Chapter 1 : Unexpected encounter



Jimin’s hand tried to find the alarm, which was ringing, on the bedside table. The sound was unbelievably becoming more annoying to be heard in the calm morning.


It had been three months since Jimin had started his study in university and it had been nearly four months since he had moved in his new apartment.


The apartment was not so big, but it was not too small either. It was in fact a decent size for him as a student. The place was warm and homey, and Jimin had fallen for it since he stepped his foot in the place for the first time.


Finally, after attempting for several seconds with his eyes closed, Jimin could reach the alarm and he immediately turned it off.


Jimin suddenly felt a warm body beside him slowly moved and tightened his embrace on Jimin’s waist protectively. Jimin opened his eyes slowly. His eyes were adjusting with the morning light which was glowing through the window. It was too bright. Did they forget to close the curtain again? Damn.


Jimin blinked and blinked, before he could finally manage to see the figure before him clearly. He smiled softly at their non-existence distance. He then leaned a little and pecked the boy’s lips gently.


“Five more minutes, Jiminnie.” The male beside him said it in his sleepy deep voice – Jimin loved that voice goddammit – still in his closing eyes.


Jimin looked at the adorable boy, who was embracing him, and smiled fondly at the sight. He was now facing the handsome features in front of his eyes with the same wonder; Was he even real?


Jimin’s thumb rubbed the other male’s forehead and placed another soft peck on his cheek. It made the boy grew a wide smile while still closing his eyes. “Good morning.” Jimin said softly while the other’s cheek.


The smiling boy slowly opened his eyes and looked at Jimin fondly, “Good morning, little star.”


Jimin smiled for the nth time this morning. This was just another happy morning. Waking up on his bed, and beside him he could feel the warmth of his beloved boyfriend, Kim Taehyung.






Jungkook had just finished his dance practice routine with Jimin and Hoseok. He placed his hands on his knees and panted loudly. He glanced at his two friends who looked just equally tired as him. Well, they had been practicing for almost three hours after all.


Jungkook was now standing side by side with Jimin while listening to Hoseok’s evaluation about their moves and choreography.


Suddenly the door creaked.  The three boys in the room turned to the door nearly at the same time. The door was opened slowly, and revealing a handsome figure that everyone knew as Jimin’s boyfriend.


The boy said ‘Hi’ and waved his hand joyfully. Jungkook saw that the brown-haired boy brought a plastic bag with him.


“Tae.” Hoseok greeted. He nodded to Taehyung and smiled a little.


“I brought you guys some beverages and snacks.” Taehyung smiled his boxy smile, he lifted the plastic bag in his hand and approached the three dancers happily. He stopped before them and then stood beside Jimin.


“Hoseok hyung, don’t be too hard to yourself.” Taehyung said to the dancers’ leader while putting his hand on Jimin’s shoulder, and pulled the shorter until there was no more distance between them.


Jungkook rolled his eyes. It sounded like ‘Don’t be too hard to my boyfriend’ in Jungkook’s ears. And he didn’t make things up because he saw Hoseok was also rolling his eyes at Taehyung.


Taehyung only grinned to them before he then gave the plastic bag, he was holding, to Jungkook. Jungkook took it and peeked inside the bag. He saw his favorite snacks in it. He smiled happily and exclaimed, “Oh my god, Jiminnie hyung. I love your boyfriend.”


Taehyung laughed. “Well, what do you think, Jiminnie?” He teased, and looked at the shorter boy beside him.


Jungkook saw Jimin who was embracing Taehyung back tightly from the side, tightened his embrace – if it was even possible – on his boyfriend. Jimin then buried his face on Taehyung’s chest and he was sure that Jimin was pouting right now. Taehyung laughed at Jimin’s reaction, and Jungkook almost cooed at it.


“Calm down, Jimin hyung. I still love you more though.” Jungkook grinned and sat himself down on the cold floor. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”


Hoseok beamed, “Okay. Let’s eat!” He followed Jungkook to sit down.


