You're mine

You're mine
It was a hot summer day. The sun was shining and not a single cloud was in sight. Sighing you walked into your favorite cafe and ordered a large iced caramel macchiato. Once you got your drink you walked and sat down to enjoy it. They were your favorite. You sat there humming slightly to the music playing in the cafe until your phone buzzed. It was a text from Jimin
"Y/N! Rehearsal is about to start! Are you coming?"
You smiled, of course you were coming. You didn't know if you would be able to go to the music awards so Jimin had invited you to go to rehearsals. You and Jimin had met at the cafe you were in right now. You smiled, you had tripped and in an attempt to stop your self from falling you grabbed onto him. But as fate would have it, he lost his balance and both of you fell. You were embarrassed but he was really cool about it so you offered to buy him a drink as repayment. 
You texted him back 
To Jimin: 
"Heck yeah! I just stopped to buy an iced caramel macchiato. It's hot!"
From Jimin:
"I know T.T ~ Buy me a vanilla iced coffee? Chebal?! >.<" 
You smiled and nodded 
To Jimin: 
"Ne. Arraseo, do the guys want one?" 
From Jimin:
"Yeah, except Jin. He wants a caramel macchiato. ;)" 
You're heart did a small flip at the mention of Jin. Trying to remain cool about it you pretended To not know why Jimin sent the winky face. 
To Jimin:
"Why the winky face?" 
From Jimin:
"Because you guys share the same taste in coffee! I totally ship you two!" 
To Jimin:
"Whatever. I'll see you in a few!" 
You put your phone down and smiled. Jimin knew you had a major crush on Jin. He was always teasing you and said the Jin was your perfect match. You were cute and shy and Jin was cool and laid back.  But the thing was that Jin was always serious around you and didn't joke around like the other members did. You were positive that he didn't see you in anyway other than an acquaintance. Your mood dropped at the thought. You bought the coffees and went to meet the guys.   
You sighed before setting foot into the rehearsal area. You straightened up and smiled. "It's okay! Fighting!" You cheered your self on quietly. Nodding you managed your way in. It was a bit hard since there were so many drinks. "Y/N! You're here!" You smiled at the approaching figure. Jimin rushed to help you with the drinks. "Gomawo" you said as you two met up with the other band members. 
"You're the best Y/N!" J-hope hugged you dramatically. "C-can't B-breathe" you managed to spit out. J-Hope let you go immediately. "Mianhe! I got carried away. Your just to cute!" Your cheeks were getting warm. "Hajima" you said bashfully. "Awe! Your blushing!" Suga poked your cheeks. You were about to say something when you noticed Jin standing in to the corner of the room looking at you guys. You glanced at him and you two made brief eye contact. You looked away quickly when Jimin approached you. "Y/N be a doll and hand Jin his drink will you?" He gave you a nudge and a sly smile. "Why ca-" you were about to ask why he couldn't do it but Rap Monster interrupted you. "I need his help with something." Jimin shoved the drink into you. "Yeah! Now go!" You turned and felt a pair of hands on your shoulders. You turned your head to look at who it was. "Try to talk to him!" V whispered with a smile. "Fighting!" He lightly nudged you forward. 
"Jimin... You. Are. So. Dead."  You muttered under your breath. Jimin could not keep a secret for anything. And who would he spill it to? V! Out of everyone it had to be V! Both of them were sweet but they could be such big mouths! You'd have a word with both of them later. You sighed but those worries faded when you remembered what you were suppose to do. Jin was standing against the wall with his eye closed. He looked so cute you pushed down the fluttering of your heart as best you could. 
"Uhm Jin?" Your voice was a bit shaky. His eye opened slowly and looked into yours waiting. "Uhh here's your drink" you smiled heading it to him. He grabbed the drink from you. "Thank you" he gave you a small smile causing you to turn pink.  He lifted the drink to his lips still looking at you. His intense gaze made you feel more nervous. "So... Uhh you l-like caramel macchiatos?" You cringed inwardly. Why did you always have to stutter around him. "Well at first I didn't but tbh when I saw you drinking one the other day. You had this cute look on your face and I had to try it. So I guess I started liking  them because of you." He looked a bit shocked at his words. And believe me you were no less shocked at him than he was. You just stared at him because you couldn't find a way to respond. Jin rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Hehe I-" he stopped mid sentence as his gaze stopped at my shoulder. That's when I realized there was a arm draped around your shoulder. 
