Melody Of True Beauty


Have you ever looked at a girl and thought she was ugly? It's harsh, but most people agree. 16 year old Cheza faces that issue, and she is just like me and you, even though people imply she is ugly. She has a hard life, especially since her mother died with cancer when she was thirty. Her father is a huge company owner (his name is Mr. Lee). He is struggling to keep his job in order to put food on the table for Cheza. They are forced to move due to competition with her father and his old friend. He is in search for the best dancers, singers, rappers. Starting their journey, they move to the edge of New York. While his daughter is thrown into a new school of idols. 


                  A.R.C Academy, yes.. It truely is the school for the rich and famous, while girls live to impress boys, while the guys well.. Just be themselves. They are tons of idols that are training to be the best. The only learning they do is fight, (even the guys cat fight), strut their stuff, and flirt with the oppisite . Beware, since there is different ranks astablished in the school. If you can handle being smacked, being dissed, intense drama, Drag queens, Well welcome to A.R.C Academy!



" Dad please..." I groaned, extending my arm to slowly push off the chubby middle aged man off of me. He continued to sob, his colone making me gag and close my eyes that burned. He scooted away, dragging a thick and damp hand across his mouth. "I'm sorry... It's just I'm so happy." He said, his voicing going high pitched. I rolled my ligh blue eyes, and pushed up my over thick huge glasses. Here we are in the doctors office for check ups. I tapped my black and white converse on the ground, my whole leg jerking and bouncing in worry and nervousness. I looked up as a nurse walked over slowly, her black high heels clanking against the tile floor. "Uh... Miss Cheza?" She asked softly, her dark brown eyes squinted, as stray hairs from her bangs fell into her eyes. I slowly stood up and made my way towards her, my shoes sqeaking across the white tile floor. I followed her as she lead me down a narrow hallyway, avoiding the intense eye contact. I halted in front of a door way, a man with short black hair standing there, a thick clip board clenched tightly in his hands. He doubled glanced at me before screaming. "What is that thing?" He shouted in pure agony. I went wide eyed, my super curly hair bouncing before resting on my shoulders. "Ah! What the hell!" I shouted loudly


                         "Ahem, this thing is my daughter." I jumped as my father's hand rested on my shoulder. I looked down, making more mucus drip down my face. I tilted back my glasses, before touching some of the acne on my face. I wish I was beautiful.. Even if it was for a day. "Shut up Lee." The doctor mumbled, before standing back on his feet, brushing his hands across his white lab coat. "Oh! It's so on!" My father boomed before cracking his knuckles and dashing straight towards him. I casually stepped aside, as they both pushed and shoved each other into walls, making scalfuls and other instruments clatter on the floor. "Momo is way better then Cheza!" The doctor, who was also my fathers old best friend, shouted back at him. I rolled my eyes, before giving a sigh. Here they go, arguing about who's going to get into the school first. Who cares? Looks must not apply there, right? Let's just see how this all goes. I bet there is ton of ugly people there. 





Age: 16

Personality: He's a very kind hearted, and very open person. It's fairly easy for him to make friends with people. He's a major joker, and he is always brightening peoples situation. He may seem careless and care free, but don't push him over the edge. He is always puting people in front of him. He isnt always super bubbly, he is serious when it is needed. Don't take his childness way to seriously, because if you get on his bad side, he will flip and put you on your place quickly.

            Facts: Best Friends with Everyone, Loves sweets, Girls annoy him




Age: 17

Personality: He's very mean and kind of jerkish at first. People always keep a safe distance from him, since he isn't the easiest to get along with. He has a very short temper, and lashes out of people alot. He is very imtimadating, and is always causing trouble. He is very snappy and sassy, and he never follows rules. Even though he looks really mean at first, he can be very kind hearted and sweet. He is very childish and funny when it's just him and his friends. Don't judge him to quick

     Facts: Brother: Young Min, Scared of deep water, hates girls




Age: 18

Personality: He's a major trouble maker. He doesnt really care what people think about him, and he is very care free. He is always managing to get into trouble, even in trouble with his friends. He doesn't mind making friends, as long as they make a good impression on him first. He's very michevious, and is always pulling pranks on people. Besides his trouble maker personality, he is very kind hearted and sweet. Just make sure you don't get on his bad side, otherwise your in for a surprise. 

      Facts: Best Friend: Jeongmin, Loves Fashion, A tease to girls



Age: 16

Personality: He's the absolute oppisite of Kwangmin, and he's more sweet. He's easier to get along with, and he's very easy to make friends with. He doesn't really trust people at first, and thinks its best to keep people at a distance. He treats people how they treat him, and always puts his friends before himself. He always keeps his temper under comtrol, and is a little less childish then Young Min is. Don't judge him to quickly, he's a super sweet heart, but make sure you dont' judge.

       Facts: Youngmin's younger twin brother, Scared of heights, a flirt with girls



Age: 17

Personality: He's kind of shy once you first meet him, but he's super kind hearted. He is the most innocent one, and he is always doing what's best for people. He is super shy, and it takes a while for him to open up to people. He doesn't open up so easily, like the other people do. He might come off mean when you first meet him, but its only because he doesn't know how to act around people. He's childish, but yet serious at the same time. Don't take him seriously, be open with him. 


        Facts: Best Friend: Ren, Loves Cake, Innocent towards girls



Age: 18

Personality: He's the more mature one, and handles things better. He is always keeping everyone in line, and isn't afriad to speak his mind. He isn't to mean when you first meet him, but just very honest. He is the older brother of the group, and is always making sure everyone stays out of trouble. (Tries to keep Ren out of it), but besides his mature image and imtimdating behavior, he knows how to have fun. He doesn't care to much about people, but he gives everyone a chance. 

       Facts: Best Friends: Sandeul (his favorite XD), Scared of Noona's, Mature towards girls



Cheza: (After her makeover)

Age: 16

Personality: She's very shy and soft spoken. She doesn't say much to people, and doesn't like making friends. She keeps people at a safe distance, and is always burying her emotions. She is very clumsy, and has major derpy moments. She is always getting herself in trouble, when she doesn't even mean to. If you treat her badly, she will do the same right back to you. She's very childish, and gets amused by things very easily. She is very likeable by people without even knowing it. 

    Facts: Best friend: Momo, Loves Romantic things, Boys annoy her


Age: 17

Personality: She's way more loud and straight foreword then Cheza is. She isn't easy to get along with, since she has such a loud and demanding personality. She might seem stubborn and bratty, but she's just looking out for others. She is always finding ways to make friends and have fun, she doesn't always goof off though. She plays the big sister wrole with Cheza all the time, and is always looking out for her. She is a little less childish then her as well, and handles things seriously. 


          Facts: Best Friend: Cheza, Loves poptarts, Boys annoy her





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