My New Life

Under Cover BOY or GIRL?


-------------------------------------------------------8:00am morning ------------------------------------------------------- Joon's House


"hmmm.. what should we have for breakfast?" Joon thinks walking back in forth getting ingredients in the fridge.

I was laying down on his couch weakly opening my eyes.

"ughh!!" I sighed rubbing my eyes and rubbed my head.

I looked around as if the room was spinning.

"what the!!!" My eyes caught joon top less back facing me as I cover my eyes laying back on the couch with the blanket

sheet on my face.

I look down to my chest and down on the sheets.

"WHAT!!! IS THIS SOME KIND OF ERT!!HEY YOU STOP RIGHT THERE!!" I yelled across the room.

Joon quickly jumps in shock

"Whoa you kind of scared me there." Joon grabbed his chest turning around.

"His face is similar.. where have i seen him before?" I thought looking at him.

The room suddenly starts spinning around as I fell to sit on the couch. It was coming to me!!! His FACE!!UGHHH!!

Before I was going to say it.. It came to me he's the man that helped me out.

I closed my eyes sighing really hard.

"excuse me but how are you feeling this morning?" Joon walks over to me.

"sorry I had no clue what happen after you brought me here from my miserable home..." I deeply sighed more.

"that's not a problem at all...but are you really sure you don't know what happen after that?" Joon looks straight at my


I glance at him and then his chest "OMOMO!"

"what?!  You're not feeling well? do you need some milk, cold water?" joon asked

"no nothing right now.. may i Use your restroom i feel really dirty right now." I looked down trying to avoid looking at his

upper body.

"Sure go right ahead you need to, It's upstairs and to the right second door" joon said starching is chest." and if you

need soap is up

in the cabinet.

"o-okay.. " I nod and said with a shaky voice quickly walking up stairs.

"oh what do you like for breakfast?" Joon shouts in the kitchen

" I would like a glass of milk and one slice of toasted bread and a quick run." I locked myself in the restroom.

"What?!! a..... a quick run?" Joon pondered and poured milk and started toasting the bread.

I sat down on the toilet seat."What did he mean when he said I need to clean myself?" I thought looking down at my

body. "Perhaps did I?" I thought some more. " slept with him?!!!!" I look up and down at my body in the mirror. " OH MY

GOODNESSSS~ NO FREAKING WAY!" I yelled gripping onto my own body scared.

Joon quickly looked up at the ceiling " is she okay??" Joon thought then got back to making breakfast as he sits

everything on the table.

I covered my mouth "oh my!!iI hope he didn't hear me" I tip toe to the door checking of he came up stairs.

"Thank Goodness." I said Smiling

"Thanks goodness what?" Joon came out of the next room

"Nothing just that You have soap that smells good" I smiled going back in locking the door.

There was a knock at the bathroom as I was about to open the cabinet for soap but instead opened the door.

" yeah?"

Joon hands a bar of soap and conditioner.

I looked down and slowly grabs it.

"Thanks.." I closed the door blushing heating up. "WHAT!! So there was no soap?" I thought opening up the cabinet


" got to be kidding me" I looked through the crack and sees Joon in confusion rubbing his head.

I got into the shower scrubbing myself everywhere as rough and clean as I could to try to get off the image that I had done something

inappropriate with Joon.

"did I really do it? No why would I do it and not notice?what if I did!? No way he's not that kind of man." I began to attack myself with


joon knocks at the door " are you almost finished yet in there? There's towels in the bottom cabinet and I brought your suit case up." 

joon said eating a mouth full of cereal.

"thank you very much" I said back drying wrapping the towel around my body.

"no problem" joon answers and walks back down.

"shall I ask him? Or just wait until he tells me what happen yesterday night?!" I said to myself repeatedly 

I grab the suit case and open it up "what? Only my uniform clothes are in here!!" I sighed putting it on then quickly gathering up my dirty clothes throwing it in the trash.

"bye bye beautiful blouse and jeans. Let's forget that anything happened" I said looking at the clothes in the trash walking out the bathroom down to the kitchen.

" You're name  is joon right?" I asked holding onto my suitcase

"Yes, are you okay from yesterday night?" Joon said

"hmm..about that.." I was speechless and rubbed my head

"so you do remember." Joon opened the chair for me to sit.

I coughed and let out a small laugh" see i don't remember anything beside the day when you took me here away from my stepfather"

"ahh. well...lets just leave your memory at that time then" Joon smiled

"well, you see I.." I stuffed the bread in my mouth

"You what?" Joon answered back

" Nothing..just that.." I said trying to come up with an excuse..." I have to attend to a new school. will you help me?"

"oh school! that reminds me I have to go to turn in my form for  Ichirou Acdamey" Joon got upstairs and dresses up with his form in his hand bag.

"Should I tag along? I don't know what i should be doing right now" I confusedly asked

"sure, you're wearing the right outfit anyways" Joon said chuckling.

"this was all they packed for me" I sighed finishing my breakfast

Joon got up and quickly puts the dished away and glance over at me

"are you coming with me to the school?"Joon smiled and flip his hair

"What?! that expression is so similar" I thought really hard "UGGHH!! that night Joon carried me here with that same smile!! OH no!!"

Joon turned away confuse as he fixes his tie

" Let's get going or else the gates will close." Joon opens the door for me as i got in and began to have flashbacks of Joon placing his hands around me.

"What the heck!!" I shouted in the car having joon shocked and his ears covered

"sorry Joon I really have to ask what happened yesterday night" I look out the window.







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