“Come on, hyung.” Jungkook looked up at his two best friends who were still embracing each other.


Taehyung looked at Jimin in his embrace. Jimin looked up, he looked at Taehyung who was smiling fondly at him.


“Taetae.” Jimin said softly, “You’re mine.”


Taehyung tightened his embrace and whispered to Jimin’s orange locks, “I’m yours.”


Hoseok and Jungkook looked at each other and smiled. It was not a new scene for them. Basically these two lovers didn’t always act so lovey dovey. They loved to tease each other just as much.


There were times when Taehyung said to everyone that Jimin was a fool. Jimin would punch Taehyung’s arms and insisted him to take the words back while Taehyung would only laughed at Jimin’s not-so-hard punches. And there were also times when Taehyung and Jimin would hug each other tightly all day long.


Jungkook had seen this for so long. He was Jimin’s and Taehyung’s best friend since they were in high school. Jungkook even knew when Taehyung fell for Jimin. Jungkook believed that Taehyung fell for Jimin right when he saw Jimin for the first time.


Jungkook saw when after that, Taehyung spent for about eight months to make Jimin also fell for him. Jungkook also witnessed when finally Jimin said ‘I love you too’ to Taehyung’s third confession.


And Hoseok. The sophomore only knew the three of them for about three months now, but Hoseok had said that he already felt like knowing them since forever. Hoseok also brought them in his social circle. He simply said that the freshmen would definitely fit in.


“Hey anyway, You guys have known my two best friends Jin hyung and Namjoon. Remember when I told you that you still miss one of my best friends to be met?” Hoseok looked him and the two lovers before them.


He could remember Hoseok said something about that, so he nodded. He saw that Jimin and Taehyung also nodded.


“It looks like that tomorrow, finally, he could have lunch with us.” Hoseok said while chewing some potato chips.


The three younger boys looked at Hoseok and nodded. Really, it was not such big news for them.






It was the next sunny afternoon, and everyone looked so cheerful. It looked like it was a great day for everyone. And it was a great day for Jimin too.


Jimin was standing in front of Taehyung’s class now. The orange-haired boy was leaning against the wall. He checked for the time on his phone and found out that Taehyung’s class would be dismissed in ten minutes.


He had stood there for twenty minutes now. He was bored and not many passing people that could entertain him any longer. So he decided to chat his boyfriend.




Taetae <3


Taefool <3 : Dang u distract me

Taefool <3 : Dont distract me


I’m bored...

So bored I could die



Taefool <3 : Well what can I say

Taefool <3 : I kno ur life without me is totally boring


U rite

Entertain me



Taefool <3 : I can hardly entertain myself rn

Taefool <3 : Yknow tryin to understand s shove to my brain


But u’re smart

I kno u’d do just great


Taefool <3 : Thanks baby





Taefool <3 : ???




Taefool <3 : Jiminnie





Taefool <3 : R u missing me tht much?



Not missing u at all


Taefool <3 : I love youuu


I kno


Taefool <3 : -___-

Taefool <3 : Well thank u very much for knowing

Taefool <3 : Means alot



I love you too, Tae

So much


Taefool <3 : xoxoxoxoxo



Jimin was smiling at his phone when the door suddenly opened. He saw the professor exited the class followed by the students. Jimin watched as all the people exiting the class until he found his breathtakingly handsome boyfriend was grinning widely at him.


Taehyung almost ran when he exited the class. He looked too excited when he saw Jimin was standing there, waiting for him. Taehyung approached and embraced Jimin’s waist right away when he reached the shorter boy.


“What are you doing? We need to go now.” Jimin looked around, he didn’t push Taehyung though, and instead he placed his small hands behind Taehyung’s neck. He was not a hypocrite, really. It’s just an automatic reaction.


“The others are waiting.” Jimin continued.


Taehyung smiled slightly. He leaned closer and closer. He pecked Jimin’s forehead, tip of the nose and then Jimin’s cheeks, really really softly.


Jimin’s heart was beating so fast. He could only stare at his boyfriend in anticipation. Taehyung was too sweet and Jimin thought he would really faint on the spot.


