Happy Holidays, KJH_Kpop

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for KJH_Kpop

Gift from ???

Title of the gift: Confession - Mark 

Pairing(s): Mark & Hannah (OC)

How many words: 4581

Warnings: My bad habit of extra long plots :<<

Note to my giftee: I really enjoyed writing this, I hope you'll enjoy it too. There will definitely be a few grammar and spelling mistakes, do let it slide ^^ I really gave this my best shot, so I really hope you'd enjoy it. Do comment and tell me your opinions, I'd love to hear them. This may be early but, Merry Christmas <3

Confession - Mark


"I should be going now," you announced as you shot up from your seat. Your hands delicately brushed against the tip of your skirt before carefully fixing your disarranged outfit.


"Why are you leaving so soon?" Bam Bam's shriek filled the air as he and the rest of the members rose from their seats.


"It's almost 11 and my house it quite a long walk from here," you chuckled as you moved to ruffle his messy hair.


"Oh but-"


"No, she's right. We kept her for too long. It's already very dark," Jr. intervened as he gestured the others to lead you towards the door.


"We could have a sleepover?" Bam Bam suggested; his big, round eyes pleaded as he puckered his lips childishly.


"No Bam Bam, she's a girl," JB's voice suddenly came in existence. "She has to leave," he continued; his head only barely popping out from the kitchen as he instructed the others to take you out.


As if their leader's voice was an instant mission, they quickly followed; leading you towards the door as each of them handed you your belongings.


Bag, check.


Guitar, check.


Music notes, check.


Phone, check.


Keys, check.


"You're good to go!" Jackson exclaimed as he handed over the rest of your belongings, loudly checking off if you had everything you needed. "Alright, I'm pretty sure I have everything," you laughed as you tried to stop him from starting his third check-offs.


"You're coming next week right?" Yugyeom asked, his soothing voice muffling into your ears as he walked alongside with you and the others; slowly taking you out towards the door. "I'm not sure yet, I still have that audition to try," you reminded him as you faked a small pout; deliberately making him feel bad for not remembering your audition. "You idiot! How could you forget her audition!" Jackson exclaimed, his loud voice ringing in the air as he smacked Yugyeom's head playfully. "S-sorry," he mumbled; his ears and nose turning red from embarrassment. "It's okay, Gyeommie," you chuckled as your lips curled into a wide grin. Your petite fingers pinching his reddening cheeks playfully before moving in front of the door.


"No goodbye hugs?" Youngjae whined as he frowned at you disapprovingly. "You guys are so immature," you snorted between your short laughs as you pulled each of them into a quick hug. You were about to reach for the doorknob when JB's voice zoomed in again. "You were going to leave without giving me a hug?" he teased as twisted you around, wrapping you tightly in his embrace. "That was the plan," you joked as you pulled away from his tightening hug. "Ouch," he pouted, his hands patting his supposedly broken heart.


"I should really go now," you said as your hands twisted the doorknob opened. "No, hold on," JB's voice rung in the air as you felt his hands on your shoulders. "JB, I really have to go," you said, your lips slightly dropping into a frown thinking that he was still messing with you. "It's really dark, it's too dangerous for you to go alone," he said, his once cheery, sarcastic voice fading into a serious, demanding one. "It's really oka-" "No, it's not," he cut you off as his head roamed the members for help.


"I have a meeting with the CEO right now," he explained apologetically as his eyes continued to search for a helping hand. "I can go!" Bam Bam volunteered as he raised his hands, swinging it in the air eagerly. "No, I doubt you'll be the one protecting if anything really happens," JB chuckled as his eyes continued to dart across the room. Finally, it landed on a certain person. Great, he thought before clearing his throat to start his command.


"Mark, you can take her home," he said, his voice leaning towards a command rather than a suggestion. "I don't want to," Mark answered, his eyes traveling toward yours as it sliced through your mind. You could feel you heart crashing at the bottom of your rib cage as it shattered loudly.


Out of all the people, why him?


"Take her home," JB's words silenced the room, sending chills across the tight air. It was the leader's command.


Not even bothered to hear what Mark has to say, he turned around to give you a soft peck on the forehead before ushering you out the door. Your cheeks instantly radiated with heat as it burned with redness. Although the eight of you had always been friends, and would probably never cross beyond that, you couldn't help but blush at his actions. It wasn't like he'd never done it before, and it was definitely not because you were holding a huge crush on him. It was simply a teenage girl's reaction. Especially for one that has never experienced her first kiss. At most being small pecks on the cheek or forehead.


