Hi! lalalalalalalalalal.lalalaalalalal


I have nothing to say..







I do have something to say!!!


I just would like to say lthank you from the bottom of my heart to all those who have supported this fic. I never thought that this fic would gain a lot of subscribers... DARAGON sure has a lot of supporters!!!!!!

 To those silent readers and spazzers, please do comment!!!!


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Love you all.






Okay. This place is......


What is Bom seriously planning to do here in a ramen shop?


 Hello!? RAMEN SHOP?!!!


 If she is going to make me eat something that still breathes, crawls, squirms, I swear, I am going to reconsider the status of our friendship! She cannot be serious! I have not recovered from the last time yet!


“Okay. Bommie, why are we here in a ramen shop? Is this one of your food binges again? I swear I am not eating anything that is still alive. You hear me Park Bom?!” I gritted my teeth and told her as nicely as I could. That crazed woman should stop making me her guinea pig!


She rolled her eyes at me and continued dragging me towards the door located inside the ramen shop. Standing outside the door is Teddy oppa, Bommie’s friend. I have known him since Bommie became my bestfriend. I don’t really know what he does exactly for a living, but I’m guessing he’s some kind of a street thug. Come on, he looks way too gangsta for me. But he sure looks one adorable, dorky gangsta and I am NOT kidding.


Bommie and Teddy oppa was talking while my eyes darted around the place. Bommie really knows how to keep me on my toes. How the heck does she find some odd place for a ramen shop? Some peculiar location for this kind of shop. I don’t think people in this neighbourhood knew that this is a ramen shop. The place looks dingy. This place sure has problems with sanitation. And what’s up with my outfit when we’re just gonna have some ramen? Does this ramen shop have some kind of dress code? Tch. Bommie and her weird quirks and that’s coming from me, who is weird.


I noticed Bommie point at me while talking with Teddy oppa.  Teddy oppa then popped out his eyes at me. I decided to ask him. “Hi Teddy oppa! What are you doing here in a ramen shop anyways?”


Teddy oppa coughed and looked at Bommie. Bommie, who was being her sarcastic, bominator self then launched into of her snarky remarks. “That’s what you become when you live your whole life under a rock. You practically become someone qualified to be displayed in a museum. And by that, meaning, no idea of what is going on.” I rolled my eyes. Jeez, Bommie, you never fail to amaze me. Am I your bestfriend? No. Am I your guinea pig? Yes.


Teddy oppa, who was confused for a minute then nodded his head in understanding.


“Let’s go Dara-ah and get those boys falling at your feet and start worshipping your great awesomeness! Just don’t, Jurassic Dara Ahjumma make an appearance tonight okay, or I will seriously burn all your Won Bin fangirldom merch, got that?” Bommie said.


Yeah right Bom. I snorted.  The boys will worship me and my great awesomeness. Hah! That’s if the world has gone mad! I smirked at her.


Wait a minute. Did she just say what I think she said??!!!





She will burn all by Won Bin merch?!!!!!




Try Bommie, try. I will personally prepare your deathbed for you idiot! You cannot be serious in burning my future husband’s things!!! What will he say?!!!


Okay. I know that I’m going overboard again with the husband thing, but,





Over my dead body!



I glared at her and puffed my cheeks. This girl....Aisssshhh!!!!




Bommie, then opened the door and dragged me inside.




I felt my jaw dropped. How.......................................?




I am lost for words.




This place is a.......








 I kid you not.





What the heck are people doing in this place?! If they wanna dance, why do it in this place? This place is stuffy and all this weird lights flashing like crazy!!! How do people find their way in this place?! They should definitely buy new bulbs or something. The lights are clearly in need of replacements. And the music!!! If you even call it music! I don’t even want to start ranting about the music! This place is just weird. WEIRD, I tell you!


I scanned the whole place looking for something that screams normal.


I hung my head in disappointment. Well, if you count people wearing scanty clothes and exchanging saliva’s in the corners as normal....


Then, yes. Everything in here is normal (I am being sarcastic in case you haven’t noticed.). I mentally facepalmed myself when I felt being dragged towards a corner with a table and different alcoholic drinks displayed behind it. Bommie made me sit in one of the stools while she talked to the person behind the table.


“Dara, I’m gonna make a call outside. Stay here. Wait for me okay. Arasso?!” She yelled at me. She then turned her attention to the person she was talking to.


 “Give my friend here the usuals.” She instructed then turned towards me.  “Dara, don’t get drunk okay? I’ll be really quick. Wait for me.”  Yeah yeah Bommie. As if I’m going to drink anything in this place. I do not even want to touch anything!




A couple of minutes later....



“One margarita drink for the very pretty lady.” The bartender (yeah, the guy Bommie talked to told me he’s a bartender) passed me the drink and then winked at me. He should seriously consider going to an eye doctor. There’s something wrong with his eyes. Hello? He’s eyes has been darting back and forth from whatever he’s been mixing and me! I don’t know what is up with him!


I stared at the drink. It looks very pretty.


No Dara. Control yourself!!! You do not know what it’s made of.  




15 minutes later



“Mooooore! -hic- I w-hic-want more-hic-!!!” I screamed at the bartender. Oh my gosh! Whoever invented this drink should win a Nobel Prize or something! I never knew such a drink existed before! Screw Won Bin! The bartender is my new hero!!!!



I stood up, trying to balance myself from falling first towards the ground and attempted to reach the bartender’s hand. I nearly had my face plastered on the table in front of me while trying to grab the bartender’s hand. Ughh...why am I dizzy?



Nevermind. The most important thing right now is to get my hands on that drink!!!



I reached for the bartender’s hand and when I succeeded, I swung it to make my point. I want my drink.






“Y-yah...M-hic-mo-hic-moooorrreeee...” I slurred.



The bartender looked at me in the eye. I smiled at him through my droopy eyes. I grabbed his sleeves to pull him closer to me. He looked panicked. That’s right! Be scared. Be very scared.



I leaned towards him. Ughhh. I feel so dizzy. I shook my head and opened my eyes. I placed both of my hands on the sides of his face and stared at his lips. I leaned towards it when suddenly I felt someone grabbed my arm and pull me away from the bartender only to have my face land straight to another person’s face.



Yes, I am shamelessly pimping my other fanfiction:

(now I finally know how to put a link in this update...)

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all the love in the world,





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Chapter 19: Yah! Authornim!!!! New reader here!!! Please update soon!! I really love it, i love it more when they pissed each other, but adding donghae in those hilarious scenes is really Dae to the Bak!!!
hey guys....i was so, if may take a longer period of time for me to update. sorry
mommyEyia #3
Chapter 19: Waiting waiting waiting :))
Chapter 19: please update as soon as possible, thanks :)
lovesan #5
Chapter 19: update please...
notgoingtotell #6
so cool!! :DD
Tabimuchere #7
Chapter 19: Authornim!hello,i really love your ff,hope u update soon,.
whitering #8
Chapter 19: welcome!!!!
I'm happy to your updating!! thank you so much!!!!
ladies and gents....I'm alive!!!! I will be updating this fic this coming, brace yourselves...okthanxbi!!!
Oh my god i love how this story is progressing.. and hae as a dinosaur? seriously?? gaad ji you can’t consider someone as handsome as that as a dinosaur! and oh.. ji yong is confused about his feelings.. their bickering is so cute! awesome update. please update soon ^__^