Rely on Me

Rely on Me

You never really thought of yourself as that girl who ended up harassed on the street by some drunk low life. In fact, it never really crossed your mind that you could be in danger.

But yet, here you were, glaring at the drunk in front of you. His grip on your wrist was beginning to hurt and as you struggled to pull free, his skin rubbed painfully against yours.

“Let go.” You said, firmly, not showing your fear.

The man didn’t say anything, just began to tug you somewhere. Scared, you resorted to your last plan, you brought up your other hand and dug your nails into his flesh painfully hard, drawing deep red blood from the man’s hand. The man reacted quickly, letting out a groan and releasing your hand to cradle his would against his chest.

You took your opportunity and rushed off in the direction of your apartment, checking behind you occasionally to make sure you weren’t being followed. Thankfully, you weren’t.

You frantically got through the front door of your apartment, slamming it shut violently. You let out a sigh and leaned your head against the cool surface of your door.

“____…?” A deep, groggy voice alerted you of your boyfriend’s presence.

“Mark…” You breathed out, watching as he rubbed his eyes.

His hair was all messy and he wore just a pair of sweatpants low on his hips. He had obviously been sleeping.

“You’re home late…what took y…” His words trailed off and his eyes hardened as they focused on something.

Quickly, he advanced up to you, gently grabbing your arm.

“You’re bleeding.” He said, his voice still scratchy from sleep.

“No, it’s not my blood. Some guy grabbed me on the street, I just-”

“What? Why didn’t you call me to come get you?” He asked, running his fingers over the bruise on your wrist.

You lamely shrugged, “I thought you were busy with practice.”

“That doesn’t matter, you should have called me. I would have walked you home. You shouldn’t walk alone at night.” He sighed, brushing your hair behind your ears. “I’m your boyfriend, it’s my job to protect you and make sure your safe. Don’t be afraid to call me because I might be busy. I’m never too busy for you.”

You smiled, nodding. “Okay, I’ll call next time.”

“Good,” he pressed his soft lips against your forehead. “Let’s go wash that off, hm?”

His fingers intertwined with yours as he tugged you down the hall. You never felt safe than being with your big strong boyfriend.

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RedMisaki17 #1
Chapter 1: I thought at the first that the cast 'me' was ran out from the drunker and got Mark who save her and they fell in love at the first sight. It's out of my prediction :D
But, I really like this line : "I’m your boyfriend, it’s my job to protect you and make sure your safe. Don’t be afraid to call me because I might be busy. I’m never too busy for you." This is such a sweet command, kkk ^^
Chapter 1: aww that is so sweet... and i'm glad the girl was still able to escape on her own accord though.
hopefully next time there won't be another one.
anyways, this was cute, but really short, but still worth it.
good job!! =]
chanwooismybae #3
Chapter 1: awhh, sweet and protective mark is adorable