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To talk about T-ara, I have to tell a story which started on July 29th, 2009. A new girl group was established with the debute song LIES. They had a promotion for BOBEEP BOBEEP and LIKE THE FIRST TIME  then in the early 2010, they won the first place with BOBEEP BOBEEP. They cried hard because happy and that was happy tears. ,they had a come back I GO CRAZY BECAUSE OF YOU. They promoted YAYAYA and WHY ARE YOU BEING LIKE THIS? in the same year with a new member. In 2011, they came back with ROLY POLY and then with CRY CRY and LOVEY DOVEY. While they had a come back with DAY BY DAY in 2012, the scandal started and made them cried because of pain. It’s a scar in our hearts until now but it makes T-ARA and QUEEN’S stay strong. Many fans left them but the others who is sade by side with them are loyal  and never betray. In spite of the hatred from netizens, they go on working for their fans with Y LOVE in that year. In 2013, they focused more on Japnese market with the song BUNNY STYLE. They also had a sub unit named T-ARA N4 promote the song JEON WON DIARY WITH EUNJUNG HYOMIN JIYEON AREUM in Korea and Japanese sub unit named QBS include BORAM QRI SOYEON  with LIKE A WIND. After that, they came back with NUMBER NINE and I KNOW THE FEELING and DO YOU KNOW ME? later. In 2014, 2 youngest members had their own solo debut: JIYEON with 1 min 1 sec and HYOMIN with Nice Body. Later the group came back with SUGAR FREE. In this year, EUNJUNG had her solo with I’m good and in this August, they will have the group’s promotion with SO CRAZY. That’s what they have done with happy and sad experiences.

To me, in 2009, their debut year, I was just a 12-year-old girl who cared about study and my entertaiment way was to watch TV. I used to hate listening to music until the early 2012. I watched Dream High and impressed about the short hair girl in the film at the first sight when I lo

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greenjade21 #1
Chapter 1: Nice thoughts and inputs on your personal views of you grew also and remain as T-ara fan or Queens! I maybe way older than you are but, truly, you're far more older as a fan of T-ara! I'm glad you stayed by their side to support them in whichever way you can! Good for you! Hwaiting!
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