. your noise and listen to me. Your going to help me help you. I'm sure your family is just as quick to marry you off as well. So maybe we should help each other"

"I don't care if my parents don't like how I live. "

"Well I care how my parents live, I'm not going to just be your glorified maid. If I'm doing all this work your going to respect me. If your serious about that girl maybe she should join me in the training than it can be fair."

"I'm not like that with her, it's a causal thing" he stuttered

"Well maybe you should end it" she snapped 

Tao said nothing.

"Or you can do as you please and I can so as I please as long we commit to our obligation"

"You just want an excuse to see him, I don't want to see you with other men"

"Well maybe I don't  want to see you with other women"

Tao opened his mouth but closed it , he had nothing to say. Her words mirrored his and his hypocrisy was bitter tasting.

"Okay" he layed back down on his bed. Silent in thought. When Jai opened bthey door, he sat back up and called her to come closer.

He fought an urge and grabbed her hand. "Fine. Let's help each other out. But I never want you to talk to guy again"


"Because he's - I don't like the way he was looking at you earlier today. If I must stay away from other women, I'm going to keep you where  no else can look at you like that"

She didn't understand what he was talking about, Sehun didn't look at her in any way for Tao to be tripping but she was glad he agreed to hear him say he'd help her and family out.

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One more chapter left!


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CarelessMindless #1
Meridith #2
Chapter 19: Omg I have so many emotions that I literally can't omg omg omg I neeeeeeed an update please
Chapter 15: Also, she don't have to give into any favors to Sehun because he didn't save Tao's life nor did he do anything heroic by posting bail which could have been done by Tao or his friends or family. He probably had Tao arrested anyway. You don't owe him anything.
Chapter 15: jai is one stupid girl stuck on stupid. Sehun is not your friend but the enemy. He just want to stick it Tao. He wants you also. Little girl, time to grow up and act like you got some smarts about you. Sehun is playing u like a fiddle. You don't listen to Tao to stay away from him. Spoiled and dumb princess is more like it. Now u are in a situation that could have been avoided. Characters like this makes me shake my head. I like the story idea but she can be little more smart with some wits about her.
747 streak #5
Good couple of chapters. I don't trust Sehun, can't wait to see what happens with his character. The newlyweds also have some obstacles to overcome.
chanti01234 #6
Chapter 14: Love your story.
this chapter is too short, but still nice.
Meridith #7
Chapter 13: Omg I didn't know this would happen
747 streak #8
Chapter 12: I hope he finally comes clean, it seems like he really cares. Poor Jai should be running for the hills. lol
747 streak #9
Chapter 11: Hmm...what will tomorrow bring? I can't help, but wonder if he wants to rush to get married before Jai finds out the specifics about the accident. I'm surprised that Sehun didn't just tell her about his sister outright.
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! I just read all of the chapters. I can't, I really hope Tao doesn't change his mind by tomorrow, and poor Jai. I'm honestly really enjoying this story.