And It Goes A Little Something like This

  • Just a small warning for the use of bad words.

“Would you like to go to prom with me?”

Facing her locker, Seolhyun’s faced morphed to one of annoyance. This was the fourth time today some cocky idiot had asked her out to prom, and this would be the fourth time she would have to feign disappointment whilst rejecting this imbecile.

Swiftly closing her locker, she quickly changed her scowl into a pleasant smile before turning to look into the eyes of the guy who had the nerve to waste her precious time.

His annoying smirk greatly bothered Seolhyun, the way he was leaning against the locker besides her own, and the cheap bouquet of flowers he was holding in one hand didn’t make the impression she had of the guy any better. Seolhyun recalled seeing him in one of her classes before; Kevin? Yeah, he definitely had that Kevin vibe going on.

“Oh my god! Thank you, I am so flattered, Kevin –”

“–My name’s not Kevin…” The now confused boy muttered.

Pushing out her bottom lip, Seolhyun sadly pouted, extending her hand so it rested on Kevin’s arm. “But I am afraid I have already accepted someone else’s invitation to this event. Maybe next year, okay?”

She finished her already practiced speech with a sad smile and turned to leave, she had already been late for two classes today, and now three since she was now late for her philosophy class, thanks to another greasy guy asking her out for prom.

“Who is it?” Kevin asked before she was able to completely get away.

Seolhyun turned around and gave Kevin a questioning look.

“Who is… what?”

Anger was present on his face. “Who is the guy you’re going with?” Kevin’s words were filled with jealousy.


“Oh, um, well…” ! Seolhyun couldn’t believe this. She was usually very meticulous about this things; all of her dialogues were always thoroughly planned and had backups, but this obvious turn of events had somehow completely escaped her mind.

“Oh, I get it now.” Kevin quietly said.

Panic coursed through Seolhyun. Had Kevin figured her out?

Kevin’s features started to soften, and a wide smile graced his lips. “You are definitely the school’s angel, Seolhyun-ah.”


“You must have been asked by a complete loser, and knowing you and your charitable nature, you must have said yes.”

Seolhyun’s eyes widened. “Uh –what?”

 “Of course! That must be why you’re embarrassed to say who your date is.” His smile was now a full blown grin. “Don’t worry Seolhyun-ah! I know a lot of girls in this school, just tell me who the guy is, and I’ll convince him to go with some other girl. That way you and I can go as a couple.” His sweat covered face, crazy looking eyes, and creepy grin were enough to let Seolhyun know she should get out of there immediately.

Seolhyun flashed him a smile, and quickly turned to leave. As she tried to get away, a hand firmly surrounded her wrist and prevented Seolhyun from moving further away.

Her eyes widened in anger. Who does this loser think he is! How dare he grab me like that!?  

“Okay, listen here you dumb !” Seolhyun was seeing red. “No. I’m not going to prom with some loser. And even if I were, it’d be the same if I were to go with you, because you are the biggest ing loser that has asked me to prom. So get your sweaty hand off of me, and get lost!” Seolhyun finished her rant by jerking her wrist away from Kevin.

Her angry gaze turned to look directly at the eyes of the insufferable boy. She was ready to knee him in the groin if she had to.

But he was no longer looking or paying attention to her. Fear was present in his eyes, he was completely frozen, but the fear wasn’t directed at Seolhyun. No. His gaze was firmly fixed at something behind her.

“Kyuhyun-ssi–” A soft female voice, that send chills down Seolhyun’s spine, called from behind her.

Kyuhyun? Seolhyun thoughtfully stares at the boy she has been calling Kevin, and some seconds later gives a single clap. Oh! Kyuhyun, that’s his name! How could I forget? He’s the guy that would never shut up during algebra. I knew it started with a ‘K’. Almost getting the boy’s name right made Seolhyun smile. Wait, then who’s Kevin? A puzzled look became present on her face.

“H-H-Hello, Hyejeong-sunbaenim. H-How have you been?” Kyuhyun stuttered.

Being lost in her own thoughts, Seolhyun almost forgot about the other two people who were currently with her in the school’s hall instead of class.

Wait, did he just say Hyejeong?

Turning, Seolhyun’s eyes immediately landed on Shin Hyejeong. Seolhyun of course had heard the rumors that surrounded the other girl; knew about the reputation that the girl had, and most importantly, knew how feared she was by everyone.

