Happy Holidays, MasterChickenWang

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for MasterChickenWang

Gift from ???

Title: The Gift

Pairing: Jackson x OC

Word Count: ~4,160

Rating: G

Warning/s: None. (Warning for wild and y Jackson being fluffy? XD)


Note to my giftee: Hi Lexi! I don’t usually write oneshots this long so I’m a little nervous about how this turned out ^^” I hope reading this doesn’t bore you and the story’s not too ‘fluffy’ for your taste. I’m sorry for not making this a “you” story since I was already done writing when I remembered it should’ve been Jackson x Reader instead T^T Nevertheless, I hope you will have a wonderful time reading not only my story but others’ as well :)

To everyone else reading this oneshot, please enjoy! Cheers! ^^

The Gift


Lexi's POV


One. Two. Three...

"Oww!" Jackson yelps when I step on his foot again.

"Oh my gosh! I'm really sorry!"

Jackson smiles and pats my head. "It's okay. I think we should take a break though."

I nod my head but not without muttering another apology.


We sit side by side on the floor, leaning our backs against the wall.

I sighed as I massaged my shoulders and my legs. Jackson and I have been practicing for three hours now and I still can't quite figure out this new step he taught me. I'm usually one of the quick learners when it comes to new choreographies but I totally right now.


"Is something bothering you?" Jackson's question snaps me out of my thoughts. Seeing my confused look, he adds, "Don't get me wrong, Lexi, but I don't understand why you're having a hard time mastering the steps."

I bowed my head in embarrassment and played with the towel with my fingers. "I'm sorry."

He scoots closer and puts an arm around my shoulders, "Are you pressured? I mean, we're performing this dance routine at the freshmen's orientation to attract aspiring dancers so maybe you're just nervous. Don't worry; you have me so there's nothing to be afraid off."

He rocks my body back and forth with his strong arm and I pretend to push him away and say with a grimace, "Eew, you're sweaty and sticky!"

He snickers, "Yeah, and you’re not."

"Whatever. Let's do the routine again." I stood up and offered my hand to him.

He takes it and bumps noses with me when he got up. "If you don't get it in five tries, you're treating me to dinner."

"And if I do?"

"That just proves I teach well."

"That's unfair!"

He tousles my already messy hair and pats my shoulder, "I’m kidding. I'm taking you on a date. I know you're dying to get an invitation from me."

"Whatever, Jackson Wang." I rolled my eyes at him and made my way towards the computer to play the song we'll be dancing to. As I scrolled through the list of songs saved on his flash drive, I bit my lip to keep myself from smiling but failed miserably.

Bumping noses and a date invitation. You don't even know how much these things mean to me, Jackson. You don't even know...


I entered the house as quietly as I could without even turning the lights on. From the looks of it, my parents are probably resting now.

I inched my way towards the stairs only to be surprised when the lights and my parents appeared beside me.

"You scared me!" I say, clutching my chest.

"Where were you? It's eleven in the evening already. A proper woman doesn't stay out this late," Mom lectures me.

"Mom, I was at school practicing with Jackson for the upcoming freshmen orientation. I wasn't partying or anything."

"See? You were with a guy and you went home late. Did you think we'd tolerate that?" Dad scolds me.

I bowed my head and apologized as I listened to their scolding that I've somehow come to memorize.


The thing is, my parents are too protective that even as a college student, I still have a curfew and I am not yet allowed to enter into a relationship.

I do sneak out at times and be this 'bad girl' by not listening but most of the time, I follow them and it makes me sad that with one small mistake, they think I'm being a horrible daughter.


"Mom, Dad, nothing's going on between me and Jackson. Still, I'm sorry for going home late. I hope we can all take a rest now."

As I ascended the stairs, I heard my parents comment on how disrespectful I am and my father says something about teaching me a lesson. I ignored them and went straight to my room then let my exhausted body fall on my bed.

Nothing's going on between us though I hope there is...


The next day, I woke around nine in the morning and I rushed to fix myself and prepared for another day's rehearsal. Thankfully, my parents are in a better mood now and they simply reminded me to be back before 9pm.

