


Seungwan has always been the nerd of the campus. Not just because the girl enjoyed studying, but due to her appearance as well. 
She did not understand the students' logic. How does wearing thick rimmed glasses label you as a nerd? Just because she enjoyed her big spectacles, means absolutely nothing. 
She, however, pays no attention to the remarks because she knew better. They were just a bunch of incompetent fools with nothing else to do but talk trash of whoever walks by; plastics. 
She only cared about two people in school anyway, her bestfriend Seulgi and the girl she has been head over heels for, Bae Joohyun or simply, Irene. 
Though she doubts that the latter even knows about her existence. She was just another face in the crowd. A droplet in Irene's ocean of admirers. She was just, Seungwan. Nothing special. 
"Son Seungwan! I asked you a question, you loser." She could hear her best friend's obnoxiously loud voice, calling out her name. 
"What? You didn't have to yell, you know." She scoffed.
"How can I not? You've been spacing out. Looking at her and her sea of so called friends." Seulgi nagged. Wendy chose to stay mum because she knew that her best friend said nothing but the truth. 
"I wasn't.. Looking at her." Wendy mumbled.
The bear-looking girl did nothing but a short nod. "Uh huh. And Beyoncé proposed to me yesterday." She rolled her eyes.
"So, have you heard about the school festival? I heard Miss Kim's music class is performing." She said nonchalantly. 
Just like that, Wendy's full attention was diverted to the girl. 
"What?" Wendy slammed the table, gaining attention from a few students but she didn't bother sparing them a glance for she did not give a single damn.
"Didn't you hear? It was on the morning announcements." Seulgi shrugged. 
Wendy remembered zoning out and listening to music while the morning announcements were on. She mentally slammed her head against the table for paying no attention to important details like such. 
"When is it?" She sighed.
"Two weeks from now. 24th." Wendy counted the days and she had exactly two weeks. 14 days until the performance. 
"Seul.. Help. What do I do?" Wendy slumped herself against the table and buried her face on her arms, wanting everything to be just a dream.
She took music because she loved it. She loved singing and playing instruments but never did she enjoy performing in front of a group. Whenever they had to perform, she would ask Miss Kim for a private assessment so she did not have to sing in front of the class. 
She knew about the final school performance, actually. Miss Kim has talked briefly about it, months ago. It was absolutely mandatory for it counts for 30% of their grade. 
Wendy groaned at the thought. 
"Well, you never know, maybe this could be your opportunity to get noticed by the infamous Bae Joo--" before Seulgi could finish, a pair of small hands smacked her lips shut, making her muffle incoherent words due to the pain. 
She pried the girl's hands off of before muttering "ouch!" 
Wendy only stuck her tongue out making the girl sitting across from her, roll her single lidded eyes. 
"Son Wendy to Miss Kim's office please. Son Wendy." She recognized the voice as the office receptionist's. She groaned as she knew what it was all about. 
"Have fun kiddo." Her best friend mocked as she saw Wendy's gloomy expression. 
"Shut up, loser." Wendy glared.
"Woah there, no need to be so grumpy." Seulgi said in an obviously fake scared tone before laughing lightly. 
"Tell me what happens." Wendy could here Seulgi's voice as she ran to Miss Kim's office.
"So Wendy, you probably know why I called you over here." Her favourite teacher calmly spoke.
"I have an idea, miss." She softly responded.
"It's about the performance on the 24th. I have an important favour.."
Wendy's teeth clenched as she knew exactly what the teacher was about to say. She did not like it. Not one bit. She did not want to agree. Yet, her grades are on the line.
"I want you to sing a solo. Wendy, you know that you are my favourite student and that you are very talented. I know that you'll do well. What do you say?"
No. Wendy wanted to answer yet she can't. Her grades are on the line. Being a studious and perfectionist girl that she is, she needs good grades to feel satisfied. She must excel in her classes. And that won't happen unless she performs. 
Wendy pushed back the rim of her glasses as she inhaled a lungful of air.
Oh god. I'm going to regret this forever
For my grades, she thought. "Sure Miss, I'll do my best.." 
