Actually, I don't know what to put as the tile for this chapter..hehehe...please bear with me...I'm still getting started on introducing the characters..


Hi!!!, Merry Christmas everyone!!! I'm really happy...


As of Dec 25, 2011, I have 49 subscribers!!!!


Thank you so very much!!!


Here's an update as promised!!!!


and I'm still plugging my other fanfic you know...





“Yah!!! Where are you going?!!My car’s over there!!!” I screamed at Dara who was now on her way to the bus stop. She spun around to face me and made a face at me. Tch. I raised my eyebrow at her. This ahjumma is such a drama queen. She then continued walking towards the bus stop.


I sighed.


This ahjumma really is making me lose my patience. Fine. Fine. FIIIIINNNNNEEEE!!! I smirked. You Dara Park is going to really regret ignoring me.


“Yah! Did you know?!” I screamed at her. “Donghae changed your clothes last night.” I whispered, enough for her to hear. Of course, Donghae didn’t change her clothes last night. As much as I’d love for Donghae to do just that, I will not be risking my being beaten by a raging ahjumma known as Sandara Park!!! I just would like to mess Dara’s head a little bit just to stop her from ignoring her.


I smiled evilly to myself. What you say to that Dara? Kekekeke


The moment I said those words, she froze, and slowly but surely, like in a movie’s slow motion scene, turned her face towards me. Waaaahhhhh!!!! I’m deadmeat. IN ABOUT ONE SECOND!!!!GAH!!!!




I screamed my guts out and ran towards my car. I might have overdone my pranks this time. I opened my car’s door and shoved my scared little in the driver’s seat. I started the engine when the door of the passenger’s seat on my right opened to reveal Godzilla--------erm, Dara Park, complete with smoke coming out from her nostril (kidding)!!! EEEPPPPP!!!! My sorry is HISTORY!!!!


“Okay!!!Okay!!! I lied!!! Donghae did not change your clothes last night!!!! I did!!!! I was just messing with you!!!!” I raised my hands in surrender. I sneaked a peek at Dara to check if she changed her mind about murdering me. I saw her breathing hard while her face flushed red. Ohhhhhh....Dara Ahjumma is embarrassed!!!


“One of these days, Park Bom, I might just have to murder you for real!!! The things you do to increase my blood pressure to infinity is just......Aaaagggghhh!!!” She exclaimed and roughly pulled her hair. She settled herself in the passenger’s seat beside me and folded her arms across her chest and puffed her cheeks. She stared at the cute Santokki stuffed toy in front of her menacingly.


“I thought you were taking the bus?” I asked her cheekily, endangering my y even more.


“Park Bom.....”  She growled.


I smiled my winning smile towards her. She retorted by rolling her eyes at me. I laughed out loud. Seconds later, a high pitched laughed joined mine. bestfriend. You are one, incredibly unique girl and any guy will be so lucky to have you.




A while later while




I was driving when my phone rang.


“Dara, can you get my phone on my bag?” I asked Dara who was now playing the cute santokki stuffed toy. She nodded and grabbed my bag. She searched through my bag to get my phone. I glanced at her to know what’s taking her so long in getting my phone when I felt my jaw gape open at the ‘mind-boggling’ sight I saw. Dara, with her petite body and stature, is close to stuffing her whole body inside my bag. She was crawling inside it for goodness sake!!! How the heck????!!! Okay, I admit that I love to carry around huge bags to stuff EVERYTHING I need. But seeing her in that now is something!!!


“Got it!!!!” she exclaimed excitedly and got out of the huge bag to face me. When she saw me, she raised her eyebrows. I shook my head and got my phone from her. She then shrugged her shoulders and returned the bag to its original place. She then continued playing with the toy.


I looked at the screen. Oh!!! It’s my baby!!! I turned the phone on speaker mode.


“Yoboseyo jagiya!!!” I said happily. Dara stopped playing and looked at me.


“Yeobo, I’m really sorry I only called you now. There were some problems that we had to deal last night. I’m really sorry.” He said.