The taller boy then whispered to Jimin’s slightly opened-lips, “Okay, let’s go.”


Jimin blushed and nodded slowly.






Jimin and Taehyung entered the cafeteria with their hands were still intertwined with each other’s. They looked around and spotted their friends immediately. They saw Jungkook waved to them. And soon the couple approached them.


It was a round table that their friends were now sitting around. Jungkook was sitting between Namjoon and Jin. And Hoseok was on Namjoon’s left.


Jimin then sat himself down next to Jin, and Taehyung was sitting down beside him when suddenly he heard Taehyung exclaimed.


“Crap! I left my phone on the table in the class, Jiminnie!” Taehyung stood up abruptly. “I’ll take it. You just wait here.” Taehyung leaned and pecked Jimin’s locks before he then ran.


Jimin just stared at his boyfriend’s back as he was getting further.


“Okay, I think Taehyung would understand if we start without him. I’m starving.” Namjoon said while looking at Jin. He was stretching his hand to grab one of the sandwiches when the hand was being slapped by Jin.


“No, wait for everyone to be here.” Jin stated sternly.


“Yea, and it’s not only Taehyung that we’re waiting for anyway.” Hoseok added.


Namjoon bit his lips in annoyance before replied, “Oh yea, finally, he decided to come out from his cave.” Namjoon replied. “Such a sacred day today, isn’t it?”


Jimin who didn’t really have any picture of what their hyungs were saying could only look at them and laugh at their antics. And he saw Jungkook also looked amused by the three older boys.


The three were still commenting about the cave man when suddenly, “There you are!” Jimin heard Hoseok exclaimed.


The other four boys turned and looked at where Hoseok’s eyes laid on. And this was where Jimin could see a pale male was approaching their table. Jimin frowned. He felt that the grey-haired male somehow looked so familiar.


The man got closer and closer, until he was standing before them now. The man gave a slight smile to the familiar faces, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jin. He gave a slight bow to Jungkook which Jungkook replied with a bow too.


And then surprisingly the grey head gave a shocked-look to Jimin, “Ji- Jiminnie?” He widened his eyes.


Jimin squinted his eyes to the man. And he widened his eyes and gasped when the recognition hit him.


Oh no.


“Yoongi hyung?”






Taehyung was running. He didn’t want to make everyone waiting for him for too long. His phone was now in his bag.


He saw the cafeteria entrance and found himself smiled widely. He slowed down and let himself breathed. He then entered the cafeteria and looked at where their friends were sitting.


By the distance, He could see a grey-haired man was now standing in front of their table. He was quite sure that he was the man Hoseok was talking about the day before.


Taehyung then saw his boyfriend, and  Jimin looked slightly- uhm- nervous? Why did he look nervous?


Taehyung saw Jimin was talking to the man almost shyly. It was really weird. Jimin looked like a teenage girl talking to her crush for the first time. And Taehyung felt really uncomfortable.


Taehyung was not really sure, but he felt that Jimin looked at that boy in a slight fondness before Jimin shook his head slowly. Taehyung froze. He felt some sharp thing passed his heart roughly. And it hurts. So much.


. What does this mean?


Still couldn’t process about what was happening, Taehyung saw that the grey-haired male sat himself down on his spot, right beside Jimin and no one held him up. Including Jimin.


Taehyung’s heart was unreasonably beating faster now, and he shook his head slightly. He sighed and began to walk again. He managed to form a wide cheerful smile when he was before their friends.


“I’m sorry for making you guys waiting.” He sat himself down on the only empty spot between Hoseok and the grey head.


“Ah finally! Everyone is here!” Namjoon looked at the foods on the table excitedly.


Taehyung smiled at Namjoon slightly. He then turned and looked at the grey head on his left. The grey head was also looking at him in a questioned-look. And from the corner of his eyes, Taehyung felt that Jimin was looking at both he and the grey head.


The two were looking at each other for a quite while, as if studying each other’s features, before finally Hoseok broke the silence.


