Please Let

.⊰ The Bed Where You Lie ◇ Requested by ⋮ “XOXO17”



Three males slept on the bed horizontally next to each other as they boredly stared at the ceiling. It was summer and these rich boys had nothing better to do than waste precious time doing exactly nothing.


“I never knew summer was this boring.” Wonwoo complained as he tossed the ball into the air.


Seungcheol caught the ball with one of his hand and turned his face to the side; facing Wonwoo. “Yeah. I mean school has been out for only a week and we’re this bored already.”


Mingyu snatched the ball away from Seungcheol before slightly sitting up with one arm propped on the bed for support. “Well think of something hyungs. I just graduated and here I am chilling with two single, boys.”


Wonwoo’s mouth fell open as his brows furrowed. He blinked his eyes for a couple of seconds; trying to process the information the younger of the two spat out coldly. Seungcheol, on the other hand, just sighed as he entwined his fingers together and placed them behind his head; now staring at the ceiling yet again.


“Seriously guys. I should be going to parties and drinking to my heart’s content. Moreover, I should be mingling with girls and losing it. I can’t be a forever.”


“Alright alright alright. We’ll think of something. Cool it with the stuff boy.”


Mingyu scrunched his nose as he threw the ball hard at Wonwoo for making such a comment. Wonwoo caught the ball with ease and stuck his tongue out at him. Mingyu reached over Seungcheol; trying to grab Wonwoo but failed when the older lad slapped his hand away and sat up.


“Why don’t we host a party?” Seungcheol asked as he looked from Wonwoo to Mingyu.


“A party?” Wonwoo questioned looking at Mingyu; as if asking for his approval.


Mingyu lifted his arms in the air and shrugged his shoulders; not really paying any attention to the topic.


“Yeah. I mean we always go to parties. Why not just host one ourselves.”


“Cheol… You know we can’t do that. None of our parents will ever agree to it.” Wonwoo crossed his arms over his chest; disapproving the idea already.


“Come on Woo. Just ask your parents.”


Wonwoo lift one finger in the air as he shook it back and forth. “No. You thought of this dumb idea. Why don’t you ask your parents.”


Seungcheol grabbed Wonwoo’s shoulders with his hands as he gently shook the male; trying to convince him. “You know my mother would kill me, and my father will disown me if I do anything embarrassing.”


Wonwoo continuously shook his head in a sideways motion as his eyes closed. There was no way he was going to give into Seungcheol’s lame begs.


“When did you ever not do anything that wasn’t embarrassing?” Mingyu asked as he dropped himself back on the bed; lying on his back.


“Why you little…”


Seungcheol grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at Mingyu. It hit him on the side of his face. Mingyu sat up and grabbed the pillow and started smacking Seungcheol non-stop. The older lad brought his arms up to shield his face. When the hitting stopped, he parted his arms and looked at Mingyu, who was getting ready to throw the pillow. Seungcheol could tell that this one was going to be a big blow. He was quick on his feet and hopped off the bed. Mingyu missed by centimeters.


“Ha!” Seungcheol pointed his finger at Mingyu. “You missed.”


Mingyu slightly closed his eyes as he scratched the back of his head. “Eh... hehehe... I didn’t miss.”


"What do you mean you didn't miss?" Seungcheol questioned with furrowed brows. 


"I really didn't."


Mingyu pointed his finger to whatever was before him. Seungcheol traced Mingyu's finger. His gazed landed on none other than Wonwoo, whose left eyelid was twitching in irritation. His eyes fell down to a thing near Wonwoo’s feet. It was the pillow. The very pillow he threw at Mingyu.


"Hey there Wonwoo. How you doing?" Seungcheol eased in; hoping Wonwoo would be forgiving.


"Uh... Cheol Hyung... I don't think that's working." Mingyu added as he noticed Wonwoo’s eyes closed, and his hands curled into a fist. 


"Ehehehe..." Seungcheol scratched the back of his head. 


"You idiots!" Wonwoo yelled as he picked up the pillow at his feet and threw it at Mingyu.


The youngster dodged and ran towards the door. Wonwoo picked up another pillow and aimed for Mingyu again. Noticing the door open, Mingyu took a right and avoided the deadly fate of the door.


"Here's some spaghe—" Vernon was cut short when the pillow smacked his master piece into the air and landed on his head. "Tti." He finished. 





“What were you guys thinking?” Vernon spoke, standing, as he ruffled his hair with the towel. “My mom’s going to kill me once she sees that red stain on her white carpet.” He turned around and faced the three sitting on the bed with sulking expressions.


Mingyu looked down at his lap as he fiddled with his thumbs. Seungcheol stared straight ahead not feeling bad about anything. Wonwoo scrunched his noses as he played with his bangs uncomfortably.


“Cheol.” Vernon let the towel rest on his neck before placing his hands on his hips.




Vernon scoffed unbelievably as the oldest of them all acted like he did nothing wrong. He ran a hand through his messy hair, combing it back. He tsked as his arm fell to his sides. He nodded his head in disbelief and walked towards the door when Seungcheol kept quiet.


“You guys are lucky that my parents are out of town until next wee—.”


Vernon was cut short when the boys tackled him from behind. He fell face first, and his hands landed, palms down, next to his head. He could feel the pressure on his back as the three lads landed on top of him; Seungcheol landed first, Mingyu second, and Wonwoo third; making him the person on top.


“Dude! Why didn’t you say so?” Seungcheol asked ruffling Vernon’s hair.


