Dirty Dealing

A Woman's Worth

Sehun sat back in his chair smiling like a man who has won, while Jai struggled with she had done. She was doing the right thing surely, she was keeping Tao's name out of the media and keeping his arrest from his already worried family. Yet she felt as if she had done something terribly wrong.

"What do I have to do?" She asked

Sehun thought to himself "Not sure yet but you'll know" his eyes landed on her ring "What a beautiful ring"

He grabbed her hand and examined it closely. "Diamonds always did look beautiful on a woman's hand, it's a shame such a ring is worn by a girl who has no idea what she's in for." He looked up at her with dead eyes "Is it even legit Jai"

"He wouldn't buy a cheap ring, " Jai said defensively

He smirked "You know what I mean Jaid"

"NO, I don't maybe you should be more clear. Talking like an old man"

"I like how you dodge the question, I thought western girls were more open but here you are playing dumb. So I'll be more forward have you completed your act of marriage, did you have ? Are you still a Jaid?"

Jai nearly dropped the glass of water she had just picked up "That's none of your business"

"But it is, your marriage is a fake and If you don't play along this tidbit can be exposed"

"I'm not a " she protested

"Funny, your exams say otherwise, or maybe your withholding yourself as a wife, which is grounds for a divorce"

"Tao doesn't believe in divorce, nice try. Where did you get my medical record"

Sehun's phone chirped on the table. "That's my lawyer I should get this" He dodges the question and leave the room to take his call.

Jai glanced at the wall clock, it had been a good 15 minutes since Sehun called for Tao's bail, she needed to make sure Tao was okay. Who know what had been done to him since he was hauled off to jail. She decided to leave while Sehun was busy was for the best, But she didn't get too far. Sehun was just out the door. He smiled when he saw Jai open the door, cupping his phone he asked her if she was leaving so soon, making her back up a little.

"I want to check on Tao" she tripped over her words.

"I see, I guess that makes sense." he nodded "I'll be in touch." though he said it politely, his words were sharp and cruel.

Jai ran out of the restaurant, she didn't want to spend another minute in that place.

      When Jai arrived at the station she found Tao sitting in the lobby, he looked like he had been messed with. His hair was all over his head, he had a red blotch on chiselled cheek, and linen shirt was ripped and missing a few button. Jai rushed to her husband's side and tried her best not to burst into tears. She knew she should have followed them instead of meeting up Sehun.

Wrapping her arms around his neck her held him close until Tao winched from the pressure.

"Are you hurt?" She asked pulling away

Tao nodded, "Let's go home"

"No, we need a hospital"

"NO! Have Liu call our family doctor once we're in the car, I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it the house like this."

"Don't talk like that, I'm sure it's a scrape"

"J my left side feels like it's stabbing me. Also please call my father's lawyer I'm sure this is something Oh pulled" he was gasping as he spoke, scaring Jai.


"Please just do as I ask. I'm tired and I need you to help me out. I promise once I'm better I'll do anything you desire. Just focus on me just this once"

"Please don't talk like you do everything for me" Jai snapped

Tao looked at her like she had grown a second head "Are you serious. My family and I have done everything for you and your family. We pretty much nearly lost long time stockholders due to our not private bailout for your parents business." He looked like he had more to say but stopped himself before he hurt her feelings. Talking also made his condition worse.

"I'm sorry," Jai said quietly

"No, it's my fault"

"No, it's mine." Jai said cryptically, Tao looked at her with curiosity but shook it off. It had been a long day for both of them, surely she was just feeling bad he had been roughed up in jail.

He grabbed her hand, "Let's go home"

          When they arrived home, as promised the doctor was there waiting for the now very exhausted Tao. The doctor and his nurse helped Tao this room while Jai helped the mad'am housekeeper prepare towels and things the doctor would need.

Though she had a feeling everyone would wonder how this happened to Tao, especially since they were going on a quick vacation to her home country, She wondered how long until everyone blamed her for what happened.

An hour had passed when the doctor came out of Tao's room to update everyone on his condition.

"He had a fractured rib that will need braces and possibly need to held together by a feel bolts but other than that, Tao will recover with some rest. I'll be bringing him to my clinic to begin the surgery"

"Is the surgery going to be major?" Tao's mother asked

"No, ma'am. I'll make a small incision and repair his ribs when the cut heals it'll hardly be noticeable."

Tao's mother looked relieved but Jai felt guilty. She knew she would have to eventually speak up before it was too late.

"I'll be seeking charges for those responsible for this" Tao's father said with anger. She didn't blame him, no parent wants to see their child suffer in pain like this.

"And for you, since you are his soon to be wife, I'd like you to be there during the surgery, I'll have some care instructions for you afterwards." 

"Yes sir" Jai nodded. "I'll pack our things" she excused herself to quickly back an overnight bag for the two of them.

Instead of going straight to her bedroom, she went to Tao's room first. He was lying in his bed, eyes closed as he winced with pain. Jai hated seeing him in so much pain she wished she could take his pain away.  

"Are you okay?" Jai asked as she walked closer to his bed, then slowly climbed in with him.

Tao grabbed her hand and tightly held as he fought a rough wave of pain. "No" he whispered. he rolled over to his good side, nestling his face in Jai's hair.

"I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault babe"

Jai couldn't bring herself to tell him where she had gone before meeting Tao at the station, so she laid in silence next to him.  Being his comfort in his time of need. She would tell him when he wasn't in pain anymore.