Her music teacher clapped excitedly as patted Wendy's head. "I know you'll do well, dear. And who knows, maybe this will get Joohyun running to your embrace." The girl playfully winked.
"Miss Kim!" Wendy can only yell from embarrassment. Her teacher knows her a lot more than she thought. 
It was the day after her talk with Miss Kim and Wendy was still bothered over the fact that she had to perform solo. 
Sure, she loved singing but what if she makes a stupid mistake and makes a fool of herself in front of everyone? In front of Irene.
Just thinking about it already makes her want to dial the funeral home to reserve a coffin she can get buried in, if ever something goes wrong. 
She wants nothing but to dig a hole and escape the situation. 
"So, what did Miss Kim say?" Seulgi wrapped her arm around the girl, placing her hand on her shoulder. 
"She wants me to do a solo.." Wendy groaned loudly as her steps became slower. 
"Really? Wow! Goodluck! Use this chance well, Wendy. Irene will surely watch you." Seulgi patted the girl's back.
"I know. That's why I don't want to do it." Wendy whined like a little girl, stomping her foot lightly as she pouted.
Seulgi thought that it was incredibly cute. Her best friend is indeed a big nerdy loser but an adorable one at that. 
"Speaking of which--" Seulgi turned her attention to the popular girl that was heading their way. 
Irene knew Seulgi. They were seatmates during Chemistry last semester. The girl became fond of the bear and became close with each other.
"Seulgi!" The duo saw Irene talk to her friends before leaving them, heading to where SeulDy were.
"Hey Irene! What's up? By the way, you've met my best friend, right? Wendy." Seulgi smirked at her bestfriend, making Wendy elbow the girl on the rib, harshly. Seulgi yelped in pain.
"You little--" 
"Are you okay, Seulgi?" Irene worriedly questioned. Seulgi just glared at her best friend before waving her hand dismissively. 
"Yeah. I'm okay." She simply smiled.
"Anyway, yeah. This is Wendy." 
Irene flashed her infamous eyesmile towards the girl, making her cheek, respond actively by turning into a deep Crimson.
"I'm Irene!" She enthusiastically introduced herself.
"Yes, I know." Wendy stammered. Seulgi wanted to laugh at the girl's comment. Kudos to her for making herself sound like a complete creep.
Wendy's eyes widened upon realization to what she just said. "It's hard not to notice you, considering you're popular." Wendy tried to save herself by explaining which lead into a miserable failure.
Irene only nodded understandingly, giving off a smile. It was a very gentle smile, making Wendy's heart skip a beat. "I'm not that popular. But thanks!" 
"Are you kidding? Everyone knows and likes you, Irene! You don't have to be so humble, we all know you're popular." Seulgi shamelessly stated, laughing loudly which made Irene chuckle as well. Wendy bit her lip as it trembled. She was jealous of how close Seulgi was with Irene. They were comfortable with each other, laughing loudly.
Seulgi was a bright and friendly girl. She's amazing at keeping a conversation interesting unlike Wendy. Wendy was quiet, awkward and not funny at all. No wonder Irene became close to Seulgi. 
"So Irene, have you heard about the school event next next week?" Seulgi asked. Wendy panicked as she knew exactly what the tall girl was planning. 
"Yeah. I heard some students talking about it. I've heard about the booths they're planning on having but other than that, nothing else." Wendy was happy that the girl was clueless about the event. She clutched her skirt tightly, making her uniform wrinkled. She was anxious of what her best friend was about to do.
"Well you should stick around! Miss Kim's music class will perform. And my best friend here will even sing a solo." Seulgi proudly stated. Wendy was happy that the girl was showing her off but it's embarassing considering that she was talking to the Bae Joohyun! The Bae. Her Bae.
Maybe it was just Wendy but she thought she saw Irene's eyes sparkle from excitement. 
It was probably just her though. 
Irene squealed in delight. "Really? Then I'll definitely be there! I'm sure you'll be amazing, Wendy." She excitedly exclaimed.
"Thanks.." Wendy could only mumble shyly, fiddling with the hem of her top. Of all the years she had been crushing on Irene, she never once dared to make eye contact with the girl.