"Are you coming or not?" a voice sneered. The intimated, yet at the same time modulated and breath-taking voice muffled into the thin, crispy air. You opened your mouth to protest, but your stubborn brain wasn't capable of processing any good comeback. You let out a loud sigh before slipping on your flat shoes and exiting through the door. You quickly landed through the front steps as you trailed behind the red-headed figure.


You'd like to say you were enjoying this, like you'd always do, but a part of you just wasn't feeling right. This would usually be the time you'd enjoy the most. It was a time for you to relax, the time you had for yourself, besides your long, hot showers, of course. You wouldn't usually be accompanied, only trailing down the streets freely, letting your mind drift to the most spontaneous thoughts anyone could think of. It would be one of those moments where you'd feel like being on top of the world, without a single worry on your shoulders. This, however, was an entirely different case. Maybe it was the fact that Mark was accompanying you, or maybe it was just the tense atmosphere lingering around.


You've always imagined the time alone with your ultimate crush a little more romantic, but of course, that wouldn't be at all realistic.


True, you were head-over-heels for Mark; but that doesn't mean he feels the same way, which, was probably true. Mark had never once shot you twice a look. Ever since you two met for the first time.


You were known to be Got7's best friend, but that doesn't mean you were close with every single member, *cough* *cough* Mark.


It wasn't like he was dragging anything down. It was almost like an in-between. A part of it feels like you're rendering the world's weight; yet a part of it feels like you're the most carefree person in the world, without a single worry in sight. Maybe you'd really be the most happy, carefree girl if Mark were just a teeny bit nicer.


You never understood why he held such a grudge unless he remembers something really bad you've done in your previous lives. Mark had always had something against you; hating you to the bottom of your guts. At least, that's the way you see it. All your friends, including the rest of Got7, had said that it was his way of showing love. Reassuring you that that was just his personality; like those bullies that expresses their care for their victims. Even going as far as saying that there's a strong connection between the two of you. Not. Even your worthy adviser, Bam Bam had told you so, but that could only be slightly believable if he didn't treat you like a slick of air.


"Why do you walk so slow?" a thick, gravelly voice shot beside your ears. "Sorry," you muttered under your shortened breath as you fastened your pace. Geez, you were just walking super fast, you scoffed inwardly as your lips dropped into a frown. Why do I even like this guy, you pondered as you fumbled behind his slender figure. "Walk beside me," he blurted, his gruff, guttural tone sliced across the air.


You looked up at him with wide eyes, but when he just stared back at you with a blank expression, you drifted back onto the paved concrete as you took a few steps forward, lining up beside him as you continued to stare at the ground.


You sure know how to make a girl feel down, you grunted as you cursed yourself for even taking interest in such a guy.


"Why the hell are you wearing that?" he asked, his voice laced with annoyance as he eyed you up and down. Great, now he's judging your clothes too. You sure know how to pick best the guy to fall in love with, you snorted sarcastically as your eyes traveled down to your outfit. It wasn't that bad; at least you weren't tugging on a brown, paper bag. You were wearing a maroon muscle tee and a pair of black shorts. What were you expected to wear? A ball-gown?


If you weren't those insecure girls, you'd be rolling your eyes and spatting out a good comeback, but you were. You glanced down at your outfit, chewing on your lips as you felt your cheeks radiating with heat. "If you feel embarrassed when you're walking with me, in this," you snapped as you gestured at your outfit, "then you can just stop here," you finished off as your staggering eyes met his. You were almost taken back at how surprised he looked. Yeah, I can play mean too! you snorted inwardly as you glared into his almond-shaped eyes. "I didn't mean in that way," he said, his voice dripping in guilt as he spoke. "But you do know I'm older than you right?" he sneered, his once guilt-filled tone quickly changing into a plummy one. I almost felt bad for snapping at you. "Put this on," he barked as he threw you his jacket. You instantly felt a pang of guilt shooting off your head as you glanced down at the sweater in your hands. Now I feel bad, you thought as you slowly slipped on the sweater. Maybe he does care, you smiled as you shot him an apologetic look. "Don't get any ideas, I just don't want to hear JB rant on and on about how I let you get catch a cold," he clarified. Okay, I take it back now. You are truly a conceited, cocky-headed creature, you snarled as you glared at his almost emotionless eyes.


