Secrets You make

A Woman's Worth

"What's the Korean Version for boyfriend?"

Sojin scrunched her face up before giggling tilting her head slightly "Oppa" 

"Okay call me that"

"You want to be my boyfriend?" Sojin made her voice high and cutesy

"I wanna be everything" Tao said his broke Korean

 Sojin clapped her hands' excitement.

Did you forget about me already? Sojin's voice came like a whisper, like she whispering in his ear in real life.

The guilt never fully vanished and only seem to get worst after admitting to having strong feeling for Jai. He thought going through with the marriage would make it better or give him something else to think about.

It was now their honeymoon, Tao had reserved a table for the two of them Jai was excited and had worn something special.  She looked beautiful with her curly hair shimmering with flower hair clips, but it wasn't even what she wore. She had a glow about her that intrigued but confused him.

Maybe it was becoming real for him. He had married her quickly out jealously and insecurity.  He didn't regret it but there was back out now, he didn't believe in divorce or her taking half his wealth. Especially if they had kids...

It dawned on him that was the next step once they were settled.  Did he even want kids, he never thought of himself as a father, let alone married. He thought he always be a bachelor.  He ran his hands through his hair in frustrations. 

Jai noticed it but figured he would tell her if something was wrong, she knew he was still struggling with a few things and she figured he would tell her when he was ready. She didn't want to force him.

Yet when he began to turn pale and looked strained she began to worry.

Tao  ran his hands through his hair, he looked like he was in pain.

"Is something wrong?" Jai asked but Tao ignored her and began taking a few deep breaths to regain his composure.

" Something Wrong?" Jai asked 

Tao sighed and pushed his plate away " I have something to tell you"

Jai's heart nearly missed a beat at this announcement,  she set her fork down, giving him her full undivided attention. 

"It's about Sojin..what really her." Tao said unease washed over his vibe.

"Are you okay?" she asked but was cut off when he raised a hand to make her stop talking.

"I was with her the night she died, I want to tell you before Sehun or his family told you. They hate me and even tried to get me arrested. I probably should be in jail, but my parents saved me from all that. That is why they are in such a rush to marry me off and why in a sense why I married you now."

Jai felt her blood drain from her face. Her mind went to the first thing that popped into her head. A marriage of convenience. 

"Are your parents going to pay them off after we tied the knot?"

Tao looked away then looked at her "Yes" 

"You used me"

"No. I do care about and I will give you a great life and if you're being honest you used me too"

"That's different! My parents didn't kill anyone!"

Tao sighed " I guess I deserve that outburst. I did kill her."

"OMG, how? "

"I was drunk and in LSD when I was driving over the limit. I wrecked my car on a traffic peg, me and her friends made it out with a few broken things but Sojin  got impaled by the traffic sign. She died..a week later" his eyes glistened with unshed tears. 

Jai felt disgusted but sorry for him, it explains why he acted like he did and always drank to pass out. She wanted to comfort him but apart of her wanted some time to think about what she had heard.

"Did you try to save her at least? "

"I did, I even tried to calm her down as she panicked and tried to pull it out herself. I did everything I could. When she died I personally apologised to the Oh Family but not enough  was ever enough."

Jai thought hard to remember if Sehun had ever said anything disrespectful about him but nothing came to mind. She made a note to ask Sehun for his side of the story when they were back from vacation. Not because she didn't believe him but there were two sides of the story and she wanted to know Sehun felt about what happened  to his own sister. 

Jai placed her hand on his , hoping that she could somehow calm him down. He was stressed out and feeling guilty,  he was her husband now which meant he was her responsibility and problem.

Sure the wealth was great but it seems like it wasn't worth the issues that came with it.

Tao looked her in the eyes,  he felt slightly relieved but worried.  Jai had not said anything in a while, she was his hand in silence.

"Say something, anything " he whispers 

"What do you want me to say?"

"Anything, what your thinking "

"It's a lot to take in..especially on my honeymoon. I think if you..we talked to Sehun we could get closure on all this "

"No. He's the reason I can't move on"

"Which is why talking this out will be -"

"No," he said firmly.

