
Knight in Shining Armor

Word count: 125 (Really freakin' short)

I was used to people at school making fun of my eyes. Really. Eventually they stopped annoying me. But, one day, Seokmin had enough.

"Hey, Soonyoung, what time is it?" one boy asked. "Turn around and let me see!"

"Leave him alone!" Seokmin snapped, turning around.

"I wasn't talking to you, was I?"

"No, but now you are. And the only reason I can imagine you making fun of his eyes is because you're jealous. Soonyoung has the prettiest eyes. Anybody can see that. So stop insulting him over something he can't control."

After we sat down for art, I turned in my chair to face Seokmin. "Thanks for standing up for me back there."

"No one insults my best friend." He ruffled my hair.

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Chapter 1: I'm sorry but the bully boy's line made me laugh- lmao x'D
Scowling_Hamster #2
Chapter 1: It makes me squel author-nim!!!OTL
SeventeenCarrot #3
Chapter 1: Short but cute :)