Manners in first degree

A Woman's Worth

Mother Huang.. that's what Mrs. Huang wanted Jai to call her , Called everyone to dinner. Jai was instructed to stand with her until father Huang and junior had sat down to eat bit her son was no where to be seen. So they sat when father tucked into dinner.

"I hope your enjoying your bedroom, sorry it's so far from everyone. We are still preparing your upstairs room." Father smiled warmly as he spoke.

"Oh no, it's beautiful. I'm sorry for coming at inconvenient time" Jai politely said. It pained her to be so kind, she never had to eat with her mum and dad. They all are separate and sometimes ate in different time zones. The only time they had family meals was for family gathering and if they were on holiday.

"I can tell your not use to this. Don't strain yourself to talk too much. I'm sure Junior will be home soon" Mother Huang explained Jai was thankful that they understood her and that she didn't have force a conversation with strangers he parents sent her blindly off to.

"I don't mean to pry but where did Junior get off to?" 

Mother and Father Huang gave each other a look, then looked back their plates. They knew exactly where their wayward son had gone but they were too embarrassed to tell his future potential bride where he had gone off to. They worried she would look down on the way they raised their son.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon" was all his mother said.

Later that night Jai was soaking in the bath, trying forget the her worried thoughts as she relaxed with a face pack on. The door opened and a tipsy Tao stumbled in.

He didn't see her at first but when he did, he just froze up and stared.

Speechless Jai sat there in horror unsure what to do, he was looking at her and his eyes lingered on her bare shoulders and line.

"Your in my bathroom" he shuddered

Jai couldn't believe it, instead of apologizing for busting in on her, he lies.

"I'm no this is mine, it's across the hall from my room", why was she even trying explaining herself to a drunk  moron?

"Could you get out?" She tried her hardest not to yell at him, it was late she didn't need to explain or have his parents think she was trying to seduce their son. She didn't need anyone to ring her already stressed parents.

 "Just"- He paused as if his own voice was irritating him "Just give me a moment to get myself from spinning"

Jai rolled her eyes "Look Just because you gotten yourself piss drunk doesn't mean I have to listen to you" she snapped at him. This was supposed to be her chance to shake off her jet lag

"Your so cold" he whispered as slumped to the floor, his face resting on the toilet. He mumbled something else but it was in what Jai could guess was mandrin or whatever region he spoke here.

She didn't want to be ignorant but the fact he could be swearing at her made her angry. Who was he to take a Micky out on her.

"Could you speak English in presence?"


"Because I can not speak the gibberish you speak"

He scoffed at her, he wasn't so tipsy he shake his head at her "Wow, I can't believe you say that, in my my face"

Jai turn her nose at him, she didn't care if this was his house, he was intruding on her me time. In her mind she had every right to be nasty.

"Okay okay, I'm out. Good luck on your lessons brat"

Jai opened in shock,  Feeling out off she sinkined further into the warm bath. Curing him as she sulked.

He was getting under her skin and she hated when people acted like they were better than her. It was as if he didn't care who raised her to be the woman she was today.

"How dare he" she mumbled.


        The next Morning, It was just making 5am when the house maid Liu or whatever had opened up the blinds ,waking the stubborn Jai from her deep slumber. 

The house maid had dis everything in her power to make the girl up but she wouldn't stirr. Surely Jai had known she had to wake up early to start her lesson but apparently Jai didn't take Tao's Mom seriously.

When Jai was sitting up,Miss Liu placed a silk robe on her la and told her to meet her and madam downstairs promptly.

Again not taking a single word seriously Jai rolled her eyes and plopped back on the bed. She had just closed her eyes when there was another knock on the door to remind her to get dressed.

She slipped out of bed and started to get dressed, she couldn't believe she had to be awake so soon and so bloody early. This was not what she signed up for whem she agreed to come stay with them. 

In her mind she was a guest and guest didn't have to wake up so early. What was all this business about lessons. She was soon to graduate back home, there was no need to worry about school anymore.

She decided that she was explain herself to Tao's Mom whenever she got the chance that she was in her last year and would be attending a hood school back home, once the drama settled down with her family. She was so sure this visit would be a short term one.

  Once she was down stairs, Jai faced four women in the room. They were all dressed traditional like Jai.