“’s okay. I was also busy last night.” I replied. The downside of being a girlfriend to an idol. I have to understand his schedules all the time, even if it irks me most of the time. But I love him, so I really have to be mature in order for our relationship to work. I sighed.


“When you say busy, are you referring to your current project?” He asked.


“Yes.” I answered happily.


“By the tone of your voice, should I conclude that you’re getting a lot of progress with it?”


“Sort of.”


“What do you mean?”


“You would not believe what I just found out last night!” I screamed.  I sneaked a glance at Dara who was listening to our conversation. I turned my attention back to the road. “And it’s about Donghae and you know who.” I whispered the last part.


“Really?! Okay. I think I know what’s that you’re gonna say to me. I’m guessing someone’s is going to be barbequed by a santokki if she gets wind of your plan. Kekekeke”


“Yah!” I shouted at him.


 “How about we meet today? I want to see my baby.” I blushed at what he said. One second later, I heard gagging sounds at my right. I looked at Dara just to see her pretending to throw up, while her hands on her chest ‘easing her breathing’. I rolled my eyes. Someday Dara, someday. I will get my revenge. You just wait.


“Is Dara with you?” He asked.


“Yep. She’s pretending to gag at the moment.”


“Hi Dara!” My boyfriend yelled on the other line.


“Hi Tabi oppa! It’s been a long time since I heard from you!” The ahjumma replied happily, when just a moment ago, she was pretending to be choking on the excessive sweetness my boyfriend and I were exchanging.


“Dara, come with Bommie. We have a lot of catching up. I want to know the monkey businesses my girlfriend orchestrated while I was away.” I spazzed when I heard him say ‘my girlfriend’. Oh yeah I just don’t care if Dara is going to pretend to gag again.


“Tabi-oppa, I have something to do---------------“

“Honey, DAra and I will be there okay?” I cut Dara off. “Just text me the location. Arasso? Bye. I love you muwah muwah!” I ended the call and smirked at Dara.


“Yah! I have something to do too you know. Plus, if you two are going to display some gross PDA, please spare me the horror!” I rolled my eyes at her. No wonder she hasn’t had a boyfriend in like, forever. She’s so...arrggghhh!!! Dara, you have got to stop acting like a child. I puffed out my cheeks in annoyance at her.

“Tch. You two gossip like old women.” She said. Whatever DAra.


*Beep Beep


My phone received a text message.

‘Honey, Kiss Restaurant, 555 Myungdoong district.

 Meet you there in one hour. My bandmates will be there too.

 I love you’


I replied.

‘Be there in an hour. Love you too’


“Dara, we’re going to Myungdoong. AND, there’s nothing you can do about it dearie.” I smiled at her.


“Fine. Fine. But Bommie, can we go to my apartment to at least change? These clothes are seriously going to make me sick. Please? And I’m not selling any body parts so there’s no need for me to show around in these clothes, thank you very much.” OKKKAAAYYY... Now we’re back to argument no. 1. Her clothes. Honestly, my ears are going to bleed by the amount of complaints I have been hearing from her about her clothes. Can she just let it go?


“Bommie, please.” She begged. NO, she’s not going to let it go.

 I signed dejectedly. Why oh why is my bestfriend like this again? Right, Cause she’s Sandara Park that’s why. I think she might have been born in the wrong century. Fate must have decided to take a leave of vacation and let some idiot take charge on who gets to be born on what century. Tsk.tsk.


“Fine. Fine. The clothes I purchased for you were already in your apartment. You can choose among those.”


Dara then beamed at me. Yeah.yeah.






For the remainder of the ride, Bommie and I sat in silence. Secretly, I was hoping Bommie didn’t manage to throw all my clothes out of my house and replaced them with those hideous pieces of cloth she calls clothes. In my opinion, those are NOT clothes to be worn around. Those are underwear with the amount of skin those clothes, if worn, will be showing.


