Just because of a suitcase part 3

A Summer's Tale

Margherita POV


I take the red box Eleonora was holding. It seems rather expensive, there will probably be something important inside, or something really useless belonging to a rich guy.

I look towards the direction that chivalrous man has taken, then towards the taxi, and again on the other side. He does not seem that far away, I can still reach him “I will be back!” I say before running after him: I have to find him, give him this ty thing and come back here within ten seconds or else Nora will return putting anxiety!

I nervously start looking around while I hear several “Mary!” “Mery!” from behind.

In the middle of the race, I turn to them a couple of times and try to make them someway understand something like "Wait there I'll be right back!", but of course they are following me as some stupid dogs.

I avoid being run over by a car and I drive myself towards the one my eyes define as the goal.

It is quite a deserted part of the parking, so it is not hard to find him.

I slow down bit by bit till walking with an average pace. And then, even those nine stupid things has reached me. Man, I am becoming better and better at math!, I laugh to myself.

We continue getting closer to our man, as we are now be able to distinguish well his features. He is surrounded by a group of muscular and peeled men in black suits, despite the typical heat of the summer. They do not seem to get along though.

This is beginning to be a little uncomfortable. I look at the guys next to me. They are thinking the same thing too.

Right now I'm really fighting over myself in whether intervening or not. Maybe this is just our impression, and that case, it would be rather embarrassing if we did a scene. Or that guy really is not in one of his best situations, and it would be unforgivable not doing anything!

I suddenly see a man in black blocking from behind the one that has lost the box, while others men open the door of the van nearby and they stick him inside.

Oh !

I move without thinking. But I am stopped by the girls, who has grabbed me from my arms. I turn to them shattered, in search of an answer for having stopped me.

It’s not the right timing, they are telling me with their eyes, where I see my own battle.

From beside, I hear some of the guys cursing, as they are stopped by their comrades like me.

I turn back to the men. Some of them have already got in the van, while the others are looking around.

I desperately try to memorize the number of the license plate, damned my brain!

They saw us.

We no longer have time to stay asleep.

I instinctively and furiously run with all my strength.

I do not know where I am going.

Behind I unmistakably perceive the heavy footsteps of men that are chasing after us.

I cannot help but follow the guys in front of me.

I do not know where I am going.

The sight of our taxi in the distance gives me a glimmer of reason in that madness.

When in the past I had imagined myself being in a similar situation, running away leaving a poor loser to his fate was the last thing I thought I would do.

Now I can’t do anything but run.

We finally manage to reach the van. We all go in distressingly. We quickly close the doors. And I hear everyone saying "Go! Go! ". The car starts, with great loss of the driver. And I am breathless.



Brigitta POV


I am sat and trembling, in a van of nine sits filled by eleven people.

I still cannot work out what happened just a few seconds ago. It was all too fast. Too absurd. Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh we just witnessed a kidnapping! Too scary. I cover my mouth with my shaking hands.

Are they following us? I have plugged ears and almost completely numb and my back is stiff as ice.

The license plate! What was the license plate again? I try to remember, but everything that appears before my eyes are dark spots in an indefinable way.

We all are in silence. No one dares to breathe. I am sure we all are thinking about the same thing. Yet, no one says anything.

Suddenly, I hear a thumping noise. We all bounce up. I turn around. The boy I had fallen over is watching his mobile with wide eyes.

It's just a phone, I sigh relieved. And what have I thought it was?

The guy puts the phone close to the cheek and speaks at long intervals of time, with incomprehensible monosyllables.

“Why the hell can I understand you?!” Mary suddenly  blurts. I look at her confused. Also the others seem really confused. The Teen Top members revolve to her exclamations and questions, from what I understand from the intonations. Mary looks even more uneasy “I asked you first!”

And I understand less and less.

From the outside I hear a motorcycle continuously horn at us. I start again sweating cold. A woman's voice shouts something to the driver.

A woman? Then it is possible that she is not one of them!

The driver goes to a rest stop, stops the car, get off and opens us the doors.

What does this mean? My head is totally empty and heart is pounding with records-breaking sounds.

A woman with black short straight hair intimate us to get off.

I get out hesitantly with the other, not at ease at all.

A very beautiful woman, on her thirties, not too tall, slender, with tight pants and a pair of really cold eyes looks at us, she especially looks at me and us girls, while talking, probably in Korean, with a clear and firm voice.

“But what the ! Tell me how do I understand you when your labials says something other!??” Mary burst out again.

The woman watches her carefully and takes the vermilion box, that she was still keeping with her, of her hand. She studies it carefully, opens it and takes out a kind of small brooch “l knew it, that was why”

“UAAAH!” me, Ele and Francy boggle up, taken aback. How can I suddenly understand her!??



Francesca POV


How the can I understand all of a sudden !?

I looks at that woman with probably the most completely and naturally startled face in my possession. It is not possible that all of a sudden she can speak Italian, especially when her lips are moving in a completely different way from the sounds I heard.

In response, she gives to each of us and to each of the boys a pin, taken from the lightly holding box between her fingers “I think that you have driven yourselves in some big troubles” she says and looks at us for confirmation.

“What does it make you think so?” the dark-blond boy dares.

“First of all, just the fact that you have this extremely secret device and which is known only by the greatest exponents of our world is more than enough”.

“But still don’t...” I block. I have a lot of questions. Too many questions!

“One among its various functions is precisely that of a perfect universal translator” she hush us with a cold look “and also because, having been part of the secret services, I have a pretty good knowledge in this field”.

Oh !! It is a mini TARDIS!!

“Haha, secret services!” the one with Spock eyebrows does involuntarily, then shutting up immediately.

“Do you have a staying place?” the woman continues, noticing our luggage.

Ele takes a look at the time on her cell phone. “Not anymore”, she tries to be strict and firm while taking, with her eyes categorically moved a few centimeters aside from the ones of women.

“Perfect!” that abominable woman capable of silencing everyone with only the power of thought says “so it will be easier for me to control all of you”.

We look at her completely shocked once again.

“Don’t worry, I am Teen Top’s makeup artist and not a complete stranger”.

Yet this does not detract at all my worries!

“Good” she continue “in some way, I possess, unbeknownst to all, exactly the apartment beside to that of guys. You girls will stay there for as long as you will be staying in this country, or as long as I will not be able to fix all the mess which you have been plunged yourselves in.

I try to look at my companions. Yeah, this is not an invitation, but an order!

“Clearly not I am not suggesting, but ordering” she indeed precises “later I will answer to your many questions”.

So, if I have understood it right, we are going to spend our three months summer vacation controlled by a crazy makeup artist and in the company of six clearly underweighted boys, called Teen Top, one of which I slightly have slapped?

A really exceptionally wonderful beginning, isn’t it?




Hello everyone! How are you? Here I am with the 3rd and last partof the 1st chapter! I will soon start to translate the second one too hehe

Hope you liked it and thank you very much for reading it! From now on it will begin the real interactions bitween the character so wait for it ^.^

The chapter image represents the cold makeup artist (it's one of my drawing so please don't take out without credits) what do you think about her?

Please comment all your thoughts!

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-axcx- #1
lol my name is Brigitta...
Chapter 1: Haha, I think its really cute so far! :) Good job and please continue writing! ^^
I think this story seems really interesting! :) Please update as soon as you can! I'm looking forward to it. :)