Lost In Time


Joohyun hates prying, but she really can't help it.


Seungwan's bare feet clap along the wooden floorboards. She's pacing around the tiny kitchen, alone, the air around her both vacant and thick with Joohyun's sudden absence. Joohyun's sweet, almost sickly perfume still hums faintly somewhere around her - Seungwan's nostrils can catch it from time to time. She hates it most when Joohyun disappears out of nowhere. She hopes it's not too long until she comes home.


A/N: This is an AU inspired by The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, which I just read and loved. (But this time Irene doesn't lose what she's wearing every time she time travels lol) Also, since WenRene posted that Instagram video of them being hotel roomies together I just had to write them. I just had to. <3

Quick update!! ;_; I've been shaping out the first chapter but I lost my notebook in which I wrote down the entire plot, with dates etc. ;__;


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Favebolous 11 streak #1
-WenRene15- #2
Chapter 2: It's been quite awhile but can you please update. =)
jored-anne #3
It that you lost your notebook but I'm glad that you're still trying to commit to this story. I like what you've done so far and are interested in how they fall for each other. Keep it up kimnams :)
For a complicated time-traveling idea this is pretty cool! You've managed to work it into the story really well so far (which I'm jealous of). I'll be looking forward to future chapters!
Chapter 2: I love the idea so much!
Amberlily #6
Chapter 2: Time traveling must be such a pain. Poor Irene. One day, it'll probably backfire on her or land her in a lot of trouble.
And what if she accidentally changes the past or future? She could totally mess up her life.
Maybe Seungwan will be able to help? IDK how they'll be able to date or settle down together, though.
Amberlily #7
Chapter 1: Oh, Irene... Seungwan IS a boy's name, though. That joke just never gets old, though. XD
This concept is really interesting! Please update when you can, author! I think it would be more interesting if Wendy didn't find out that Irene was from the past. Then when Irene travels back to the present, she could just happen to bump into Wendy at that time or something.
Chapter 1: Good! It seems really good! Waiting for the next update n-n
oey_mira #9
Chapter 1: whoa this is my first Time-Travel fic but I think I'm going to enjoy this a lot (also the seungwan=boy joke is <3)
excited for the next chapters! please update soon author-nim! :D
jored-anne #10
Chapter 1: ded @ the seungwan-is-a-boys-name reference. i hope the time traveler's wife framing means this fic will bring all of the angst. looking forward to see how you'll navigate through this one!