Hyejeong’s eyes quickly shifted to look at Seolhyun, it lasted but a second before her gaze was redirected to a shaking Kyuhyun, and seconds later began to shift between Kyuhyun and Seolhyun.

“I’ve been better Kyuhyun-ssi.”

“A-ah, I see, sunbaenim.”

Awkward silence took over, all of them waiting for someone else to break it. If someone had told Seolhyun that this was going to happen today, she wouldn’t have come, hell, she’d even be willing to transfer the hell out of here, if it meant she wouldn’t have had to live through this.

After a moment, Hyejeong cleared , before her eyes turned to look directly at Kyuhyun. “Could you move? You’re blocking my locker.”

Kyuhyun, whose gaze had been turned towards the floor, quickly looked up, a shocked expression in his face, before he began scampering towards the opposite direction.

Hyejeong hurriedly introduced her locker combination, takes a couple of books from her locker, and just as quickly, closes it. Pressing her lips together, Hyejeong gives a simple nod towards Kyuhyun and Seolhyun, and leaves.

Relief washed over Kyuhyun’s features. “Thank god.” He mumbled, a hand running over his face.

“So, Seolhyun,” he reclined against the lockers once more, his cocky smile back in place, “Where were we?”  

Blankly staring at the spot Hyejeong had been seconds ago, Seolhyun’s brain had already began to form a completely bulletproof plan. A plan to make sure an incident like this one with Kyuhyun would never happen again. A smile began to appear in her face.

Sauntering towards the presumptuous boy, Seolhyun decided this was a good time to test her plan. “You were asking me who I was going to prom with, Kyuhyun-oppa.”  

Seolhyun directed an innocent smile towards Kyuhyun, action that not only had the boy blushing, but also fueled his ego.

“Yeah, I was. Mind telling oppa who the loser is?”

Seolhyun made a gesture for him to get closer, which he immediately did. She gently laid her hand on the side of his head, instantly feeling the warmth that his skin radiated, and began softly caressing his cheek, before she decided it was enough.

“The one I’m going to prom with, oppa,” her lips were grazing his ear, her caresses were now turning shorter and slower until they finally stopped, “Is Shin. Hye. Jeong.”

Taking some steps back to regain her personal space, she finally turned around and began walking with a wicked grin to her already ending class; leaving a numb and slightly terrified Kyuhyun behind.


“Yah! Kim Seolhyun, where were you? I thought you were going to stop ditching!”

“Yuna~ I swear this time it really wasn’t my fault.”

Faltering at Seolhyun’s aegyo, Yuna decided to not use her angry tone with the girl. “Fine, I believe you. But can you at least tell me where you were while I was alone and miserable in philosophy class.”

“I’ll tell you all about it, but I’m seriously hungry. Let’s go to the cafeteria for something to eat first.”

Sighing, Yuna gestured for Seolhyun to lead the way, since she herself was starved.

“Hey, how much do you know about Shin Hyejeong-sunbaenim?” Seolhyun asked, avoiding her friends inquiring glance.

“Um, Not much. Last thing I heard she was involved in some underground fight club, where she went by the name ‘dong dong’”

Seolhyun tilted her head to the side with a pensive expression, “Huh”

“Why?” Yuna asked with a bored and slightly curious tone. Never had her friend showed interest in someone from their school, yet alone the school’s rebel.

“Just a conversation starter.”  

Yuna scoffed, “well that’s a ty conversation star–”

 “And because she’s my date for prom.”

Thanks to all of you that suscribed and upvoted this story, and I'm also very sorry since my writing skills are borderlining mediocre. But still, wow, I am really thankful. If you find mistakes (which you probably will) please tell me. I am seriously trying to practice my english, and I hope that writing this story will help me become better at it.

Again, thank you so much, and until next chapter.

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Chapter 2: update pls
Chapter 2: update pls
Taes_minamyoui #3
Chapter 2: Update please
Chapter 2: Can you please update this??? I really like how the story is going >.<
lrk_lrk #5
Chapter 2: Please update this...
watashiwalydia #6
this is so good! hope u would update it soon author ssi
Chapter 2: haha everyone is afraid of hyejeong XD how is seolhyun gonna get hyejeong to go to the prom with her. is mina gonna ask yuna out? thanks for writing this~<3
Chapter 2: "Where the hell is Hyejeong?" Oh she's probably on her way to get her girl oops