Too worried that Jackson will be mad at me for being late, I decided to buy food and ate it on my way to school.


When I finally arrived at school, I checked my phone again and found no new message or missed call from my partner.

That’s weird. He usually doesn't stop unless he sees me.

Thinking maybe Jackson is mad at me for being late, I ran as fast as I could to our rehearsal room only to find the door slightly ajar. I peeked inside and saw Jackson and Mina dancing together. I gawked at how effortlessly the latter executed the steps I was having trouble doing last night.

"Wow! You got it in two tries!" Jackson praises.

Mina shyly smiles at him and says, "You were a great teacher, that's why."

Seeing Jackson embarrassed and rubbing the back of his neck, I feel a tinge of jealousy – that in addition to losing confidence over my dancing skills.

"Shall we go for—"

The pair turns to my direction, hearing my phone ringing. Not letting panic get into me, I calmly take the call.


Jackson's POV


"Me? Oh, I'm with Mina and Jackson. We're going to practice for our troupe's presentation."

Who is she talking to?

"You want to join us?"

I see her hesitate but ask us anyway, "Can Mark join us too?"

Of all people...

I want to decline and tell her I want to spend time with her, just the two of us, but Mina enthusiastically answers, "Yes, yes! That would be fun!"

Lexi didn't bother to ask me and proceeded to tell Mark that he could join and that she'll be waiting for him. She ends the call and enters the room to place her bag beside mine.

"Hey," she greets with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes.


"Good thing we invited Mark," Mina cuts in then adds, chuckling, "I don't want to get stuck with lovebirds like you two."

Lexi just smiles and warms up for the dance like Mina's words didn't bother her. I find it weird that she didn't say anything about us not being a couple or anything. Did I do something wrong?


Mark finally arrives an hour later.

Instead of a nod, like how he greeted me and Mina, Mark pretends to high-five Lexi. When her palm touches his, he grabs her hand and pulls her into a hug.

"Watch it, Jackson will get jealous!" Mina teases, casting me a glance.

Lexi recomposes herself and punches Mark’s arm. "What the hell was that?"

Instead of giving a response, he pats her head then throws me a peace sign as he tells me, "It was just a joke; don't get mad, okay?"

I fake a smile and nod. Oh, I am not mad; I am furious.

"Anyway, I asked Jaebum and he said Mina and I will join you for the school presentation. He's worried you guys will be too giddy and nervous to perform together."

I'd rather want that than be irritated throughout the performance, to be honest.

Seeing my hardened expression, Mark continues in a teasing tone, "Since that's already decided by our group's President, there's no use trying to oppose his decision so we better get started."

Mark heads for the computer and scrolls through the playlist.

I glare at him and Mina notices. She jokes, "Chill guys, we're not here to ruin your relationship."

I smile and went in front to teach them the choreography. Ha. Like I'd let you get in the way.


After three hours of practicing, everyone's already memorized the steps so we decided to take a break, except Lexi who insisted to keep dancing. She got the steps at the dance break but would occasionally get the last few ones wrong.

I watch her, musing at how attractive she looks when she focuses on something. I love this side of her too – the competitive and determined Lexi. I love how she keeps finding ways to improve herself.


I snapped out of my reverie when I heard someone yelp in pain. Seeing Lexi on the floor, her hand clutching her left foot, I stood quickly and rushed to her.

"Are you okay? Come, I'll take you to the infirmary," Mark tells her.

"No," I say. "I'll take her." Thankfully, Lexi didn't object and Mark didn't either.

Mina helped Lexi up and circled the latter’s arm around my shoulders for support. To their surprise, I picked Lexi up and carried her.

“Put me down, Jackson!” Lexi protested but I said nothing.

I'm not letting you walk just like that.


"If it swells, just apply hot compress," Dr. Kim tells Lexi.

He turns to me and teases, "Don't worry, loverboy. She'll be fine. Oh, or should I say you should carry her home?"

I open my mouth to protest but Lexi does in my place. "Mr. Kimmm! Stop teasing us!"

