Happy Holidays, TunaSooYeon

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for TunaSooYeon

Gift from ???

Title of the gift: Leap of Faith

Pairing: OCxMark

Word count: 2421

Rating: PG

Warnings: none

Note to my giftee: Hey, Sooyeon! I don't really write in first pov, so I hope this is okay! I'm more of a third pov. Anyways, I don't think the life lesson in here has impact, but I tried... and I hope you're okay with that. I tried coming up with many ways to write it, but nothing came. So instead, this idea came to me and I wrote with it and it came out a lot easier, and so again, I hope you're okay with that. I also ask a friend of mine to make a poster for this one shot and I hope it's all good too. haha Anyways, happy holidays to you! Merry Christmas if you celebrate it! Other than that, take care and Happy New Year!! =]

Leap of Faith


I was studying for my math exam that was next week on Thursday in the college's cafe when my friend, Naomi, suddenly said something. "Huh?" I looked up from my math notes confused as she rolled her eyes at me. "Sheesh, Sooyeon, I've been talking for like the past five minutes and you weren't even listening to me? Some friend you are." I rolled my own eyes noting the sarcasm in my friend's voice. "Hey, I can go back to studying and ignoring you if you want." "No, no." Naomi rejected as she excitedly spoke again with her eyes shining mischievously looking from me and then behind me. "He's checking you out again, you know?" "Checking me out? What are you talking about?" "Mark Tuan." "Mark who?" "Mark. Tuan. Sooyeon." Naomi let out slowly trying to emphasize each word. "He's like in all of your classes. How do you not know him by now?"

I shrugged indifferently as I returned back to my math notes. "It's college and I only have two classes this fall semester, Naomi. Besides, they're all in the morning. You think my mind's that active for me to register anything?" I looked up at her again as she showed me her bored face. "It's already December, Soo. Classes end next week. And, you should have known him by now since he's friends with Jackson." "Jack-who?" I tilted my head with a confused expression as Naomi let out a frustrated sigh as her hands became claw-like and I let out a small smile noticing it. "Don't get mad, Nay." I told her with a shake of my head while smiling. "It's not my fault that I don't know or pay attention. We're not in high school anymore. Honestly, should I really know this information?" I looked at her seriously as she pouted at me. "Yes, Sooyeon, you should."

"Why?" I asked giving up on studying for my math exam while closing my notebook. "There are like way more important things to think about besides boys." Naomi clicked her tongue disapprovingly at me. "You've never had a boyfriend." "So? Your point is?" "You're like twenty and never had a boyfriend." Naomi let out a bit heatedly before speaking again. "And the dates and guys I try to set you up with fails because you never try to get to know them." "I'm twenty-two, thank you." I corrected her. "Also the dates are guys who ask you to set me up with them just to get in my pants. And the others are random dudes who have too much too drink, Naomi. You think I would ever fall for someone like that?" "Man, I don't know. For as long as I've known you, since we were in diapers mind you, I don't know what kind of guys you like."

"Good. Let's keep it that way." I said blowing her a raspberry while putting my things away as Naomi grabbed my hands to stop me from putting my things away. "Ugh, you're such a grumpy , sometimes, I swear." I cast her a knowing smile as she glared at me for a short bit before looking behind me again. "But seriously, Sooyeon. He won't stop looking over here." "Maybe he's checking you out instead and it's not really me." "No, it's you he has his eyes on." "How are you so sure?" "Because his eyes follows you and I've tried asking him out, but he turned me down." Now I looked at her shock. "He turned you down? Miss I-Can-Get-Every-Boy-Without-Really-Trying. Really?" "Psh, whatever, but yeah, he turned me down. It's okay though, I got my eyes on Jackson and he fits more of my type." "I didn't know you had a type." "Well, now I do, but that's not the point." "Then what's the point?" I asked already tired of this whole discussion.

