"사랑해요" 말하는 방법 (Ways to Say "I Love You")



JYP Entertainment on 2PM's Rebellious Escape

Choi Kyeong Hee, 10:22 pm November 11, 2011


   Several scientist from America stated that today, 11th of November 2011, will be the "end of the world". It seems that JYP Entertainment is facing an alarming situation but not because of the world's nearing end but because 2PM members have escape and are nowhere to be found.

   Yesterday, a representative of JYPE announced, "We are now doing our best to find the group's location. As of now, we still haven't recieved any reports of their where abouts but we are asking the public, especially the HOTTESTS, to cooperate in this situation."


2PM Members' Return and JYPE's Decision

Choi Kyeong Hee, 10:22 pm November 12, 2011


   Early today, we received an email from JYP Entertainment stating that a netizen spotted the members of 2PM having a good time at Heundae Beach, Busan. Park Jin Young himself went together with the company staffs to bring back the boys. After arriving, the boys are now back at the company and just got out of a conference meeting with the CEO and JYP.

"We talked to the boys and they gave us their side of the story, but we can't reveal it to the public now; maybe at the right time. Both CEOs agreed on sending the boys to board at a university and go back to their studies for six months. All their schedule, TV, Radio and CF offers will be cleared for them to have a peaceful time. Please wait and support their future comeback. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter."



Yup! You heard it right. JYP Entertainment sent 2PM to a boarding school in Jeju Island to study for six months; Kei Myung University. During their stay, they meet eight different girls which helped them to grow up and become a better man. On their journey, witness these boys as they discover love and all kinds of ways to say their "I Love You" :)


Hi there eveyone! This is SEOUL--BEATS :) This is an apply fic so to those who are interested, please fill out the form below~

AFF Username:

Link to Your Profile:

Character Name:


Age (17-24):







Family Background:


Reason you entered the school:


Suggest a Group name for your Sisterhood:



Only eight girls will be chosen so be creative and specific of your application! :)


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ilabya47 #1
bananababe903 #3
Hello!:) Applied as Eunah Kwon! http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/63696
Annyeong!..here i am..XD<br />
i applied as Kim Seorin..<br />
here's the link..<br />
http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/63622<;br />
i hope that you'll like my character..<br />