Maybe I'm imagining things but her cheeks are stained pink. Or... maybe she's just embarrassed by the fact I carried her in my arms earlier for everyone to see.

"Alright, alright. Go home and rest, kids."


After fighting over it, Lexi sighed in defeat and finally allowed me to accompany her on her way home. I offered to carry her things as "peace offering" for the humiliation I might have caused her and surprisingly, she agreed as well. She even joked, "I got the choreography last time so you still owe me dinner."

"Next time, I promise."


When we reached their house, she looked around as if making sure the coast is clear. I ask her who or what she's looking out for but before she even gets to answer, someone behind me clears his throat.

I turn around to find a middle-aged couple whom I presume to be her parents. Unprepared, I bowed and greeted them "hello" then "goodbye".

I then smiled at Lexi and basically ran for my life. I think her father might have been smirking at me panicking but I didn't care. I'll introduce myself to them but I’ll leave that for next time.



Lexi's POV


With the freshmen college orientation fast approaching, we had to work double time and practice hard for our presentation so more students and hopefully, skilled ones will be fascinated and interested to join.

The fate of our organization lies in our hands and it's not helping that Jackson and Mark seem to have an internal conflict nobody's telling me.


Jackson stops dancing and speaks, "Let's talk outside."

Did I screw up again? I take a step forward but Mina grabs my arm then shakes her head. Mark then follows Jackson out and closes the door.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I don't know either. I'll check on them; you stay here."


A few minutes passed and the trio hasn't returned yet. I started to worry that things got ugly and maybe the boys' conversation ended in a fist fight. Then again, it's too quiet outside.

Still, I made my way towards the door and was surprised when it suddenly opened. In came a smiling Mina followed by Mark and Jackson, their arms around each other's shoulders.

The boys' high-pitched laughs echoed throughout the room while I gave them a confused look.

"What's wrong, Lexi? Is something on my face?" Mark asks me.

"Markie, of course she's looking at me. The handsome Jackson Wang."

I snorted and just shook my head as I made my way towards the computer to play the song we'll be dancing too. All the while, Jackson confidently stood there with his hands on his waist, his chin up and his lips pursed.

I try hard not to crack up at how cutely and ridiculously he's acting right now. Whatever happened out there must've been something good. The past few days, Jackson seemed to be annoyed at Mark's presence and he barely jokes around us.


"Stop staring, honey." Jackson snaps his fingers and I'm back from my reverie. Blood rushes to my cheeks and they're burning in no time.

"I'm not. I was thinking of how stupid you looked just now," I tease.

"At least you were still thinking of me," he fired back and I could hear Mina and Mark chuckling.

"And you acknowledged you looked stupid just now." I say with a smirk.

Boy, am I glad to have the goofy Jackson back.


We practiced nonstop until the day we've been waiting for came. Our performance at the freshmen's orientation went well and quite a number of students went to audition when we finally started recruiting new members once the school year officially started.

There were a handful of students who had so much potential while there were also those who simply wanted to join because of us – the existing members.

I didn't mind them of course because I only had my eyes on Jackson but he, on the other hand, was a little too friendly with the girls who obviously had a crush on him. Or maybe it's just me being jealous.




"Let me help—"

"I can do this on my own; you can go back to teaching Yuki the steps we taught them earlier." I bit my lip realizing I sounded unhappy and worse, jealous. Jackson quickly catches on and teases me.

"Eyy, are you jealous?" He pokes my cheek repeatedly, I feel a little awkward at him being a bit touchy. Still, it's nice to have his attention on me.

"Oppa, can you help me with the steps earlier? I'm having a bit of difficulty getting them right..."

I glanced at the tall slender lady standing beside Jackson and mentally made faces at them. Already finding it annoying that she interrupted our conversation, I roll my eyes seeing her grip Jackson's toned arms.

Ohohoho. I better get out of here before all hell breaks loose.


"See you tomorrow Jackson," I say, turning around. I put the last few folders on top of the cabinet and pack my things. "Tell Jaebum and the others I left early."

I closed my backpack and when I was about to carry it, a strong hand stopped me and I looked up to see Jackson with a forced smile.

