Untouched Wounds

Unending Tear Stains
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Gabi's POV

"Please welcome EXO and their friend Gabriella!" The host said and we all entered onto the stage. This isn't weird surprisingly, because I have been on many shows with these idiots. Everyone wants to know the brains behind these boys and I'm those brains. I trained with them and now I create their choreography for their music. It of course isn't always easy, but a job is a job am I right?

Each of us shook the host's hand and took a seat. I'm stuck in the middle between Chan-yeol and Sehun, the only two slightly decent out of the ten boys. We all introduced ourselves and then the show started. 

It started off as usual with the boys performing and then answering some questions about their personal lives. Then they asked me to show how much better I am at dancing then Kai. These are the reason's I love coming on shows with them. 

Kris's POV

Here I sit just flipping though channel after channel looking for something to fill the void in my mind. I continued flipping until I saw a familiar group of faces I haven't seen in a year, EXO, my old K-pop group. I left because SM treated me like and I didn't appreciate it at all. I wonder if she is still working there. My mind flashed quickly back to those happy times before I left.

"Kris! Stop and put me down! Right now!" She squealed. She continued to hit my back as I threw her over my shoulder and jumped into the pool, fully clothed. We came up for air and she splashed me in the face after she wiped her eyes from the water.

She started to swim towards the little waterfall that was built into the pool, laughing as she swam. I followed her, out for revenge. When she reached the seat beneath the waterfall she looked around not seeing me.

I popped up right in front of her face grabbing her waist, receiving a laugh from her. I turned around, sitting, and putting her on my lap. She leaned her head against my chest, nuzzling her head into my neck.I kissed her head softly humming random melodies. She softly put her hand on my cheek turning my head to face her. She leaned up slowly and pressed our lips together. I loved these kinds of kisses. Always so soft, slow, and sweet. Now if we could only stay like this.

"I love you Gabi, with all of my heart." I whispered into her lips.

"I love you too Kris. I have always loved you and always will." She whispered back, kissing me again, a little harder this time.

Those are the things I remember, but that day just keeps playing over and over in my head. I hurt her so much when I left, but I just had to forget about it and focus on things I wanted to accomplish. But that nagging pain was always there in my heart.

That pain comes back to my heart when the camera pans around to show Gabi sitting there between Chan-Yeol and Suhen. All those things I said were coming back and tears started to fill my eyes...how could I have done that to her, when she didn't deserve it at all.

Gabi's POV

We all started to tell embarrassing stories about each other. Like the story of how I walked in on Suho and Lay looking up EXO fanfiction together on the computer at 2 am. Then something happened that never happened before....

"So Gabby, you have had quite a year haven't you? With working with EXO and traveling everywhere on their international tour. Tell us how you fit everything in your life at one time." The host asked me.

"Well I just focus on things that I have to get done with work and when that is all done, I hang out with these guys here. I don't really have friends outside of work, but I have made the best ones inside of work."I replied getting hugged by both Chan-yeol and Sehun.

"Well I heard that those weren't the only things you had to deal with in this past year. Do you feel like telling us about your relationship with ex-member Kris? Is it true you broke up over his leaving the group?" 

Right there and then my heart shattered as the memories came flowing back. All those wounds that had somewhat healed themselves just got ripped open again. Chan-Yeol saw my empty expression and leaned over whispering in my ear "You don't have to answer if you don't feel like you are ready." He gave me a small smile and sat back up in his seat.

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