"Is there anything of your you want me to pack for you, something easy to put on." She decided to change the subject

"Yeah in my top drawer are all my shirts and track suits"

"track suits really?"

"I have a black duffle in the closet" he ignored her rolling her eyes at him.

Jai moved her forehead to his, tapping it in a way to show affection. She hadn't shown him any since their argument the days before all this stuff started happening. "I'll take good care of you" she whispered before moving away but Tao stops her and wrapped his good arm around her shoulders. He squeezed her tightly before releasing her. He wanted to kiss her but decided a hug was more appropriate, he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

When he released her, Jai's heartbeat sped up making her feel dizzy and torn. No one else made her feel this way and she was also going behind his back again. She knew that once he found out her mistake he probably would break his promise and divorce her. Letting out a deep breath Jai began looking through his top draw for his joggers and matching sets, trying to find one that didn't scream rich boy swag. When she finally did find a normal looking set she found a small pink box. She looked behind her to check if he was watching her, only to find him sitting on the edge of the bed watching her carefully.

"Is this for me?" Jai asked

Tao said nothing and struggled to get to his feet, Jai rushed over to help him but he made her stop fussing over him. He then took the small box from her. " I wanted to surprise you." he said as he opened it, exposing the gold chained Cartier Locket necklace. "Since we can't celebrate your birthday in Victoria, I figured it was the lease I could do to make it up to you"

He asked Jai to sit on the floor for a moment so he could put the locket around her neck.

"Happy Birthday Jaid"

Overwhelmed with joy she drove in his arms forgetting he wasn't well, hugging him with all she had. She wondered when he sent for this, her birthday wasn't until next week and he already had a gift for her.

"I was planning on giving you it when we got back but I figured now would be okay, I got you mixed up in this mess because what happened to Sehun's sister."

She couldn't take it anymore, she felt like she had to come clean now or else she would never tell him at all.

"I have to tell you something, it's important."

"What is it?"

"I had Sehun bail you out and now he's blackmailing me"

"WHAT!?" He shouted , his face went from concerned to disgusted in a mere matter of seconds "What are you talking about, he bailed me out? I thought you did, why would you even go to him?"

"He called me, saying he could help and I was scared you would get in trouble with the media and ruin your family's-"

"You think I give a damn if the media saw me get arrested, You think my family's reputation is that weak? Do you know who my father hires for things like this? My arrest is a non-factor, especially when my father finds out who's behind it all"

Jai felt stupid. "I was just worried"

"That's nice" He snapped "Now Sehun has you under his thumb. I care more you than my family's reputation. What if he did something disgusting to you? You don't think I wouldn't defend you. Do you think that little of me Jai? Do you think I can't protect you, He's not the only person with deep family connections"

He softened his voice and pulled the foolish girl closer, "I'm sorry you had to entrust a snake like him and I'll try my best to make you see that I can protect you. Don't ever trust another man that isn't family Xiabaobai. This is your lesson"

"Your not gonna help me?"

He sighed " A part of me want you to do this alone to teach you a lesson, but another part wants to protect you. He wants us to go against each other to punish me but I won't let him pull us apart." 


"Let's not worry about that right now. Let's talk about everything after my surgery. Just promise you won't talk to him without telling me"

"I promise"

He kissed her cheek "Good girl"

A knock at the door interrupted them, it was the doctor's nurse. She was checking on Tao to see to see if he was ready to leave for surgery clinic. When they both nodded the Nurse and Jai helped Tao get to feet so they would get him to the living room, so the men could them the van.

Jai felt relieved and her faith in Tao had been renewed. She kissed the locket wishing him a painless surgery.

Though the joy she felted turned in worry when her phone vibrated alerting Jai that she had two missed messages and a voicemail..All from Sehun.

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One more chapter left!


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CarelessMindless #1
Meridith #2
Chapter 19: Omg I have so many emotions that I literally can't omg omg omg I neeeeeeed an update please
Chapter 15: Also, she don't have to give into any favors to Sehun because he didn't save Tao's life nor did he do anything heroic by posting bail which could have been done by Tao or his friends or family. He probably had Tao arrested anyway. You don't owe him anything.
Chapter 15: jai is one stupid girl stuck on stupid. Sehun is not your friend but the enemy. He just want to stick it Tao. He wants you also. Little girl, time to grow up and act like you got some smarts about you. Sehun is playing u like a fiddle. You don't listen to Tao to stay away from him. Spoiled and dumb princess is more like it. Now u are in a situation that could have been avoided. Characters like this makes me shake my head. I like the story idea but she can be little more smart with some wits about her.
747 streak #5
Good couple of chapters. I don't trust Sehun, can't wait to see what happens with his character. The newlyweds also have some obstacles to overcome.
chanti01234 #6
Chapter 14: Love your story.
this chapter is too short, but still nice.
Meridith #7
Chapter 13: Omg I didn't know this would happen
747 streak #8
Chapter 12: I hope he finally comes clean, it seems like he really cares. Poor Jai should be running for the hills. lol
747 streak #9
Chapter 11: Hmm...what will tomorrow bring? I can't help, but wonder if he wants to rush to get married before Jai finds out the specifics about the accident. I'm surprised that Sehun didn't just tell her about his sister outright.
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! I just read all of the chapters. I can't, I really hope Tao doesn't change his mind by tomorrow, and poor Jai. I'm honestly really enjoying this story.