"Just ask Mark out, Sooyeon. If you ask him out, then I won't bother you about this kind of thing ever again." She pleaded with me like she was serious about it as I looked at her suspiciously. "Sooyeon, I promise. I won't bother you ever again. I promise." I continued to look at her. "Sooyeon. Just take a chance. A leap of faith. Gosh, you're in college and at our age right now we should be enjoying life and living it up. Haven't you heard that phrase the kids nowadays are living by? The whole 'YOLO' thing which means 'you only live once'." "I know what it means and don't even start that, Naomi." "But I'm totally serious. Just ask the poor guy out." "Man, if he likes me, then he can ask me out instead." I stated as I finished packing up my things ready to go. "Why should the guys always be the one to do it? We're in the twenty-first century. Besides, you never take chances. You're just... you."

I stared at her in boredom as I swung on my backpack. "Well, I like being me, thank you very much. And, maybe I'm just old-fashioned. Ever thought about that?" I stood up as she also stood up with me and took a hold of my arm preventing me from leaving. "You're not old-fashioned, Soo. You're just scared." I scoffed. "I'm not scared, Nay." I see her lips quirked up mischievously as her eyes seemed to glow slyly. "Sooyeon, you're scared." "Naomi, I'm not scared." I stated, but she wasn't believing me. I tried again and she still didn't believe me. "Fine. I'll do it." I agreed giving in as my friend let out this weird squeal as she began to jump up and down while I shot her an amused yet confused look. "Are you okay?" "I will be when you finally ask him out." She quickly ran to my side of the table and pushed be towards the table that Mark was sitting with a few of his friends including the guy that Naomi said was her type. "Go, go, go."

Naomi pushed me until I was at the table. She then ran off, but not before telling me good luck and giggling while running away. I rolled my eyes at her immaturity before laying my eyes onto the guys who suddenly just stopped talking and were now looking at who I believed to be Mark. I also looked at Mark who was looking at me, but he seemed more surprised than anything else. I cast him a quick smile to which he returned instantly. Huh, he has a nice smile. I thought and then remember why I was there. "Mark, right?" I asked looking at him to which he nodded his head slowly while his friends cast one another knowing looks. Two of his friends who were sitting next to Mark were nudging him playfully and he cast them all a glare. His attention then returned to me, but he wasn't glaring or looking surprised like before. He had a somewhat cute looking expression instead. "Yes, I'm Mark."

"OK." I said with a smile as I took a deep breath before letting it out silently and slowly. "Do you want to go out with me?" I asked him with a neutral expression. I saw his eyes go wide and his friends letting out collected 'oohs', but before I could give the guy time to respond I answered quickly instead. "No? OK. Sorry. Bye!" I let out with a pleasant tone and a wry expression as I turned away and made a beeline towards Naomi without looking behind me. "OK, Soo, what did he say?" Naomi asked me excitedly once I reached her. "He didn't say anything. I asked him out and I answered right after." "What? What?" She asked confused standing up. "What did you say? Why did you do that? No wonder he's looking so confused." "I said 'no, OK, sorry,' and 'bye' and I came over here after doing that." "Sooyeon! Go back there and get an answer!" Naomi demanded while pointing in Mark's direction.

I looked at my watch and noticed the time. "Oh, sorry, Nay, no can do." I told her with feign sadness. "I gotta pick up James, but I did what you told me and so now you can get off my back!" I smiled at her while sticking out my tongue and backing away before she could get a chance to grab a hold of me. "Oh, no, missy!" She said as she tried to maneuver over to me from the other side of the table and followed me. "You're not going anywhere, Soo!" "Sorry, Nay! A deal is a deal! Later!" I told her with a laugh as I turned away from her and instantly exited out of the cafe. Not stopping to celebrate in victory of finding a loop hole, I made a mad dash down the steps towards the parking lot to avoid Naomi's wrath. "Ahh, good job, Sooyeon." I told myself while laughing as I still remembered the expression on Naomi's face. "She's so gonna kill me, but whatever. I'll live."