You were lost in your own thoughts when you suddenly felt something tugging on your shoulders. No, scratch that, something tugging on your backpack. The one thing that held almost all your belongings; that includes your wallet and phone. You can't afford another phone, you repeated in your mind as you slapped away whatever that was tugging on your precious bag. The fact that you were still accompanied by Mark had totally slipped from your mind as you convinced yourself it was a thief. "Get away from me!" you shouted as you jumped a few feet away. "What the heck is wrong with you?" a shrill voice thrilled the air. You fluttered your heavy clamped eyelids as you peered at the supposed thief. "Oh god, I'm sorry," you gasped as you proceeded towards him. "I thought it was a thief," you mumbled as your cheeks turned red from embarrassment. "Do you really think that I'd let a thief get anywhere near you?" he asked, his eyebrows raising doubtfully as he spoke. "I forgot you were here," you murmured. "Just give it to me," he ordered as his slender fingers pulled away your backpack, slipping it off your shoulders and swinging it on his. "T-thanks," you mumbled as your eyes reverted back to the ground. Why was he acting like this? Just a minute ago, he hated my guts, and now he's carrying my backpack and giving me his jacket, you sighed as you stole a small glance at his pale figure. You began to walk faster, hoping to hide your reddening face. Soon, you found yourself skipping across the lanes like you always did.


You skipped across one final lane before realizing that you had already reached your house.


"Mark? We're here," you announced as you waited for him to reach you. "Thanks for walking me," you said as you lifted your hands to receive your backpack. He strung it off his shoulders before quickly handing it over. "Oh wait," you mumbled as you pulled off his sweater. "Here," you said as you handed him the black piece of fabric. He accepted it quickly before turning away and walking off. You watched him take a few steps before retreating your own figure and trotting towards your door.


"Wait, Hannah," a voice called out, causing you to spin around, hopping off from your front steps. It was no other than the dashing Mark himself. "What is it?" you questioned, as your feet trudged back down the paved concrete.


"I want to ask you something," he intoned. "Okay, what is it?" you motioned. "Do you.. Umm.. Like anyone?" he asked, his gaze unfaltering as he locked it firmly in your hazel eyes.




"Why?" you pondered as your eyebrows raised suspiciously. "Nevermind, forget it," he spat, his tongue rolling in slight disgust as he spun back towards his track. His black laced Converse screeching against the paved concrete as his steps began to escalate.


"You can't just intrigue someone and then walk away," you called, your modulated voice lacing with sarcasm as your hands reached for his wrist. "That's not how things work," you bawled, your eyes rolling in annoyance as you prevented him from moving any further. "Are you going to finish your question?" you badgered, your face plastering an obnoxious expression as you tapped your flat shoes impatiently. "No," he snarled, his eyes flashing with irritation as it twitched up and down along with his ceased eyebrows.


Great job! You just engulfed the very last chance of him ever taking interest you, you groaned inwardly as your brain took back over. Your involuntary reflexes coming back to process as you scolded yourself, finally realizing your stupid actions.


"I-I'm sorry," you muttered under your shortening breaths as you pulled away from his track. Glancing warily at your toes, you gave him a small bow before retreating back to your house. Hurriedly rushing through your front steps, you slipped off your flats and dashed inside. Clamping your door shut before landing down lousily at the other end.


Why did he ask that? Why did he even care? you pondered, your hands ruffling your messy bangs as you marched across the living room. Screw you, Mark, you spat as you kicked your shorts off angrily. Always messing with my mind, you snarled as you threw off your top. Quickly slipping on a comfortable, over-sized T-Shirt and pair of sweatpants, you dropped lazily on your sheets. Why did I even fall for him? you groaned as you tossed mindlessly across your once beautifully made bed. Your hands sprawled across the sheets, making the silvery folds wrinkle in dismay.


You let out a loud, screeching grit before toppling back onto your feet. Effortlessly slipping on your fluffily fabricated slippers as you dragged yourself across the tiled floor. You darted downstairs, angrily shuffling into your kitchen as you reached for the neatly stacked cups in the whitening cupboard. You poured yourself a drink, reminding yourself to focus on your current actions, but that wasn't quite possible as your mind almost instantly drifted back to the supposedly cocky-headed, conceited jerk, that was unfortunately utterly handsome. When your mind finally settled, reverting back to your current actions, the water was already running quickly from the crystal edge, flowing freely across your marbled counter. You cursed softly under your breath as you threw the kettle aside, not even bothered by loud racket it was letting out. Grabbing a small towel from the rack, you carelessly slid it across the forming puddles, your other hand picking up the glass as you toppled it in one gulp. You were about to retreat back to your bedroom when you were stopped by a familiar jingle. Your eyes darted warily as the door before grunting loudly. Your oversized, fluffy slippers screeching across the floor as you fumbled towards the door. "What is it?" you spat, your eyes rolling from side to side as your hands reached for the surprisingly cold knob. What you saw on the other side was way beyond your imagination.