"Oppa, please teach me the steps~" Yuki continues to whine beside him.

He turns to her and says calmly, "Practice is over, Yuki. Besides, Lexi and I need to talk." He grabs my bag then pulls me with him.

"Where are we going?" I ask, trying to remain calm. I feel like I'd go crazy from him holding my hand.

He doesn't answer. He doesn't let go of my hand and I follow him wherever he intended to go.

Passing by students who knew us, I could see them whispering as soon as they noticed us holding hands and each time, I tried to take my hand away but failed.

"Jackson, where—"

He turns around and finally lets go of my hand. He still had a serious look on as he took a step closer.

"Jackson..." I took a few steps backward and bumped against the steel locker, finally realizing that we're now alone at the small locker area beside the school's main building.

"Were you?" He asks, looking like he's expecting me to answer whatever he wanted to hear.

"I-I don't understand..."

"Were you jealous?"

I froze hearing his question. A few seconds of silence passed and I know it'll be hard to deny it now. My silence basically meant yes.

"My god, Lexi... You don't know how I'm feeling right now." He takes me into his arms and kisses the top of my head – a simple act that sent shivers down my spine.

"W-what are you talking about?" I didn't want to assume so I continued to play dumb. Knowing how much of a joker he is, I wanted to hear something clear from him. I won't admit anything. Not until I know it's safe. Not until I'm sure our feelings are mutual.

"You were jealous of Yuki, weren't you?"

"No!" I defensively said and went on, "Why would I? I am in no position to feel that way. Besides, I'm obviously better than her. She lacks that 'wow' factor when she dances. She doesn't have the grace I have when I dance. She—"

"Doesn't have my heart."

My eyes slowly met Jackson's and he took my hand and rested it on top of his chest, where his heart is. "Because you have it. You are in here, Lexi."

Before everything he said sank in, Jackson had me in a tight embrace once again as he blabbered on, saying things I've been dying to hear from him. "I liked you back when we were still freshmen. You're my ideal girl, the woman I've been searching for."

"You... Liked me?" I ask.

"Yeah. I've ceased doing that."


He placed a finger on my lips as soon as I opened my mouth to speak, a look of confusion evident on my face.

"Because I've fallen deeper. To say I like you is such an understatement, Lexi." He cups my face and kisses the tears off the sides of my eyes. "I've fallen in love with you."



Despite knowing that my parents might kill me if they found out their only daughter is secretly dating the same guy she said she wasn't dating last time she went home late, I went on with my relationship with Jackson.

To keep others from knowing, we play it cool when they tease us and I act like one of the boys, often hanging out with the male officers of our organization.


After practice, Jackson and I would meet at various spots near school and go on cute little dates before he accompanies me to the nearest street where I live.

Wanting to date more freely, I've also tried giving my parents some hints and sometimes telling them that I'd like to bring 'someone' home but they never get it – they're either slow or they know but it's their way of telling me "no".

Jackson, on the other hand, would always reassure me that he'd tell my parents himself when it's the right time. But when is that?



Christmas Eve


I lay in bed, covered in my thickest and warmest blanket. I steal glances at my phone, waiting for it to light up and play that 'ting' sound.

As minutes of silence passed, I sighed and pouted, bringing the blanket closer to my neck. Jackson's acting like a child right now, accusing me of not wanting to spend the Christmas holidays and my birthday with him.


Initially, we were planning to go out tomorrow, Christmas day – also my birthday – and go ice skating together. However, because of my family's last minute change in plans, my parents informed me that we're having a special visitor coming over tomorrow and I had no choice but to cancel my date with Jackson.

Honestly, I didn't think he'd make such a big fuss about it – given that until now our relationship is still a secret – but I thought wrong. Last time we talked, he was whining about how disappointed he was that we can't celebrate my birthday together and that I should've informed him earlier so he could've planned something else.


"Lexi! Come down here, honey!" Mom called from downstairs, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I shifted my eyes to the red sleeveless dress hanging by my dresser. It's the dress I'm supposed to wear for our Christmas Eve dinner and it also happens to be one of the few clothes Jackson loves seeing me in. If only he's here to celebrate with us...


