

Jackson was not really interested in art.

So, why was he standing in the middle of an art showcase if he didn't  enjoy looking at art and paintings? Well, he totally blamed his bestfriend, Jinyoung for that. 



Jinyoung had barged into his apartment, Jackson was still wearing his pajamas at that time because who in the world barge into other people's house at an ungodly hour? Apparently, his bestfriend does. Jackson knew at that time that Jinyoung was up to no good when he saw that creepy grin of his bestfriend's. He had slowly stepped backwards when Jinyoung marched towards him with a smile so wide on his handsome face. Apparently, his bestfriend knew his house better when Jackson's back hit the wall. And at that time, he knew, he would suffer. 

Jinyoung stopped his track before Jackson and took a hold of his wrist, dragging him to the couch. He heard Jackson's grunts, but he decided to do nothing about it since he was in a very good mood. He let go of Jackson's wrist and ordered him to sit. When Jackson had made himself comfortable,  inyoung stood in front of him with his hands on his waist. His smile still evident on his face and Jackson decided that he had enough happiness for the day and it was only six in the morning. He stared at his bestfriend when he saw Jinyoung was about to speak.


"Jacks, I had checked with your secretary and she said that you have nothing to do today."

"So?" Jackson asked, wanting Jinyoung to just get to the point.

"So, I want you to come with me to the art showcase. Isn't it awesome? I had bought the passes for you and me. Ohmygodd, Jackson, this will totally be awesome. Oh, I can't wait to see Yi-En's paintings. I heard that his abstract art are really good. Jackson, can you feel me? Yi-En is having a showcase!" Honestly, Jackson didn't know a person can talk so much in one breath and he was kinda impressed.

"Wait! You had bought two passes? What makes you think I'm going with you?" 

"Your secretary said you had nothing to do today so I thought this would be a very good time to have a bestfriends bonding time." 


Yeah, right.


"Come on Jacks, you wouldn't want your bestfriend to go alone, would you?" Jinyoung pleaded.

"Actually, you know what? I would do that." 

"Jacks, please? Please? Pleeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee?" At this point, Jimyoung had used Jackson's weakness against him, which are puppy eyes and puffing his cheeks. Truth be told, with his already cute face, it was not a really hard thing to do.


Jackson groaned. He knew he had lost to his bestfriend. Jinyoung secretly cheered. When Jackson nodded his head in defeat, Jinyoung quickly pulled him up and told him to dress up because they are leaving in thirty minutes.




And now, he regretted every single choice he made in his life. Starting from befriending Jinyoung to agreeing to go to the showcase with him. He was standing alone on the middle of the showcase, which he didn't really know the artist, staring at a piece of art hanging on the wall. Jinyoung had left him alone as soon as they entered the building. Yeah, some friend he was. 

From the paintings he had viewed, he gathered a little bit of information. The artist's name was Yi-En T. And the paintings' price were not lower than 99,000 dollars, which didn't make any sense to Jackson because for him, the paintings were just splashes of different colours of paint and he was sure he could do better than that.  

Jackson didn't know that standing in front of a painting for ten minutes straight would catch someone's attention. That someone had walked towards him with a smile on his face.


"Do you like it?" The person asked, knowing clearly that Jackson wasn't looking at the piece.

"Huh? What?" He was flustered. What should he do? He was clearly wasn't appreciating the art befoe him because he was busy counting the lights in the room. And it didn't help that the stranger was a piece of fine art. The stranger was a bit taller than him and he was wearing a fine suit which complimented his body (not that he noticed) and what Jackson liked the most was the little part of pink in his blonde hair. Jackson's hair was blonde too, so was it fate?

"I asked you, do you like this painting? You had been staring at it for the past ten minutes." The stranger smiled, and  jackson felt like he had seen an angel in real life. 

"Uh, yeah. It's very pretty." His answer only made the stranger chuckle.

"You don't have to lie, you know? I know you're not really interested in art. Me too. I was forced here by my friend." And at this point,  jackson thought that it was fate.

"Really? Me too. My bestfriend literally dragged me here and he left me." 

"Yeah. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mark. Mark Tuan. You?" Mark held out his hand for a hand shake.

"Jackson Wang. Nice meeting you." He took Mark's hand and he could feel his cheeks getting warmer. 

"Jackson Wang? I don't know why but your name rings a bell."

"Yeah, maybe you had heard of the Wang Entertainment. I'm the new CEO." Jackson had said proudly.

"Oh that's why." 