"Anyway, I gotta go, guys. My friends are waiting for me. See you around. I'll be anticipating your performance, Wendy!" The popular girl said before running to her clique. 
Maybe Wendy mistook what Irene did. Maybe the girl just blinked or there could have been something stuck in her eye. But if Wendy was correct, she was sure that her ultimate crush just winked at her.
Bae Irene. Winked. At Wendy. 
The latter couldn't help but squeal and squirm in her seat as she covered her blushing face with her tiny hands. Mumbling words along the line of 'Oh gosh, she winked at me. My Baeby winked at me'
Seulgi could only stare at her with a judging face, shaking her head disapprovingly with a hint of a smile. 
"Yup. Definitely a hopeless loser."
It was the day of the event and Wendy was restless. She even took fashion tips from her cousin, Bomi about how to dress appropriately for a performance. The girl being a dancer and knowing exactly about her cousin's problem, decided to help. 
Wendy remembered telling Bomi that she was gonna perform a song while playing a guitar. The latter just flashed a smile, sure of what she was going to suggest. 
So here she is, a different side of Wendy Son. She still had her big glasses though Bomi suggested she wore contacts, Wendy simply refused. She had a black and red plaid long sleeves accompanied by a white shirt on that was a size bigger, black ripped skinny jeans, a classic white converse and a beanie to top it all off. 
Though everyone stared at her for seconds longer than they usually do, she didn't think it was a bad thing. For once, she felt confident with how she looked. And plus, her outfit goes well with her song choice. 
Seulgi's first reaction was that Wendy looked odd. Not in a bad sense, she just wasn't used to seeing the nerdy Wendy Son dress so.. Trendy? She never thought that her best friend would ever care about her outfit. 
Seulgi thought that for Irene, her dorky buddy was willing to try. 
"Seul, I'm next! Oh god what do I do?" Even with such an outfit, Wendy was still her derpy and expressive friend. 
"Relax. Everything will go just fine. Imagine yourself singing in your room, without anyone there. Just picture your haven and you'll feel at ease. I promise." Though Seulgi was usually excessively frank and sarcastic, Wendy was thankful of her. She was always there whenever the Wendy needed comfort.
"Okay, I'll try."
"Our next performer would be none other than one of my favourite students. A bundle of joy, Son Seungwan." Wendy inhaled deeply before heading up the stage. 
She took time to organize what she needed. Plugging the amp to her classic black fender guitar and lowering the seat and the mic stand to her height's favour. 
As everything was settled, Wendy strummed her guitar, the strings ringing across the school, catching everyone's attention. She scanned the place looking for a certain someone. It took her no time before finding the goddess that stood out among the rest of her peers. 
They made an eye contact and for the first time, Wendy had the courage to keep the contact and even smile at the perfection she was looking at. 
"This one's for you." Wendy started.
There are no words
To paint a picture of you, girl.
Your smile, and those curves,
It's like you're from some other world.
You walk my way,
Oh, God, it's so frustrating.
So why do I disappear
When you come near?
It makes me feel so small.
Why do I blow my lines 
Most every time 
Like I've got no chance at all.
Wendy poured her heart out to every word of the song, hoping that the girl of her dreams would notice her too. She may just be another face in the crowd but for Irene, she was willing to be everything the girl wanted.
If I could be your Superman,
I'd fly you to the stars 
And back again.
'Cause every time you touch my hand,
And you feel my powers running through your veins.
But I can only write this song 
And tell you that I'm not that strong.
'Cause I'm no Superman,
I hope you like me as I am. 
It's true. Wendy was nothing special. Though she was willing to do every thing for Irene. Sing her a song everyday, drive the girl after school to make sure she gets home safely, take her to every place the girl has ever dreamt of going. She wanted nothing more than be Irene's bridge to her dreams and happiness.
No, it ain't no lie,
I have to tell you how I feel.
But each time, I try,
It gets a little more unreal.
You say my name,
Oh, God, I can't stop shaking.
So why do I disappear
When you come near?
It makes me feel so small.
If I could read your mind,
Girl, would I find
Any trace of me at all?