“Yoongi hyung, he is a freshman too. He’s in acting major. His name is Taehyung.” Hoseok introduced them to each other, “Tae, this is Yoongi hyung. Majoring in music production.”


Taehyung then decided to stretch his hand to Yoongi to be polite, “Kim Taehyung.” He smiled to the other male.


“Min Yoongi.” Yoongi shook Taehyung’s hand. It’s really firm. And Taehyung was not really sure why he then decided to send an ‘I am watching you’ glare at the other.


It was really tense. Taehyung wondered if the others could sense it too.


“Uhm- Okay, now for real. Let’s eat!” Namjoon suddenly screamed. And everyone agreed immediately.


They ate and talked. Mainly Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and Jungkook asked questions to Yoongi about what he was working on. And why he was not socializing with human living for this long.


Jimin mainly just listened to them. And Taehyung mainly just looking at Jimin. Taehyung felt something was going on, something was off about his boyfriend, but he didn’t think it’s a right time to ask Jimin about that.


Taehyung was still looking at Jimin when he heard Yoongi cleared his throat before he spoke.


“Hm Jiminnie?” Yoongi suddenly called, and Taehyung stared to them.


Taehyung saw Jimin a little bit startled and turned to Yoongi slowly. The sharp thing passed Taehyung’s heart once again.


Damn it! What was that?


“Yes? Hyung?” Jimin looked at the grey haired male hesitantly.


. What was going on here?


Taehyung suddenly felt left out, and he didn’t like the feeling.


Taehyung glanced at Jungkook and motioned to Jimin with his head. Jungkook saw it and turned to Jimin. Jungkook looked at Jimin and frowned.


It was not really long before Taehyung saw the younger widened his eyes a little bit. Maybe Jungkook finally realized something was going on. Okay, he was not imagining things then if Jungkook saw it too.


Jungkook spared a glance to Taehyung again, and raised his brows in question. Taehyung read it as; what is going on? Which was only replied by Taehyung with a shrug.


“You used to be- uhm- not this quiet.” Yoongi smiled softly to Jimin and Taehyung wanted to wipe the smile, “How have you been?” He continued.


Jimin looked at the man, “I’ve been great.” He smiled hesitantly, “How about you, hyung?”


Taehyung didn’t like how Jimin looked at Yoongi. It’s different. Not quite like the way Jimin looked at him, yet it still different. And he felt his heart clenched.


“I’ve been terrible actually.” Yoongi replied softly. He locked his eyes on Jimin’s.


“Oh-” Taehyung heard Jimin replied, well not really a reply. Maybe he didn’t know what to say to that.


Taehyung saw Jimin nervously turned to look at everything around him but Yoongi. And Taehyung used all his sanity to calm himself down and to not to grab Jimin’s hand and hide him from Yoongi’s intense eyes.






Yoongi sat in front of his computer in his ‘cave’. It was one of the studios provided for students, where he sometimes spent his time with Namjoon or Hoseok, but most of the times, alone. Like right now.


Yoongi stared at his computer blankly. He didn’t expect to meet Jimin again after like what- three years? Well, he didn’t expect to meet Jimin ever again actually.


Jimin did not change much. He still had his slanted yet big eyes (They were beautiful, really). He still had the cute baby cheeks. He still formed the crescent moons when he smiles. And it still felt so warm.


His black fluffy hair now turned into fluffy orange hair. And it looked really good on him.


Yoongi sighed. He didn’t know what to think. Jimin was so familiar and it was really really great to meet him again.


Yoongi closed his face with his two hands. And he started to recall what had happened three years ago.




Yoongi looked around from the middle of the crowd. He was looking for a particular person. A particular person with a cute eye-smile.


Yoongi saw that everyone in his surroundings was so happy. He saw some of them were hugging each other, some of them were taking group pictures, and some of them were just talking with their own group of friends happily.


Yoongi brought a box of chocolates in his hand. Yoongi thought that Jimin, the one that he was looking for, would love it. It’s a big day for Jimin. It’s his graduation day. And Yoongi felt happy for the boy.


