Everyone is my Sunflower, I am his Sunflower alone


Aki's Pov ---

He looks especially good today. Are those new glasses? I wonder what he looks like without them..I bet he looks better without them..but i like him better with glasses. Argh! What am i thinking! I better stop staring or people might --

"AKI-ah! <3" 

Here they are again. They never seem to get tired flocking around me everyday. Although it is a pretty good feeling, everyone being nice to me. But everytime they  do, i lose sight of him. Their bodies block his from my sight and it annoys me. I never get the chance to have a clearer glimpse of him. And whenever i try to approach him at lunch or when school ends, before i even get closer, there'd be a mob of my classmates blocking me, asking me to go with them to karaokes, have group dates with them, go to concerts. "Sure. Why don't we talk about it later?" I'd always agree on everything half heartedly, but just because i want the conversation to end so i could AT LEAST go over to talk to him before he'd mysteriously disappear like he always does.

"Aki-ah! You're spacing out."

"Huh? What? Oh..Sorry guys what was that again?" And back to reality. My eyes were reluctant to look away from him but i had to.

"We were talking about plans for Saturday? The new shopping mall's gonna open! We should reeeeaallyy go! I bet a lotta cute guys are gonna be there! Ne, Aki??"

I smiled acting interested, "Yeah That's great! Let's talk about it later ok? I really need to go pee!" Not really. What i needed was some time on my own please.

"We'll come with you! :3" Two of my classmates linked both my arms, left and right, with each their own and looked at me with eagerness. Did they think something interesting was gonna happen while i'm in the comfort room? Inside my head i let go of a really long sigh. 


I locked myself in one of the stalls, third one from the entrance. It was always clean. You never had to worry closing the lid and sitting on it. Our school boasted the most durable toilet bowls in South Korea. Outside, my two classmates were gosipping away, while never forgetting to include me and my opinions. I closed the lid and sat down covering my face. His face popped up suddenly. I blushed. 

"Hey Yuri, Say you were trapped in a deserted island and had to choose between Jonghun and Kwangsoo to be with you. Who'd you choose?"

I propped up and blushed even more at the sound of his name.

"YAH are you kidding me?? Why them both??"

"Come on! Choose!"

"Ugh...If i had to..Kwang Soo! I'd rather be with Kwang Soo-shi than Jonghun! I have a feeling if i chose Jonghun he's be stalking me around the island and eventually murder me! He has that psycho, serial killer aura about him, Don't you think so, Aki?"


"Hahaha! That's funny!..but seriously.. I don't think he's all that bad." I answer making my voice sound as if i was smiling, trying to control my building up temper. Good thing there was a wall separating us three or they would've noticed me glaring at them

"You always think everyone's not all that bad, Aki!" 

"Yeah, you're no fun at all when it comes to gossips! HAHA!"

Yeah, just laugh the both of you. Oh how i wish i could gossip freely, you'd be the first in line in my blacklist. But i can't. I'm the school's "Little Miss Sunshine". I'm nice to everyone. Everyone liked me and how i smiled. They had high expectations. I couldn't just disappoint them.

"Aki, are you done? We're gonna be late."

"Ah, yeah! hehe sorry for taking so long!" One long inhale,and a longer exhale. I come out the door and show them my signature smile,

"Let's go!" 


Jonghun's POV ---

Why did i have to break my glasses during my part time job? Sigh. Now i have to wear this stupid old fashioned glasses i bought at the flea market. Poverty is such a nuisance. I can't even afford decent ones..tch. She's staring again. I guess she finds this funny. Yeah, the loser with thethick rimmed glasses. How couldn't she. Little Miss Sunshine and her posse thinking she's queen of the world or something.  I had to bury my face in my book to cover the annoyance. Why do people like her even exist? 

"Yeah, let's talk about it later ok? I gotta pee!"

"We'll come with you!"

Kiss asses.

And there goes the face. Fake as ever. Noone really notices but everytime she lies, or she gets annoyed her face would twitch before she beams a fake smile. I'm the only one who can see through her disguise though. Since i'm the only one not blinded by her beauty and goddamn perfect smile..and her silky hair..and curved lips..and..what am i talking about!? I hate her! Hey, i didn't even notice her leave. 

*Vibrate* *vibrate*

My phone..

From: Minhwahn

    Hyung, Rooftop. Now.

What could this kid be up to again. 

I stood up and left the room. I was on my way to the rooftop and i had to pass by the girls' comfort room when i heard my name.

"Hey Yuri, Say you were trapped in a deserted island and had to choose between Jonghun and Kwangsoo to be with you. Who'd you choose?"

"YAH are you kidding me?? Why them both??"

"Come on! Choose!"

"Ugh...If i had to..Kwang Soo! I'd rather be with Kwang Soo-shi than Jonghun! I have a feeling if i chose Jonghun he's be stalking me around the island and eventually murder me! He has that psycho, serial killer aura about him, Don't you think so, Aki?"

PSYCHO SERIAL KILLER MY . But..Aki.. What would she say? Tch, Why do i care. I don't have time to eavesdrop on stupid gossips about me. I should just leave. 

But i didn't. Why wouldn't i leave? Was I waiting for her reply? 

"HAHAHA! That's so funny!"

I felt a lump in my throat. You find it funny huh. Was i actually expecting her to say i wasn't that bad or something? Pabo Jonghun get your act together. Why are you always eager to now what she thinks of you! Well now at least i know. SHe really is the worst kind. And so i left. But the lump i felt in my throat didn't go away. It stayed till I arrived at the rooftop and met with Minhwahn. I cleared my throat to get the feeling away. Minhwahn was bending over the edge and seemed to be observing the people below, he must've heard me clear my throat since he turned around just in time. He looked at me and beamed.

"HYUNG!" He motioned me to come over so i did. "Let's sit hyung!"

He sits down, and i followed, sitting beside him while looking at the sky. He takes out a cigarrette pack from his pocket, takes one, and offers me another. I obliged. It always took us one stick before we could actually open our mouths to talk. Well actually it was more me. I'm not much of a talker. I talk a lot in my mind though.

"Hyung, i like someone."


"Will you help me? You're the only one who can."


"The girl i like!"

"..." I take a drag out of the cigarette, and exhaled smoke before i spoke.


"We've known each other since middle school. Have you ever seen me, speak, look, or interact whatsoever with the opposite ?"

"There's your Mom!" He whined.

"I'm leaving."

"Hyung! She's your classmate! You're the only one i know that has the closest contact to her! It's Aki Jung, hyung! Please help me with her! I made a letter! All you have to do is give it to her..Hyung, pleeeasssee."

And the lump in my throat has officially made its comeback.  



Jonghun is kinda angsty here..But he's just being a kid.

You'll meet a better side of him later <3

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my jonghun so cutye...but what with that cigarette huh??aish..