
Please Date Me!

Wait, what?

Did Mingyu hear that right?

"There's no time to explain but please date me!" The male cried as he continued to drag Mingyu around like a rag doll. Mingyu barely had the time to struggle as he was pulled to god knows where. The male was pulling him had dark eyes and, woah, was that deep sound his voice..?

Mingyu frantically looked into the sandwich shop window as the other male pulled him, and he frantically waved at Jeonghan, who was still on the phone but quickly got up when he saw Mingyu being dragged away. Unfortunately Mingyu was lost in the busy streets when Jeonghan managed to reach the door and quickly lost sight of the other.

"W-Wait where are we going?" Mingyu asked, stumbling to keep up with the other male. The other ignored him as he hurriedly looked around, as if figuring out where to go. They crossed a street and Mingyu looked strangly at the hand on his wrist.

Where was he going? What was he planning to do to him? Was he going to die this faithful day? He had actually dodged dying at the hands of Jihoon and now he was going to die in the hands of this gorgeous stranger; he just knew it. He was going to die. He was going to die. He was going to die. He was going die. He was going to ---

"We're here."

Mingyu opened his eyes he looked up at a fancy looking restaurant he's never seen before and he felt a sudden feeling wash over him. He wasn't sure if it was relief or something else akin to relief.

"You don't have to say much, just say we're dating." The male said as he began to push Mingyu inside. Mingyu hardly had enough time to think (or talk) as they entered, as the stranger was desperately pushing Mingyu to go faster. The poor male tripped three times before they stopped at this large room which Mingyu would assume would be for dinner conferences or parties, or a really distant dinner date, based on how there was a very pretty girl on the other long end.

"H-Hello," She started as the stranger that dragged Mingyu along, went in first. He then grabbed Mingyu and forced him in. He mumbled a quick 'say it' before he nudged Mingyu forward. Mingyu gave him a look and then looked at the girl a few feet in front of him. She looked like a model Mingyu might've seen on a cover of a magazine in the work's lunch room, or somewhere on the street billboards; Mingyu wasn't sure.

"Uh, um, I - we - are, um, dating." He stuttered, feeling the hand on his wrist tighten, but not enough to hurt. The girl in front of him made a soft sound, like a scoff of disbelief.

"I knew it was real." Mingyu heard her mumble. "Okay then, I see why you're obviously not interested in me, Jeon Wonwoo. It was nice meeting you though."

She smiled at the two as she gathered her coat and purse. She then brushed by them as she left. The stranger, Jeon Wonwoo, Mingyu assumes, drops Mingyu's hand quickly with a heavy sigh.

"Thank you, for that." He says, so softly that Mingyu isn't quite sure he heard it. Mingyu opts so say a your welcome but the stranger opens his mouth to say more.

"I'm very sorry for bringing you into this. I'll bring you back now, unless.. you'd care to have dinner with me."

"Oh - wait - ah - um - " Mingyu struggles to say, but suddenly his stomach works against him, growling loudly right in front of the stranger. Mingyu secretly wishes the ground would open up and swallow him whole, as the stranger gives him a half smile, half smirk.

"I-I didn't h-have lunch.." Mingyu explains, rubbing a hand over his stomach, begging it to stop growling. The attractive stranger lets out a soft chuckle and gestures to sit down, pulling out the chair for Mingyu. Mingyu hesitantly takes the seat while fiddling his fingers nervously. The other male takes the seat on the other side of the long table.

"This is to thank you." He said.

Mingyu nodded and was about to rethink about how this was much different than he had thought. He was so sure that the stranger in front of him was going to kill him, but instead he was having dinner with him instead of calling for help and oh my god what if Jeonghan called the police?!

"Do you happen to have your cell with you? I really need to contact someone and I dropped my phone when you rammed into me awhile ago." Mingyu said quickly, eyes widening in shock for the potential thought of Jeonghan calling the police.

"Oh, of course. Here." The other said as he slid the mobile device across the table without any trouble. Mingyu quickly picked up and punched in Jeonghan's number. Jeonghan was quick to pick up after the first ring.

"Hello?" Came Jisoo's voice.

"Hello!?" Mingyu exclaimed, quite loudly in fact.

