Chapter 2

The Ketchup Boy

A few hours later


Yoongi furiously penned down the lyrics that immediately came to his mind as he took sips of his favourite coffee to keep himself awake, as well as a plate of fries with ketchup dressing to entertain his taste buds. A hint of worry popped up within Namjoon

as he witnessed this scene unfolding before him. He suddenly felt the burning obligation to get rid of this tense atmosphere.

"Yoongi hyung? Are you okay?" Namjoon asked in concern

"Yup, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Yoongi gave a reassuring smile.

"Hyung, you're exhausted. You should take a break. Besides, there's something I want

to talk about with you."

Yoongi's ears perked up at this.

"What? What is it?" Yoongi asked in curiosity.

"Hyung, you aren't straight, are you?"

Yoongi was momentarily taken aback by the question.

"It's true, isn't it? You support LGBT rights, you stand up for homouals," Namjoon interrogated, "Just admit it, hyung."

Yoongi was thinking of a way to respond to this but he was too stunned by the questions

Namjoon was bombarding him with.

"It's not that.." Yoongi hesistated.

"Then what is, hyung?" Namjoon waa beginning to get frustrated.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Fine. Then let's get back to work."



The next day


Namjoon and Jimin met at the same park again.

"Hyung! How did it go? Did you ask him?" Jimin asked eagerly

"Well yeah...I did ask him..but.." Namjoon paused.


"His answer was kind of vague. I tried to confirm with him that he wasn't straight, but he was quite reluctant and hesitant to answer. It was as if he wanted to dodge the question." Namjoon explained, but reasured, "Don't worry kiddo, that just means that you might have a chance with him."

"I hope so." Jimin muttered.


It was D-Day. Jimin had finally mustered every bit of his courage to confess to Yoongi.

He made up his mind to do when they were having dinner after their last class. They

were on the dining table, munching his fries away that came with ketchup while Jimin nervously twirled his spaghetti on his fork. There was an awkward silence as both of

them quietly savoured their dinner. Jimin decided to break the silence.


"Yoongi hyung." Jimin called.

"Yes, Jimin?"

"I have something to tell you." Jimin confessed

"What is it?" Yoongi asked in curiosity

"Actually, I kind of have a crush on you."

Yoongi's eyes widened and processed that information.

"Oh ok."

"You're not going to say anything?" Jimin asked in disbelief.

There was an awkward silence between them. Suddenly, Yoongi got up of his seat and

started walking towards the door. Jimin was surprised by this reaction.

"Wait! Yoongi hyung! Don't go!" Jimin called out, with tears started welling up his eyes. Yoongi coldly ignored him and walked away from Jimin's sight. Jimin stared at

now empty seat in front of him, with the ketchup dip still beside the plate. It was then he realised how soaring expectations could turn into crushing realities in a split second. He realised how cold and savage the world actually is. But more importantly, he realised that he could never share the ketchup dip with the one he thought he loved. 



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Chapter 3: I wonder what would be Yoongi's reaction after finding out what Jimin did in the ending..../imagined Jimin lying on a tub full of ketchup/ well that would be pretty...awesome I guess.
Chapter 3: Wait...what!??? This is soo depressing! !
highonsuga #3
Lol guys, we have to accept that life doesn't always have happy endings and this is one of them hahaha. Anyway I wrote this when I was depressed over stuff, so it kind of influenced my thought process.
Yorma4eva #4
Chapter 3: After im finished my reading, then i was..being a potato again..
What did i do to u, author-nim? Haha..(just kidding). *runs at the corner n crying silently*
xevxacxerman #5
Chapter 3: jimin......
kpop100 #6
Chapter 3: you can't end it like that!!!!
no~ Jimin~~~~ come back to the surface.....Yoongi how could you!!!! T.T
jiokgata_ #7
Jimin pls dont waste water
Chapter 3: At first I was reading I was saying omg how cute then I finished reading and I'm asking myself when did it became so dark? ; u ;
yoonminie #9
Chapter 3: And there goes my happy yoonmin shipper life THANK YOU VERY MUCH, AUTHOR-NIM *runs away crying*