Jackson is a True Idiot


"My friend got backstage passes to see a group named GOT7, I guess I am 'LUCKY' to have met them personally, right? How come I feel so burdened you ask? That Dufus!"


Jackson Wang

Real name: Wang Jia Er / Wang Ka Yee

Group: GOT7

Age: 21 

Position: Lead Rapper, Main Dancer

Most Noticeable Trait: Shy around pretty girls/ Someone he likes



Just Relax.


Real Name: Your Name (Y/N) Your Last Name (Y/L/N)

Friend's name: Tara


(You know some about GOT7)

Why are there so many dancing? At least they're in sync.




 I admit, idiotic reason to pick a “bias” but this one was ridiculously dorky. I hate to admit it, but it kind of reeled me in towards him. Now, it was just to see whether or not this dufus was just for marketing reasons, or some kind of persona the company wanted him to adopt.




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buzzing #1
Chapter 1: ahhhh really cute~❤
good job!!!
Chapter 1: omg, this is like sooo perfect and cute!
i can totally relate to OC and having a friend like Tara. XD
but... Jackson is such doofus here and i love it!!
the gifs of Amerikongthai. haha... sorry, that's how i call them because of my sis. XD
anyways, good job!! =]