“Yeah. We can host the party at your house.” Uttered Mingyu.


“I got the invite list already.” Wonwoo stated happily.




“What?” The three questioned as they looked at each other.




“What’s he saying?” Wonwoo asked as he scratched his head.


The two below made a frowning expression as they looked down at Vernon’s head. He wasn’t moving at all. Seungcheol poked his head, but no response came. Mingyu massaged Vernon’s shoulders but no laughter.


Worried, Wonwoo patted his head. “You doing okay there buddy? I didn’t quite catch what you said earlier. Say it aga—“




Vernon pushed himself up with all of his might and flipped the boys over. He rolled himself over onto his back and took in a deep breath. He slowly exhaled; enjoying every second of it. The boys crashed into the ground as they yelped in pain. Seconds later they joined Vernon on the ground; laying on their backs side by side.


The atmosphere stayed quiet for a while. None of the boys knew what each other were thinking about. But they were all thinking of the same thing; the party, Vernon’s house and Seungcheol, the host.


“So…” Mingyu started. “Is it possible to host the party at your house?” He turned his head to the side and looked at Vernon’s left, side profile.


“I promise we’ll be super clean and careful about everything in the house.” Seungcheol turned to Vernon and laid on his side. “Your parents won’t even suspect a thing.”


Vernon enlaced his fingers and placed them behind his head as he stared at the ceiling.


“We’ll even help you clean up after the party.” Wonwoo added.


Vernon slightly turned his head to look at Wonwoo, but Seungcheol blocked him. He slightly sat up with both elbows, propped on the floor. He looked at Wonwoo with one raised brow.




“Of course.” Wonwoo sat up and held his closed fist towards Vernon.


One side of Vernon’s lips curled into a smile as he fist bumped Wonwoo. The two kept their two hands together as they looked at the other two. They smiled and sat up as they held their fists up.





“So who did you call?” Vernon asked as he sat down on the couch and used a knife to skin the red apple he got from the kitchen counter.


“Hot girls of course. Who else?” Wonwoo replied as he flipped through the last couple pages of the year book. “I’ll get my dad’s people to gather all the phone numbers.” He took the skinless apple away from Vernon and took a bite.


“Did you invite Minah?”


“Bang Minah?”




“Why you ask huh?”


“I-I-I was just wondering.”


“I’m just kidding dude. Of course I invited your crush.”


Vernon ran a hand through his hair. “I hate when you do that.”


“Do what?” Mingyu asked as he came into the living room with a glass of water and an orange.


“Nothing. He was just talking about Minah.” Wonwoo flipped another page of the year book over.


“Oh that girl.” Mingyu began peeling the orange. “She’s alright.”


“Psh… like Fei is any better” Vernon retaliated.


“What’d you say about her?” Mingyu set his now completely peeled orange down and picked up the orange skin and threw them at Vernon.


“Hyung!” Vernon picked up the apple skin and threw it at Mingyu.


“Okay okay okay. Stop it guys.”


The two mehronged each other before settling down. Mingyu picked up his orange and began eating. Vernon, on the other hand, snatched his apple back and ate it.


“It’s not like you guys are dating them anyways. There nothing to really fight about here.”


“Tch! What about your Jimin then?” Vernon spat.


“Hey hey hey. Leave her out of this.”


The room fell quiet for a moment until Vernon broke the silence. “Where’s Cheol?”




Mingyu was cut short when Wonwoo slammed the year book on the table before them. Vernon jumped a little and gave him the what-the-f look.


“Come here guys.”


Wonwoo motioned to them with his waving hand in the air. Vernon and Mingyu looked at one other before shrugging their shoulders and joining Wonwoo.


“Remember this girl?” He pointed to a random picture in the year book.


“Sort of.” Mingyu said trying to remember her name.


“Isn't that Jeung Boyoung, the smarty pants in the class?” Vernon replied unsure.


“Oh yeah. That’s the nerd girl with the large glasses, long braided, low pigtails, and braces. Why you ask Wonwoo?”


“Duh Mingyu. Aren’t you curious if she changed or anything?”


“Uh… no. It’s only been a week. I saw her at graduation. She looked exactly like that.” He pointed to the picture. “Besides, she hates parties. She’ll never come. She rejected all invitations during these four years of school.” Mingyu chewed on a piece of orange and swallowed. "She's a good girl. She'll never come."


“I’m still inviting her.” Wonwoo wrote her name down on the guest list. “She’ll definitely show up if she wants to mingle like the rest of us.”


“Psh! One hundred dollars says you can’t get her to come to the party.” Mingyu competitively stated.


“Tch! You’re on.”





Hey XOXO17, here's chapter one. I hope you like it. I really enjoyed writing this chapter. I know that Boyoung didn't appear yet, but she will in the next chapter. Do let me know if the length was too short or too long. Heck! Give me any feedback that you may have. They'll definitely help. I welcome them all. Anyways, please enjoy!




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MiniPockyStick #1
Chapter 2: Ohmaigwad what are you doing wonniewoonie?
MiniPockyStick #2
Chapter 1: woo what an inticing bet. i got to keep reading D:
MiniPockyStick #3
wow the description is most interseting. i cannot wait to see what this store has in store for us sm1Les.
TakoyakiPrincess #4
Chapter 2: Omg im excited
Chapter 1: Really Good! Love IT!!!! *SCREAMS OF JOY*
Yay!!! Thank you so much!