Yoongi walked slowly passing several happy people before he finally spotted the younger. He saw Jimin was talking and laughing with his friends happily. He saw the black-haired boy smiled his eye-smile.


Yoongi could feel his heart skipped a beat. And it apparently happened a lot when Yoongi was with Jimin, which mostly were only shrugged off by Yoongi. Because Yoongi simply didn’t know what that means, really.


Yoongi approached Jimin slowly. The younger surely didn’t realize his presence yet. Yoongi stopped behind Jimin, then he touched his shoulder.


Jimin turned to saw the person who was touching him. Jimin beamed when he saw it’s Yoongi, his best friend.


“Oh- HYUNG!” Jimin hugged Yoongi right away. “Finally! Adios middle school!” Jimin exclaimed.


Yoongi laughed. “Congratulation.” He hugged the younger back just as tightly.


Jimin then pulled back from the embrace, and he excused himself to his friends. Jimin took Yoongi by the wrist and led him to the school backyard excitedly. Yoongi let himself being dragged because he loved seeing a happy Jimin.


Yoongi and Jimin sat next to each other on a bench in the backyard, as soon as they got there. There was no person except those two. It was so calm, and Yoongi loved it.


“Is that for me, hyung?” Jimin pointed the chocolate box on Yoongi’s lap.


Yoongi’s eyes turned to the box. “No, it’s for myself.” Yoongi teased.


He then saw Jimin pouted cutely at that, like really cutely, and it made Yoongi laughed, “Well, since you’re cute. You may have it.” He handed the chocolate box to Jimin. “Here.”


Jimin blushed – he always blushed when Yoongi called him cute, nothing really new – and took the box from the older. “Thank you, hyung.” He said softly.


Yoongi smiled and looked up to the scenery before him. It was calm. It was beautiful.


Yoongi glanced at the younger boy beside him. “So, you ready for high school life?”


“Well, yea, I’ll have you there so everything’s gonna be fine.” Jimin replied quietly.


And Yoongi smiled slightly at Jimin’s answer.


There was a pregnant silence for a quite while before he heard the younger spoke again.


“Uhm- hyung?”


Yoongi turned to Jimin beside him. Jimin looked nervous so suddenly and it made Yoongi frowned.


Jimin bit his lips nervously.  “I want to tell you something.” The younger boy continued.


Jimin then placed the chocolate box on the bench and stood up. The black-haired boy walked forward. He fiddled with his fingers as if he was really nervous about something.


Yoongi frowned deeper. He then also stood up. He approached Jimin and stood in front of the nervous boy, “Hey, what’s wrong?” He reached for Jimin’s hands and held them to comfort the younger.


Jimin looked so nervous and so worried for whatever reason. Yoongi didn’t like to saw those worried on Jimin’s face.


“I need to tell you something, hyung.” Jimin looked up at Yoongi, still with those worried eyes.


“What is it, Jiminnie?” Yoongi asked softly in his low voice because he knew he needed to be soft for the nervous boy. Even though he actually was starting to be worried now, since he didn’t have any idea of what Jimin was going to say.


Jimin looked at Yoongi in the eyes as if he was looking for something in them. What was he looking for?


“I-” Jimin still locked his eyes with Yoongi’s.


Yoongi raised his brows.


“Hyung, I-” Jimin broke the eye contact. “I mean- I-”


“You what, Jiminnie?” Yoongi squeezed Jimin’s hands to encourage him.


Jimin looked up and looked at Yoongi in the eyes. He cleared his throat before he said, “I like you.”


And Yoongi paused.


He didn’t understand, what’s wrong with that? “We- well yea you should. I mean I’m your best friend. I’m your hyung.” Yoongi almost shrugged.


Jimin closed his eyes and shook his head, “No hyung. You- you don’t understand.”


Yoongi frowned. He didn’t get this. Jimin was his best friend. He liked Jimin, and Jimin should like him too. What didn’t he understand?