"What are you doing Mingyu? Jeonghan is sitting here crying, saying you left him."

"I WAS KIDNAPPED." Mingyu shot back, before looking up at the stranger in front of him before giving a apologetic smile. "I mean, I-I suddenly ran into a emergency. Tell Jeonghan I'm sorry."

With that, Mingyu closed the phone while secretly wondering how he even became friends with Jeonghan in the first place. The guy didn't even think Mingyu was being kidnapped! Seriously what does Jisoo even see in him.. How did he graduate college.. How did --

"Did you need to be somewhere?"

"N-No. I was with a friend before you, um, asked me to come here." Mingyu explained as he cleared his throat while sliding the phone back.

"I'm sorry."

Mingyu wanted to say it was okay because the face in front of him looked to pitiful, but the dark haired male began to explain himself.

"My friends have been making me go on these dates, in attempt to get me a partner and you were there, and I just... thought I had no choice. I ran everywhere for someone who might agree to date me for a short amount of time, I'm glad you didn't try to call the police on me."

Mingyu nodded, and almost laughed, understanding what it might've felt like because he, himself, didn't want to be on blind dates. Now he could see why the stranger would suddenly ask him to do something like this. Mingyu smiled and waved a dismissive hand.

"It's alright, no harm done." He said.

"May I ask your name?"

"Kim.. M-Mingyu."

"I'm Jeon Wonwoo."

An awkward silence seemed to settle between the two of them, and Mingyu fidgeted. He absolutely hated being awkward, but unfortunately he was. Wonwoo made little talk, Mingyu wasn't sure if he felt the same type of awkward as himself but he didn't dare voice his thoughts. They ate in silence with the occasional 'ahem' and soon Mingyu was finding himself being led back out into the street, full with food and obviously still awkward.

"Should I bring you back?" Wonwoo asked as he looked around the almost empty streets. Mingyu just shook his head and said a soft 'I can get back on my own', but Wonwoo looked slightly unsure.

"I can give you a ride." He offered, while adding, "You don't even have a cell so you can't call anybody if you run into trouble."

Mingyu thought about that for awhile, before agreeing. He followed Wonwoo to his shiny black car that was parked not too far away. Wonwoo dug his car keys out and unlocked the car. Mingyu began to reach for the door but Wonwoo quickly got it before him. Mingyu stared in disbelief as Wonwoo smiled and opened the door for him.

"Just saying thank you." Wonwoo said before Mingyu could ask. Mingyu shrugged it off and went inside, and watched as Wonwoo shut the door. He quickly ran to the other side and plopped in the drivers seat. Mingyu felt more relaxed as Wonwoo started the engine and began driving towards the address Mingyu gave. It was silent during the whole ride too, but Mingyu eventually felt at ease with it.

"You can just turn right here." Mingyu said as they neared his apartment complex. When Wonwoo soon shifted to park, Mingyu turned to him.

"Um, thanks for, uh, dinner and the ride." He said as he reached for the door handle. He was going to get out but a hand quickly grabbed his wrist. Mingyu turned to Wonwoo, eyes curiously asking why he was stopping him all of a sudden.

"Thanks for dating me tonight."

Mingyu couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, sure, anytime."



What the hell am I writing really.



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Chapter 17: Oh updated pls :-)
Chapter 17: How can people hate this fic? It's so cute ^^ hope you don't let negative comments get to you and you get your inspiration back! Please update soon x
Chapter 17: Dont listen to them!! Just follow ur heart <3 i'll support u
Chapter 17: How could ppl tell you something that made u want to delete this story? This story is AMAZING! I really like this, really can't wait for another chapter. I hope u will get your inspiration back :)

Your subscribers are waiting for you~
Myungkittie #6
Really nice story, update please ^^~
Chapter 17: Please update T.T
Chapter 17: I keep coming back and re-reading this fic. Idk how many times I've actually read it, it's just sooooooo good. I do hope that you'll be able to come back and update sometime. I just really love this fic, and will continue to wait for your return! (And probably come back and re-read it again and again) <3
dannaching11 #9
Chapter 17: please please update authornim..
schneina #10
Chapter 17: Yaaah don't let other peoples opinions worry you ! Some people really like this story!! *cough* me *cough*