 Tao's Mother patted a blue cushion next to her on the floor and Jai nodded and join the women at the low table.
All the fierceness she felt had disappeared when she sat down. She kept her eyes low and only spoke when asked. She couldn't explain it but something about the four women was very intimidating.

As they spoke amongst each other, Jai took the time to study each lady's face. Only two were elderly, the other two were about mid forties or so. Not much older than her own mother. Tao's mom was the prettiest.

The ladies all took turns bragging about their children, but mostly their oldest son's. The lady in teal's son was graduating from a top school on America, while the lady in yellow 's was having a son if his own.

Jai didn't see why any of that was bragg worthy,it wasn't like these men did something important, like curing cancer. They were just living lives all rich kids did. College,travel,be drunk and eventually take over or inherit only knock up a rich sorority chick and get married. Nothing special.

These ladies were bragging about their mediocre children, Jai rolled her puffy eyes.

A soft snort caught Jai's attention, the woman sitting across from her had snorted at her. Yes Jai kind of rolled out if bed, only to pull her curls into a side pony. But at least she was there being polite.

"Don't mind her sister, she's still tired from the long flight" Mother Huang had covered for Jai's apparent fuax pas. 

Jai nodded when she was told to get the kettle. An easy task but tidious, Jai was suddenly worried she had embarrassed Mother Huang. How the hell was she supposed to know rolling her eyes was offensive..okay she knew but she didn't think anyone was paying attention to her. It wasn't her fault those ladies were watching her like a hawk.

"It's on the stove" The house maiden said, not even looking up from her puzzle.

The house maiden guided her through the set up of the tea cup set up.

"Why is she making me do this" Jai whined

"Because it be too easy to allow any gold digger into this family"

Jai was stunned, 'Did that housekeeper just call ME a gold digger, does She not know who my family is?' she wanted to scream but instead she smiled and thank the old wench.

Once Jai fumbled at setting the cups up and sloppily pouring the hot Jasmine tea. She was sent away and made to down five times before being sent to her room. She was excised for the day.

Later after changing into comfty clothes she ran into that brat, he of course was sober but he still reminded her of a onion just sitting n the couch.

"Your maid called me a gold digger " she snapped


"Fire her, she insulted your guest"

"Prove her wrong then I'll fire her"

"What? That makes no sense"

"Do you know how many women have left because of snide comments from the housekeeper? Six of them. I'm tired of the whining, prove her wrong."

Jai stood their with agape, he wasn't even going to handle his help. She called her a slur but some how SHE was the bad guy?


"Prove her wrong and get use to it Mrs, Huang " he said and left he room.

Wait what did he mean Mrs,Huang, surely he wasn't talking about her, right?.

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CarelessMindless #1
Meridith #2
Chapter 19: Omg I have so many emotions that I literally can't omg omg omg I neeeeeeed an update please
Chapter 15: Also, she don't have to give into any favors to Sehun because he didn't save Tao's life nor did he do anything heroic by posting bail which could have been done by Tao or his friends or family. He probably had Tao arrested anyway. You don't owe him anything.
Chapter 15: jai is one stupid girl stuck on stupid. Sehun is not your friend but the enemy. He just want to stick it Tao. He wants you also. Little girl, time to grow up and act like you got some smarts about you. Sehun is playing u like a fiddle. You don't listen to Tao to stay away from him. Spoiled and dumb princess is more like it. Now u are in a situation that could have been avoided. Characters like this makes me shake my head. I like the story idea but she can be little more smart with some wits about her.
747 streak #5
Good couple of chapters. I don't trust Sehun, can't wait to see what happens with his character. The newlyweds also have some obstacles to overcome.
chanti01234 #6
Chapter 14: Love your story.
this chapter is too short, but still nice.
Meridith #7
Chapter 13: Omg I didn't know this would happen
747 streak #8
Chapter 12: I hope he finally comes clean, it seems like he really cares. Poor Jai should be running for the hills. lol
747 streak #9
Chapter 11: Hmm...what will tomorrow bring? I can't help, but wonder if he wants to rush to get married before Jai finds out the specifics about the accident. I'm surprised that Sehun didn't just tell her about his sister outright.
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! I just read all of the chapters. I can't, I really hope Tao doesn't change his mind by tomorrow, and poor Jai. I'm honestly really enjoying this story.