Jimin opened his eyes and took a deep breath, “I- I like you. Like, really really like you. I- I love you, hyung. In the different way.” Jimin took another deep breath, “More than best friends. More than brothers. It’s like, like a lover.”


Yoongi gave an astonished look to Jimin. He was taken aback. He didn’t expect this. He then released Jimin’s hands and stepped backs unconsciously. And that’s when he saw hurt in Jimin’s eyes.


No, don’t look at me like that.


Yoongi had never known it. Yoongi didn’t know that Jimin would think that way about them. About him. They were best friends, and they both were guys for God’s sake.


He had never really thought about Jimin in any romantic way, well at least that was what Yoongi had believed.


Jimin looked at him anxiously. The younger boy fiddled with his fingers again and Yoongi somehow wanted to calm him.


But he didn’t.


He was so confused.


Yoongi saw the younger gave him a sad-questioned look. And he couldn’t stand that look. He couldn’t keep looking at those sad brown eyes, so he turned to looked at the ground.


Yoongi loved Jimin surely. But he loved Jimin as his best friend, as his younger brother. Or shouldn’t he be sure about that for any longer? Because Yoongi could feel his heart was beating so fast now, and he could feel something in his stomach. Something like a little- uhm- joy? No, it couldn’t be. It’s just his confusion making things up.


Yoongi was really really confused. This was too sudden for him. This was new for him. He couldn’t really think clearly.


Yoongi’s mind was wandering. He looked at the ground under Jimin’s shoes while thinking.


He was in a total confusion. It was really a new thing for Yoongi. He glanced at the nervous boy in front of him. He was fond of him, sure. Yet he suddenly was not sure anymore what kind of fond it was.


Was it why he always had that certain feeling when he was with Jimin? Was it why he sometimes thought of how beautiful Jimin was?


Oh . Maybe Yoongi liked him that way too. What the should he do now?


Yoongi thought about his parents, about his strict father. Yoongi was sure the man would disown him. Uhm no, scratch that. Yoongi was sure his father would kill him if he ever found out.


Yoongi thought about his friends, his families, about people in general. What would they think about them? About him? They wouldn’t accept them. They wouldn’t accept him.


And he thought about his dreams, he didn’t need a distraction right now. And now that he know about the other boy’s feeling about him, it could really be an unnecessary distraction right? Yes, it indeed could. And he didn’t want that.


Jimin was waiting for his answer now. And he needed to give an answer.


Yoongi then turned to the baby-faced boy in front of him – damnit he would break this lovely boy, but that’s for the best, right? – he sighed before he muttered, “I’m sorry, Jiminnie.”


With only those three words, he turned back immediately. He turned so that he wouldn’t have to see Jimin’s sad face.


I’m really sorry. Yoongi walked away from Jimin. He didn’t look back, not even once. Well, it’s just, he wouldn’t be able to bear with a sad Jimin. He would hug the boy for sure.


That’s why he kept walking.




Yoongi stopped recalling. He sighed loudly. He didn’t even bother himself to tell Jimin that he moved to Seoul several days after Jimin’s confession.


Yoongi thought so much after that day. He had learnt, that maybe he really loved Jimin in the same way as the younger. He had learnt that his days were better with Jimin in his life. He had learnt that Jimin would never be a distraction, because in fact, he was a motivation.


Yoongi had learnt that it’s okay for a guy to love another guy. He had learnt that many people had become open-minded about it.


It took a long time for Yoongi to realize it. Leaving Jimin was surely not the best decision. He couldn’t feel the same happiness as he was with Jimin back then.


Meeting Jimin again in fact gave him some sparks in his chest. Some familiar presence and some familiar feeling.


Did he get a second chance? Was it a chance to fix his mistakes?


Maybe he would not lose Jimin this time. Maybe he could try harder this time.


Yea, he hoped so.






It was a quiet warm night. No voice could be heard as Taehyung and Jimin laid on their bed in a silence. It was a comfortable silence between them at the moment.