Your P.O.V.
I looked up surprised. "Jungook?" He flashed me a grin. "Y/N lets go sit down and watch the rehearsals! Jimin told me your a fan of Exo's Kai!" I smile and nodded. "Yeah I am! But why?" You said asked. "Well I can I ntroduce you two!" I looked up at Jin but he just turned around and walked the opposite direction. My heart sunk. "What do you say?" Jungook asked.  My eyes got wide remembering what he said "Omo! Jinja?!" You exclaimed. "Ne! Let's go! Pali!" He grabbed my hand an dragged me towards the stage. I was excited to see Kai but In the back of my mind you couldn't help but wonder wear Jin was.
Narrator P.O.V 
 You sighed. Why did I have to be so shy? You mentally asked. "Ya! Pay attention Y/N! EXO is about to rehearse!" Jungook nudged you. You nodded and looked up on stage. You spotted Kai and started fan girling. You were absolutely mesmerized by his dancing skills. They were practicing Call Me Baby. They were at the chorus when Kai made eye contact with you and winked while mouthing "call me baby". You practically died. "Kookie! Did you see-" you were going to ask Jungook if he saw what just happened. But a hand grabbed yours just before you could nudge Jungook. You got the butterfly effect when you looked up and saw Jin standing there. His face was as stoic as ever. "J-Jin?" He didn't say anything he just pulled you out of the stage area. "H-hey where are we going?" You asked him while trying to pull your wrist away from his. This only caused him to tighten his grip. "O-ow J-Jin slow down!"
 He finally stopped and pushed you up against the wall only to smash his lips against yours. You were wide in shock. His lips were soft but demanding causing you to  return the kiss timidly. But you got bolder and  buried your hands in his hair pulling him closer while he put his hand behind your neck also trying to pull you closer.The kiss turned more passionate as he nibbled on your bottom lip asking for entrance. You gasped allowing him total access to your mouth. A small moan slipped out. Enticing a smirk to show on his mouth. 
You two had to pull away due to the lack of air. Your heart was racing a mile a minute as you took quick breaths. Jin leaned forehead against your own. You were about to ask what he was doing but he spoke first. "Don't look at another man like that again." You looked up. "Mwo? Look at who?" You gave him a confused look. "Kai, you looked like you liked him... I- I couldn't take it so I had to show you." Your face was so hot but you still had questions. "S-show m-me what exactly" the last part came out almost as a whisper as you looked at the floor. You didn't think you could handle the temptation to kiss him again if you looked at him. He looked down at you, wanting you to look at him, he put a finder under your chin and made you look at him. His eyes looked at you intensely once again. He smirked "I had to show you that your mine" You froze "M-Mwo?" He lowered his mouth close to your ear and whispered. "Only look at me from now on. Wae? It's simple. You. Are. Mine." 
Your head was spinning. Your whole body was hot, you would've never imagined Jin doing this. He was always so serious around you. Where did this Jin come from? You pushed him slightly, you needed air. He backed up slightly. Giving you room. "B-but I thought we were just" he cut you off. "I know. I didn't know how to act. I tried to be cool but every-time you would talk to me and smile I had to fight the urge to pin you down. Or when you would talk to my hyungs I'd  get jealous and want to kiss you in front of every one. To show them that you were mine. I've never felt this was about anybody. So I didn't know what to do how to act." He kept eye contact. You searched his eyes for any kind of emotion but only saw honesty. You knew you couldn't respond at this moment since his smell was so intoxicating. " it, I want to be yours." You smashed your lips against his. It was his turn to be shocked. After the kiss he smiled warmly at you. Your heart melted. "Good..." He stopped, "How many boyfriends have you had?" You face became even warmer. "Aha about that. That was my first kiss" you looked down shyly. He giggled and hugged you. "W-wae ?" You asked and he just buried his head in the nape of your neck causing you to turn 50 shades of red. 
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Chapter 1: kekeke.... that was a bit of cheesy..... hehehe...Jin ~ ~ ~... love it!!!