I had just reached my car when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around expecting Naomi and was about to apologize when I came face to face with Mark instead. "Nao-Mark?" I let out surprised by his sudden appearance and gave him a confused look as to why he was there. "Hey. Sooyeon." He let out a bit sheepishly while trying to catch his breath while he kind of back up to give me space. Ooh, I like the sound of his voice. I suddenly thought when I heard him speak, but chased that thought away getting back to reality. "Um, hi. Um, do you need something?" He bit his bottom lip and for some stupid reason I was noticing all these small details about him to which I didn't even pay attention to him up until now. "Um, Mark?" I spoke again when he didn't say anything. "Sorry." He apologized as he began to rub the back of his neck. "I, um, well, you, see." He let out incoherently as I tried to give him time to say what he needed to say.

"Yes." He finally got out what he wanted to say, but that made me more confused than ever. "Yes, what?" He looked at me like I was crazy, but I shot him a tight lipped smile while I just shrugged my shoulders and shook my head as I still didn't comprehend what he meant. "Yes. That's my response to your question earlier." He looked at me hopefully as I tried to remember what question I had asked him and then it dawned on me and I then let out an embarrassed laugh. "Oh, haha, that. Ahh, I see. OK." I then placed a hand behind my head totally embarrassed while looking away from him before returning my gaze onto him again. "OK." Was all that I could say at the moment as I didn't really expect him to come after me and say 'yes'. He frowned a bit. "You don't seem happy." "Oh, it's not like that." I slightly panicked. "I'm just embarrassed. I just didn't think. I, yeah, I'll just shut up now." Mark let out a chuckle.

Wow, even his laugh is cute. I thought and mentally face-palmed myself. I composed myself once again and looked up at him. "Um, so why did you come after me besides agreeing to go out with me?" Mark cast me another one of his dazzling smile. Sheesh, what is wrong with me? I asked myself again, but focused my attention when I heard him talk. "Sorry, I didn't catch that." I smiled apologetically at him. "It's okay." He smiled again. "I just said it was something like a leap of faith." "A leap of faith?" "Yeah, something about taking a chance." He smiled at me knowingly, but I didn't catch on and just let it slide. "Alright, um, well, I guess that's good to know. Taking chances. That makes the both of us." I muttered the last part to myself as I started thinking if this was a set up from the beginning and while lost in thought I didn't hear Mark's question.

"Late lunch?" I caught the last part of his question. "Could you repeat that. Sorry, I was lost in thought." He smiled at me understandingly and repeated his question. "How about a late lunch?" "Oh, um, yeah no." I told him, but quickly spoke so that I wasn't rejecting him or being mean about it because his expression shifted slightly. "I have to pick up my nephew from school. It's a half day. Um, reign check?" Mark's expression seemed relieved and smiled at me. "Then how about dinner and movie instead?" Mark tried again as I reconsider his offer. I looked at him and saw that he was hoping for a yes. I guess I could put off studying for one night, I told myself. "Sure." He instantly grinned. "Seven thirty?" "Yeah, seven thirty." I agreed as I turned away from him, but he called my name before I could unlock my car door. I turned to look at him. "Yes?" He held out his phone while looking at me a bit shyly. "Could I have your number so that I could call you or text you so I could pick you up?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry" I let out a bit embarrassed as I recited my number to him. I watched his delicate hands punched in the numbers and I soon felt my own mobile vibrate. I pulled it out and saw his text and smiled at him while holding up the phone to show him. "Got it. So, seven thirty, right?" He grinned wide while nodding his head. 'Yeah, seven thirty." "Alright. I'll see you later then." "See you later." "Um, bye Mark." "Bye Sooyeon." I clumsily got into my car while throwing my backpack into the passenger seat and looked out my driver's window and saw that Mark was still there and he crouched down a bit to wave at me. I awkwardly waved back at him while casting him another smile. I started the car and carefully backed out and waved at him once more and he watched me go. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. "Wow. Some leap of faith that was." But I found myself smiling for some reason. "I guess taking a chance wasn't so bad. Thanks, Naomi."

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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3