The dashing, red-headed Mark was standing before you. His slender figure hunching rakishly as an infamous smirk plastered his whitening face.


"That wasn't very welcoming," he chortled, his annoying, yet modulated voice muffling in the air as his smirk curled into an almost genuine smile. "I don't recall doing anything to make you hold such a grudge," he joked, his voice unfaltering as his hazel eyes locked on yours. "Says the person who treats me like nothing but a slick of air," you spat back, your voice unable to sustain its regular tone as you flashed at him with a bucket of pain.


It wasn't cool. He can't just go around causing people's heart to flutter and then throw them off a cliff.


"Can I at least come in?" he badgered, his voice slightly quavering as his hands rubbed his shoulders in chills. It must be really cold outside, you pondered as you began to feel the pang of guilt eating out your insides. "Sorry, come in," you mumbled as you scooted away from the opening, parting for him to enter before quickly shutting the door closed.


"Sit wherever," you said, which wasn't quite necessary since he was already making his way towards the red couches scattered in the middle of the living room. "You have a nice house," he commented as he flopped comfortably on the red cushions. "You would know if you bothered to visit," you muttered under your breath as you sat down on the red cushion in front of him. "The others visited before," you sneered, your hazel eyes locking on his as you spoke.


"What are you doing here?" you questioned, "at such a godly unsuitable time," you added as your eyes glanced warily at the ticking clock. "I'm sorry," he said, his inaudible voice dispersing in the thin air as he looked up at you with his utterly charming eyes.




"You should be sleeping by now," he spilled, his voice laced with guilt as he too, glanced warily at your ticking clock. "I just couldn't keep lying to myself," he muttered, his surprisingly guttural voice muffling through the layers of your ears.


Lying to yourself?


"I've already brought up the topic, I was just too coward to continue before," he admitted. Oh, the who-do-you-like topic, you pondered as your brain finally registered the amount of information he had just toppled over you.


"What about it?" you asked, your voice lacing with curiosity as you sunk deeper in the soft fabricated cushions.


"I asked if you're currently into someone," he confessed, his voice suddenly changing into a robotic tone as the words rolled from his tongue. "You mean if I like anyone?" you chortled, the words tripping on your short laughs as your eyes squinted at the figure before you. "I didn't know you'd become a walking literature textbook when you get serious," you joked, your awestruck tone shrilling excitedly in the air. "I do that, when I get nervous," he said, his voice sounded so understanding, so happy that it seemed false. Mark happy? The words just don't sound right together. "I thought you'd be pissed off, smoke rising from your reddish hair by now," you stated, your lips twitching into an ever-so-famous smirk. I will piss you off, you repeated in your mind, but the thought vanished as you stared blankly at the unfaltering figure before you.


"What's wrong with you?" you finally snapped as you eyed the slender figure suspiciously. "You always snap before I do," he chortled, the words stumbling from the obnoxious grin plastering his annoyingly charming face. "Are you serious with me? We're going on this, at 11:30?" you snarled, your voice quavering slightly. "I always find it amusing when you snap," he laughed, his lips parting to reveal his whitening teeth. I can't believe I'm in love with you, you groaned inwardly as your jaw set, dropping into a huge frown as all you wanted to do was wipe the smirk off his face.


"What do you want?" you sneered, your voice unable to sustain its usual tone as your hands tapped impatiently. "Why do you hate me so much?" he blurted, his disheartening tone muffling into your ears as it managed to shatter your heart into pieces. This wasn't like him. It was unnerving, almost terrifying to see such a conceited, cocky-headed person suddenly so depressed and vulnerable. "I should be the one asking that," you muttered, your voice lacing with guilt, yet at the same time accusations. "The guys were right, I do at expressing my feelings," he laughed, but it wasn't a happy, cheery one. Of course, what would you expect from such a gloomy person. "I've hated you," he mumbled, his voice dripping with sincerity as his almond-shaped eyes trapped you in his lust-filled feelings. "I thought that was the only way for me to express my care," he said. "What's that supposed to mean?" you queried, your eyebrows ceasing in disorientation. "It means, I like you," he admitted, his inaudible voice ringing by your ears as your jaw set, dropping into an O as you gawked at the figure before you.


Mark likes me.


