☀ Midnight Circus ☽


Errr...I gotta stop making new fanfics. Orz But I hope everyone enjoys this one~ :)

Beautiful banner by king-me <3


The Story

Ladies and gentlemen! Girls and boys! Come! Gather around as I tell the story of a luxurious circus that once graced this land. It was lead by a charming, blonde ringleader, and he had many talented people under him. Acrobats, clowns, animal tamers…you name it! However, the circus was also unique for its exotic and strange exhibitions. On the night of October the 13th, there would be a special event held under the big, red and white tents. It was for adults only. This was known as the “Masquerade Ball”. Every person attending must wear a mask and formal clothing. It was a lavish and sophisticated event…but it was light years away from being civilized. On this very night, gruesome and extremely horrifying creatures are exposed to the eyes of the curious, while the ringleader stands by with that same charismatic smile. However, one night, the Masquerade Ball goes extremely wrong. A vengeful witch that was shown at the day-time exhibition escapes and kills everyone under the circus tents…except for the ringleader. She proceeds to put a curse on him. Her words still echo throughout the night till this day:

“You, wretched ringleader, will be a creature of immortality, but you will be alone until the next October the 13th, which is when the souls of this circus will return!”

At those words, the witch vanished. The ringleader told himself that he’ll be able to survive, but in the end, he disappeared mysteriously…

Or so people thought.

Rumors have it that on that very night, the circus will appear again…and the ringleader will return with new creatures. People who claimed to have witness this also said that a mysterious girl was by his side…

…Thus, this is the end of the story. And to any human brave enough to go into the dark forest and find the circus, I wish you luck…


“Welcome to the Midnight Circus…

This is like a prison without bars

This is an entertaining party that fits everyone

This is like a tragic comedy

It’s like a gamble with no stage…”


Theme Song: Midnight Circus by Sunny Hill

The Characters 

☽ The Ringleader's Assistant 

-revealed in first chapter 

☀ The Ringleader

Kim Kwangyeon (from LEDApple) 

☽ The Captives 

Jo Youngmin and Jo Kwangmin

No Minwoo

Lee Jeongmin

Shim Hyunseong 

Kim Donghyun


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Wow nice idea. A really unique concept for a fanfic.
xXMaurix #2
Ahhhh---- this fanfic...
Is not active anymore....
Could you please update soon???
sendohime #3
Omg. She should DEFINITELY be more open to Boyfriend. Well, in time. Ahh~
sendohime #4
The writing is definitely NOT getting worse. But if you're ever stuck, you can always ask me, I'll try to help! Wahh, Minwoo is so cute in this chapter! And hohoho~ someone's getting jealous.
omgq.. tense... INtense.. heheh loved this chaapter ! continue writing quickly ! hwaiting ^^
sendohime #6
Wahh. I'm so scared for Boyfriend. I'm going to die from fright.
I wonder if the boys are going to develop feelings for Min Ah, even though they're cyborgs. : o<br />
Please update soon~!
New reader here! : ) Ooh, this fanfic sounds really interesting! ^__^<br />
Please update soon~!
It sounds dark~<br />
I don't really see a lot of twisted stories on here, so don't disappointing me!<br />
Haha, I'm totally kidding, alright?!<br />
Update soon!
sendohime #10
I love this story! I'm looking forward to it. BUT WAHHHHHH. BOYFRIEND IS TRAPPED. EVEN IF THEY ARE BIONIC. MY BOYSS. Crazy fangirl status. Cough. Excuse me. Anyways... see you next chapter!