Jai nodded but she already planned on talking to Sehun,  she would get to the bottom of this and get Tao's course without him.

      Tao's parents asleep when they arrived home a few days later. He assured then they would sit down and the long stern lecture when they came home from classes tomorrow evening. Tao unlike he normally would behave at home carried the luggage and let Jai walk in front of him. Which reminded Jai that they had to discuss how they would act now, they weren't engaged anymore. It would be awkward to sleep in separate rooms now, granted they have only slept in the same bed twice and nothing other than kissing ever happened. Which for Jai and possibly for Tao as well was a blessing? The fact that he hasn't initiated anything only meant they were not ready.

"So what do we do?" Jai tugged on her husband's shirt

"About what?" He turned to her as he paused walking to his room.

"Should we act like nothing happened?" Jai felt insecure.

"why would we do that..I maybe we can't how we were back in Macau but we can act more like a couple. Especially at school" He put sternness on the especially.

He held her hand for a brief moment then continued to his room, Jai followed him feeling unsure about what he had said, she hated feeling like this. She did not want to have to worry about acting 'normal' in front of his parents but she didn't want to be humble after being pampered for days in Macau. She knew it was petty but she was about to take Tao's shoes off after he basically treated her like a princess. She was his wife now, not his training bride, she graduated.

"Why are you pouting?" Tao asked

"I was just thinking i have to be your little servant again" 

Tao rolled his eyes, " Well we do have to pretend and keep up appearances. I mean people would talk is i suddenly did this"

He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close, he smiled. "I wouldn't mind"

" But people would notice if i kissed you like i owned you"

"You don't but I'll allow it"

"You own me"

Jai snickered, she stood on her tip toes to leave kisses on his jaw line.

"You better stop or you'll awaken the beast"

Jai rolled her eyes " Pfft, Sure"

"I mean it"

"I'll do as I please. I'll just deal with the consequences "

"Don't cry when you can't handle it"

Jai rolled her eyes again, she pushed herself free. Her hand on the door she scoffs "It's me you should worry about little boy"

Tao smirked, he loved when acted like this. It reminded him of the hotel party, she was a goddess the way she teased but never gave in. It was like he had work and earn it, He would respect that, it only made him more curious.

          They spent most the morning together but classes made them part, but Jai also needed to be alone so she could talk Sehun. When she saw him walking in the library hall, she decided that off campus was more appropriate for privacy and just in case Tao saw them. She already felt as if she was cheating on him. 

"Hey Sehun,  got a minute?" Jai pointed outside and Sehun nodded his head. 

The two walked into the court year, making light small talk until they reached the side walk to to main street 

"I was wondering if you could tell me something and be honest with me". Jai confessed 

"Sure but about what?" raising his eyebrows.

"About your sister"

Sehun had a look on his face that was unreadable.  "What do want know? "

"I want to talk in private though " she blurted in a hurry she suddenly felt eyes on her and was to scared to turn to see if anyone was really behind her.

Sehun smirked "lead the way"

In the back of a nearby café Jai and Sehun sat across from each other sipping on black tea.

"Back at the party you said she was his girlfriend,  were you being for real or just trying to provoke him, did they really date?"

"More than that. They were engaged " Sehun sips from his cup like he didn't just drop an important detail. 

"Was it arranged ?"

"No, They chose to marry after graduation, so she was just about your age 17 almost 18"

'He chose her' she mumbled under breath,  Jai  nervously tore at the napkin under cup sacuser. 

"I thought he was distraught over her death so when I say him bring close with you, especially in the hall way that night. I was" he brook off looking away from her. She could tell he was embarrassed by what he had said. "I was shocked and slightly insulted he had already moved on to point of dating "

Jai wanted to apologize but Didn't. This had nothing to do with her. She just wanted his side that was all.