No, the words seemed so untrue, you're daydreaming again, you pondered as you blinked blankly, in the rush of shooing away the supposedly fraud figure before you. "You're not imagining this," he said, his fruity, silvery tone singing by your ears as you snapped back to reality. This is reality, you reminded yourself as your eyes fluttered a few more times. "I'm not?" you asked, more of to yourself than to Mark. "No," he chortled, his eyes lighting up like a star-filled sky.


"Why?" you pondered, your eyes flashing with confusion as you shook your head at the figure. "How do you explain love?" he uttered, his voice fading to such a serious tone it was almost terrifying. "You've always hated me," you murmured. "No, I just really at expressing my feelings," he clarified. "I guess, at the time, that was my way of hiding," he added, "of lying to myself that I wasn't really falling, that I wasn't in love," he whispered, his brittle tone shrilling in the air. You wanted to respond, you wanted to open your mouth and say you love him too, but your unprocessed brain wouldn't allow you to, for all you did was sat there, blinking blankly at the figure. "Please say something," he croaked, his voice shattering against the loud silence. This time, your mouth opened, your rosy lips parting to make way for the stumbling speech, but nothing came out. You were speechless.


Mark likes me?


Now that was just way beyond imagination, just subtly crazy, it's nonsense, impossible.


"I like you, Hannah, I really do," he affirmed, his quavering voice now a lot steadier and impassioned. "I'm sorry for all the times I was mean to you, for all the times I snapped or treated you badly," he continued, "I was just hiding and lying to myself," he whimpered, "but I know now, and I won't hide anymore. I love you," he launched, his voice filled with so much passion it was hard for you to believe.


Mark loves me.


"Can you please say something?" he uttered, his concerned, yet indignant voice muffling from under his falling bangs. "I don't know what to say," you mumbled, your drooping head finally making its way to his. You stared back into his passionate eyes as you fiddled with what you wanted to spill. "I understand," he croaked, "you don't like me that way," he chortled, his voice filled with mockery and bitter. "How could you possibly like someone that treated you so badly," he conceded. "I'm sorry I kept you up so late," he muttered. "It's really late, you should go to sleep," he said, his hands moving to ruffle your hair before he shot up, scooting from the cushion as he began to rearrange his outfit. "I'll be in the crowd, cheering for you on Saturday," he spluttered.


Are you just going to let him leave?


"Wait!" you called, your brain had finally returned, "you don't want to hear my answer?" you asked, your silvery voice lighting up his face as you spoke. "If the answer is no-" "No," you chortled. You couldn't help but break into a grin as you watched his face turned from disappointed to surprise, confused, and then all over again. "Wait," he mumbled, "No as in, no I don't like you or-" "No, as in the answer is not no," you grinned. Your daring feet skipping a few steps forward as you stood neatly under his casting shadow. "I like you too-" you opened your mouth to say, but before you could even finish your sentence, a rosy pair of lips had already silenced you. Your eyes widened, as it darted blankly at the pair of lips pressed against yours.


Mark is kissing me.


His delicate hands moved up your back as it rested firmly on your neck, pulling you even closer to deepen the kiss as his other hand caressed your face. Your slowly reacting brain couldn't bring itself to respond, for all you did was stand neatly in his embrace, lips pressed against his.


"I'm sorry," he chortled as he pulled away. "That wasn't very gentlemen-like," he laughed. His hands trailed from your reddening cheeks as it tapped playfully on your nose. "I just couldn't resist," he muttered. "So, Hannah, will you please do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" he asked, his opened palm raising slightly as he spoke. "You have a weird way of talking," you laughed, unable to restrain the smirk tugging on the corners of your lips. "When I get nervous," he laughed again, his awkward hands moving to rub the back of his neck. "Well, I guess I'm going to have to get used to it," you said, pausing slightly as you flashed him a smile, "since I'm going to do you the honor of being your girlfriend," you mimicked, your face quickly breaking into a huge grin.


"Thank you," he whispered, his inaudible voice almost dissolving in the thin air as he looked up at you, his almond-shaped eyes lacing with passion, "for giving me a chance," he continued. "I'd have to go thanks the boys," he confessed, "they snapped the senses back to me," he laughed, before pulling away and trudging out the front steps. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said. "Wait, for what?" you called, as your eyes searched his trailing figure. "For our first date!" he shrilled, his eyes playfully darting through your face before he leaned in for a soft peck. "I love you," he muttered before smiling into the kiss as he deepened it. "I love you too," you giggled.

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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3