 I might have to check my stash of clothes hidden on my food compartment. Hehehe...Well, if you guys were wondering why I was hiding a stash of clothes in my food compartment, well, I have learned my lesson the hard way. You see, every time Bommie is in my apartment eversince she decided to take charge of my lovelife, she made it her mission to remove every bit of article in apartment that screams ‘ahjumma’. And by ahjumma, meaning,


  1.  My clothes (Bommie: Are you carrying a tent everywhere you go Dara?),
  2.  My ahjumma hat ( Bommie: Ever heard of the words “moisturizer with SPF Dara?)
  3. My knickers (Bommie: In this century Dara, we have underwears called thongs.)
  4. My thick rimmed eyeglasses (Boomie: Dara, contact lenses were invented for a reason!)


See what I mean?

Park Bom, I will never have a peaceful moment with you around.






“Who was that, hyung?” Seungri, our band’s maknae asked.


“My girlfriend, Bom.” I answered.


“Yeah, yeah. We know that when you turn all mushy and gooey on the phone, you’re exchanging bone-chilling, ear-splitting, cheesy dialogues with Bom noona, hyung.” Aishh!!! Here we go ago again. Maknae’s cheeky remarks strike once again. “What I want to know is, who is Dara?”


“Aishh!!! For a maknae, you sure do forget a lot! Sandara Park, idiot!!!” I yelled at him.


“Dara?! You mean to say Sandara noona?!!!” Oh. My. God. Bunch of idiots crowding at me.


“Yeah yeah.” I replied grumpily.


“Oh yeah!” Taeyang, who for the longest time was bugging me about Dara ever since we met her, made a fist pump in the air. This kid.


“Hyung!!!” Seungri, suddenly exclaimed, looking at someone behind me. I turned around to see our leader, Kwon Jiyong, wearing a pissed off face. Tsk. Tsk. Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning----err---noon. Seungri then went over to him.


“Hyung, have you heard? Dara noona’s coming with Bom noona to meet us!!!” Maknae exclaimed excitedly.


“Dara? Dara who?” Jiyong asked. Right. He doesn’t know her. He bailed out on us on the two occasions that Bom managed to get Dara to come along with her to meet us.


“Bom’s bestfriend.” I replied.


“Was that the one Taeyang was talking about? The one who was weird?” He asked.


“Yah, Jiyong! I did not say she was weird. I said she was adorable.” Taeyang immediately defended.


“Whatever. Another wacko.” He replied lazily, now drinking a glass of orange juice. I shook my head. Typical Kwon Jiyong. I grabbed Taeyang’s shoulders to stop him from pouncing on Jiyong. Taeyang could be so protective sometimes. Taeyang looked at me. I shook my head as if telling him to just drop it. He clenched his fist and nodded.


“Noona is not a wacko hyung. She’s just different from others.” Seungri said.




“Ji, where were you last night? You just disappeared from the office. And we couldn’t contact you cause your phone’s off. We have been looking all over for you.” Daesung who noticed the growing tension in the room, said changing the topic. We all looked at Jiyong.


“Somewhere.” Jiyong replied, a faraway look in his face, as if remembering something.


The four of us all exchanged meaningful glances with each other.


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and tell me what you think..


to be honest...I want to pair dara with donghae...hehehehehe


Please comment on the pairings...


and oh yeah...G-dragon's character is now in the picture...Jerky jiyong much???

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Chapter 19: Yah! Authornim!!!! New reader here!!! Please update soon!! I really love it, i love it more when they pissed each other, but adding donghae in those hilarious scenes is really Dae to the Bak!!!
hey guys....i was so, if may take a longer period of time for me to update. sorry
mommyEyia #3
Chapter 19: Waiting waiting waiting :))
Chapter 19: please update as soon as possible, thanks :)
lovesan #5
Chapter 19: update please...
notgoingtotell #6
so cool!! :DD
Tabimuchere #7
Chapter 19: Authornim!hello,i really love your ff,hope u update soon,.
whitering #8
Chapter 19: welcome!!!!
I'm happy to your updating!! thank you so much!!!!
ladies and gents....I'm alive!!!! I will be updating this fic this coming, brace yourselves...okthanxbi!!!
Oh my god i love how this story is progressing.. and hae as a dinosaur? seriously?? gaad ji you can’t consider someone as handsome as that as a dinosaur! and oh.. ji yong is confused about his feelings.. their bickering is so cute! awesome update. please update soon ^__^