1 - A Dirty Mess

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"Jongin, you can't just me inside your dorm," an unknown girl peppers into Jongin's ear seductively. Yes, he ing can. Jongin was known for bringing girls from all different grades into their dorm. Their dorm? Jongin shares a dorm with his best friend Kyungsoo. Best friends is actually an understatement, they're practically buddies. Showering together that leads to a sweaty session and the desperate whimpers and moans of Kyungsoo that echoes throughout the dorm. Sure, you can call them friends. Kyungsoo didn't mind Jongin inviting other females, sometimes males, into their bedroom. They weren't in a romantic relationship so it wouldn't be considered cheating, right? 

"It's fine, Kyung wouldn't mind one bit," Jongin tickles the sides of her waist. The female's voice was irksome, but Jongin thought she was an amazing , so he didn't care. She had a busty body and long bleach blond hair. He thought she was downright y even though she reaked of everytime she entered the room. He knew she was ually active with other men, but it didn't bother him one bit. 

Right when he was about to strip off the girl's shortened skirt, he heard the door click open with the sound of keys hitting against eachother. The female started panicking as she didn't want to get caught in the scene. The door slipped open, the sound of wood frictioning against the carpet floor. The girl was slapping Jongin's arm to slip out of her entrance before someone came in. "Jongin, get off of me!" she whisper shouted.

"Babe, chill. It's probably just Kyungsoo, since he's the only one with the key," Jongin sighs before slamming back in. She couldn't help but moan, and the footsteps that were present by the door suddenly halted to a stop, and whispers can be heard. Jongin smirked as he knew Kyungsoo was probably freaking out a little. He didn't mind if anyone was with him, because all their friends knew how ually active he was. "Jongin," the girl moaned but Jongin shushed her by sticking his finger inside . 

"Minseok, I don't think it's a good idea for you to come in," Kyungsoo whispered by the door. Kyungsoo wasn't freaking out because Jongin was having , he walked in multiple times in the past. He knew how much Minseok hated Jongin when it came to him performing ual acts with someone other than Kyungsoo. Minseok can clearly hear the muffled groans and whimpers coming from the other side of the room. Annoyance pumped in his veins.

"Kyungsoo, is he going at it again?" he sighs. Minseok was never fond of Jongin, not in the least. He didn't like the idea of having multiple partners. It's not sanitary for one, and Minseok knew Jongin didn't always use protection. He was even more worried for Kyungsoo if he got infected with some type of STD. He was annoyed, upset, and disappointed. He barged into the room and stood there with his hands on his hips. Kyungsoo quickly followed after pleading for him not to do anything futile. 

"Kim Jongin! How many times have I told you, ing other girls in the dorm is not okay?!" Minseok was a senior. He was this year, and the thought of leaving Kyungsoo alone with this immature bastard worried him so much. He wanted to correct Jongin's unsensual behavior before leaving. He was so tempted to just pack Kyungsoo into his suitcase and take him with him. 

"Youn Sungha?! Why are you here?" Minseok's eyes almost bulge out. Sungha was in Minseok's math class and he always thought she a calm and collected girl who has good intentions. How wrong he was. Sungha's eyes bulge out as well and she quickly put's her skirt back on (thank god her top was still intact), and quickly exits the room.

"Kyungieㅡ" Jongin walks over to Kyungsoo with his bottom half and attempts to hug him until Minseok shoves Jongin away. He quickly glares at him, before he attempts to drag Kyungsoo out. Kyungsoo stops in his tracks and looks down.

"Minseok, I think I'm going to do my homework and go down to the cafeteria later," Kyungsoo mumbles. He was embarassed. Minseok never walked in on Jongin having with him or anyone of that matter. Minseok slowly nods, "Text me when you're going down to the cafeteria, I'll bring the rest." Kyungsoo just nods and slightly waves as Minseok exits the dorm. Jongin was eyeing him in an awkward manner and Kyungsoo just sits down at his desk to start his overflowing amounts of homework.

"Kyungsooㅡ," Jongin gently taps Kyungsoo's shoulder. Kyungsoo tries to hide his face that's as red as a tomato from embarrassment. Jongin was his best friend and he accepted what he did, but walking in on him with another girl on their bed with Minseok with him was quite the scene. It wouldn't mattered if he was there alone, but for heaven's sake Minseok was there!

"Jongin, I have to do my homework," Kyungsoo groans. Jongin can tell Kyungsoo was upset. From the slight sag of his narrow shoulders to the constant hair touching and lip biting, he could tell Kyungsoo was uncomfortable. Jongin didn't understand why. The younger couldn't stand it when Kyungsoo was upset with him, because sometimes it doesn't go well. 

"You have to explain why you're upset with me," Jongin starts.

"I'm not upset with you," Kyungsoo lies. At least Jongin knew or got a hint he was upset with the younger.

"Yes, you are." he huffs. Jongin knew he was right, it was too obvious.

Jongin comes over to the back of Kyungsoo's chair and leans in to press a chaste kiss o

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kaisooLAR #1
Chapter 2: Well I hv nothing to say other then this is a good story so far. I think the lil drama is Ok plus u r rt, it's a way to build their relationship. :D
Can't wait for your next update n live is said before it's a good story so far.
So don't worry authornim u doing a grt job :)