They stood in silence for a while before Mark broke it.


"Hey, I know you're not interested in art, but do you have a piece that caught your attention?" Mark suddenly asked, which caught him off guard.


Yeah, you. Because you're a masterpiece.


And by now, Jackson was grateful that he was not a thinking out loud person. If not, he would be embarresed for the rest of his life.


He thought for a while and remembered that he did have one that cuaght his eyes.


"Yeah, that one." He pointed to a painting which had splatters of red and black and small tint of pink. He noticed that the black was under the red paint and the pink was only evident if you squint hard enough. He wasn't an artsy person, but somehow, he could feel anger and hatred from it. And somehow, he liked it because it was full of emotion.


"Hmm, great choice. Why?" 

"Maybe because I have a new apartment and my room is white so I think it would be perfect for my room." Jackson half lied. The truth is, he did think of that, but after seeing the price, the thought of buying disappeared. Although he was rich, he didn't really want to waste his money for something like that, because he knew he would be bored with it sooner or later.

"Oh. That's a new one." Mark had said, clearly amused by Jackson's reason.


They conversed for a while before Jinyoung came and told Jackson that he was done. He also told  jackson that he bought one of the most popular painting, which didn't really surprise Jackson since Jinyoung was an art lover and he would spend his money on what he loved. Not to mention that he would never be short on money.

Jinyoung had babbled on about the awesome showcase before realising there was a other person with them.


"Jacks, who's this?" He whispered, but he wasn't the best whisperer since Mark could hear him.

"You can call me Mark." He said with a small chuckle. 

"Oh nice to meet you." They shood their hands and smiled at each other.


Jinyoung turned to Jackson.


"Jacks, I'll wait for you outside." He said and turned his heels after smiling to Mark and nodded his head.


Jackson surely didn 't want the conversation he had with Mark to stop. He didn't know that Mark had bery sharp eyes since he could see Jackson 's dilemma.


"So, I think it's goodbye? Can I have your number since I love talking with you and I would love to talk more and maybe we can meet up sometimes?" 

Wow, this guy is smooth.

Jackson resisted the urge to slap himself because he thought that he was dreaming and had seen an angel but when he pinched his hand and it hurt, he knew it was reality and his cheeks were beginning to turn pink.


"Yeah, of course. I would love that too." He said before handing Mark his phone to save his number into the phone. A moment later, Mark's phone rang and he pressed the end call button.


Mark smiled again and Jackson thought isn't he tired from smiling .


"got your number and I saved mine in your phone so text me." 

"I will. Bye Mark. Nice talking to you." He waved to Mark as he walked to the exit. He glanced at Mark for the ladt time and smiled when he saw Mark was looking at him. 


Jackson wasn't really interested in art, but Mark was a masterpiece and he couldn't deny that. Maybe art wasn 't that bad afterall.





"Yi-En, someone wants to buy Vengeance with a really high price." Im, Jaebum, Mark a.k.a Yi-En's sales manager had informed him.


Mark remembered that it was the painting that Jackson had taken a liking of.


"Tell that person that the painting was not for sale." Mark decided.


"Are you sure? He agreed to pay a lot of money for that." 


"I'm sure." 


With that, Jaebum walked away.


Mark looked at the painting that caught Jackson 's eyes and sighed with a smile.


"What have you done to me, Jackson Wang?"





I know i said four hours but i fell asleep. i'm so sorry! Anyways, i hope this is not so bad. Hope you like it! Please comment so that i could fix my writing. Thank you for reading!

Lots of love. <3

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mreralli05 #1
Chapter 2: Sequel plzzzzzzzz im dieing to know the Jacksons reaction after knowing about Yi En heheheheeee.
pinkissmonsta #2
Chapter 2: Why do you keep making us to want more?? Moreeeeee!!!???
Chapter 1: c'mon this fic screams for a sequel!!! It was great!!!
KPop_Angel7 #4
Chapter 1: This is sweet and simple. Can you please make a sequel author-nim.
secret_silenterz #5
Chapter 1: Wait.. I need sequel pleaseee
mxwang #6
Chapter 1: Omaygod i need sequel
pinkissmonsta #7
Chapter 1: I need a sequel...
sequeeeeeeeeel pretty please with jaebum on top????
DancerintheDark #8
Chapter 1: Sequel! Pretty pretty please with sugar on top! ; )
hominho #9
Chapter 1: I hope you write a sequel!! :)))
rizkasrahmanisa #10
sequel pleaseeeeTT