Jimin rested his head on Taehyung’s arm, as he hugged Taehyung from the side. Jimin rubbed taehyung’s bare chest softly. While the brown head Jimin’s silky hair really gently. They had lost in their own thought.


Taehyung thought about today’s encounter with Yoongi, who apparently had known Jimin since his boyfriend was in middle school. Was Jimin thinking about it too?


“Jiminnie?” Taehyung broke the silence.


“hm?” Jimin replied in a soft hum.


“What’s on your mind?” Taehyung asked, still his boyfriend’s soft locks.


Jimin looked up at him. “Not in particular.” He answered him shortly.


Taehyung sighed. He paused for a while before asking, “Do you want to tell me something?” He looked at Jimin in his beautiful eyes. The eyes that always gave him so much warm.


Maybe he knew that Taehyung had sensed something. Taehyung sometimes might be a blank person. But he was never really dense about anything related to Jimin. Because Taehyung loved Jimin. Because Taehyung cared so much about Jimin.


Taehyung hoped that Jimin didn’t think that he should keep something from him, and fortunately Jimin had never kept things from him. That’s great, really. Well, Taehyung was Jimin’s boyfriend slash best friend after all. Jimin should really trust him.


The orange head suddenly sighed.


“Yoongi hyung-” Taehyung heard Jimin said.


Okay, it’s really about him then. Jimin looked at him in a pregnant silence, and he motioned his boyfriend to continue.


“Was kinda my first love.” Jimin muttered before burying his face on Taehyung’s chest.


Taehyung had expected this kind of answer though. Well, even though he really hoped that he was wrong. But it still turned out to be true. Yoongi was Jimin’s first love. What did they say about first love? Unforgettable?


Taehyung sighed, “What happened?” he asked.




Taehyung Jimin’s locks slowly to give him comfort.


“I confessed to him.” Jimin was speaking on Taehyung’s chest now. “He ditched me.”


So, his Jimin kind of liked him back then? But he got rejected?


“What did you feel when you saw him today?” Taehyung asked slowly. He was not sure why he asked about that. He was not sure he wanted to hear Jimin’s answer.


“Shocked.” Jimin replied shortly.


Taehyung stopped to Jimin’s locks. And Jimin looked up. He placed his hand on Taehyung’s cheek, and leaned closer. He pecked his boyfriend’s lips really really softly.


“Let’s sleep, okay?” He said then.


Taehyung looked at Jimin and managed to smile, “Let’s sleep.” Taehyung closed his eyes and embraced the smaller frame tightly.


I’m not losing you, am I?





So yea, unexpectedly I finished to revise this chapter faster.

And the next chapter would also be up as soon as possible.

See youuu~



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Im so sorry, not major changes. I just fixed my choice of words and grammar error.


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Chapter 2: Seriously I'm a yoonmin shipper but please don't make vmin break because it will be so sad gosh this is so sad I literally crying tae is so in love with Jimin gosh
Kaynne #2
Chapter 1: Eu amo Yoonmin e aprendi a gostsr muito de vmin. Só espero que o V seja uma boa pessoa aqui <3
darkangstlove #3
update soon author
Chapter 4: I didn't recognize it at first, but then I remembered reading this a looooong time agoooo. It still makes my heart flutter. ❤❤❤
Chapter 4: This story was amazing!! Love the plot about Yoonmin & Vmin… I love Vmin sooo much^^
chimchimtaetae #6
Chapter 3: i love this storyy so muchh . im crying right now T_T
Scanalu #7
Chapter 2: 'I'm not losing you, am I' OMG taetae, i really can feel you =)))) this story is really good =))))
Totomatoes #8
Chapter 4: I came for yoonmin but stayed and ended up with vmin XD
blackyellowflower #9
Chapter 4: This is so..... I cant put it in words,i cried,like a lot,im a yoonmin shipper,but i cant hurt tae in this story,but i never ship tae and jimin,then i got confused what should i do,then i remember it just a story,but why it hurt so much? And reading while listening i need u didnt help at all,okay i'll stop rambling nonsense,sorry