Hello old house.

Boudan House.
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    You left home to go to a better high school in town and you're here.... at your old house . Your family stay there for decades especially your grandparents until they decided to move due to your parents job circumstances .The distance between old house and your new high school is quite far , but you can go to school or town by bus in 30 minutes.  You don't wanna live in school hostel as school located in the middle of town. You like quiet places, far away from crowd , thats why the old house are just nice. Owh , and there's no other people living surrounding that area.

   You open the door and greet " Hello there! I'm back "

   There's no one there and the only thing you saw is the floor , sofa covered with one big size plastic , dining table , and dust . DUST EVERYWHERE. You walk through the living room and leaving footstep at the back. You saw the family photo on the wall , you walk towards it and wipe the dust away . 

   You sigh. Back then you used to live with your family and now you're living alone .... There's 4 room in the house and you're gonna use one, you have no idea what you're going to do with the other 3 rooms.

   "Maybe I should make the other 3 rooms into storage room , library .......But I don't have any money to buy books and furniture "

   Damn.You don't wanna think much more, beause cleaning the house is more important. You put down you bags and luggage aside and started to clean.

   After cleaning , you lay on the sofa to think about that 3 rooms. Then , your hand reached your bag and took out your phone. Maybe you could find any good idea on the internet. When you keep scrolling and scrolling down , you suddenly recieved an email stated there your favourite toy figure will lauched in 6 months.

   "God I want it ! and its limited edition! OMG OMG OMG ",you're to happy until you're rolling on the floor . Then you checked again the email, but startled when you saw the pricing .... 10000dollars. Where you gonna find such money ....... and you really want that limited edition toy figure.

    You think how you gonna make good money and you got a really good idea . " I can rent out those 3 empty rooms ! 


    The next day after you stick rent-out notice at the busstop , you recieved an unknown number call.

    "Hello...? Is this Miss Amy ? I'm Mr.Bang . I'm interested to rent blablabla...so maybe you can text me your address ?" 

    You never thought that people calling you for the rent in such short time. Rather than feeling lucky or happy ,you realized you're stupid. How could you simply rent out rooms , if there's some weird erted ajussi what you're going to do.

    You slightly regret your action.

    The bell rang and it must be Mr.Bang . You shouted " I'm coming..." and open the door. A man who's in 40's and looks slightly short and he had a big belly standing infront. You think you really get into trouble this time. Still , you welcome him and let he in to see the rooms.

    "This is my room , the next room is room number 2 , then room number 3 and the last one in the corner is room number 4." You explain each room in detailed for Mr.Bang and he seems interested .

    "I'm so sorry asking you bout this , but did you really want to rent all this 3 rooms?" 

    "No , I rent for other people." Mr.Bang still looking around the house . At last he make up his mind and decided to rent those rooms. 

    " Today there will be people who move in , so I'll be giving you 3 months depo

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Army_jiaying #1
chuppoppo #2
Chapter 7: i just screamed at the last sentence aaaaaaaa
sharence #3
Chapter 6: Lol doorless cupboard. Great job Namjoon XD
Army_jiaying #4
Chapter 5: Erm i totally did not expect that.. hahaha but who is the love of her? Ahhaha
Army_jiaying #5
Chapter 4: Omggg im gonna read this maybe tmr its so late now omggㅠ ㅠ goin to be 2am here now omgg
sharence #6
Chapter 5: How come...... T.T but nice setting.waiting for next chapter omg!!
yazaki30 #7
Chapter 4: Hoseok came, who's next?? Jin, maybe or Taehyung... I can't wait :)
Btw, Thanks for updating ^^
Jennyvuuu #8
Chapter 4: Can't wait for the next chapter who will be the next person I think it is jin
sharence #9
Chapter 4: Hahahahahahahhh you're fujoshi XDD
yazaki30 #10
Chapter 3: This is really touching, :')
Thanks for the update ^^