01; stranger stranger.

not the paradise i wanted.

YEAR 2009.

I'm 15 this year, currently a student in Singapore.

I really love Kpop, and I love to go on forums to make new friends.

Not aware of stranger danger.



Exams are finally over.

Time to chillax and spazz about my oppas.

I registered in a newly debuted group's forum and made a 411 (intro thread).

I then looked through the game threads and started joining in the fun (yay)

"Dump Taeyang, date Jinyoung, marry Myungsoo!" i posted.

Oh! u/n ~~~~ appears so many times hahahaaa spammer!

then i started replying to her.

her name's Reilyn.

quite a nice name n____n

/STALKERMODE/    (so like me lmaooooo xD )

eh her twitter's on her siggy! (um signature...)

Then i tweeted to her.

I: "Hello i'm -insert u/n and name- from -insert group name of the forum we met at- !"

R: "Oh hello i'm Reilyn, Filipino. ^^ You?"

I: "I'm from Singapore! You're 16 right? n___n"

R: "Yeap! you stalker.... How old are you?"

I: "lmao hi unnie. (8 I'm 15...."


Just like that, we started talking to each other on twitter alost everyday.

We became rather good friends then.


Twitter and more twitter.


some day on twitter.....

R: "omg i saw a/an -insert idol name-  lookalike in KFC!!!!!"

I: "lol wot maybe it's his cousin :3" i joked (x

R: "He really looks like him!"

I: "jinjja? i want a picture of him~"

R: "okay i'll try to get one for you next time I go there...."


Twitter was pretty much where we usually talked at.

How thankful was I to twitter.

and the internet! (not forgetting electricity lmao)

parents and schools forever giving talks about being careful on the net.

and not talk to strangers.

well then how do i make friends...

Be a loner? ..... ummmmm


R: "I feel like auditioning...."

I: "Did you audition before? (8"

R: "Yeah! Last year. But their audition status is pretty screwed up so i have no reply..... e____e"

I: "ohhh okay! good luck auditioning ᄏᄏᄏᄏ"


sigh sorry about my first fic..... )8

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