Happy Holidays, Mermaidscross

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for Mermaidscross

Gift from ???

Title of the gift : Just Right For You

Pairing : 2Jae
How many words : 1505
Rating: G
Warning: None

Note to my giftee: Hi! I really hope you enjoy this one-shot even thought it might be lacking but still, enjoy :)

Just Right For You

“Creepy..” Bambam exclaimed causing Yugyeom to pull him away from the school proclaim weirdo, Choi Youngjae.


Choi Youngjae, a quiet and awkward student with his face covered by his hair or more specifically, his fringe.


Nobody know how he look like or even sound like because he has always been that loner kid who stayed in the corner, away from other's sights.


Unknown to the others, Youngjae is just your normal average guy who's just extra shy and quiet than the others which was the main reason for his curtain like hair.


Even though he was born in a well known family, he was never the type to party and enjoy social life.


He was more of an introvert, who enjoys being in his own 'world'.


Everyday during his walk back from home, Youngjae couldn't help but notice a rather unique dance studio located near the train station.


He take a peek at the glass window as he was rather attracted by the cool aura of a dancer in a black hoodie, practicing hard in the studio.


Youngjae wanted to approached the guy but was having doubts so it ended with him taking a few minutes glimpse of the said person everyday before continuing his walk home.


On one fateful day, Youngjae was busy finding the said dancer with his eyes like always when suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder, startling him.


“Hey, you are here everyday. My name is Jaebum. What's yours?” Jaebum introduce himself awkwardly causing a smile to tugged on Youngjae's face, the usually cool individual turned out to be a cutie instead.


“Youngjae..” Youngjae whispered out softly which earned a nod from Jaebum before he reached out for the glass door handle.


“You wanna watch me practice, inside?” Jaebum offered, opening the door for Youngjae which cause him to oblige, not wanting to appeared rude or anything to the nice other


“He's not scare or freak out by my appearance.” Youngjae thought, smiling to himself as he watched Jaebum dancing with a determined expression.


“So, are you interested in dancing?” Jaebum asked as he took a seat beside the quiet other for his break after dancing for the past half an hour, gulping down water from his bottle.


“I can't dance though.” Youngjae muttered after nodding to the question, it was true since he has a lot of interest in dancing and singing but he has no self confidence in trying any of it.


“How old are you?” Jaebum asked after he nodded to the younger reply, not knowing what else to add into the conversation.


“ 18 ” Youngjae replied as he looked at how Jaebum’s expression stayed nonchalant, the awkwardness still surrounded them.


“ I'm 21.” Jaebum said, staring at the younger who somehow couldn’t stand the awkwardness anymore since he not used to small conversation.


“I have to get home now.” Youngjae abruptly said before standing up and giving a quick bow to the surprise older but none less Jaebum nodded.


“See you tomorrow.” Jaebum said with a small smile that instantly makes Youngjae’s heart flutters, waving bye to the younger.


“See you..” was Youngjae only reply before he dashed out of the studio causing Jaebum to chuckled at the cute younger.


Days passed by, Youngjae visit the studio everyday, to watch the older practice and have small chats after and just like that he got used to Jaebum's company.


“Do you want to give it a go?” Jaebum asked out of nowhere one day as he plopped down beside the younger who instantly passed him his water bottle.


Youngjae was taken aback by the question, he really enjoyed watching the older but too scared to try, what if he is bad at it.


“Don’t be afraid, just follow your heart. Nobody's gonna judge you for trying.” Jaebum encouraged sincerely, patting the younger’s shoulder.


Thinking about those wise word, Youngjae smiled before nodding slowly and letting himself loose for once because why not, there’s no harm in trying.


As he slowly learn the simple moves from Jaebum, he discovered that all his worries are for nothing as he was better than expected.


“Are you sure you never dance before? You move so smoothly, you were great.” Jaebum asked, smiling before they both plopped down, tired out from dancing for the past few hours.


Youngjae nodded, blushing like crazy at the compliment but lucky his fringe covered up those pinks cheeks so Jaebum didn’t notice.


From that day on, he enjoyed dancing together with the older and as they bonded got closer, they both realized their love for singing too as they compliment each other well.


“You can debut as an idol, hyung. You are so talented.” Youngjae exclaimed one day as they were hanging out at the studio, munching on pizza and chicken.


“You can be an idol too, Youngie.” Jaebum said, calling the other by the nickname which caused Youngjae’s heart to flutter again.


Jaebum had been calling him that for a few weeks now and it didn’t failed to make his heart flutters each time.


“I don’t think so, hyung. Nobody would want to stan someone like me.” Youngjae replied, smiling sadly at those thoughts, after all he had always been that weirdo everybody avoided.


Jaebum only smiled at those words before he quickly ask the younger to finished up and dragged him home with a mission in mind.


“What are you doing, hyung?” Youngjae asked as he watches Jaebum digged out different clothing from his closet, trying to match it up with him.


“Just wait and see.” Jaebum said, giving him a trust me smile before continue searching the right outfit for Youngjae.


From clothing to hairstyle that Jaebum personally styled, Youngjae was amazed by the reflection that greeted him when he face the mirror.


“See, you are charming too.” Jaebum exclaimed, amazed by Youngjae's charming look even though he was the one that changed up the younger


Youngjae just blushed at Jaebum's compliment, he himself can't believe that he look this good.


“I'm sure many girls will go after you now.” Jaebum teased as he seated himself on his bed, watching the younger still in shocked as he admired his own reflection in the mirror.


“I don't think so, hyung” Youngjae replied, smiling shyly as he seated himself beside the older who just muttered ‘wait and see’ under his breath.


It's seems like Jaebum's words was like magic, the next day Youngjae was surrounded by the girls even the school queenka that doesn't even know he existed before approach him causing the guys to hate him even more the before.


Not only his school life changed but his personal life changed too when he got scouted by an agency a few days later when they saw him singing at his school performance.


Youngjae's life turn chaotic, juggling between school and performing as he instantly became a sensation overnight in the entertainment world.


During the process of everything, Youngjae slowly learn to be more outspoken and expressive which helps him in communicating with the others around him quite well.


“It's already been a month, he might have forgotten about me.” Jaebum thought sadly, watching Youngjae’s latest performance on his phone while seated on the bench alone, all his other friends had left earlier since they are already done with practice.


This past month as been lonely for Jaebum, he was used to having the younger around even though they had only been hanging out for almost two months but still just having Youngjae there boost his spirit.


“Hyung!” The voice that he had missed was heard causing him to immediately looked up and being greeted by the sight of Youngjae smiling with a box of pizza and chicken in his hold.


“How have you been, hyung? Sorry, I was too busy that I can't take the time off to see you.” Youngjae apologized as he approached the older and took beside Jaebum who was still stunned by his appearance.


“Fine, I thought you've forgotten about me.” Jaebum replied bitterly, a bit mad at the younger for only coming now when he had missed the younger so much.


“Im Jaebum.” Youngjae called out, entangling his fingers with the older which surprised Jaebum to no end as he stare at Youngjae.


“Listen, I'll never forget you. I maybe change on the outside but I'm still the same Youngjae you got to know 3 months ago. Whether it's 3 months ago or now it still didn't change the fact that I love you.” Youngjae confessed before pecking Jaebum’s cheek, shocking the older with his confession even more.


“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Youngjae asked timidly as he tried to hide those pink cheeks while Jaebum break into a grin after realizing what just happened.


“I love you too, Youngie.” Jaebum confessed, cupping those smooth cheeks before pulling the younger into a sweet kiss, one that they both would remember forever.


You may not be right for the others but you are just right for me and only me, Choi Youngjae.

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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3