"I am sorry for bringing up such a tender subject, buy can you tell me what happened before the accident. If it was just an accident why does Tao act like he killed her, yes he was ed up but I'm sure you hold no serious grudge against him. Like he say you do, he thinks you and his family want him suffer"

"He thinks I'm still mad?" Sehun snirks briefly, it was a slimy kind of smirk that made Jai feel uneasy. "I was mad at him a few years ago but I'm not like that. My family and I feel for Tao, his girlfriend died in front of his very eyes. He has to live with that. I long forgiven him"

Jai felt relaxed at his explanation, she knew Tao was just dealing with some untreated survivors remorse.  There was no way the Oh family was holding him responsible for her death anymore. She was sure once he got amen help, he could move on.

"Thank you for meeting with me, I gotta meet up with T-"

Sehun had grabbed her hand, touching her ring.

"What a beautiful ring you have. It looks special and familiar "

This took Jai by surprise,  what did he mean familiar.  She looked down at her ring , fmshe suddenly felt heavy all over. The first thing that popped into her head was " Am I wearing a dead girl's ring? "

"What?" Sehun looked up at Jai with concern. 

"Nothing, nothing ", she didn't realise she had said that aloud. "I better go"

Sehun let go and nodded. "Tell Tao I said 'Hi' ".

Jai looked at her ring again as she walked,  her head filled with unhappy thoughts, but mostly 'I'm wearing Sojin's ring '.

She was about to slip the ring off to inspect it closely when suddenly someone pulls her back. She was about to walk into the street,  when she turned to thank the person who keyed her safe she was face to face with a red faced Tao.

Hands to she gasped, she had been caught. Jai wanted to explain but Tao silenced her by pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Why would you ever talk to him?" he whispered sadly in her ear as they hugged.

She didn't need to even think, she knew already knew what he was talking about. 

 "How did you know?" she asked

"I told him we were meeti and he came running. " Sehun stood less than three feet away from them. He shook his iPhone at her. Sehun had topped her husband off, making her look like a disloyal spouse. She couldn't believe it.

Just at the moment Sehun looked like a different person,  he want the goofy guy she had met on her first week of classes at all. He was sharp, cold and there was something else she couldn't put her finger on. Something she caught a glimpse of in the café earlier.

"I think it's time we had a honest talk Hyung " Sehun said. He wore that slimy smirk again.

Jai looked at Tao and knew by his pained expression that something wasn't right between him and Sehun. She had lead her husband into sonething sticky. 

She had trapped  her very own husband.

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One more chapter left!


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CarelessMindless #1
Meridith #2
Chapter 19: Omg I have so many emotions that I literally can't omg omg omg I neeeeeeed an update please
Chapter 15: Also, she don't have to give into any favors to Sehun because he didn't save Tao's life nor did he do anything heroic by posting bail which could have been done by Tao or his friends or family. He probably had Tao arrested anyway. You don't owe him anything.
Chapter 15: jai is one stupid girl stuck on stupid. Sehun is not your friend but the enemy. He just want to stick it Tao. He wants you also. Little girl, time to grow up and act like you got some smarts about you. Sehun is playing u like a fiddle. You don't listen to Tao to stay away from him. Spoiled and dumb princess is more like it. Now u are in a situation that could have been avoided. Characters like this makes me shake my head. I like the story idea but she can be little more smart with some wits about her.
747 streak #5
Good couple of chapters. I don't trust Sehun, can't wait to see what happens with his character. The newlyweds also have some obstacles to overcome.
chanti01234 #6
Chapter 14: Love your story.
this chapter is too short, but still nice.
Meridith #7
Chapter 13: Omg I didn't know this would happen
747 streak #8
Chapter 12: I hope he finally comes clean, it seems like he really cares. Poor Jai should be running for the hills. lol
747 streak #9
Chapter 11: Hmm...what will tomorrow bring? I can't help, but wonder if he wants to rush to get married before Jai finds out the specifics about the accident. I'm surprised that Sehun didn't just tell her about his sister outright.
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! I just read all of the chapters. I can't, I really hope Tao doesn't change his mind by tomorrow, and poor Jai. I'm honestly really enjoying this story.