I hear a knock on my door and this time, my father speaks from the other side. "Honey, dinner is served. Change into your dress so we can take pictures before and after. Come quickly, we've got nice presents prepared for you."

"Okay..." I answered as I lazily stood and went towards my dresser to change.


"Lexi, let's go," my mother softly spoke outside my room. I took another glance at my pale face and proceeded to the door.

"Why didn't you put any make up on?" My mom gasped seeing my face and pushed me back inside my room. She proceeded to put a little bit of powder on my face and some lip gloss on my lips.

"Mom, it's just us. Besides, I'm not in the mood to take pictures." I lowered my voice and whispered, "And I miss Jackson..."

Mom cups my face and smiles. "Now, now... I want you to drop that frown and start smiling from now on, okay? Mommy’s got a surprise for you."

"Okay," I said with a small smile.


Before we went down, Mom blindfolded me and held my left hand as we descended the stairs.

When we arrived downstairs, she let go of my hand and I flailed my arms around looking and calling for her. "Mom???"

Even with the blindfold on, I could tell it's dark and the lights are off.

"Dad? This isn't funny. You know I’m scared of the dark..." I say, almost tearing up.

Suddenly, my blindfold is taken off and someone whispers from behind me, "Don't be scared. I'm here."

The hairs at the back of my neck stand and I panic when I realized who the owner of the voice might be. "Jackson?"


I turned around and felt his face as my eyes slowly adjusted to the dark. "Jackson, is that you? Shouldn't you be with your family right now?"

The lights and a blonde boy stood before me, a wide grin plastered on his face. Finally getting an answer to my question, tears started to prick my eyes and I'm a crying mess in no time.

"What did I tell you about making my daughter cry?" Dad emerges from my right and he smiles at me.


"Look at how cute they look..." Mom circles her arm around Dad's and lightly pushes me towards Jackson. She nods her head at us and I stare at them with a confused look.

"Don't cry." Warm hands held mine and before I knew it, Jackson already had me in his arms. In front of my parents. Embarrassed, I tried to push him but he wouldn't budge.

"It's okay... They've always known. After I confessed to you, I talked to them and asked their permission..."

I turned my head towards my parents and Dad shrugged, "Well, what can we do? He asked for permission when he's already dating you."

"Dear!" Mom lightly hits Dad's arm and we start laughing.


"Mom, Dad, can we eat now?" Jackson's brother emerges from the kitchen where he and Mr. and Mrs. Wang have been hiding all along.

"Hey, don't call them Mom and Dad!" Jackson pretends to be both mad and jealous, making us laugh.

Jackson’s brother simple rolls his eyes as he takes a seat at the dining table. "Congrats and happy birthday, Lexi!" He cheers as he raises an empty glass.

"Behave, you kid," Mr. Wang lightly flicked his son’s ear and took a seat beside him.

Soon, we joined them and we're all seated with my Mom to my right and Jackson to my left.


"I'm still waiting for my birthday and Christmas gifts. That's with an 's' if you didn’t notice," I whispered to my boyfriend.

"Excuse me??? You've got the wild and y Jackson as a gift and you still want more?" He whispered back.

"That's cool. I'm giving you until tomorrow night," I said with a straight face.

Seeing his mischievous smile, I purposely stepped on his foot, making him yelp, drawing everyone's attention.

Mom and Dad raise their eyebrows at us and Jackson stands up and starts dancing cutely, making a heart shape with his hands, while singing in off tune – or maybe it's the right tune and Jackson made it up.

"Happy Birthday Lexi~ Happy happy birthday to our baby~"


Feeling uncomfortable at his public display of affection, I force him to sit back on his chair. On his way down, he swiftly kisses the top of my head and I quickly turn my head to see if anyone noticed.

Thankfully, no one did and Jackson smiled to himself in victory as I lightly pinched his side.

Having Jackson Wang by my side is the best, the greatest gift I'd ever received. I’m thinking I could spend a million birthdays and Christmas days without receiving anything... as long as I get to spend it with him. A happy birthday and a merry Christmas, indeed.


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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3