To Wendy, the whole song screams exactly how she was feeling. Does the infamous Irene Bae even notice her existence? I mean, sure, Seulgi has introduced Wendy to her. But does she ever think about her? Does Irene know about Wendy's feelings? Is Irene aware of how loud the latter's heartbeats are whenever she's near. 
Wendy knows that Irene was out of her league. But hey, it doesn't hurt to try. Better to leave an unforgettable impression than to have nothing at all.
As Wendy's performance was about to end. She finally dared herself to look at Joohyun and sing directly to her. 
If I could be your Superman,
I'd fly you to the stars 
And back again.
'Cause every time you touch my hand,
And you feel my powers running through your veins.
But I can only write this song 
And tell you that I'm not that strong,
'Cause I'm no Superman,
I hope you like me as I am. 
As the song ended, Wendy payed no attention to the loud cheers and applause that were meant for her. They meant nothing. She did it for her grades right? Just her grades. 
She cannot lie to herself. She knew that she did it for Irene too.
Wendy was packing up her equipment when a pair of white keds, stopped its tracks in front of her. 
"Can I talk to you?" 
Without even looking up, Wendy knew perfectly who the owner of the voice was. Years of admiring secretly has its perks. 
The girl's guitar case clicked indicating that everything was locked and organized. She finally stood up and met the gaze of the girl she just serenaded. 
"Sure. What about?" Wendy tried to play it cool although deep down, her heart was about to explode for anxiousness.
"That song.." Irene started off. Her voice was soft and barely audible. "It was, for me, right?" 
It's now or never. 
This time, none of the two dared to break the contact as Wendy started her confession.
"Isn't it obvious?" She chuckled. "I don't know if you've noticed but I like you, Irene. Sure, you might think of me as a socially awkward nerd since I'm sure that's what I've heard some of your friends say. But I'll tell you anyway. I do like you. A lot. I've been admiring you for years now. I'm not saying this in hopes of having my feelings reciprocated but I'm telling you this because I want to. It's getting hard, keeping it in, you know? So, um, yeah. I like you." 
Wendy ended up hanging her head low and shyly rubbing her nape. Never had she thought of confessing to Irene especially knowing the girl's position in school. A goddess. 
Wendy was about to pick up her guitar and walk away when she felt a warm and soft hand wrap itself around her wrist. 
"Aren't you gonna listen to what I have to say? It rude to walk away, you know." Irene chuckled lightly before helping Wendy gently put down her precious guitar case. 
"Well, where do I start? Oh um, I have never had someone confess to me that sweetly. I really really like your voice, Wendy. The first time I heard it was when you were mindlessly singing in the music room. You probably didn't know but yes, I was there. I've been looking forward to the moment I get to hear you sing again as I've been craving your voice for so long. So when Seulgi told me about your performance, I was overjoyed. Oh gosh I'm going off topic, I need to stop rambling." 
Irene shyly took Wendy's hands as she continued. 
"What I'm trying to say is, I like you too, Wendy. That was the sweetest confession I have ever received. 
"So if I agree to go out with you, will you sing me a song every time I would like you to?"
Wendy was too overwhelmed by situation to come up with words to say, resulting her into doing nothing else but nod dumbly.
"Then yes. I'll go out with you. From now on, you shall be my SuperWan."
It's almost 9PM and I haven't eaten a proper meal the whole day.. Help. 
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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Good story :)
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 1: Oh gosh that last line from Joo-Hyun was so cringe but hey... everybody wants their SuperWAN right?
Chapter 1: Thank you thats so beautiful and soft men i like it and enjoy it once again thanks😍🙈💝💙🤭💝💙🤝🏻🙏🏻
mochick #4
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaaa wenrene XD i really wish you can make continuation hehe your story is awesome
Chapter 1: so cuteeee 😭💗💙
Chapter 1: WWhygod this is so good
Favebolous 11 streak #7
Chapter 1: My heart
Chapter 1: can i have a superwan in my life too?? ToT
this story is so sweet and cute~ i can't T^T
i really like the way you put the plot into this story, your story is so beutiful and enjoy to read ^^
Chapter 1: Your story always make me amazed by how beautiful you write the plot
Chapter 1: Wendy singing while playing the guitar is my weakness. She's just so attractive T____T